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Chasing Caitlyn

Page 3

by Marnie Cate

  The downside of their bond was now I had two people worried about my social life. Both my mother and Thomas constantly prodded me with questions about why I wasn't dating. How could I explain to them that I was so content in my new world I had no interest in dating?

  I always made excuses when I was asked out. Eventually, the boys gave up on me. Until the day before Christmas break.

  "Hurry up, Cat," Thomas scolded.

  "I need to grab something from my locker," I called.

  Distracted, I hadn't noticed the red ribbon hanging from the vent. It wasn't until I flung the door open and a red envelope swung at me that I noticed. Someone had slipped the present into my cabinet. The handwriting on the front was unfamiliar.

  "What is taking you so long?" Thomas huffed. When he saw what was in my hand, he snatched it from me, and asked, "What is this?"

  Taking it back, I glared. "I have no idea since you ripped it out of my hands."

  "Go on then. Open it," he ordered.

  Inside the crimson envelope, I found a card with Santa Claus on the front. Between the covers, there was a silver charm bracelet with a heart. The engraving read: "Please Return to Tiffany & Co, New York 925".

  "Who's it from? No one has ever bought me a present from Tiffany's," Thomas gasped.

  "I don't know," I said, handing it to him.

  "Oohh, "You're on my nice list.", Thomas mocked reading the card aloud "Isn't he creative?"

  "It is sweet," I said, taking it back. "Now, shut up and help me put on the bracelet."

  I wore the bracelet everyday even though I never found out who gave it to me. Thomas and I speculated on who it could’ve been, but we never found the mystery man. It wasn't until Valentine's Day arrived that I received anything further, compounding the mystery.

  The day had been a cupid-filled hell. Love was alive, and the dreaded flower distribution came and went, without one having my name on it. I wasn't dating anyone, so I don't know what I expected. When I arrived at my locker, I found a square envelope pushed almost all the way through. Inside was a compact disc with the words ‘How I feel about you’ written in sharpie.

  I looked around to see if anyone was watching me. The hallways were empty, except for an elderly janitor. There was no way he was my secret admire. He was so focused on scraping gum off the ground that I doubted he would pay any attention to a student at a locker.

  I waited until I was home before I listened to the disc. The songs ranged from pop crush songs to dedications of love. The next day, I gave it to Thomas, in hopes he could decipher the clue that had to be hidden in the playlist. Once again, we hit a dead end.

  With my secret admirer unknown, I became more interactive with those around me. This new attitude released the silenced suitors, and I was being asked out again. I accepted every date, hoping to find out who had given me the gifts.

  Every weekend, I went on one or two dates, but no one even hinted they were interested in me. Growing tired of trying to figure it out, I gave up on solving the mystery and just enjoyed the final months of my senior year of high school.

  In April, Senior Prom fever began, and I became swept up in it. Thomas and I agreed we would go with another friend, Beatrice, and forego waiting to be asked. Our plan was cancelled with a single red rose.


  At the end of class, two weeks before prom, I arrived at my locker to find a red rose taped to the door. When I turned to see if anyone was watching, Christopher Ross appeared. He was holding a sign that simply read: PROM?

  "Sorry for the late invite." He stepped forward and removed the rose. Holding it out, he asked, "What do you think?"

  "I…uh…I mean," I stuttered.

  "I know you already made plans to go with Thomas and Bea, but if it's cool with you, I could join you." He stepped so close I was sure he heard my rapid heartbeat. "Say yes, and I promise you'll have a night you'll never forget."

  "Ok," I relented.

  "I'll call you this evening to confirm the details." Christopher leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. Without waiting for my response, he turned and walked away.

  I leaned against my locker, dazed. Did I just get asked out by the hottest guy in school?

  "Did you just kiss Christopher Ross?" Thomas squealed. My best friend rushed in and began his rapid-firing questions at me. "Is he the mystery man? What did he want? Is that rose from him?"

  "I…I don't know what just happened, but I am going to prom with him," I blurted out.

  Thomas frowned.

