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King Page 13

by Dee, L J

  The text came before I had the chance to enquire any further.

  Thank you Mistress, I will try my hardest

  “There, you see” she laughed, showing me the text as I looked at her in utter confusion. “Best” she said but I still wasn’t following. “He should have text, ‘I’ll try my best’. He hasn’t, he’s said ‘I’ll try my hardest’. It’s on his brain already. I’d be prepared to bet a substantial amount of money that the barrister already has a raging hard on and he knows he’s not allowed to touch himself, so by eight o’ clock tonight he will have the bluest balls in London” she giggled and despite the fact that I still didn’t understand her logic, I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Do you see him outside the parties Sash?” I asked as she smiled. “Yes, he takes me to the Law Society events. He doesn’t really have time for a full time girlfriend, he’s young and the hours he works are ridiculous while he’s making his name. The man is ruthlessly ambitious and he’s already in the spotlight because of some high profile cases. I suppose I’m the closest thing to a girlfriend that he can manage at the moment. We really get on and like each other a lot Charlotte.” The admission warmed my heart and I could see from the look on her face just how much she thought of him, but couldn’t help thinking their relationship was a little odd. I wasn’t sure I could ever go for a man who wanted me to grind him into the floor with my stiletto heels. “Do you respect him Sash?”

  She looked at me smiling broadly. “I respect him more than anyone I’ve ever met Charlotte, he’s gorgeous, incredibly intelligent and treats me like a queen” she smiled and I felt bad for judging a relationship I didn’t understand. Thankfully Sasha seemed to recognise my naivety and didn’t hold it against me. “I know what you’re thinking and I understand why Charlotte. You have the same power exchange with Jason but it’s the other way around. You are up for campaign of the year in the advertising awards. You wipe the floor with Ian Anderson every single day. You have succeeded where many others have failed and you are strong, beautiful and a force to be reckoned with. Just because you submit to Jason in the bedroom, it doesn’t change the facts, or who you are. It’s good to be someone different sometimes and relinquish the power, or take it” she smiled. “The way I look at it, it’s not about who plays which role, the biggest aphrodisiac is being completely and utterly desired by another human being” and thinking back to how Jason had made me feel I nodded, I had to agree. “Knowing I can make a powerful, intelligent man come in his pants just by looking at me is about as intoxicating as it gets” she laughed and I was laughing too.

  For her years, the beautiful Sasha had a very intelligent and insightful head on her young shoulders. “I worry about the whole thing a bit though, don’t you?” I said, smiling. “No, I don’t worry about it at all, why would you?” she smiled. “I don’t know, it’s just so intense, much more than I’ve ever felt with anyone else and it’s only been a few days” I said, sipping my wine, my sentiments flowing honestly. It felt good to be able to talk this through. “I don’t know what Jason gets out of it Sash. I know what I get, and it’s absolutely phenomenal. I have never felt so alive, so desired, but I don’t understand what’s in it for him” I said, pouring out my deepest fears to the junior creative who had quickly become my emotional sounding board for all things King related. “Are you kidding?” she laughed as I shook my head, betraying my insecurity.

  “Charlotte, listen to me. Jason King is so into you, he wanted to know where you were every night you sat working late, what you were doing and who you were doing it with. Every time Katie or I went in the wine bar he looked for you. I saw his face when you weren’t with us, and now you have given him the biggest gift of all. You have put your absolute trust in him, you’ve submitted your control, just like the barrister has to me. It’s a truly incredible thing. It will feel strange, it’s bound to. It would feel that way if you’d started something with Ewan, but it will do even more with Jason. It’s you and King” she laughed “and the two of you have history”.

