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Izzy's Fight: The Izzy Rose Chronicles Book 1

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by Nicole Clark

  Reaching for a handful of sand, Izzy’s fingers found the hard handle of the knife. She brought it up and drove it into Lilith’s chest just as her mother was about to sink her fangs into Izzy’s neck.

  Gasping, Lilith fell into the sand clutching her chest. Blood poured out of the wound and soaked her black dress and hands. Moving over her once more, Izzy looked down at her mother with cold eyes.

  “You wouldn’t dare,” her mother gasped.

  Without another word, Izzy slit her mother’s throat and watched the blood pour over the sand, turning it crimson. As Lilith drew her last breath, Izzy fell in the sand and stared at her mother’s lifeless body. Dropping the knife, she finally let her emotions come.

  Sobs filled the beach as Izzy sat there. She wasn’t sure why she was crying over the body of someone who was never a true mother.

  Chapter Five

  After a while, Will found Izzy. Upon seeing Lilith dead on the beach, he took Izzy into his arms and carried her back to the house. Will seemed unfazed by the dead body he’d seen Izzy sitting by and while the thought of why he was unfazed momentarily went through her head, Izzy didn’t have the desire to explore why. Maybe it was because he was too worried about her and what had happened to her to care about the body at the present moment. Perhaps he was freaking out on the inside and hiding his fear so he didn’t project it onto her and make what had happened to her worse. As she crawled into his bed after taking a shower, she could barely think of anything other than the blood she’d just spilled.

  Despite Lilith’s horrible demeanor, a life had been taken by Izzy’s own hand. Not just any life, but the life of the woman who had given her life and brought her into this world.

  Izzy wasn’t sure how long she laid in bed with Will waiting on her. He’d brought her food she barely touched, forced her to drink water and juice so she was hydrated and even forced her into the shower a time or two. Time had lost all meaning to her as she stared at the ceiling, the same scene playing over and over again in her head.

  “Izzy, you need to get out of bed, honey,” Will said as he sat next to her.

  “I can’t get out of this bed.”

  “Would you tell me who that woman was?”

  “Lilith. My mother,” Izzy said shortly, as she rolled her head and looked over at Will.

  The look of utter shock told Izzy basically everything. He’d never known about her parents because she never talked about them. She only ever talked about the many foster homes she’d been bounced around from the time she was three to the time she turned eighteen. Then again, what was there to tell? She barely knew anything about her parents herself. This had been the first time she’d ever met her mother face to face. The only real reason she’d known that Lilith was her mother was because of some power sense that told her who Lilith was, or had been.

  “Why’d you do it, Izzy?” Will asked quietly.

  “Because she was trying to have me killed. You would have found my body out there instead of me crying and her dead if it had gone her way.”

  “Why would she try to kill you?”

  “Because I’m not the daughter she wanted. Not like it really matters. She’s dead now. But, how the hell was I suppose to be the daughter she wanted when she didn’t even bother to raise me. She dropped me off in this realm and basically said, ‘fend for yourself.’ What kind of mother does that to her own child?”

  “I don’t know,” he said, reaching up to scratch his head. “And why didn’t you tell me you weren’t human? We’re best friends! You’re supposed to tell me everything.”

  “What are you so confused about Will? You knew that I’d grown up in foster care with no friends and that weird stuff was always happening to me! How many times did I move because I was no longer wanted or because something so horrible had happened that they couldn’t cope with me? Even back when I lost my temper and ended up killing people. I know you didn’t know that was me, but fuck Will! I told you about that before it even hit the news. Something in there had to give you some inkling something was different than others. Not to mention the fact that I never talked about my past, that didn’t seem a little odd to you? Just drop the subject, Will, I’m not in the mood to talk about it.”

  Izzy was done feeling sorry for herself. At least she was still alive. Getting up, Izzy placed a chaste kiss on Will’s lips before heading to the bathroom to shower again since it felt like days since her last one.

  As the hot water cascaded over Izzy’s head, she heard Will come in and start rustling around. She was unsure what he was doing until he was in the shower with her. His hands landed on her hips and pulled her back against his front. His manhood rested against her ass as his fingers began to dance across her skin.

  “Will, what are you doing?” she asked, biting back a moan.

  “Distracting you.”

