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King Page 12

by Dee, L J

  Sucking his cock had been every bit as pleasurable for me as it had for him and my thighs were slick as he guided me to a large dresser, topped with a huge ornate gilt mirror, classic and original, bending me over as I watched his reflection move behind me, stroking my clit as I groaned in pleasure. “Are you on birth control Charlotte I need to fucking feel you, every bit of you” he growled as I nodded, plunging into me almost violently, knocking the air from my lungs, forcing my eyes closed. I had never felt so desired, relishing the liberation that came from someone else being totally in control. “Open your eyes” he demanded as I forced them open, watching him pounding into me hard from behind, my skin was flushed, my lips parted, my breathing ragged as I cried out against the delicious onslaught of his cock. The sight of him fucking me relentlessly in the huge mirror, strong muscles flexing and the satisfaction on his face as he claimed me, brought pleasure flooding to my core as I cried out in ecstasy, calling his name and clinging on to the dresser, my knuckles white. It was almost more pleasure than I could stand, my eyes closing again as I fell deeper and deeper into the blissful abyss as he cupped and squeezed my breasts. “Fucking look at me” he demanded, pinching my nipples hard, pounding deeper and faster and as I opened my eyes, gazing back at him through the mirrored glass, my nerves exploded, as he stilled suddenly, his cock pulsing inside me and I felt his hot wet liquid warming me from the inside out.

  He pulled out of me slowly, holding me tightly as my legs buckled, picking me up gently and laying me on the bed as he moved beside me, his arm around my shoulders as I snuggled my head against his chest. I had blown him and he had reciprocated by blowing me away, every bone in my body exhausted from the beautiful power he had unleashed on me, and I knew at that moment that doing this thing with Jason King had been absolutely the right decision. His soft kisses on my head were the last thing I felt before drifting into a peaceful, satisfied slumber.

  The ringing of his phone brought me around and my heart sank. I had no idea how long I’d been out but he was still by my side holding me tightly, reaching over to pick it up and answering it quietly. He still didn’t know I was awake and I prayed to God it wasn’t happening again, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to stand it.

  “Tell him twelve million and I’ll do the deal now” he said and I could hear the smile through his voice, as I exhaled a huge involuntary sigh of relief which alerted him to the fact I’d awoken as he gazed down at me grinning. There was no doubt in my mind he knew the origins of the sigh and I couldn’t help but smile back. “Very well, I’ll see you in Monte Carlo” he laughed ending the call, pulling me on top of him, grinning broadly as he held me tight.

  “You look pleased with yourself” I giggled. “I am” and the sheer delight in his face was infectious. “What have you done?” I laughed, gazing into his beautiful blue eyes that were twinkling deliciously under thick long dark lashes. “Bought myself a yacht” he smiled as I gasped, staring at him wide eyed. “For twelve million pounds, Jesus Christ Jason just how rich are you?” “Rich enough” he growled, moving so quickly that within two seconds flat I was underneath him, arms pinned against the bed by his strong wrists and I was giggling uncontrollably. “You’re not kidding” I laughed, my growling stomach betraying my hunger as he moved a hand to stroke it along my abdomen. “You hungry?” he grinned. “Starving” I smiled, hardly able to say anything different with the involuntary noises my stomach was making. “Why does that not surprise me?” he laughed as I looked at him aghast, gasping with shock, my jaw hanging loose for the second time in as many minutes.

  “I know you’re used to models Jason, but calling a girl fat when you’re laying on top of her isn’t exactly flattering” I pouted, frowning at him as he chuckled gently. “I didn’t call you fat, I think you’re fucking perfect Charlotte” he smiled, releasing my wrists and running his big firm hands over every inch of me. “I particularly like these” he smiled, kneading my breasts, kissing and biting my nipples gently. “And this” he said running his hands over my waist and the curve of my hips. “And this” he said, reaching beneath me and squeezing my buttocks hard “is fucking delicious” he grinned and I couldn’t help the giggle that burst through my lips.

