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The Unexpected Heir: A Tale of Alus

Page 31

by Wigboldy,Donald

  "They found me unconscious and breathed life into me. The healers were able to restart my lungs without magical help though. No one said that I was truly dead, but..."

  As the girl stalled in thought, Gerid nodded finishing the reflection, "But now you wonder if it took you further than you thought."

  "I awoke and didn't feel any different," Anna countered his odd insinuations. "His saving me was part of why I am here though. Darius asked me to help Sebastian and I owed the man my life. It was also a good move for solidifying our alliance; but coming so close to my death, I think part of me just wanted time to relish not dying, if that makes any sense."

  He shrugged. "Most of the immortals I know didn't really have some major epiphany after surviving a death. Darius said he died over using magic, but it didn't sink in that he was immortal for weeks afterward. Dante died in battle, one of the first armies destroyed here by the Dark One's beasts, and woke amongst the dead. I think he knew sooner that he was different.

  "The soldier took more risks and found Valenia. He felt something about her before her first death, but Dante was right about her as well."

  "And you?"

  "Killed scouting an enemy village and left for dead with the refuse," he mused rubbing his chin. His eyes were lost on the distant past for a moment. "It took me awhile to reconcile that I couldn't be killed, but even longer to realize that I wasn't aging at all. I outlived my siblings and wife. Then I was still the same and burying grandchildren who were old and brittle."

  She felt the darkness of his memory, but suddenly he smiled and pulled a long knife from his waist. "One trick I discovered early on that drew men to me like I was a god was sticking a knife through my hand and healing before their eyes. Some needed more convincing. A knife through the heart is messier and more dangerous if it is the first test to see if you're immortal."

  Stepping back from the giant sensing where he was going with this after talking about his morbid test, Annalicia shook her head and worried, "You aren't seriously considering trying to stab me with that are you?"

  He held up his hand and pierced his left with a quick strike. She had seen the blood on the Grimnal after the battle before he had time to clean up. There had been no noticeable wounds on the giant afterwards, but now she wondered how much of what had soaked into his clothing had been his own blood as much as others.

  The blade stuck through the hand and he revealed it to her proving that it was no trick. Paling to the point of wanting to be sick, Annalicia saw the blood already trickling down the metal blade.

  Withdrawing the knife, Gerid held up the hand to reveal the wound. Anna was pretty certain that she could see light through the opening for a moment, but in the next the wound began to heal. Some of the blood even drew back into the wound as it closed slowly. It wasn't instant healing, but at the rate it was closing Annalicia didn't doubt that anything more than a scar would remain in less than an hour.

  "I am not doing that!" she accused him thinking the immortal crazy. There had been nothing to imply that she was immortal. A close call in a tournament was hardly death by a sword to the heart. "You are crazy. I didn't ask you to do that to yourself!"

  Instead of being insulted, Gerid chuckled at the girl. "You don't have to be as extreme about it, of course. A small cut, a scratch, would tell us for certain. Surely with Sebastian and Yara around to heal you to full, the princess could put up with the pain of a small knick."

  Unlike the giant, Annalicia turned red with anger at his insult. "I am not a princess! But that doesn't mean I am a fool willing to cut myself needlessly."

  He shrugged with indifference. "Fine, but now that it has been said, eventually you will get curious. I am traveling back with you and Sebastian to Southwall. If you change your mind let me know, though we might have more of an audience onboard a ship."

  Still angry, the much smaller girl turned on her heel and returned to her ship. No one asked what had happened. Everyone could tell that she was angry and let her disappear into her cabin without bothering her more.

  Gerid didn't bother to board the Sea Dragon and returned to his village. There was still a lot of work to do there, or so he believed as the immortal readied himself for returning to the outside world.

  Weeks passed on the tropical island. Annalicia continued to socialize with the other women brought on the ship. Yara and Ashleen were slightly younger than her. Nara and Serrena were slightly older. As a group, the young female wizards had begun to bond.

  The daughter of the Kardorian ambassador had spoken to her a few times acting like they should be friends, but Anna quickly tired of her pompous attitude. Helena Romonus was pretty and had been too spoiled by her father most likely. She was the type of girl Annalicia had done her best to avoid at the king's parties. The type of girl that was from nobility and aspired to greater things, Helena probably thought that she deserved much more than life had already given her.

  Ashleen was a surprise, however. The lightning wilder let slip that she was the daughter of a Kardorian noble as well. He was apparently an influential man with great wealth; but she was a wizard. There was little she could do within Kardorian society once it was known that the girl had magic. Being a wilder was a further stigma in the north, not that any society liked having people with little control over their magic running around.

  The girls invited her to swim often and at first Anna had wanted to say no to them, but there was little to do until Gerid was ready to go. Swimming and sunbathing became their daily fun. There were men who swam as well. Ashleen was the first to point out that they seemed more interested in watching the young women than actually swimming however.

  There were local girls and a pair of mermaids that Sebastian had helped along the way. The last two had swum after him and been incorporated into the crew more because Sebastian was worried that they would get lost or hurt before they could ever return to their home than anything else.