  "I mean we are going to prom – you, Bea, Christopher, and me," I corrected.

  Linking his arm in mine, he screeched, "Ooh, you must tell me all. Let's get a java on our way home." Thomas danced around me as if we were already at Prom. Grabbing my hand, he twirled me. “Ross is connected. Prom is going to be amazing."

  Christopher Ross was the typical Cali boy. Good looking. Blonde locks. Blue eyes. Tan and fit. Besides his gorgeous appearance, he was also smart and dedicated to his studies. His father was a big shot lawyer who gave it all up to be a law firm administrator. He came from a family of old money, but Christopher never made you feel like he was better than you.

  On the day of prom, Bea, Thomas, and I spent our time getting ready at my house with my mother fluttering around us. She was as excited about our evening as we were. When Christopher showed up with the limo to pick us up, I thought my mother would faint.

  We piled into the limo laughing. I was glad Thomas suggested inviting Bea. She would keep Thomas busy, so I could focus on Christopher.

  The first stop was at a fancy steakhouse on the beach, where we were greeted by an overzealous maître d.

  "Mr. Christopher, we are so pleased you have chosen to dine with us," he gushed.

  "Thank you, Zachery," Christopher said nonchalantly. "I hope the requests I made are still available."

  "Of course, of course, follow me," he answered.

  We were led through the crowded dining room. Several wait staff joined us, and soon the other diners were staring at us. Their reactions clearly expressing their thoughts. Who is that? Movie Stars? Probably rich kids.

  Instead of seating us at a table in the dining room, we were brought to an elegant and secluded space. The table was laid with golden silverware, fine china, and bouquets of flowers everywhere.

  Christopher pulled my seat out for me. "Are you okay with us being separated from the rest of the diners?"

  "This is fantastic, Christopher," I praised.

  Both Thomas and Bea eagerly chimed in with their enthusiastic agreement.

  The waiter appeared with a bottle of wine and offered it to Christopher for approval. As if he was an expert wine taster, he sniffed, swirled, and sipped before nodding his consent. Then, without question, everyone at the table was poured their own glass.

  I was so nervous about getting arrested for underage drinking that I only took a small polite sip. Thomas and Bea seemed unaware the legal drinking age was twenty-one, and drank theirs quickly.

  Sensing my fear, Christopher whispered, "This is a private event. No one is watching. You can drink your wine and enjoy your meal. I would never do anything to hurt you, Caitlyn."

  He handed me my drink and held his own up. "To my new friends, and a night of memories."

  After dinner, I was feeling a bit buzzed. I snuggled in the limo next to Christopher, where we talked about our plans for the next year. Christopher had decided to go to school in New York while the rest of us were going to stay in San Diego. I had dreams of being an author, one day, or an English professor, and Christopher would follow in his father's footsteps.

  As the limo approached the school, Christopher pulled out a bottle of champagne. When he popped the cork, he sent a stream of the alcohol that soaked Bea's shoes.

  "God, I'm a doofus," Christopher apologized. Digging through the mini fridge, he grabbed two bottles of water and offered them to Thomas. "Hey man, why don't you help her rinse off her shoes. If she reeks of booze, they won't let y
ou in."

  "I'll help," I said, and started to follow.

  Christopher grabbed my wrist gently. "At least have a toast to our night with me before we go in," he suggested. "I always feel more relaxed after a little bubbly."

  Thomas had the situation under control, and I wanted to spend more time with Christopher, so I agreed. I dreamt of him kissing me all week. This might be the perfect moment, I realized as he handed me a glass.

  "To us."

  The bubbling liquid tickled my nose as I took a small drink.

  Christopher leaned in close and twisted my bracelet. "I'm glad you still like my gift. I worried that it wouldn't be your taste."

  Surprised, I gasped. "You were the one?"

  "Is that okay with you, Caitlyn?" he whispered in my ear.

  "Yes, but why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

  "I like the surprise," he said seductively.