  “I like that you love your food, although the triple chocolate cake and five sugar brew was a bit of a shocker” he grinned as I smacked him playfully. “Entirely your fault” I said, biting my lip to stifle my smile. “Do you like Chinese?” he smiled wickedly nuzzling my neck and kissing it deeply, firing up the nerve endings and sending delicious shivers dancing right through me, resonating in my very core. “Mmmm” was all I could manage, gasping as he stood up and moved away, wanting nothing more than to feel him inside me again and I couldn’t help the look of disappointment that swept across my face.

  “Stop pouting” he said, the small smirk playing at the side of his mouth. He threw me a T- shirt that smelled of him as he pulled on some low slung sweat pants and picked up his phone. “What do you like?” he looked down at me, raising his eyebrows noting that I’d made no effort to get dressed. “Everything” I giggled as he moved away from the bed. “I should have guessed” he scowled as I threw the T- shirt right back at him. “Oh dear, that’s very naughty” he turned, glaring at me menacingly and my breath hitched, my insides coiling in response to the delicious threat and suddenly I had stopped laughing. “We’ll deal with that later” he growled before leaving the room, as I lay there, nervous, my heart pounding and more than a little excited.

  I pulled on the white T- shirt that just skimmed my arse and found my panties, following the sound of his voice into the beautiful living room I’d admired so much on the first day he brought me here from the park. He’d ordered the food and patted the couch next to him for me to sit down, pulling my legs over his lap and stroking them ankle to thigh. “You do know Jason that some people could consider sharing Chinese food a date” I said, biting my lip again hard and trying to stifle my giggles, his eyes narrowing as he studied my face suspiciously. “You’re staying tonight and you’ll need to eat for what I have in store. I promised to look after you and that’s what I’m doing” he said firmly, the statement making my stomach flip. I was staying, it was a statement, not a question.

  I didn’t challenge him. I was already going to be punished and I wasn’t altogether sure I wanted to make it any worse.

  “Besides I’m taking you on a date tomorrow” he said, flicking on the TV and through the channels, muting the volume as I raised my eyebrows. “What if I have plans?” I said quickly as his eyes shot to mine, his face utterly unreadable. “You don’t” he growled as I frowned at him. “How do you know?” I said, unable to stop myself smiling at the stern look that had engulfed every feature on his beautiful face. “I don’t Charlotte, but if I say I’m taking you on a date and you have plans, you change them” and I couldn’t help my wide eyed incredulous stare. “Maybe I haven’t made myself clear how this works” he said firmly. “Oh don’t worry Jason, I think I’m beginning to get the picture. You say ‘jump’ and I saw ‘how high?’’” I laughed, and far from being annoyed I was actually relishing the thought. “It’s not quite like that Charlotte, but if you keep that in mind, you’ll do better than you are right now” he grinned, pulling me in for a heart stopping kiss and I was not about to argue with him.

  Releasing me to answer the door he brought the food into the living room, placing the box on the huge wooden coffee table that looked like one of his East African imports as I raised my eyebrows at the number of white boxes sat in front of us, radiating the most delicious smells that literally made my mouth water. “You said you liked everything so that’s what I got” he smiled, moving through to the kitchen and returning with a chilled bottle of Chardonnay and two large glasses. I was in seventh heaven, opening the boxes and picking up the complimentary chopsticks. I didn’t know where to start, but I did know when to finish I laughed to myself as we huddled together eating the feast on his couch. I daren’t overdo it, the last thing I needed
was stomach ache and sleep, there were far more delicious things on offer tonight to keep me occupied.

  “Are you done?” he gazed down at me as I nodded, having slipped what I’d decided would be my last delicious king prawn into my mouth and closing the box, leaving the rest of the meal inside. “Good” he quirked his eyebrow, smirking sexily. “Don’t worry about the leftovers Jason, I’ll eat those for breakfast” I laughed as he picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder and carrying me right back to his bed. I shouldn’t have been surprised, he had already warned me of his caveman instincts.

