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Viper Game

Page 20

by Christine Feehan

  As if he knew she was still struggling, he tipped her face up farther, holding her captive with his eyes.

  "Do you have any idea how strong I am? Let yourself go, Pepper. Trust me enough to put you back together if you break apart. I'll do the same. I'll trust you. If I'm fallin', I'll expect you to shore me up. That's what partners do for one another. Give us this chance. Give the girls this chance. I'll be a good father to them and their home will be filled with laughter and love. We'll surround them with that."

  "Be very sure you want me, Wyatt, not a fantasy," she whispered, her heart pounding hard. "I don't know the first thing about families or parenting."

  "That won't be hard. We have Nonny and she'll be there for you one hundred percent. She already has made up her mind to keep you. Fontenots are that way. I made up my mind when I saw you with that big knife."

  "Do you know that you rarely swear until you have sex, Wyatt?" Pepper asked, slowly pushing back, her hands on his forearms.

  At the word "sex" his cock jerked. She felt it rubbing against her bottom, an exquisite feel of silk and sword. She bent forward to kiss his chest, right over his heart. Her hair swept around her face, tumbling down to brush his thighs. It was the first time she'd ever dared to really touch him. She was still a little afraid of herself, but she liked the freedom and he didn't stop her.

  "It's the only time I know for certain Nonny won' hear and wash my mouth out with soap," he explained, laughter in his voice.

  But there was a hitch too. He liked her touch. She kept touching, running her fingers down his body to his flat belly. She scooted back to give herself room.

  "We still have to go into town," she murmured. She glanced up at him to see his eyes watching her. His beautiful eyes. She could drown there.

  "That's true." His voice was noncommittal.

  Pepper kissed her way down to his belly button. "The answer is yes, Wyatt. I want to be your partner in every way." Her tongue swirled in his belly button.

  She watched his eyes the entire time, needing to see his reaction. His eyes went dark and then filled with a kind of heat that drove her crazy in a good way. She liked seeing the look on his face, that stamp of desire, the possession and the growing affection. It was there as well.

  His breath caught in his throat and he slid his fingers into her hair, massaging her scalp gently. "You know I can be bossy. Especially durin' sex."

  She laughed softly, deliberately allowing her warm breath to envelope the growing shaft. She liked the look of him, how masculine and perfectly built he was. He was unashamed of his body, if anything, a little arrogant and totally confident, which she admitted to herself he had reason to be.

  "I'll admit, I caught that," she teased, and lazily swiped her tongue over him.

  His body gave an answering shudder. His cock grew and thickened. With just one swipe and she was thrilled. Thrilled. This was her. Pepper. The woman, not the seductress. She was going to make certain her man was thoroughly sated. More, her body would be more than satisfied and when they went into town to shop for the children and supplies, there would be no mistakes.

  "You goin' to tease me or put your mouth on me, woman?"

  The demand in his voice made her laugh. She realized she had fun with Wyatt. She hadn't known fun or laughter.

  "I believe I'll put my mouth on you," she replied, and allowed him to feel her laughter, her happiness right through the most sensitive part of his anatomy.

  Chapter 11

  Pepper stayed very close to Wyatt as they walked around town together. He seemed to know everyone. His hand held hers tightly, and she felt his occasional glance. She liked that it mattered to him that she was all right. She was acutely aware of her lack of underwear. Wyatt had torn her panties to shreds and there had been no salvaging them. He didn't mind, but it was one more thing she was embarrassed about. She had no idea how to act or what he expected of her, so she stayed very quiet and tucked herself in close to his side.

  "Babe, you're trembling," Wyatt said softly, pulling her to a halt in front of a store.

  She couldn't help it. She looked up at him. Hadn't he noticed the looks the men were sneaking at her?

  "I'm okay. I've never walked around like this before. I feel exposed. Out in the open. When I went on training missions, it was dinner parties. Small. Intimate. Or rugged terrain if I was training to be a soldier. I've never done anything like this in my life."

  Wyatt smiled down at her. "You're doin' great. Let's go in here and find you some clothes."

  "Underwear," she said firmly.