  Then, my hopes came true, because he kissed me. Gently at first, and then deeper, more intoxicating. My mind was moving too fast. I had thoughts of being his girlfriend, of changing my college plans to be closer to him. Like a silly school girl, I thought, this must be what love feels like.

  Our passion was interrupted by the door flinging open, and Thomas shouting, "All cleaned up. Let's dance."

  Christopher groaned, but said, "Just a second and we'll join you."

  Thomas smirked at me and closed the door again.

  Christopher poured us another glass of champagne, and though he drank his quickly, I only sipped a bit.

  Eyeing my drink, he said, "Looks like you're done. We better head in or Thomas will waste all of his good moves out here.”

  I laughed as I saw my friends dancing on the lawn to the music emitting from the school.

  The gym was decorated in silver. It had a science fiction feel to it. We walked through smoke machines as we entered the loud and crowded gym.

  Christopher led me to the dance floor, and soon our small group was moving to the beat of the music. It felt like I was in a dream. Christopher spun me around. When I stumbled from the height of my heels, he caught me.

  "You're a lightweight." He laughed, and pulled me close to him. A sudden urge to kiss him filled me and soon we were making out.

  Thomas bumped into us, and laughed, "Get a room, you two."

  A rush of heat filled me. It felt as if my body was on fire from the inside out. I swatted at him, and fanned myself. "It is too hot in here. I need air."

  "Are you ok, Cat?" Thomas grabbed my hand.

  "Just need water," I said. Pulling away from him, I forced my way out of the crowd.

  "I'll take care of her. She probably needs something to eat. She picked at her dinner," I heard Christopher say.

  It felt like I was in a tunnel. There were lights and faces everywhere. I found myself at the refreshment table, where I immediately picked up a heavily frosted cupcake and began to devour it. I remembered thinking that heat and alcohol didn't mix.

  "You have a bit on your cheek," Christopher laughed. He wiped my face before kissing me. "Mmm…vanilla, my favorite."

  When we returned to the dance floor, meeting up with Thomas and Bea again, I felt the heat from my best friend’s anger.

  "She never drinks. How much have you given her?" Thomas grilled Christopher.

  "She had the same as you and one sip of champagne. I am having a fantastic evening and you don't need to be a bitch about it," I hissed.

  Thomas’ face fell, and I immediately regretted my harsh words. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I began to flood his cheek with kisses.

  "I'm sorry," I whispered in his ear. "I am having the best night ever. Please, let me enjoy it."

  He squeezed me tight and kissed me on the lips. Turning to Christopher, he said, "Make sure you take care of her. This girl deserves to be treated like a queen.”

  Christopher shook Thomas’ hand, and patted him on the back. "I get it. You're like a big brother. I'll look after her, and no more booze," he promised.

  As the evening shut down, couples danced to the final slow song. The night had gone by too fast. I didn't want to leave Christopher's arms.

  "I have never met anyone like you, Caitlyn." Christopher cupped my face in his hands, and then kissed me gently.

  Our magic moment was broken when the main lights were turned on and the custodians began their clean up.

  Reluctantly, we returned to the limo. Everyone looked a little worse for wear, but content. Bea kept checking her cell phone, visually upset.

  "What's going on, Bea? Thomas asked.

  "My parents are freaking out and want me to come straight home. I'm sorry. Can you drop me off first?” Bea bit her lip nervously.

  "No problem. Sucks that you won't be able to hang out longer. I have had a great time with my new friends," Christopher replied. My heart melted a bit more. He was so sweet.

  "We should drop Thomas off before me, I whispered in Christopher's ear. "I want to spend more time with you."

  He nodded, and then texted a message to the driver.

  As the driver missed the turn-in to my house, Thomas' face grew confused. "Hey, man, you missed a stop," he called to the driver.

  "It's ok," Christopher soothed. "Once you're tucked in, I'll get Caitlyn home."

  I could tell Thomas wanted to argue with him. Our eyes met, and I pleaded with him, silently, to not make a big deal.

  Thomas glared at me.

  I mouthed the words, please don't be mad.

  I watched his anger melt, and he shrugged in defeat.