  Sebastian's younger mages and wizards were as bad as the sailors looking at the women, but men were men no matter what their job, she supposed. Liam joined his friends and Anna noticed the water wizard. He was handsome enough, but she didn't allow herself to feel romantically towards him. When the mission was done, the Sea Dragon would leave Southwall and its wizards behind.

  The fact that she could allow the thoughts of romance and marriage into her head at all might mean that once returned to Malaiy, maybe she would let her mother try setting up suitors for her. There were still many questions as to her future, but maybe it would be the right thing to do.

  Frowning at the thought that she might be immortal caused Yara to look at her in confusion as they lay on the beach.

  "Is something wrong, Anna?" the healer asked with familiarity.

  Most of the other women were lying nearby, but the sun made them close their eyes. How many were listening, Annalicia didn't know.

  "It's nothing. I was just thinking of something the Grimnal said, but it isn't important."

  Yara continued to look concerned and replied, "I would like to think that we are friends. If there is ever anything you need to talk about, I would be glad to listen."

  Looking at the cute blonde healer beside her, Annalicia felt some of the comfort that she had with her cousin. The thought made her wonder if Xerese had stopped in Yalan or continued on to her mother's city. She had escaped the continual push to marry and traveled to Yalan on the pretense of visiting her cousins and the king's court. Anna wasn't certain that her cousin was quite ready to settle down yet however.

  Before she could reply, a shadow cast on the sand drew their eyes away from the water. Sebastian carried a basket and Yara started to get up. Apparently the couple no longer worried over whether the other wizards noticed their love continuing to bloom.

  "Would you like to go for a walk, Yara?" the mage asked.

  "Can we talk later?" the healer asked her before receiving a nod.

  Annalicia was actually grateful for his timing. Her new friend might have been
disappointed if Anna refused to speak of her problem, but she wasn't certain that it was something she should even think of sharing. If she was immortal, then should she keep it a secret as long possible?

  The thought of cutting herself to find out wasn't something the girl wanted to consider either. If she did decide to test the Grimnal's theory, Anna would want a healer nearby; but maybe concealing why she had a wound would mean cutting her hand in secret. An accident would be easier to explain than why she was cut.

  As the couple moved away, she noticed Ashleen's eyes follow them for a time. The wilder seemed to have a strong connection to Sebastian as well. Annalicia had never asked about their relationship, but ever since the woman had been rescued from the black ship there had seemed to be something that the wilder wanted to say to him. Knowing that Yara already had his heart must have made any thoughts of him awkward, but Ashleen couldn't hide everything from everyone.

  Lying back, Annalicia closed her eyes enjoying the sun on her face and body. She would tan, an unusual look for one of the ladies of the court; but she was a wizard too. The king's court wasn't that important to her and she was far enough removed from the throne not to need to care more. It was good to be with women like these, even the men who paid her too much attention felt good to her ego. She was glad to have this time to be a nearly normal girl for once.

  Xerese kept close to Toman as he looked around the town of Delem. Smoke still wafted from some of the buildings. Not only had the temple to Sordrian been burned, but several stores in the market and even the governor's home had been put to the torch. Not all had happened the same day from what they could tell.

  Now a crowd had been worked up close to becoming a riot near the town's center.

  "What is going on?" she asked her guardsman, though the lady had been within a few feet of him when they had tried to find out from other people leaving the scene. Those people had been in a hurry and too frightened to bother with a pair of strangers going the wrong way.

  Toman ignored her and listened to the crowd. "It sounds like they are calling out for revenge. The crowd has called a name out several times. Perhaps they caught the man responsible for the burning of the temple?"

  "I thought that they said Tseulty soldiers did that," the girl mentioned curiously. Had the townspeople hunted down the guilty men even though they were soldiers?

  Several people remained back to watch, but seemed less a part of the mob. Toman tapped a man on the shoulder, who started at the touch.

  "Pardon me," Toman apologized quickly and asked the question on both their minds, "What's going on here?"

  "The people blame the king for burning the temple. It was his soldiers, so they say it was his fault. The men who did it didn't deny it either, but they ran off. Now they've grabbed the governor. Some are calling for his death as a penance to Sordrian."

  Eyes widening at the news, Toman guided Xerese back from the crowd. "Perhaps we should have avoided this town like we were warned. If the people have turned against the government, we don't know what they will do. A couple strangers could get hurt if they decide we don't belong here also."

  Xerese shook her head, "That is ridiculous. Who would think that? They live near the border and have a port. I am sure that they are used to visitors from outside Tseult."

  Looking worried still, the man warned her again, "It would be better to walk a few more days than risk going to the docks, I think."

  "If everyone is distracted here, maybe it is the perfect time actually."

  After a few more minutes, she coerced the guard into pushing through the crowd towards the docks. Even at the outer edge, Xerese gripped his belt with her free hand unwilling to let go for fear of being pulled away as the people jostled with each other.

