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Page 7

by Dee, L J

  The low rumble in his throat resonated between my legs and suddenly, my desire for King had taken over that of the cake as I plunged my fingers through his hair, pulling him towards me. He stilled momentarily and pulled away, whispering deliciously in my ear, grazing the lobe with his gorgeous lips while still stroking my aching breasts under the lace of my bra. “More?” he said teasingly as a chocolate coated finger eased its way into my mouth before working its way slowly down my chest, across my stomach and inside the lace of my panties, leaving a trail of supercharged and highly alert nerve endings in its wake. I gasped beneath him as he stroked my wetness, moaning gently as he whispered “more” against my lips and I knew we were not talking about the cake as I nodded. I could hear nothing but the soft sound of his breath under the rise and fall of his hard chest, the faint song of the birds and low hum of traffic outside, and my own ragged breathing. He stroked me gently, sliding his hands around me to remove my panties slowly down my legs, kissing my breasts, my abdomen and I stilled, gasping loudly as I felt his tongue replace his fingers and I was lost, deep in a dark euphoric haze at the absolute mercy of Jason King.

  It wasn’t the frenzied hurried lust of our last encounter, this was slow, deliberate, liberating and intoxicating as he moved his fingers inside me, stroking my pleasure spot, licking me expertly, the soft graze of stubble running against my thighs as the pleasure grew in my core. Wave after wave of exquisite bliss consumed me, and I was falling into the darkness, over the edge, hearing nothing but the pounding of blood through my ears and feeling nothing but him, as the most mind blowing orgasm raced through me, touching every nerve in my body and I came apart, shuddering beneath him, gasping his name.

  The small vibration eventually brought me around, still hazy from the pleasure and I could feel him, pulling the material of the soft lace panties back up my legs, the heat radiating as he leaned over me, but I still couldn’t move, relaxed and boneless, lay on the couch of Jason Kings ‘creative space’ still in the darkness behind my mask. The vibrations started again, stopping as he gently lifted the mask off me and I blinked against the sudden assault of the daylight on my eyes. He was smiling as I smiled back, kissing me gently on the lips and I tasted myself, concerned for the first time about how I must have looked spread out like that for him and I blushed shyly. “You are exquisite Charlotte” he purred seductively as my stomach flipped and I held his gaze, beautiful blue eyes, blazing into mine and I was so in awe of his overwhelming beauty that I couldn’t even respond.

  He was still fully clothed and turned as the vibrations started again, standing up to retrieve his phone from his pocket as I started to exit my relaxed daze and sat, fastening the tie on my open wrap dress and watching him as he walked to the window, a masculine and powerful silhouette, bathed in late sunlight, as he eventually answered his persistent phone. “Tamsin” the low word cut through my euphoric daze, as my head suddenly started to get back in the game and I wondered what the hell I had done. It was spinning now as I picked up on snippets of what he was saying. “I’ll come now” I caught, followed by a gentler “I know, I’m sorry” and I couldn’t believe that even King would be arrogant enough to speak another woman, while I was sat on his couch, barely round from my orgasmic bliss and I dropped my head in my hands. I wasn’t sure I had the strength to stand and was fighting back the shameful tears that pricked at my eyes. How had I let this happen again?

  I didn’t even notice he had finished the call and as I looked up at him, he was gazing down at me, his smile hadn’t faded, but I couldn’t manage one back. “I’d better go King” I said quietly, a confused frown shadowing his features briefly as he nodded, looking unsure of quite what to say or do, and from the look on his face it was an action as unfamiliar to him as it was to me. I stood, nervously, stepping back as he moved towards me and the frown was there again. The vibrating phone broke the silence as he looked at the screen and then apologetically at me. “I’d better let you get back to your girlfriend King” I said quietly, the fierce stare that accompanied it betraying the fury that was rising from my gut, and the brief flicker of a puzzled frown was there again. “I already told you, I don’t do girlfriends” he said eventually, answering his phone as I turned for the door. “I’ll be there soon Sweetheart” were the last words he said, and they weren’t to me.