  His fingers danced along her hip bones and traveled up her stomach to her breasts. Circling the swells, he took her nipples in his fingers and rolled them around. Her moans echoed off the shower walls as he brought her nipples to taunt points.

  Spinning her around, he pushed her against the wall and brought his lips down to the cherry like peaks. As he was suckling them, she ran her fingers through his hair and brought him closer to her body. Fuck! Feeling Will paying such careful attention to her body was setting her nerve endings off.

  “Will,” she moaned.

  Placing a finger to her lips, Will dropped to his knees and spread her legs. Carefully, he brought her leg up over his shoulder and forced her to place most of her weight back against the wall. The instant his tongue connected with her core she couldn’t hold back her moans anymore. His tongue circled her clit while two of his fingers slipped into her sex. Together he worked his tongue and his fingers, causing spasms to roll through her core until the leg supporting her began to shake and her orgasm rolled through her roughly.

  Instead of giving up on her, Will kept thrusting his fingers into her wet channel and sucking on her clit. Just as her last orgasm began to die down, another rolled through her, almost bringing her to her knees from the sheer intensity of it.

  Standing, Will pressed his lips to hers, forcing her to taste herself. Wrapping her arms around him, she pulled him close and kissed him, her tongue playing along the seam of his lips until he granted her access. Sliding her tongue into his mouth, she felt desire roll down her legs as she ground herself against him.

  “Take me, Will,” she whispered, lust coating every word she spoke while her lips brushed against his.

  Not needing any further prodding, Will cupped Izzy’s ass in his hands and picked her up. Wrapping her legs around his waist, he pressed her into the wall once more before inserting his manhood inside her. They both groaned at the exquisite feel of finally being connected. Her pussy clenched around his dick as he began to thrust rhythmically.

  “Fuck Izzy, I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to last if you’re going to keep doing whatever it is you’re doing,” Will said huskily while his fingers dug into her ass.

  “I can’t help it. You just feel so fucking good,” she groaned, arching her hips up so that Will entered her deeper.

  Sliding a hand between them, Izzy began to toy with her sensitive pearl. This caused another series of spasms to roll through her while yet another climax hit. Instead of slowing down while she was experiencing cloud nine, Will gripped her ass hard enough to leave bruises and began to pound her pussy.

  Izzy’s screams echoed off the bathroom walls. It wasn’t long before Will was jerking himself out of her and spilling his hot seed all over the shower floor. Clinging to him, Izzy shook as she began to come down off her euphoria.

  Slowly, Will knelt to the shower floor and sat Izzy down on her ass before sitting next to her. Leaning against him, she sat there trying to catch her breath.

  “Wow,” she whispered. She hadn’t fed, but it was still some of the best sex she’d ever had.

  “You can say that again,” Will agreed, resting his head a
gainst hers.

  Grinning, Izzy forced herself to stand up and took his hand pulling him up with her. Despite the fact that they were still soaking wet, she lead him out to the bedroom and laid on the bed with him, falling asleep in his warm embrace.

  Chapter Six

  The next few days Izzy and Will went about their normal business. He still didn’t let her go home to her own house because he was worried that no matter how happy she acted, she would do something stupid. Case in point, during the first few days, Izzy thought she should return to her realm and turn herself in, even knowing that they would kill her. Now, she was done with that thinking. What happened had happened and she wasn’t going to keep punishing herself for it. Her mother had tried to kill her and Izzy had defended herself. There was no reason for her to go home and tell everyone what she had done. While some would side with her and allow her to live being that she was only defending herself, others would want her to die for killing one of the higher up immortals of their realm, despite the fact that she herself was a goddess there.

  As she came in from an hour of meditating on the beach, Izzy sat on the couch with a glass of water and thought about where she wanted her life to go. She really hadn’t done anything since she’d gotten out of foster care five years ago. Sure, she’d gone to school and gotten some bullshit degree, but she hadn’t done anything with it. For money, she worked in random waitressing jobs, and almost every month she had a rather large sum of money put into her bank account from a mysterious source that now she was beginning to think had been her father.

  Tapping her foot on the floor, Izzy got up and went to Will’s office. Grabbing the laptop, she researched various destinations. Hawaii was great, but she was ready for a change.

  There was Chicago, Vegas, Austin, Dallas, Miami, and New York. New York City sounded like a great place to go. There were plenty of jobs for her to do there and even start her own business, if she so desired to. She liked the sound of becoming a successful business owner.