  I nodded, feeling suddenly a whole lot wiser about the situation I was in. “Come on then Sash, I need to see this outfit”. She giggled, picking up her bag. “Can I use your bedroom? I haven’t tried it on yet”. I nodded, gesturing her through and retrieving the wine from the kitchen to top up our glasses. I was about to go looking for her twenty minutes later when she walked back through and my eyes almost fell out of my head. “Oh my God you look absolutely incredible” I gasped as she stood there smiling. The dress was black rubber, incredibly tight and incredibly short. There were no straps and it skimmed halfway across her breasts as they spilled out over the top. Her waist was so cinched it looked tiny and it flared out and stopped, just below her underwear at the tops of her thighs, highlighting the expanse of skin before her stockings started and then there were the boots. They were thigh high platforms with what looked like an eight inch heel. I winced slightly, thinking about the barristers shoulder blades as I took them in.

  Her figure looked incredible, almost cartoon like, her breasts, waist and hips exaggerated for effect. “Do you like it then?” she laughed as I nodded. “You will definitely have him coming in his pants” I grinned. “How did you get it on Sash?” I quizzed, gobsmacked by just how tight it was. “With great difficulty. Rubbers a bitch” she laughed, gesturing to the box on the table. “Your turn. I’m desperate to see how Jason is going to show you off” she smiled as I flushed, opening the parcel the courier had delivered slowly and praying he hadn’t sent me something see through.

  A few girls at the party had been wearing sheer clothing and I wasn’t sure I’d have the nerve to pull it off. I gasped as I pulled out the dress. It was floor length, the kind of fabric that stretched and would cling to every single curve on my body, black, and whilst not entirely see through, it was very fine material and under the right kind of lighting it would definitely be touch and go. Sasha stood grinning and raising her eyebrows as I held it up, noticing the thigh high split on one side and praying I would be allowed underwear.

  A black silk corset lay beneath it as I pulled it out looking puzzled. I had worn corsets many times and a large part of this one was clearly missing. “Where do my boobs go?” I looked at Sasha curiously as she burst out laughing. “They don’t Lotty. They sit on top, see” she said taking the corset from me and demonstrating as I laughed back, slightly embarrassed, searching through the box for matching panties that were nowhere to be found. “God Sash I’ll be practically naked” I gasped as she nodded, sipping her wine and placing the corset delicately on the table. “Looks that way” she grinned as I pulled out a beautiful red velvet box, my jaw dropping as I opened it.

  “That is beautiful” she smiled, running her finger over the platinum necklace, punctuated with what looked like real diamonds, a platinum padlock on the front with a huge solitary stone in the centre. “That must have cost a fucking fortune Charlotte” she gazed at me, eyes wide with shock as my stomach flipped. “He is marking his territory in no uncertain terms. If a certain gorgeous rugby player or anyone else fancies their chances, they wouldn’t dare approach you wearing this honey. He is letting everyone know just how important you are to him. It’s not quite a collar, that’s a big commitment, but it’s definitely a statement” she smiled.

  For some reason her words made my doubts vanish, and I knew I would do this for him. The only thing left in the box was a pair of shoes, beautiful soft black leather and almost as high as Sasha’s with a cuff around the ankle. “Jason King is serious about this Lotty” she grinned. “Looks like we are both going to be the belles of the ball tonight in our own way” I laughed. “Most definitely, now please come and help me out of this rubber. I didn’t bring any talc” she grinned as we made our way through to the bedroom. After twenty five minutes of pulling and pushing, Sasha was out of the dress. That thing hadn’t been designed to be removed in a hurry for quick frenzied sex I laughed to myself, excited and nervous about the night ahead.

  “I didn’t
get to go into any of the rooms last time Sash, what am I letting myself in for?” She shrugged. “I don’t know what King is in to specifically, so it could be anything, but I doubt he’ll take you to the dungeons this early on, especially if he’s taking things slowly” she laughed as my face dropped. I really needed to do a bit more research. “Stop worrying, whatever he’s got in store, you can guarantee you’ll enjoy it Charlotte” and I knew she was right.