  What the fuck had I done? Was I absolutely insane? My logical self was slapping me around the head for being such an almighty idiot, but according to my body, the answer was a resounding ‘no’. That had been incredibly intense and unbelievably erotic and at the time I wouldn’t have changed it for anything, but in the chill light of the early evening, reality dawned. I had just laid myself bare, quite literally, to the man who was single handedly ruining my career, upsetting my emotional equilibrium on an almost a daily basis and was dating a supermodel.

  Didn’t do girlfriends. He’d missed the key words ‘like you’ off the end of that sentence, and why on earth he’d think I’d want to be his was anybody’s guess, although if I was perfectly honest with myself, my behaviour in the last hour had probably given him that impression. Shit. What the hell was I going to do?

  He called me but I didn’t answer, I didn’t know what to say. Awkward silences and apologies would be worse than the goading and the insults, and if he called me Smith I think I just might have imploded. I couldn’t even indulge my sudden misery in cake, it was no longer my friend. At some point in the future I knew we’d make up, but that damn irresistible chocolate and vanilla was what had got me into this mess, and the thought of any kind of sponge passing my lips right now was out of the question. I called at the off license instead, planning on an evening spent soaking myself in wine, but it was infinitely worse than I thought. I hit the gin.

  I wasn’t sure what time I passed out but when I woke I felt like a freight train was running through my head, with the drummer from AC/DC playing solo on a loop next to my ears. I hauled myself out of bed for paracetamol and water and crawled back in, wishing the world would evaporate and Jason King with it, as sumptuous visions of him crashed into my thoughts, in complete contrast to every logical piece of advice my brain was screaming at me. I grabbed my phone.

  It happened again, not handling it well

  The text came back much more quickly than I’d have expected for this time on a Saturday morning.

  Oh shit. Five sugars?

  There was only one person in this world who would understand the enormity of my next text, Katie.

  If only. Gin

  The reply was immediate and probably the only reason I would get my sorry arse out of bed today which was a good thing I reasoned to myself. We’d talk it through, she would lambast him for being a prick and I would feel better. Eventually. It was just what we did, and I had done it for Katie many, many times in the last twelve months. I always hoped she’d meet a really nice guy, but for both of us, the whole relationship arena had become somewhat of a challenge.

  I’m on my way

  She turned up an hour later with Sasha the junior creative who I hadn’t been expecting and wasn’t entirely pleased to see. I was pulling my reputation slowly back at work through sheer graft, and the last thing I wanted her to witness was the grown woman, ultimately responsible for much of her commission, crumbling due to an unforeseen oral encounter with the competition. It didn’t create a great impression. Unfortunately, I found myself not caring, and burst into tears the minute they walked through the door. Katie stopped dead in her tracks, staring at me, utterly shocked and bewildered, it was something she’d never seen before.

  She ushered Sasha into the living room, throwing her arms around me and pulling me tight. “Get your cute tush in there and spill all” she said finally, ushering me through to the living room and onto the couch. “Stick the kettle on Sash, both strong and both with five sugars” she laughed, looking at me and shaking her head. “I’m self medicating for the shock” she grinned, which raised my first smile of the day.

  They both sa
t open mouthed, sipping their tea as I regaled my tale from start to finish, shaking their heads and nodding but they were utterly mute. As I finished there was silence, both eyes wide and jaws dropped and if I didn’t know better, I could have sworn they looked aroused. “Well?” I prompted when no response ensued. Katie shook her head “corny bastard” she said unconvincingly. I sighed deeply. “The thing is, at the time it wasn’t, it was possibly the most erotic moment of my life. No, strike that. It was definitely the most erotic moment of my life”. She exhaled loudly. “I don’t know what to say Lotty. You’ll just have to be grateful for the hot sex and ignore the fact that he answered the phone to his girlfriend while you were still pulling your knickers up”.

  I couldn’t help the broad grin that spread across my face, “It wasn’t quite that quickly Katie” and my smile faded “but it was close”. “I don’t think she’s his girlfriend” Sasha smiled kindly as my eyes flew to hers, hoping she was some kind of oracle sent from heaven to relieve me of my shame, my guilt and most of all, my irritation. “What makes you say that?” I asked quickly, hoping for some insight to lift my burden. “I know him a little bit and he doesn’t seem to have one. In fact, he’s pretty well known for not having one” she shrugged.