  "I like you without it."

  She couldn't help but laugh softly at the humor in his voice that told her he was part teasing and part telling the truth. He had the cocky smile she liked. The one that told her he liked being with her as well.

  "Of course now that I'm givin' it a little thought, we'd better buy you a lot. I like rippin' it offa you too. Choices are always good."

  His grin felt good in spite of her nerves. His hand was tight around hers, giving her some comfort. She tried not to notice how some of the men on the street turned their heads to watch her walk. She wasn't feeling as if she had to shield them from her raw sexual hunger but maybe...

  "No, babe, don' do that to yourself. You're naturally a beautiful woman, and men like to look at beautiful women. It's that simple. I'd be starin' at you too, if you weren' tucked up tight against me. I like havin' you at my side."

  "You're not jealous?" She didn't want him to feel uncomfortable with her.

  "Why should I be jealous?"

  His hand swept down her back, over the curve of her butt. His touch was light, but it was possessive. She could feel the caress of his hot palm right through the thin material of the skirt, and deep inside a small tingle of awareness answered the gesture.

  "You're with me and I have your full attention. Now you start smilin' and flirtin', that might be somethin' else altogether." He reached around her to pull open the door to the little boutique. "Flame likes this shop. I hope you find a few things you love."

  In spite of herself, she felt excitement. She'd never been shopping for clothes. Wyatt continued to give her firsts. She found herself clutching his wrist with her other hand, her heart pounding as she walked into the store.

  I've never done this. I don't have any money and I don't know how much things cost.

  Wyatt looked down into Pepper's upturned face. She was glowing. He'd put that look there. Her eyes held trepidation, but they sparkled with anticipation.

  I want you to have every possible experience, sugar. Shopping for you, for the kids, even for me, will come natural to you once you do it a few times. Let me worry about the cost. I've got it covered, no problem.

  She bit her lower lip with her small, pearly white teeth he often found himself fascinated with. He'd never particularly cared for shopping, especially with a woman, but her obvious enjoyment superseded his discomfort. He glanced at the clerk. Of course he knew her.

  Mrs. Marsh. She's the biggest gossip in town. Loves to get in everyone's business. She'll especially like me holdin' up sexy little lingerie for you. She'll probably take pictures on that cell phone of hers and send them far and wide.

  He meant to tease her, to make her laugh, but the color leeched from Pepper's face. She shook her head and took a step back, her body behind his.

  They can't send that picture around. Braden has eyes everywhere. He'll know I'm with you and that Ginger is too. He'll send his soldiers after us.

  Mrs. Marsh had spotted them the moment they'd walked through the door, her bright, curious eyes finding Pepper right away. She frowned, not liking that she didn't recognize a local woman with Wyatt. Her gaze immediately dropped to their linked hands.

  I was teasin', baby. Don' panic on me. Trust me to take care of you.

  Pepper took a deep breath and managed a smile as Mrs. Marsh hurried toward them, her high heels clicking sharply on the floor.

  "Wyatt! How lovely to see you."

p; Except she wasn't looking at him at all. Her interested gaze stayed on Pepper the entire time, almost as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

  "Mrs. Marsh. Nonny sends her regards. Flame told me you were workin' here and that you were a tremendous help the last time she was in the shop. I've brought my fiancee to pick up a few things from here because Flame loves this boutique." Flame had said the woman knew her business, so he wasn't exactly lying.

  Mrs. Marsh looked pleased. "Your fiancee? I didn't know you were engaged, Wyatt. Nonny didn't say a word."

  Because her gaze had already dropped to Pepper's naked finger, he held up her hand. "She didn' want to say anythin' until we got the ring, and I wanted to get it from Lew at the jewelry shop. This is my home and I buy local. Pepper will be livin' here with me, so we want to start out right, isn't that true, baby?"

  Deliberately he softened his voice, going tender, raising Pepper's hand to his mouth and kissing her knuckles before tucking her hand against his chest. "Mrs. March, my fiancee, Pepper. Honey, this is Mrs. Marsh. I've known her since I was a boy. She's the best at this kind of thing, accordin' to Flame." He switched his gaze to Mrs. Marsh, all charm. "That's high praise. You know Flame. She loves her clothes."

