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Cruise Page 16

by Laramie Briscoe

  “Hey Kels,” I greet her, a real smile on my face. She and I haven’t had a ton of time with one another, but as Caleb and I have gotten closer, the same has been true for the two of us. “You ready?” I wave to today’s coach as she walks beside me.

  “I am, it’s hot out here.” She pushes her hair back from her forehead.

  Taking a good look at her, I see her face is beet red, and she’s sweated a good deal. “You wanna go take a shower before we go do our thing?”

  She looks up at me, nodding. “I feel so gross.”

  “No problem, your brother’s apartment is closer than mine. Is it okay if we go there?”

  “How are we going to get in if he’s not there?” she questions as we get to my car.

  “I have a key,” I say the words off-handedly, as we get to my car. He gave me one not long ago, and it had been a turning point in our relationship. Whatever this is between us, is serious.

  “He gave you a key?” Her eyes are wide. “Ruby, does that mean you’re gonna get married?”

  I’m taken aback by her question, but I can understand how she probably came to that conclusion. A kid doesn’t understand the way things like this work. “I don’t know Kels, maybe one day, but definitely not tomorrow.”

  “I wouldn’t mind it,” she announces. “I’ve always wanted a sister and I’d love it if you were mine.”

  I’m overcome with more emotion than I want to admit. This little girl with a heart so much like her brother’s, has totally worked her way into mine.

  “I’ve always wanted a sister too, Kels, and if I had to choose, you would be it.”

  She seems happy with the answer as she sings along to the radio. Meanwhile I’m trying to hold my shit together, pleased beyond all belief that she sees me as worthy of Caleb. A part of me always wonders if I will be, because he’s had such a hard life, I want to make sure I’m the one he wants to come home to at the end of the day. The one he always wants to confide in, and I want him to know he’s the most important person in my life, because I want to be one of the most important in his.

  This is definitely a good start.

  * * *

  “Alright chick, when you get done with your shower, we’ll head out for some lunch and then we can go get our nails done if you want?” I offer. Getting my nails done is something I truly enjoy, and given the amount of times Kels asks me about it, I’m pretty sure she likes it too.

  “Just gonna go grab my clothes.” She runs into the room that Caleb calls hers when she spends the night.

  Sitting down on the couch, I pull up a girlie show on Netflix I’ve been watching the last few weeks, before texting Caleb.

  R: Kels and I are using your apartment so she can take a shower before we go get our nails done. She was really hot when I went to pick her up.

  I expect for it to take a little time for him to text me back, but to my surprise it doesn’t. Must be a slow day for him.

  C: Do whatever you need to, baby. That’s why I gave you a key.

  Most days I can’t get over the way he talks to me, and today is no exception to that. I haven’t seen him in two days and I miss him. Our schedules have been off a little from one another.

  C: Maybe you can come back when you get done? Not seeing you for two days is not working for me.

  R: Funny, hot stuff, it’s not working for me either. I miss you.

  Texting isn’t the same as hearing his deep voice, not the same as feeling his fingers against my skin, feeling the warmth of his body pressed to mine.

  C: I miss your face too, Red. Send me a pic?

  The smile that’s spread across my face can’t be denied. The fluttery feeling in my stomach can’t be denied either. I’ve waited my whole life for a man to make me feel this way, and I’m so happy the man to do it is Caleb Harrison. Holding my phone up, I give him my best smile, along with a wink into the camera. Hitting a few buttons, I send it, and wait for him to get back with me. A few minutes later, I get a response from him. A picture of his smiling face.

  I allow a smile back at him, wanting to pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming. His brown eyes, the color of bourbon, sparkle as he grins. There’s a small dimple in his left cheek, and he’s got a five-o’clock shadow coloring his deeply tanned skinned, even though it’s only early afternoon. His lips are full, like he’s been licking them most of the day, and I can’t wait until I put a kiss on them. If anyone had told me when I went into The Café that day, that I’d end up with Caleb, I would have told them they were crazy. Yet, here I am, having the time of my life.