  Thank you, I mouthed.

  "Oh, ok, that's cool," he shrugged. Reaching into the mini fridge, he pulled out a bottle of beer and grinned. "For the road."

  Both boys laughed. Joy filled me. Thomas and Christopher had to get along. My best friend and my new boyfriend would be spending a lot of time together.

  When it was time to say goodbye to Thomas, I walked him to the door.

  "Are you going straight home?" he questioned.

  "I'm not sure. I would like to get to know Christopher better," I admitted.

  "Call me when you get in," he insisted.

  "No, don't wait up. I'll call you in the morning," I said, and hugged my friend tight.


  When I returned to the limo, Christopher handed me a bottle of water. "Drink up."

  I took a long drink, and then smiled. "Now what do you have planned?"

  "Straight home," he said with a stern expression. Christopher laughed when he saw my smile fade. "I'm just joking, my beauty. I thought we could go for a walk on the beach."

  I beamed at his suggestion. It was as if he was reading my mind. The ocean would be the perfect place to learn more about my future boyfriend. The chauffer carried out a basket and blankets to the sand.

  After the driver laid out everything, Christopher said, "Travis, we'll be here a bit. Feel free to take a break and return in an hour or so."

  The man nodded and accepted a folded stack of cash. He grinned as he shoved the money into his pocket. "You have my number if you need me earlier, sir."

  Christopher nodded and waved the young man away. He sat on the blanket and patted it. Reaching into the basket, he withdrew its contents and put out a spread of cheese, crackers, and fruit.

  "All of that dancing builds up an appetite." He prepared a small nibble and fed it to me. As I chewed the delicious concoction, he smiled. "Do you like it?"

  I covered my mouth and politely answered, "I do,"

  We shared the food and continued our conversation about our future plans. I was shocked this perfect person was interested in me. I kept waiting to find out what was wrong with him. Did he have a dark secret? An irritating quirk?

  I could not find one thing I did not like about him. Even kissing him seemed like a fairytale dream. Before I knew it, the hour had passed, and I was even more smitten with Christopher. I felt cheated when the driver returned.

  "I guess it is time to go." Christopher smiled.

got up and brushed the sand off myself. Christopher slipped his arm around my waist and began to dance with me. We laughed, and he kissed me. I let our passion grow and soon we were both breathing heavily.

  The sound of a throat clearing broke us up. "Looks like you're having an enchanted evening, Miss," the driver said.

  "I am," I answered honestly. "This has been the best night of my life."

  Christopher scooped me into his arms. I laughed and put on a show of mock protest as he carried me to the limo. Inside the vehicle, we continued our make-out session. I considered the idea of making love to him, but brushed the thought away quickly. I barely knew Christopher. My desire didn't matter anyway. He was a gentleman and I was not that girl. I would not lose my virginity in the back of any car. My first time would be special.

  My contemplation quickly ended as the sweet moment of heat suddenly turned urgent. I went from never wanting our passionate kissing to end to feeling like his tongue was choking me. When I pushed him back, he slowed his aggressive kisses. I felt an urge to scream and flee, but I told myself I was just being crazy.

  Denying to myself how forceful it had been moments before, I fell into the magic moment of his kiss again. His hand, set gently on my thigh, slowly began to creep, traveling further up my leg. Before I comprehended what was happening, he slipped a finger in my panties and pulled them down.

  "No," I cried out.

  My words were silenced as his mouth covered mine roughly. He kissed me harder. I beat on his chest. I couldn't breathe. I didn't want him to touch me anymore. The reality flooded over me. I found out his flaw. When he lifted off me long enough for me to catch my breath, I scrambled as far away from him as I could.

  "No, I don't want this. I want to go home," I cried.

  "I thought I would get a glimpse of it on the beach, but you disappointed me. What, I am not good enough to get the Chase treatment? I am handsome enough, rich enough. Why are you holding back with me?" He slid closer to me. "You don't have to pretend to be the sweet virgin. Everyone knows what a fun girl you are. Why, you're the talk of the school, Caitlyn."


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