  I glanced around to see where the ringing was coming from as she dipped her hand in her bag to retrieve her phone, whilst I listened intently to one end of the strangest conversation I had ever heard. “Yes” she said sternly, followed by a long pause as she winked at me. “Go and clean yourself up you naughty, dirty boy. I will deal with this later”. Another long pause and I was trying hard to stifle my giggles. “Where were you?” Another few seconds passed and she cut the call, shaking her head with the most giant grin on her face. “He’s come in his pants already in the changing room of his tailors on Saville Row, poor man” and we both laughed hard. “I think before long the same thing could happen to you Charlotte” she grinned and I wondered if she was right.

  It was tea time when she left as I went to get ready, spending an age straightening my hair into a shining blonde curtain and doing my make up with dramatic smoky eyes. I was keen to do Jason justice. If he wanted to show me off, I wanted to give him something to show, and Sasha was right, the diamond and platinum must have cost an absolute fortune. I knew he had plenty of money, he’d just purchased a twelve million pound yacht, but we’d only just started out on this road so it was the last thing I expected as I heard my phone buzz, alerting me to a text.

  Will you wear the necklace?

  My heart stopped in my mouth as I considered the text. He was obviously concerned about it. I’d agreed to this relationship, but there was so much we hadn’t discussed and so much I needed to learn. I realised he was being considerate, careful, taking things slowly like he’d promised. My heart fluttered at the display of affection that I imagined was behind the question. It was strange in a way, we were King and Smith, professional adversaries and this was all very, very new. I felt better about the whole deal after my chat with Sasha but he wasn’t to know that, and I was keen to put his mind at rest about the very generous gift.

  It would be my absolute honour Sir x

  I grinned as I sent it. That should work I smiled inwardly, I’d have to think of something else bad to do to get myself punished my inner wicked piped up, as I pulled on the corset, breasts plumped up over the top of the curved silk, nipples very visible through the black stretch dress as they hardened in anticipation.

  I will put it on you Charlotte

  I received the text seconds before I fastened it, which was just as well because it looked like the padlock was the clasp and I didn’t have a key. I couldn’t see an obvious way to loosen it and it would be considered more jewellery than a collar but the intention was clear. I was his and I was in training. I smiled at the thought, wondering whether it was just for the party or all of the time. By five to eight I was ready, happy with my look, if slightly nervous about being publicly displayed this way, and my stomach was churning in anticipation as I suddenly wondered if he even knew where I lived, realising he must, he had couriered a parcel here.

  Chapter 10

  I heard the car moments before I heard the bell, my heart pounding in my chest as I rushed to answer it, gasping at the beautiful vision of Jason King, dressed in a custom cut black three piece suit, collar undone and leant casually against my door frame. He looked magnificent, powerful and incredibly handsome and I swooned openly. He straightened as soon as he saw me, striding inside, slamming the door shut and taking the necklace from the box in my hands, securing it in place and pushing me up against the wall to claim me in a kiss that was only just not painful.

  He pulled away suddenly, leaving me panting, delirious and gasping for air, gazing at me with such intense force that it buckled my knees. His eyes were blazing as he ran his fingers slowly over the large platinum links, looking down at it and back at me, almost disbelievingly. “You beautiful, beautiful girl and you are all mine” he growled slowly, grinding his hips against me, his powerful erection digging into me as I moaned against him. The thought was strangely thrilling and I swallowed hard. “All mine” he purred seductively before crashing his full soft lips down on me again, exploring my mouth in a way that made my insides explode and wetness seep down my thighs as I began to wonder if not wearing panties would be a good idea after all. Sasha was right, being desired this way was a heady, intoxicating mix that engaged both mind and body and I was relishing my new position as Jason Kings sub. “Thank you Charlotte” he whispered so quietly, I couldn’t even be sure I’d heard it at all, but the sentiment warmed my heart. Wearing this obviously meant a lot to him and I was glad I hadn’t put up a fight.