  “Ruby, can you braid my hair?” Kelsea asks as she comes into the living room, carrying a brush and a hair tie.

  “Sure, let me finish this, and then we’ll get it done.”

  R: Kelsea is done. I’ll see you tonight?

  We hadn’t been planning on seeing one another, but now that I know we’re both thinking the same thing, I can’t help but want to see him.

  C: Be at my apartment when I get off, babe. I go off-shift at 6:30

  Looking at the clock, I know Kelsea and I will have plenty of time to get our stuff done together.

  “Alright, come over here, and we’ll get you fixed up.”

  Kelsea sits in front of me, crossing her legs. “Can you do a braid in the front?”

  “So you don’t want all your hair braided? Just some of it?” I verify as I brush her hair.

  “I want it the way you had your hair the other day.”

  I wish I had my curling wand with me, because then I could curl the rest that’s not going in the braid, and she could look like me. “We’ll get it right.” I motion for her to turn around and get to work. Because I do my hair like this all the time, I’m done in a few minutes. “There ya go!”

  We grab our stuff and leave Caleb’s apartment, setting out for our adventure.

  “The Café good for lunch?” I question as we head toward downtown.

  “It’s where we always go.” She nods. “I love their chocolate milkshakes.”

  “I think after the afternoon you had at practice, you probably deserve a milkshake.”

  “Caleb always lets me get them too,” she admits, a smile on her face. “Mom and Dad don’t like for me to have so much sugar, but it’s my favorite.”

  “That’s because Caleb and I are the cool couple.” I think of Karina and Mason.

  Something tells me they aren’t as serious as they like to make people think they are. They probably have a damn good time when it’s just them, but they try to set a good example for Kelsea.

  “You are, you two let me do everything my parents won’t let me do.”

  That’s the fun part of not being the parent, but I don’t tell her that. Parking at The Café, I turn the car off. “Let’s go eat!”

  * * *

  “You home?” I announce myself as I enter Caleb’s apartment. I saw his Jeep outside, but that doesn’t mean he’s not with Morgan working out. Since our texts earlier, I’ve wanted nothing more than to see him.

  “Yeah.” He comes out of his bedroom, towel around his waist, water making rivers along the ripples in his skin. “Just got here.”

  “I can see that.” I lick my lips as I make a feast out of his body.

  “You see something you like, Red?” His grin is mischievous. He knows I like his body, knows I love to explore it, and knows exactly what it can do to me.

  “Sometimes I just can’t believe you’re all mine,” I inhale deeply as I say the words.

  “Believe it, babe, you got me.”

  For some reason those words affect me in a way that I have to cross the room, fold him into my arms, and hold him close to me. Every day he goes out into the field to protect the people of this town, I worry about him, know that no matter what he’s doing, he’s living his dream, but when I get to see him at the end of a shift? It’s the best feeling, because I know he’s okay. I know he’s made it, and we’re going to have more seconds, minutes, hours, and days together.

p; “Hey, what’s wrong?” He tilts my face up to his, those brown eyes searching mine.

  “Nothing.” I shake my head, voice thick. “Just really happy to see you today.”

  The smile he gives me is my favorite kind. It’s huge, shows a small dimple in his cheek and works it’s way up to his eyes. “I’m happy to see you too. Favorite part of any day I have, Red. You’ve gotta know that. You’ve made my life better.”

  Resting my head against his chest, I close my eyes and breathe in the after shave he still uses. Somehow those words seem like an omen, but I’m not sure if it’s good or bad. All I know is I want tonight and every other night with him, and I’ll make sure he always knows it.



  I love the smile on Kelsea’s face, love even more that I’m the one who put it there. “You excited Kels?” I grin into the rearview as we make the drive to Birmingham.

  “So excited, like I knew you knew him.” She bounces in her seat. “But I didn’t really know!”

  Him references my college roommate Slater Harlow, known by everyone who watches professional baseball as Savage. He’s a formidable force on the baseball diamond, having the best season of his career. We’re not as close as we once were, because life took us two totally different directions, but we still hang out every once in a while. Typically I like to keep the fact I know him from just about everyone, because I know he values his privacy. Now though? Kels is old enough to go to a major league game, and I’m doing my best to impress Ruby.