  She knew more than she was letting on and Katie beat me to it. “How well do you know him?” she said quickly, sounding like someone employed to interrogate terrorists at Guantanamo Bay. Sasha laughed, putting her hands in the air in mock self defence. “A little bit, like I said. I don’t know any more than that, except that when he said he doesn’t do girlfriends, that’s what his reputation suggests” she smiled and I felt deflated. Sash was lovely, but wasn’t proving to be the font of knowledge I needed right now. What I needed was Google, but it seemed sad and desperate and I would have to wait until they left.

  My phone was ringing from my bag and Katie launched herself across the floor to beat me to it, and from her wild gesticulations I knew it was him. I shook my head violently, I couldn’t do this right now, but she answered anyway in the most saccharine voice I had ever heard. Did Jason fucking King have that effect on everyone? “Yes she’s right here Jason, I’ll just put her on” she swooned as I glared at her, grabbing the phone and storming into my bedroom, slamming the door like a petulant teenager. “Charlotte, are you there?” I heard his soft voice down the line and I sighed heavily, melting into the sound, just as I had last night and even now, my wits deserted me, almost as suddenly as they had then.

  “Yes I’m here” I said quietly. “Are you OK?” he sounded tense, worried. “Yes” I managed. I left out the bit about scalding myself internally for what had happened last night. Not that I was entirely sorry about it. I wasn’t. “I apologise for last night. It was entirely my fault and I got carried away being in control of your next cake fix” he laughed gently. “You were just laid there, all needy and desperate and totally fucking beautiful. I couldn’t help it Charlotte”. My stomach erupted ferociously at his words, and my heart leapt at the admission. “It was really something Jason, I don’t think I’ve ever...” he cut me off before I could finish, sounding utterly forlorn. “I can’t take this thing forward with you Charlotte, I’m sorry...” and I cut him off, feeling humiliated, lost, and craving the very man who had just, in no uncertain terms, blown me out.

  I sat on the bed with my head in my hands before I made my way back into the living room to fill my eager friends in on the latest update in the ever complicated Jason King saga. “Prick” announced Katie simply as her own phone rang, and disappeared in to the kitchen to take the call. “Did he say why he couldn’t take it forward?” asked Sasha who was looking at me intently through huge dark eyes and chewing her lip as though she were mulling it over. That girl definitely knew more than she was letting on. “He didn’t get the chance” I sighed as Katie all but bounced back into the living room, stopping as she saw the hurt etched on my face and trying to stifle the grin that had clearly been there only seconds before.

  “Come on Katie” I smiled “I need some good news. What gives?” and the smile burst across her face, lighting her cute features as she giggled and blushed. “Robbie wants to meet me for lunch and maybe go out for the afternoon” and I couldn’t help a huge grin back. From what I knew of Robbie Hurst he was kind hearted, down to earth, intelligent and a model. “Jackpot” I laughed at her and from the elation on her face, it reflected her own feelings. I read her instinctively when her smile faded slightly and concern flickered across her brow. “Go, I’ll be fine. If I pick up the gin bottle, I’ll text you, but it’s highly unlikely with this head” I smiled. “You sure?” she hugged me tightly and I nodded. “Go” I said firmly as she grabbed her bag, hugged Sasha and left.

  “Shall I go too?” said Sasha after a beat, looking at me, her face betraying her discomfort at being here without Katie. We’d met a couple of times, but I certainly didn’t know her well, and the whole morning had been pretty intense. The truth was, I was enjoying the company, she was kind and bright and slightly mysterious and I wanted to get to know her better. “I don’t want to keep you if you’ve got plans Sasha, but I’d love you to stay if you want to. I know I’m being a horrible misery today and believe me, I’ll snap out of it soon. Jason King has always gotten to me one way or another. Mostly he irritates me, sometimes I really hate him. The truth is right now, I don’t exactly know how I feel”. She laughed gently, nodding as if she understood. “Love and hate are two sides of the same coin Charlotte, if you’ve got enough passion to hate him, you’ve got enough passion to fall for him hard too”. I looked at her aghast. I didn’t hate anyone else that way, I didn’t hate anyone else at all. I’d also never craved anyone else as much as I did him, despite the way his actions constantly irritated me. I was certain I didn’t love him, but desire yes, I definitely desired him.