  Tracing his fingers up the huge side slit, he dipped his hand inside the dress, moaning as he felt the wetness between my thighs, inserting two skilled fingers and teasing me deliciously, pulling away as I moaned my appreciation against his lips. “Not yet” he said firmly, his breathing betraying that he was finding the waiting as difficult as I now was, moving one hand to open the door as if it was the only way we would ever get out of my hallway.

  He all but dragged me by the hand all the way to a waiting limousine, as I struggled to keep up in my eight inch heels, giggling. My wearing the necklace seemed to have put him in an extremely good mood and he pulled me onto his lap as I climbed into the back seat behind him, nuzzling into my neck, sending delicious shivers shooting through my body as my stomach churned wildly in anticipation. Sasha had mentioned a dungeon and I was hopeful I wasn’t about to experience it, not yet.

  “Are you looking forward to it Charlotte?” he smiled, kissing my throat gently and from the rock hard bulge in his pants which I wriggled against, it was clear somebody was. “I’m a bit nervous” I whispered honestly as he brought my face to his. “Don’t be, I’m very, very pleased with you tonight” he grinned, stroking my cheek before running long fingers across the necklace as I smiled back at him.

  “What will we do?” I looked up at him, hoping for some further insight as he raised his eyebrows grinning. “We’ll have fun” he growled, preventing any further conversation by kissing me deeply, passionately and hard, moving his hand inside the slit of my dress, stroking every inch of my thighs in torturous bliss, leaving me hugely aroused and right on the edge as we pulled up at the venue. It was a different place to last time but I couldn’t concentrate, I was too fidgety, too turned on and too desperate for Jason King that I couldn’t think of anything else. He lifted me from his lap, ready to exit the car. “Don’t pout, and behave yourself” he said, smirking broadly and raising his eyebrows. “Please Jason you can’t leave me like this” and I was sat in the car, virtually pleading, realising that making me desperate and making me wait were turning out to be one of his speciality torments. “Out” he said firmly as I swallowed hard and eventually, when I realised I wasn’t getting anywhere, I took his outstretched hand.

  I could tell he was pleased with himself, much more pleased than I was with him. He had taken me to the edge before, last night as a punishment and it had been worth the wait, but this wasn’t a punishment as far as I knew, and it was almost more than I could stand. Thoughts entered my head about Sasha’s barrister. Maybe I should just come in my pants, which would be impossible since I wasn’t allowed any, but I imagined it would be easier said than done anyway. “Sasha’s coming tonight” I said in an effort to distract myself as we made our way towards to the huge entrance of the beautiful country mansion house which would provide a most enchanting backdrop for tonight’s party. “Is she now” he said smiling and tucking me under his arm, before taking my hand again and leading me into the huge marble reception area dominated by a staircase that rose from the centre of the room and split right and left onto the first floor before continuing its journey upwards. I h
oped we’d have the opportunity to look around, imagining secret passages and hidden rooms for clandestine liaisons from years gone by.

  Other than as a ‘pay on entry’, I had never been in such a magnificent, historical home and the thought excited me. Hell, everything was exciting me right now. “Yes, her outfit is amazing” I grinned as his eyes narrowed at me. “Would you ever let me dominate you?” I giggled, the thought of tying up Jason King and having absolute carte blanche to do what I wanted with that incredible body, doing strange things to my insides. “No” he raised his eyebrows, frowning at me as I laughed. “If you did, I can assure you that you’d be getting some serious payback for the way I feel right now” I said in my firmest voice as he stopped dead, pulling me hard into his chest, grinding himself against me and almost sending me over the edge. “Be careful” he growled “or I’ll make it worse”. I swallowed hard, trying to breathe through the nerve endings sparking to life, radiating from my core through every inch of my body. “I thought you said you were happy with me tonight, it doesn’t feel like it” I sighed, frustration growing with every touch. “Be good” he grinned and I prayed to God he would grant my release sooner rather than later.


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