  “I’ve known him a long time.” I think back to our college days, how both of us had been so damn homesick. Him more than me, since I could at least head home on the weekend. Slater was from Georgia, his parents not well-off at all, and he’d never been able to afford a quick trip home. Hell, he barely went home in the summer, instead choosing to stay on-campus and work odd jobs to make money for the next semester. It was no surprise to me that our senior year he’d opted himself for the draft and gone pro. Within two years, he was the starting right-fielder for the Birmingham Bandits, racking up hits, RBIs, and a ton of fans. Now, it’s my pleasure to see my good friend do as well as he is.

  “He was your roommate?” Ruby asks as she reaches over and grabs my hand.

  I love when she grabs my hand on any drive we make together. Being connected to her makes me calmer than I’ve ever been. Something about the connection quiets my brain and eases any anxiety I feel. “Yup, up until our senior year, then he opted to join the draft and I got a single room. Which worked out perfect for all that booty I got being a football player.” I grin over at Ruby who shakes her head, now used to the way I talk.

  “You’re so bad, and you’re so lucky I’m not jealous anymore over what you did before you met me.”

  “What does booty mean?” Kelsea asks from the backseat.

  “Yeah, babe.” Ruby gives me a smart-ass grin. “Why don’t you tell her what booty means?”

  Fuck my life. “It means spending time with someone you really like.” I glance over at Ruby, sticking my tongue out at her for putting me in this position. “Like I spend time with Ruby.”

  “You mean like Mom and Dad spend time together?”

  “Kind of, but whatever you do, don’t say anything to them about getting booty. This will be one of our sibling secrets.” I reach back, my pinky finger extended to her. “Got it?”

  “Got it.” She grabs hold of my pinky in hers and we swear on it.

  For the rest of the drive, I keep my damn mouth shut about college.

  * * *

  As we approach the stadium, I follow the signs that go with the parking pass I was given from Slater. I can feel the excitement in the Jeep as we are told to break apart from the pack and follow a much smaller line of cars to a private parking area.

  “Are we in the family parking?” Ruby asks, glancing around at the cars surrounding us. They’re definitely nicer than my Rubicon, but I refuse to feel like I don’t belong.

  “I think so.” I put it in park, grab my hat and sunglasses, before I hop out. “C’mon, ladies, let’s get this show on the road.”

  Opening the back, I help Kelsea down, and then go around to Ruby’s side, doing the same with her.

  “Look at you being such a gentleman,” Ruby teases, reaching in and grabbing her bag. She’s a teacher, for sure. My mom carries the same bag everywhere. I call it a GO bag, because no matter what you might need, it’s probably inside that bag. You need a band-aid? They got it. A bottle of water? No problem. A poncho? Definitely in there. A sewing kit? No big deal, it’s fucking secured to the side with a magnet. Teachers are better than any Boy Scout I’ve ever met. When the world ends, I don’t need a prepper, give me a damn teacher, any day of the week. Securing it crossbody, she pushes her hair back behind her ears. “We’re ready.”

  “What do you mean, look at me being a gentleman? I’m always polite. You know this.” I put my hand out for Kelsea to hold it as we cross the parking lot. I don’t want to lose her here, so she’s gonna have to be embarrassed by holding her big brother’s hand. “C’mon, Cupcake, you got your stuff?”

  She holds up the shirt she wants signed and the pink sharpie she wants it signed in. “Got it!”

  “Let’s go.” I hitch my chin to the gate.


  My heart is so full as I watch the two of them cross the parking lot, Kelsea’s hand in his. They’re speaking to one another, Caleb leaning down so he can hear her. Quickly, I take my phone out and capture a picture of the two of them, sending it over to Karina, since she’s not here to witness this.

  As they get to the gate, Kelsea turns around. “C’mon, Ruby!”