  They were halfway through when the crowd suddenly parted. Looking to the left, a man was being pulled using a wooden stock binding his neck and wrists. A few more trailed after being drawn ahead by rough looking men.

  "All hail the governor, the king's hand! He has failed us and the price is death!" the man walking ahead of the frightened prisoners called out suddenly. A roar went up from the crowd around them. Hands shook at the air. Food was thrown at the men in their shackles.

  "We had nothing to do with the burning of the temple!" she heard the governor wail. His eyes were open wide in terror. "Please don't do this! I can find out why they attacked. Please!"

  The mob ignored the prisoners. The governor was fat and had eaten well thanks to his position, but his fancy clothes were torn and his face was swollen and bruised. His captors ignored him as they continued to work up the crowd.

  Toman pulled her back and forced his way past those wanting to see the governor and his people killed. Xerese caught sight of a frantic woman among the governor's people. Guessing that she was the wife of the governor, the lady couldn't believe that the crowd would just blame them all without at least trying to find out the truth.

  When they were through the worst of the crowd, Xerese noticed her cheeks were wet. Tears had come without her realization.

  "Hurry," Toman said taking her hand. "Dry your tears quickly. Someone will think that you are with them, if they see you."

  She nodded and wiped at her cheeks with her sleeve. Doing her best to restrain her emotions, the two found the docks. Only one ship remained, it had the flag of Kloste on it. Even this ship had pulled up the planks leading from deck to pier.

  "Kloste, they aren't likely to be going to Malaiy then," Toman stated with a sigh. "The remainder of the ships must have left when news of the governor's capture made it to the docks. They want nothing to do with this either.

  "We need to slip away, my lady... Xerie."

  She nodded. The girl had no words as the two hurried around the perimeter of Delem. It took time to circle the town's center, but there were fewer people here and they appeared to be doing their best to mind their business as well.

  Frightened that they might be caught up in this disaster, Xerese held Toman's hand tightly and soon escaped from the enraged town.

  Chapter 22- Treading Water

  Karlaan sat on the stone floor looking at the statue of Sordrian. A sealed letter had come for him and sat beside him now. It was opened and read, but the young man was unsure how to feel after reading Caldrefan's note.

  The message wasn't long, but it was perhaps the most important words given him since Caldrefan had promised to make him king.

  The letter read:


  Be careful what you do now. Don't make yourself a target. I know of the deaths in the castle as well. Leave no loose strings because the time is coming where you will need to lead and you cannot afford witnesses coming out against your character.

  You may have heard of the Earl of Ylden's tragic accident. With these sudden losses, I fear that fate is catching up to the king. That his family must pay for his crimes is unfortunate, but not surprising. The gods often exact a penalty in ways we do not expect.

  I write to you from Daria. Word has reached me of unrest in Tseult. King Tylus seems to work against the brotherhood. The people will not sit still for his offense to Sordrian. If things continue, an army could rise up to sweep away such defilers and their allies.

  Should Orlaan dare the god's wrath once more; be prepared to move. Take care of yourself and I will see you again soon.

  As always your mentor,


  It was a message written in a way that made him think that Caldrefan was worried that someone else would read it first. Reading between the lines, Karlaan understood that someone had passed along the news of what had transpired in the castle and at least inferred his part in it.

  The worry that a witness could speak against him made him wonder if Caldrefan knew about Tareina as well. She was the only one that knew of his involvement in the poisoning of the princess and the gardeners. While he was pretty certain that the woman wouldn't speak out against him, there had always been the seed of a doubt. Karlaan just wasn't sure
that he could bring himself to do what was needed to silence the girl.

  Caldrefan's mentioning of the earl in the same message let him know that it had been no accident. The wrath of the gods was often implemented by men. If the man had used his magic to secretly cause the earl's death, he wouldn't just say it; but Karlaan knew enough of his mentor's methods to guess.

  The last part mentioning unrest and an army rising up wasn't just idle talk. This was the army needed to bring Malaiy and King Orlaan to his knees. How it would be raised wasn't his problem. Now was his time to strengthen his ties to men here who already supported him. The power of the temple and his part played in it had brought people to him looking for help more and more. He had proved a help to many and built ties of loyalty here, but Caldrefan also warned him to be ready to move.

  He wasn't certain of his mentor's plans for the temple in Yalan, but the building could be sacrificed if it furthered their goals. Growing too attached to the building and even those serving in it would do little to help him if Caldrefan wanted him to split away from the brothers now. It would feel strange to leave them, but Karlaan would do whatever it took to find a way to take the crown from Orlaan.

  As he sat, a shadow moved from behind the statue. It placed another message in the hand of the god and disappeared. The eyes of Caldrefan continued to tell him more of what went on throughout the city. Karlaan wondered if he was the only one receiving these messages. His mentor appeared to know a lot about what went on here even though he had been gone for over two months.

  Sighing, Karlaan rose to take the message from Sordrian's hand. If he followed Caldrefan's order, then he should do nothing; but knowing what was going on around him was something that he could do. It was time for patience once more apparently, the young man who would be king thought as he opened the latest note from the spy.


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