  Mrs. Marsh looked pleased, even flushing a little. "I'll certainly do my best to help you, Pepper. What is it you're looking for?"

  Not only could he see the panic on Pepper's face, but he felt it. She had no idea what she was looking for.

  "She's not from around here and the weather is different, so we thought a few everyday outfits as well as a couple of dresses. She'll need some really pretty underwear as well."

  Mrs. Marsh was all business now that she knew she'd have a big sale. She was in her element, finding the right clothes to suit anyone. "You're quite beautiful, dear," she commented, briskly leading the way through the racks of clothing. "I know just the thing for you. Wyatt will love this on you."

  Within a matter of half an hour, the clothes in front of Pepper were piled high and Wyatt was seated on a chair just outside of the dressing room. He stretched his legs out in front of him. Pepper had protested several times as Wyatt had found more and more to add to the clothing Mrs. Marsh had chosen. He got his way of course, shooing her into the changing room by walking his fingers in the air.

  "I want to see them all," he decreed.

  Pepper made a little sound of protest, but she disappeared behind the white double swing doors. Wyatt found himself grinning for no reason other than his woman looked more flustered than he did in the boutique. He was the one that should have been protesting the number of outfits she should try on, but instead, he'd added to it, genuinely wanting to see her face when she came out in each of them. Well, her face and the way she looked in the clothes they'd chosen.

  The door to the boutique opened and closed and he scented perfume and a man's cologne. He glanced up and instantly recognized the male. He'd gone to school with him. Harley Jetter had been born and raised in the bayou, just like Wyatt. They'd been fast friends, fought on and off and gone their separate ways. Harley had chosen a life on the river while Wyatt had gone to college and then med school. It had been years, but those years had been good to Harley.

  He stood up as the man approached, his gaze sweeping over Harley's woman. She clearly wasn't from around there, her pencil thin skirt and flared jacket screaming city. Her blonde hair was cut in a soft swing that framed her face. She spotted Wyatt before Harley did and instantly pulled off her sunglasses to make eye contact. If Pepper did that to another man, he'd have quite a lot to say to her. Harley didn't notice. Wyatt would have.

  "Wyatt!" Harley greeted him with a smile and an outstretched hand long before he actually made it to Wyatt. The woman hurried after him in her platform heels.

  Wyatt gripped his hand, taking care not to use too much strength. "Long time, Jetter. Good to see you."

  "What are you doin' in here?" Harley asked, looking around as if he were on an alien planet. He grimaced. "Lucia likes to shop."

  "Harley," Lucia hissed in an aside. "Introduce us."

  "I dragged my woman here," Wyatt admitted, looking confident and casual as if he hung out in the boutiques all the time. "I like to see her all dressed up." He glanced at Lucia, barely nodding his head to acknowledge her. He'd met dozens of women like her, always looking to trade up.

  Babe. Come out here lookin' good and save me.

  Lucia was used to being the good-looking woman in the room and she didn't mind embarrassing her man at all. She flirted openly and she showed off her assets right in front of Harley. She clearly had the man wrapped around her finger.

  "Wyatt?" Lucia said, her voice saccharine-sweet. "I'm so pleased to meet you." She held out her hand as if she were a princess and he should kiss her fingertips.

  Pepper had perfect timing. She swept out of the dressing room in a summer dress, one that clung to her high breasts and emphasized her small waist. The cool lavender color suited her eyes, as did the dress. It was simple, but elegant, the skirt swinging around her shapely legs. She'd clipped her long hair out of the way when she'd gone into the little room, but it flowed down her back like so much silk.

  "Baby, can you help me with this zipper..." She trailed off when she saw the couple standing beside Wyatt.

  The look on her face would have won her an Oscar. She had known they were there before he'd even said anything to her. She was a GhostWalker. Enhanced. She had to have caught their scents, just as he had. She smiled directly at Harley and then transferred that exact same smile to Lucia even as she came right up to Wyatt, right into her space to stand close to him. Claiming him without a single word.