  The night had brought the most heavenly sexual awakenings I had ever had and as morning rolled around I woke in a euphoric state I didn’t recognise. Every muscle ached in the most delicious way imaginable, every twinge bringing forth a wonderful memory of the first full night we had spent together. My punishment for the T- shirt had seemed cruel at first, as he pleasured me to the brink time after time, leaving me hanging right on the edge until the pleasure subsided just long enough for him to start again with his skilled fingers and his tongue. I had been so emotionally wrung out, I was on the verge of tears, when eventually he granted my release and wave after wave of rapturous bliss thundered through my body like a train, so powerful I could barely breathe, like every failed orgasm had merged into one, rocketing through my body for what felt like an eternity, so pleasurable it was almost painful, leaving every cell inside me on fire in its wake.

  He had fucked me so hard and fiercely afterwards that I knew, had I been standing, I would have simply collapsed. I wanted to sleep with him and was devastated when he told me I couldn’t, and made his way into an adjacent room as I’d called him back. I didn’t understand, and he’d spent the time explaining that we had to sleep separately, it was just how he liked things and that if I’d prefer I could sleep on the floor next to him. It was the first time I’d questioned whether I was ready for this. It was as if despite the intimacy and the closeness of the sex, there was still a gap to bridge, a separation between our roles that was infinitely different than anything I’d done before, and it was the first time it hit me properly. It was infinitely different than anything I’d done before, and some parts of it might be a whole lot harder to accept than others. It was a change of mindset, and it wasn’t going to happen for me overnight.

  The house was silent when I woke, the small note on the dresser I had clung to so tightly as he pounded into me, letting me know he had gone for a run. Surely he didn’t need the exercise, the man had been a machine, it was no wonder he was in such incredible shape. The way my body ached this morning, I was glad I’d stayed asleep, I had absolutely no desire to join him. I took the opportunity instead to shower, making myself as presentable as possible in yesterday’s clothes, and pottered downstairs for cold Chinese food with chopsticks which I was still chowing down on when he returned, much to his amusement.

  He looked utterly glorious, his chest and hair damp with sweat as he sat beside me stroking my leg, chucking as I shovelled cold noodles and Chinese mushrooms into my mouth. “I was going to wake you, I thought you might want a run” he smiled as I turned to face him gasping in wide eyed astonishment. “Are you joking Jason, I could barely make it down the stairs” I laughed as his face fell, concern evident in every beautiful feature. “Are you OK Charlotte? Are you sore?” My heart flipped at the affectionate tone as I smiled gently. “Every bone in my body feels like it’s been through the wringer Jason, but I am absolutely OK. More than OK, I feel wonderful”.

  His concern was still evident, despite his small smile. “Maybe we should give tonight a miss because there’s not a hope in hell I’ll be able to keep my hands off you” he said firmly as my face dropped. “Please Jason no, honestly I’m fine. Last night was incredible and that’s how I feel. You just exercised some muscles I haven’t used in a while” I grinned, and now he was smiling. Thank God, there was no way I was missing out on another amazing night with King and even sleeping alone had been preferable to being abandoned in favour of Tamsin Lloyd. I dismissed the thought. “So you’re taking me on a date then?” I grinned as he pulled me onto his damp lap. “That depends. I distinctly remember you telling me once you didn’t want to go on a date, just fuck. Am I to take it you’ve changed your mind?” “You know how it is Jason, shit happens” I shrugged, biting my lip to stave off the giggles as he glared at me curling his lip, a new expression that did delicious things to my insides. “Shit happens? Are you referring to me as shit?” he growled. “Because if you are that deserves a particularly bad punishment”. His face was suddenly serious and my stomach flipped, my brain recalling just how much I’d relished the righting of my wrongs last night. “In that case, yes” I giggled nuzzling against his chest and tucking my head beneath his chin as I heard a low chuckle, barely audible, but definitely there, from right above me.

  “Where are we going?” I gazed up at him. “A party” and I didn’t need to ask what type of party. “I’ll pick you up at eight and don’t bother looking for something to wear, I’ll have something sent over” he said as I continued to gaze at him. “What sort of thing?” I quizzed him as his demeanour shifted slightly. “It’s not your place to ask questions Charlotte. You will wear what I send because it will please me for you to do so, do you understand?” I nodded quietly, swallowing hard, still trying to get my head around the rules of our unusual new arrangement. The variety of outfits at the last party meant I could be being asked to wear pretty much anything.

