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Sen and Neicey- Life After Love

Page 7

by Briann Danae

  Dex’s chocolate covered skin, clean cut fade, and low trimmed beard had her feeling some type of way, and she didn’t like it. A fine man was a fine man, but she didn’t want to ever compare a man to Sen. And, she never had until this moment. No other man had captured her attention like Dex had, and Neicey found herself getting nervous all of a sudden.

  Licking her lips that felt drier than ever, she found her voice. “Thanks. I’ve been good, though. Working and enjoying life. How about you?”

  “The same. I don’t see a ring on your finger, so I take it you’re single?”

  Dex was hoping she said no, praying she said no. Of all the women he had come across in his thirty-five years of life, not one had intrigued him like Neicey had. Her stripper name wasn’t Storm for no reason. Not only did she fuck up niggas’ minds and kept it moving, she did it so unexpectedly; you wouldn’t even know what happened by time her set ended. Every encounter with her made Dex want to know more about her. But, their time was cut short when he went to school eight hours away. When he did return, Neicey was no longer working at the Ramada.

  Looking down at her naked ring finger, Neicey wondered why it was bare after all these years. She and Erica recently had a conversation about men and why they never brought up marriage first with a woman they were dating. It was as if men of their generation thought that dating was it. As if that was enough. As if women never wanted more than a committed friendship because at the end of the day, that’s what it was.

  To Neicey, it seemed as if Sen was okay with them not being married. In his mind, once they spent a certain amount of years with each other, they were basically married. Over the years, Neicey agreed as well but, in the back of her mind, she knew she wanted more. Whatever more meant for them, she wanted it, but was afraid that she wouldn’t be ready so she never said anything. And, not saying anything to Sen let him know that there wasn’t an issue, but there was.

  Neicey wanted to get married, not just for his last name and to say they did it, but because she loved Sensay and loved the way that he loved her. It was something she had never in life experienced, and she wanted it forever because that’s what it was going to be with them. Forever.

  “No ring, yet, but I’m in a relationship,” she finally replied.

  “A happy one?”

  Her head lifted and she nodded it. “Very happy. You?”

  “I’m single, but that’s what’s up. I always knew someone would tie you down. They’d be a fool not to cherish something so rare. So beautiful. Hope he knows what he’s got.”

  Neicey swallowed hard, not knowing how to reply to his compliments other than a shaky, breathless thank you. Dex wasn’t even on no player shit. He always thought Neicey was fine and let it be known whenever in her presence. This situation was different though. She was fully clothed, a lot older, in a relationship, and sitting across from a fine, grown ass man, who clearly knew what he wanted.

  “And, he does. Now, what did you call me back here for? I can’t be back here kicking it with you. I have work to do,” she chuckled, trying to calm the speed of her heart down.

  “I needed to know what days you’ll be able to learn the new software program they’re installing in a few weeks. With you being the receptionist, your system will be a little different from the other employees, so what I go over in the staff meeting next week will be pointless for your job title.”

  “Ms. Price needs to be taught it as well,” she spoke, not liking where this conversation was headed already.

  “She tested it out before I was hired,” Dex gave her a soft smirk, and Neicey inwardly cursed.

  Being alone with him in his office was one thing, but to be alone with him in his office for however long she needed to learn the software program was another. Though she trusted herself, temptation was a bitch and she was not playing fair.

  Shaking her head, Neicey grabbed the calendar from his desk and looked over a few dates. With her working part-time, she figured she could come in on one of her off days. That way, she could knock out majority of the training in one sitting. Dex had her messed up if he thought she was about to be parlaying and chilling in his office all day with his fine ass. That, she was not.

  “Can I give you a definite date once I get back to my desk? I’ll have to look at my other work schedule.”

  Dex’s browed raised. “You have two jobs?”

  Neicey stood to her feet and grinned. “It’s the hustler in me, you know that. I’ll shoot you an email,” she said, walking to the door. Dex hopped to his feet and followed behind her. So close, Neicey could feel the heat radiating from his body.