  The couple had exactly opposite reactions. Harley's head jerked up and his breath slammed out of his lungs. Lucia scowled, looking pinched around her mouth.

  "This is my fiancee, Pepper." Wyatt circled her shoulders with his arm and drew her even closer, bending to brush a kiss along her temple. He turned her gently. "Lift your hair for me, babe," he instructed.

  She did, and Harley's mouth fell open as her breasts lifted with her arms, drawing his attention. Every move Pepper made was sexy. Her walk, the turn of her head, the sway of her hips, the lift of her arms. Those things had been drilled into her from the time she was quite young and she knew no other way to move. That had little to do with enhancements.

  Wyatt knew she was naturally sensual. Any man who wasn't blind could see that. Harley wasn't blind. He drew the zipper up the rest of the way and dropped his hands on her shoulders. "I love this one. Is it comfortable?"

  She nodded, smoothing her hands down the skirt. "The material is soft, barely there. I like it too."

  "Definitely in the yes pile," Wyatt decided. He glanced at his watch. "Change for me, honey, we're on the clock. Can you get the zipper back down?" His voice changed deliberately, dropping an octave so that the sound was caressing.

  She flashed him a siren's smile. "Definitely, Cajun man. You stay right there."

  Her voice implied all kinds of things. She lifted her hand and waved her fingers before disappearing back inside. There was a stunned silence. Pepper looked elegant, classy and as if she were worth a million dollars. She carried herself like a princess, but seemed approachable and friendly at the same time. But her attention was all on Wyatt. Every move she made, every look she gave him had been that of a woman who saw no one else. He was her center. He almost believed it himself.

  "Your fiancee?" Harley's voice came out strangled.

  Lucia sent him a dark look that promised retaliation. Shoving her glasses on her nose, she caught Harley's arm. "Let's get out of here."

  "I thought you wanted to shop."

  "I forgot I have some errands to run. Right now, Harley." Her voice was demanding. High-pitched. Angry. She lowered her voice. "And what kind of stupid name is Pepper, anyway?" She hissed the last out. "That's a comic book character."

  Wyatt, pretending not to hear and hiding a smirk, lifted a hand when Harley shrugged his sho
ulders and muttered good-bye. He also didn't fail to catch Harley's glance toward the dressing room. Even without the biochemical spilling from her body, Pepper was potent. She was sexy as hell and that couldn't be toned down any further than she'd already done. He was okay with that, as long as he was around. He couldn't imagine her going into a bar by herself. Every unattached male would make a beeline for her.

  Are you upset with me? Did I do something wrong? I thought you wanted me to rescue you from the woman.

  You did exactly what I wanted, sugar. You drove her right out of the shop. She couldn't take the competition.

  He'd better learn to be comfortable around the competition, comfortable and confident.

  She came out in outfit after outfit, and he realized it didn't much matter what she put on, he liked it all. Slim vintage jeans or a dress for dancing, every bit of clothing she tried on clung lovingly to her curves. He made certain she walked up to his chair and turned around for him, just because he enjoyed watching her walk, the smile on her face telling him this new experience mattered to her. He decided he wanted to get her some killer heels, not necessarily to wear for anyone else, but he wouldn't mind in the bedroom, which necessitated a trip to another store.

  Wyatt had a lot of time to contemplate what it was about his woman that made him feel so great when he was with her. He realized her entire focus was on him. Unless Ginger was close, she was there, in his mind, or watching him, even if she appeared otherwise occupied. She focused completely on him.

  With his legs stretched out in front of him, his cock stirred, thinking about how she was concentrated on his pleasure when she took him into her mouth. When his body moved in hers. It was all about him. He was the one who made the experience about her for himself. Otherwise, she would have given him anything he wanted - or needed.

  They left Mrs. Marsh extremely happy and Pepper even happier. She had quite a bit of new, lacy, Wyatt-approved underwear. He wasn't certain how he was going to get all the way home thinking about all that lace and what it covered, although he wasn't delighted she had already put a pair of lacy panties on. Still, it was probably a good idea since the shoe store was their next stop.


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