  Chapter 9

  He kissed me hard on the mouth before I left, his driver running me home, wonderful feelings coursing through my body about the night we’d had, anticipation and excitement churning me up about the one that was coming. I was glad I’d eaten Chinese for breakfast, it was a dead cert nothing else would pass my lips all day. I pulled out my phone, there was only one person I could call. “Hey, how are you doing?” she asked brightly, and at least for once I could answer positively. “Great Sash thanks. I wondered if you are free to pop round for a couple of hours this afternoon. I’m going to a party tonight with Jason and wanted to pick your brains again” I smiled down the line. “Sure” she laughed. “I’m going myself. I’ve ordered a killer outfit I need to collect first so I’ll come round after that, is about two o’ clock OK?” “Great. I can’t wait to see it Sasha”. “Neither can I” and her excitement was palpable. “See you then” she said ending the call as I wondered what a killer dominatrix outfit would look like, knowing for sure that at two o’ clock this afternoon I would find out.

  I felt bad for Katie, I really wanted to share this with her and wondered if I could without jeopardising Sasha’s personal fetishes or dropping Jason in it. I would have to hang on to it for now I thought, thanking the driver as he dropped me off, and heading straight for a long soak in a very hot bath, just the right side of scalding to ease my aching limbs. I felt 100% better as I towelled myself down, slathering my skin in a tropical body crème that was infinitely stronger than I’d anticipated. I laughed to myself picking up my phone. Depending on the answer I may well have to have another long soak in the tub.

  Do you like coconut? x

  His reply was speedy, and I was praying he wasn’t allergic.

  Love it. Why?

  I could keep him guessing but I wasn’t altogether sure that would go down well.

  Because I smell of it! Sir

  I couldn’t resist the Sir. I wouldn’t be saying it in real life, not yet anyway, but it wouldn’t hurt by text. I didn’t receive a reply, dressing quickly before Sasha arrived. I was almost as eager to see her outfit as I was my own, when the doorbell rang at two o’ clock. “Parcel for Miss Charlotte Smith” said the courier as I nodded, signing the delivery slip and unable to help the flush that spread through my face when I thought about what could be inside, collecting myself as Sasha bounded up the path behind him, looking every inch the cat that had got the cream. “Thank you” I said to the courier, holding the large box and ushering her inside. “Wine?” She
nodded brightly as I poured two glasses of chilled Chardonnay, barely able to conceal my excitement at what we would both be wearing tonight.

  “What’s in the box?” she grinned looking at my recent delivery on the table. “Jason’s sent something for me to wear, so I don’t know yet” I giggled. “Open it then” she squealed as I shook my head. “You first Sash, I’ve been dying to see this since we spoke on the phone” I laughed as she grinned broadly.

  “Oh Charlotte, the barrister is going to come in his pants when he sees me, and I’m damn well going to make sure of it” she grinned and I couldn’t help but return the laughter as she pulled out her phone. “What are you doing?” She looked at me raising her eyebrows and taking a large gulp of wine. “It’s what’s known as ramping up the anticipation” she grinned as I watched her text. She certainly wasn’t hiding it.

  Mistress has blown a fortune on a cunt skimming dress. You better not blow your load in your pants you bad boy or I will have to punish you hard

  I looked at her aghast and couldn’t help but giggle. “There’s nothing more certain than he’ll come in his pants as soon as he sees me now” she grinned as I shook my head, failing to understand the logic. She recognised my confusion and I couldn’t help but think she’d come across it before. “It’s just how we work Charlotte. Everyone’s different and it’s each to their own. He’ll spend all afternoon anticipating tonight now. Just as well he’s not in court” she laughed. “When he sees me he’ll be so aroused and wound up, he’ll come in his pants and then wait for his punishment. He loves it when he thinks I’ve done something special for him. Because of the way we operate, I’m usually being so cruel, it’s a total headfuck really. When I do something nice it gets to him. He’ll feel so guilty that I’ve gone to all this trouble and he’s spoilt it when I warned him not to, the mad fucker will probably buy me a car or something next week” she shrugged as my mouth dropped open in astonishment and I wasn’t sure what to make of it all.


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