  I jog to catch up with them. It’s a blur as Caleb leads us through some corridors, flashing a badge here and there. Eventually we come to a hallway and standing there is the guy I recognize as Savage Harlow. He’s almost dressed for the game, wearing a pair of baseball pants, cleats, and a shirt with the arms cut out. It’s probably too hot for him to wear the full uniform right now. Kelsea stops in her tracks, letting go of Caleb’s hand, turning back to me.

  “Kels.” He reaches back for her, but she comes to me, hiding behind my leg. I’ve never seen her do this before, but I recognize it. This is something I did when I was a small child and I was shy to meet someone who meant a lot to me.

  “She’s a little shy.” I run my hand over her hair. “I think she’ll be good in a few minutes.”

  The way she clings to me, makes my heart flutter, my stomach clinch. If Caleb and I ever have a child, is this what it’s going to be like? I can see it in the future, but I know I don’t want to get ahead of myself.

  “It’s good to see you, man.” Caleb walks up to Slater, giving his hand a shake and pulling him in for a hug.

  “You too.” Slater slaps him on the shoulder. He glances over at us. “Is that Kelsea? I haven’t seen her since she was a baby.”

  “You knew me as a baby?” That makes her move from behind my leg and causes her to speak up.

  “Yeah.” He squats down so that he’s at eye-level with her. “Last time I saw you, you were about two years old. We used to hang out with you all the time. Your mom and dad would bring you when they came to visit your brother.”

  She looks up at me. “I think I’m okay, I’ve known him a long time.” She holds out her shirt and her sharpie. “Can you sign this for me?”

  Caleb and I share a laugh and a grin over her head. All the shyness that was there before is gone now. She’s asking him questions and asked to be taken out onto the field. “Yeah.” Slater stands. “We can go toss a ball real quick, if that’s okay with your brother.”

  “Sounds good to me,” he answers when everyone looks at him.

  As we walk to the field, Slater turns around. “I don’t know your name yet and I’m sorry to have been rude, I’m Slater.”

  “This is my girlfriend, Ruby,” Caleb introduces us, putting an arm around my shoulder.

  “He’s gonna mar
ry her.” Ruby giggles before she runs off.

  “Is that right?” Slater gives Caleb a look, before he turns around and runs off after her.

  “I know she’s kidding and pushing what she wants, off onto you,” I tell him, letting him know that as much as my heart wants it to happen, I’m putting no pressure on him.

  “Slater will take her mind off of it, he doesn’t like to talk about relationships,” he tells me as we walk to the field. “He and his high school girlfriend couldn’t make the long-distance thing work. As far as I know, he’s never gotten over it and given having a relationship another shot.”

  I watch Slater as he throws a ball back and forth between him and Kelsea. Her smile is huge, as is his when they laugh at something one of them say.

  “Hopefully one day he’ll find what we have.” I hook my arms around his waist, holding him tightly.

  “That’s my hope too.” He leans down, kissing me on the forehead.

  * * *

  “One more out!” I look over at Kelsea, who’s literally vibrating in the seat between me and Caleb. “Can you believe it? They’re going to win your first ever Major League Baseball game. How exciting is this?”

  She jumps up and down as the final out is made and fireworks erupt over the stadium. We’d had great seats, given to us by Slater, behind the Bandit’s dugout. As we’re gathering our stuff to leave, I hear someone yell Harrison.

  We all turn around and see Slater standing there. He motions for Kelsea to come down, holding out a ball to her. I’m not sure what he says, but it gets him a huge smile, and when she comes back holding the ball, I’m beyond thankful to have experienced this day with the two of them.

  “Y’all ready?” he asks after waving to his friend. “It’ll be at least a few hours before we get home, and the longer we put it off, the worse it will be.”

  “Let’s go.” I grab some of the stuff we bought and we slowly make our way up the stands as the massive group of people begin filing out.

  It’s been a great day, I realize as we hit the interstate, heading north. The Bandits won by two runs, we got to spend time together, and I got to experience my first baseball game. As I lean back with a huge smile on my face, I don’t know that this is the last day everything will be normal for us, and reality is about to make itself known in a big way.


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