  Grinning to herself, Izzy checked her bank account, she had more than enough money to go to New York City and start her new life. Well, she actually had more than enough. Not having to spend money on travel expenses helped a lot. Going to her house, she packed a bag with her laptop and various clothing.

  Heading back over to Will’s, she snagged a piece of paper off his desk and wrote out a note.

  Placing her keys on top of the note, Izzy looked around one last time. She’d had so many great times in Hawaii with Will. She was thankful she’d gotten to meet him and grow up with him. That was the one thing she did enjoy… that no matter where on the island she landed for foster care, Will always found her and came to be with her because he never wanted her to be without a friend.

  Smiling, Izzy picked up her bag and flashed herself to New York to start her new life.


  Izzy had been in New York for about a week. In that time she’d bleached her hair a platinum blonde and gotten herself almost completely covered in tattoos. Bouncing tattoo shop to tattoo shop and paying them just a little extra money when they found out she’d recently gotten ink helped a lot with getting her multiple tattoos finished in a timely manner

  Smiling, Izzy left her new apartment and went down the street to a little café she’d found and liked because of the service she got when she was there, not to mention the quiet atmosphere that the place held. Entering the café, she ordered her usual sandwich and Coke before choosing a front table to people watch while she enjoyed her lunch.

  Seeing a blonde who appeared lost, but enjoying herself, on the sidewalk, caused Izzy to wonder what the heck was going on. Watching her, the blonde entered the café while Izzy tracked her movements carefully. Being that the café was small, Izzy heard her order a salad and a lemonade. Once she got her order, she came over and sat at an empty table across from Izzy.

  Seeming to know Izzy was looking at her, she looked up and smiled brightly.

  “Hello. My name is Kate.”

  “Izzy,” she said, not quite sure how to approach a conversation with her.

  “Are you new to the city?” Kate asked, getting up and moving to Izzy’s table without being invited.

  “Um, yeah,” she said, looking at Kate like she was crazy. On what kind of planet was it okay to sit at someone else’s table uninvited?

  “I’m just visiting. I like it here so far. Do you live here? If so, that would be so awesome! I’m sure there’s lots to do here, but it probably gets old after a while. You know, all the tourists and such. Is that old? Do you get sick of people asking you a ton of questions while you’re trying to do something?”

  Laughing, Izzy placed her finger to Kate’s lips. When Kate finally quieted down, Izzy spoke, “I’m new so I can’t answer any questions yet. But, I do enjoy living here. It’s been an interesting experience so far and I think I’ve done pretty well for myself. I found this little place and they happen to have my favorite sandwich. Not to mention, I’m about to start a business. I actually have a meeting with the owner of the building later today.”

  “Oh! That’s so cool!” Kate exclaimed. “Can you show me? Maybe we can explore the city together.”

  Being that New York City was the first place Izzy’d relocated where she didn’t have a friend, she wasn’t about to pass up an opportunity to make one. Finishing off her Coke, Izzy stood and motioned for Kate to come with her. Together, they headed out of the café and into a city where gods knew how much trouble they could cause.

  A Call to Action

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  - Josh Hilden "Head Monkey"

  Published Works by Nicole Clark

  Small Town Love Series

  My Summer Cowboy

  A New Beginning

  Coming Home

  Affair with a Cowboy



  Nightmares and Echoes

  Runaway Series

  Runaway King

  Runaway Heart

  A Demon Reaper New Years

  Runaway Bullet

  Stand Alone

  Saving Austin

  About The Author

  I’m just like anyone else. I have everyday problems that never seem to go away and I bury myself in a good book when I need an escape. My second escape would be writing. I love the paranormal and everything I write seems to revolve around something paranormal. Some of my best ideas come from sitting and just talking to a friend (or two) and then they just pop up. Never underestimate the ability to get an idea from an everyday situation.

  I started publishing in Nov of 2013 and have published ten titles as well as participated in two anthologies. I love writing and find it to be a very important part of my everyday life. I always try to step outside of my comfort zone and write something that is new and further helps to grow my writing.


  Saving Austin


  Austin is your typical country boy, except he has a secret—Austin has PTSD. As he struggles with the effects of war, Aubrey sashays her way into his life. She begins to slowly help him overcome his nightmares and shows him that he’s not only a hero to everyone, but to her as well.


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