  “I’ll look forward to getting it, Neicey.”

  His tone was deep, enthralling, fucking, panty-dropping sexy, and Neicey wanted to smack him for being so attractive without any effort. Upset with herself, she didn’t wait for him to pull the door open like she knew he had stood to do. Pulling the handle, the door flung open and she walked out of his office without another word. Dex had her bothered. Bothered, confused, and wet as hell. He knew it too.

  “Fucking Storm,” he hissed with a grin, before shutting his office door. Before today, he had his doubts about this new managerial position but, after that encounter with Neicey, working for Bryant and Dover was going to be rewarding after all. Much more rewarding than his sign-on bonus had been.

  Chapter Four

  The weekend had rolled around quicker than Neicey thought it would. Instead of relaxing like she had plans on doing on this nice Saturday morning since she left a pole dancing class late last night, she was up preparing breakfast for Sen. Their morning had been peaceful, despite the fact that he had to curse one of his workers out for showing out in the club the night before.

  Once you reached a certain level of hierarchy, there was some shit you just didn’t do. Boasting and bragging in front of a bunch of jealous ass people was number one. Sen knew if the young nigga didn’t have enemies before, he did now. And it was all because he was getting money.

  To calm his nerves, Neicey gave him some head and, like a baby who needed its mother’s attention, Sen was good to go. After ducking and dodging Dex all week, Neicey surely thought her life would go back to normal, at least for the weekend, but she was wrong. Not even ten minutes into preparing her pancake batter, her mama called, instantly ruining her morning.

  “You know your brother’s birthday is coming up,” Nakita spoke. She called herself reminding her daughter this every year, but Neicey knew. Nolan was her only sibling and she loved him dearly, but she liked to keep her distance.

  Sighing, she poured some of the batter into the skillet. “I know, ma. He is my only brother.”

  “I’m just reminding you, is all. We’re having a little get together at the house and I’d love to see your face. It’s been how long?” she asked, already knowing the answer, but wanted Neicey to say it. Nakita wanted her to hear the amount of time she had gone without visiting her family.

  “Two years,” Neicey replied with a suck of her teeth and roll of her eyes.

  “You don’t think that’s a long time?”

  “I don’t, actually. People go decades without even talking to their family, and they live in the same state. Hell, in the same neighborhood. You know I love ya’ll; it’s just best if I stayed away.”

  “Best for who?”

  The line went quiet, and Nakita already knew her daughter was ready to hang up. Neicey always did when the conversations got too intense. She could never handle them, same with her counseling sessions. Dr. Fallone would see her a lot more, if Neicey could handle the pressure of what she was dealing with. If she could learn to confront her skeletons at the door, instead of pushing them back inside the closet, she’d be good. But, she hadn’t gotten to that point in her life yet.

  “Ma,” she said sternly. “Please don’t start this shit. You and I both know how this phone call will end if you keep pressuring me. It’s best for me and anyone I want it to be good for. Now, how was your week?”

  “If we’re not going to ever address the real issue, then we can forget about the small talk. This always happens,” Nakita said, not wanting to stay on the phone any longer.

  Pulling the phone from her ear, Neicey wished like hell her mother could see her face in the moment. “You want to talk about real issues, Nakita? Because we can most definitely go there!”

  She didn’t mean to holler, but her feelings were getting fucked with and her mother, of all people, knew what triggered her. Slamming the pan she had in her hand on the counter, Sen hollered her name to see what was going on, but she ignored him. She wanted to hear what response Nakita had for her, since she started this argument.

  “Neicey,” Nakita said softly, voice filled with emotion. “I didn’t mean to upset you, love. It’s difficult for me not being able to see my only daughter, you know?”

  Neicey quickly swiped the tear that fell down her cheek and closed her eyes. She was going to curse Erica out for having her go see Dr. Fallone. Ever since her first counseling session, she had been a mushy mess, crying and shit, when Fallone told her to be in tune with her emotions. She most definitely was now and hated it some days. Today was one of those days.