  Maybe she was right. She had a smart head on her shoulders. The thought was even more depressing because it meant that this hurt probably wouldn’t go away any time soon. “You could be right” I smiled. She looked nervous, taking a deep breath before turning to look me squarely in the eye. She was conflicted about something. “I think I might know why he won’t take it forward Charlotte” she said, as my jaw dropped even further. I hadn’t given him the chance to explain, which was I decision I regretted right now. Apart from face the humiliation of calling him back which was unlikely to happen before hell froze over, Sasha would probably be my best bet.

  “Look, this is really difficult, I can see how upset you are, but if I tell you this, you have to promise me you’ll be really discreet”. I stared at her wide eyed and couldn’t begin to imagine what she was about to say but knew that I’d promise anything for the chance to find out. “Of course” I nodded quickly. “I really mean it Charlotte, you can’t even tell Katie. I wanted to tell you earlier but I just couldn’t. There’s a lot riding on your discretion, not just for Jason but for me aswell”. Oh my God, now I really was intrigued. It couldn’t be Sasha and Jason, it couldn’t be. “Please tell me Sasha” and the plea in my voice was desperate as she took another deep breath. “I hope you’re not easily shocked Lotty” she grinned, the smile relaxing me slightly. “I sometimes go to the same parties as Jason King” she started. Well that wasn’t news, at some point we all went to the same parties as Jason King.

  “They’re special sort of parties, where people pair off and you know...” “No I don’t” I interrupted impatiently, she was going to have to be more specific. “I like certain kinds of things in my sex life Charlotte and so does Jason”. I swallowed hard, staring at her “you and Jason?” and she shook her head wildly. “No, God no, he’s not my type at all” she laughed nervously before calming herself and taking another deep breath. Not her type? Jason King was everyone’s type, I smiled inwardly, the man could corrupt a nunnery.

  “These parties are where people with specific sexual tastes go to mix and find like minded people. Jason King has submissive partners. I don’t know for sure, but that’s why I think he doe
sn’t have a girlfriend, and maybe if he thinks you’re not into that sort of thing, he won’t take it forward”. I swallowed hard. “Are you telling me he’s a dominant Sasha” she nodded her head smiling a broad smile which soon erupted into full blown laughter. “Don’t tell me you’re surprised Charlotte, last night he used a random excuse to get you in a blindfold”. Well she was right, Jesus Christ and I had gone along with it willingly and loved every second. She was there with me on that thought. “And you liked it right?” I nodded laughing back, partly through shock, my stomach erupting at the thought of Jason blindfolding me again.

  There was another urgent question burning on my lips and I couldn’t hold it in. “So what about you Sasha, are you submissive?” Her grin widened and she shook her head. “Believe it or not Lotty, I get off on ordering around a very well known barrister who has a particular penchant for having me grind the heel of my very high stilettos into his shoulder blades while begging to make me come”. My jaw hit the floor as my cheeks burned. “It’s a great way to blow off steam and ease the tension” and I couldn’t help but laugh. Maybe she was right. I had cake and five sugars in my tea, she was a dominatrix, who’s to say which was the most effective option? One thing was certain, Sasha’s way was definitely easier on the thighs.

  I took a deep breath and exhaled loudly. “The thing is Charlotte, if you really want Jason, you might want to think about giving it a go, there are varying degrees, and I’m not suggesting you put yourself forward for being whipped, although that can be fun” she giggled as I raised my eyebrows at her. “Why don’t you come to a party? They are just like any other party really, drinks and nibbles and you don’t ever have to do anything you don’t want to, but it might be worth a shot”. I looked at her wide eyed and for the first time today, felt slightly more hopeful and if I dared admit it, excited.


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