  Though she knew her mama would hate hearing the words, she didn’t know what else to say, but what she was feeling, what she had always felt. “You made it difficult.”

  Nakita choked back on a cry, and three beeps could then be heard in her ear. Her mama had hung up, which never happened. Neicey was usually the one to disconnect the call because she was tired of the conversation. Shaking her head, she pulled up their text thread and sent her a message, letting her know she loved her. She did love her mother and always would, but she wanted to do it from a distance. It was what was best.

  Feeling horrible about making her mama cry, Neicey was banging dishes around and slamming cabinets. She needed to release some frustration and, since she wouldn’t be going to the studio until later in the day, the kitchen appliances were going to have to do.

  “Shanice!” Sen hollered from the top of the steps, waiting for a reply.


  “Bring yo ass here and don’t what me!” he hollered back, before walking back into their bedroom. Had he known she was just arguing with her mama, he wouldn’t have clicked on her like that, but he had no clue.

  Inhaling a deep breath, Neicey removed the now burnt pancake from the skillet, turned the stove off, and tossed the pan in the sink. Sen could make his own breakfast because she was clearly in no state to do so. Taking her sweet time, she walked up the steps that led to their bedroom. Sen was not about to work her damn nerves this morning. She wasn’t going to let him.

  Stepping into the bedroom with nothing but his wife beater and some house shoes on, Sen licked his lips. He forgot what he was about to say that quick. Even with the mug present on her face and messy ponytail at the top of her head, Sen still found her fine as ever.

  “What?” she asked, when he didn’t say anything.

  “Why you down there banging shit around like you got an attitude or something? You got something you need to get off yo’ chest?”

  Leaning against the door frame, Neicey asked herself if she was ready to let Sen see this side of her. Sure, she was hiding it, but it was becoming harder every day to keep it under wraps. Taking in her man’s morning appearance, Neicey inwardly smiled. His hair was a crinkled mess from the braids she had taken down the night before. He was showing off his tattooed body in nothing but a pair of boxers and had the nerve to be laid back in the bed with his hands behind his head. He was too much for her, but she loved him. God, did she love him.

  Sensing that Neicey wasn’t going to answer his question, Sen swung his legs from the bed and placed them on the ground. “Come here. The fuck is going on with you?”

  Neicey felt herself about to break down right there, but she shook her head and squeezed her eyes shut. She wasn’t ready to let Sen in on her closet of skeletons just yet. Instead, she was ready to run away from him, as far away as he would let her.

  “I think we need a break.”

  The words were whispered almost inaudible, and Sen surely thought he had heard her wrong. Pushing himself closer to the end of the bed, he held his hand behind his ear and leaned forward.

  “You said what? Repeat that for me.”

  “I think we need a break. I, need a break.”

  Nodding his head, Sen popped his knuckles. He was trying to tell himself to remain calm. That Neicey was just fucking around with him, but his brain couldn’t comprehend what his heart was telling him. He felt it in his soul that he was about to do some dumb shit that he couldn’t take back and was surely going to regret. Before he did, though, he wanted to give Neicey one more chance to explain what the fuck she was saying.

  “A break? What the fuck is that? You tired of your job or some shit? That’s the only break you getting around this mufucka, so explain what you tryna’ say, before I flip.”

  Sen’s fists were balled up and Neicey knew, right then, there was no going back. She didn’t want to hurt his feelings because of her issues either, so she had to make a decision and quick. The longer she remained quiet, the more Sen thought about what lie he was going to have to tell everyone when she came up missing.

  “I just don’t know if this is what I want anymore. I need closure from some things, and I don’t want to take you through it with me,” her voice cracked, and Sen stood from the bed.

  “Six years. That’s how long we’ve been together, and you don’t want this anymore? I swear, on my nigga’s graves, I’m not cheating on you, baby. What hoe been gossiping on my name?”

  He was all in her face while grabbing her around the waist, and Neicey felt her strength leaving her. She could tell him if he’d give her some space and not touch her, but Sen wasn’t having it. The thought of her leaving him had him ready to beg and he didn’t beg a soul, but he would today. He wasn’t too proud to do so for Neicey.

  Neicey shook her head. These hoes were the least of her worries. “None. I’m just tripping. I don’t know why I said that.”

  “Nah.” Sen said, loosening his grip on her. “You know, and I’m not letting you out my sight until you tell me. You just randomly want to leave me? What if I said I just wanted to randomly smack the hell out of yo ass for thinking of that dumb shit?”

  She didn’t want to laugh, but the look on his face was so serious; Neicey couldn’t help but crack a grin. “You know better than to put your hands on me.”

  “I do, but you ain’t too cute to get choked. Do you know the shit I was just thinking about doing to you?” Swiping a hand down his face, Sen backed up while shaking his head. The number of crazy thoughts that popped into his head in less than thirty seconds would scare the shit out of a normal person. Thing was, he nor Neicey was what society considered normal, so she could definitely imagine.

  Removing his hands from his face, Sen’s brows drew together in an angry frown and he cocked his head to the side. “And, what you mean you need closure and don’t want to take me through it. Who the fuck else you trying to go through it with?”

  “Nobody!” she quickly shouted out, not realizing how loud she really was.

  “Don’t holler at me, shit. I’m just trying to figure out where all this is coming from. You cheating on me?”

  The question left Sen’s lips and his pupils decreased in size. This man is nuts, Neicey thought to herself, but it was the truth. Grabbing his balled-up fists, she uncurled his fingers one by one. Sen was tense as a mufucka, ready to snap her neck if she mumbled the wrong thing. Yeah, he had cheated once before, but he couldn’t fathom the thought of Neicey stepping out on him.

  “How?” she asked, looking up into his eyes. At 6’2”, Sen towered over Neicey’s 5’6” frame. Instead of looking her in the face, he was staring at the wall ahead of him.

  “How what?”

  Neicey sucked her teeth. “How I’ma cheat on you, Sensay? With who? Can’t no other nigga put up with m
y ass. Hell, you can hardly handle me.”

  His mouth twisted wryly and he sucked his teeth. “Yeah. Right. You know who run shit over here.”

  Sticking her hand in the band of his boxers, Neicey grabbed his piece. She had to steer this conversation in another direction and quick. Sen’s dick hardened in her firm grip, and he widened his stance.

  “Nah. You know who run shit,” Neicey replied back with a devilish smirk on her face.

  Smacking her hand away, Sen yanked his boxers from over his ass and swiftly pushed Neicey over the edge of the bed. The tank top she had on rose above her waist and a firm, hard smack was delivered to her right cheek, eliciting a moan, which was exactly what Sen was trying to hear. Not that other shit she was talking about.

  The view of Neicey from the back was pissing Sen off. The thought of another nigga having her in anyway, specifically this way, had him ready to punish her pussy. Back arched and ass in the air, Neicey’s stomach caved when he slid in, not leaving an inch of himself out.

  “Ooh fuck,” she groaned, squeezing her eyes tightly. She was trying to throttle the dizzying current racing through her body.

  Gripping her waist, Sen pounded into her, burying his frustrations with her sudden need to be away from him deep inside.

  “Who the fuck you need a break from, huh?” Violently but sensual enough to know he hadn’t lost his mind yet, Sen gripped the back of her neck. Pushing her face into the plush duvet, his face was near hers, and Neicey could feel the uneven breaths against her cheek.

  “Nobody,” she moaned out but decided to switch her tone up, as he pushed her head down further. As his grip tightened, his attitude became more serious.

  With no desire to backdown from the pounding he was putting on her, nor answer his question, Neicey threw her ass back and tightened her muscles, and Sen’s hold around her neck loosened immediately. Lifting herself onto her elbows, she looked ahead of her in the huge mirror in the corner of the room. Bottom lip tucked between his teeth, there was nothing sexier than the image of Sen in his element.


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