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Denial_A Stone Billionaire Series Novel

Page 25

by Kaya Woodward

  “You tried to kill me,” I repeat.

  “Not just try dear, I'm going to succeed,” Connor sneers as he steps closer to me and I try to dart for the door.

  His hand barely brushes my arm as I dodge past him.

  I'm ready to dart out of the door, but Connor grabs my arm hard and pulls me back until he's got me by both arms.

  “Connor let go of me!” I scream at the top of my lungs.

  “Oh stop,” Connor, exasperated, pushes me towards the window.

  I stop short. Instead, I lose my balance and l manage to break my fall with the chair.

  I sink into it stunned.

  All at once Connor lunges for me, and I curl into a ball in an attempt to protect myself.

  I close my eyes and wait for the impact, instead, I hear a grunt and Noah’s scream.

  When I open my eyes, he’s got Connor pinned against the ground, and he throws punch after punch.

  Connor’s face smears with blood until he throws Noah off him with a yell, towards the window.

  “No!” I scream.

  Noah catches his balance at the last minute, his bloody hand bounces him off the plexiglass, and it instantly comes loose.

  It’s gone.

  There’s nothing between Noah and the open window.

  “Noah!” I scream as he lunges for Connor again.

  They both fall to the floor as Noah tackles him, and Connor rolls him over.

  I watch as Connor swings, his first meant to make contact with Noah’s face, but Noah moves at the last second.

  Connor sneers and throws another punch, but this time he makes contact with Noah’s gut.

  I am frozen.

  There is nothing I can do to force myself to move as Noah grunts, his body curls slightly as he takes the impact.

  Connor lands another punch and hits Noah right in the temple.

  A terrible sound escapes Noah’s mouth as Connor leers from him to me.

  Connor lunges!

  I let out a scream and try to scramble away from Connor, but he catches me by the throat, and I gasp, suddenly I struggle to breathe as his hands close around my throat.

  But it’s only for a second.

  Noah jumps at Connor and tackles him to the ground before they both careen towards the window.

  There’s a sick thud as Noah’s head slams against the window frame.

  He struggles against Connor for a split second, before he knees him in the groin and then Connor is gone, through the open window.

  On the floor, I sit there stunned.

  A car alarm goes off far below us as Noah attempts to catch his breath.

  Noah was just seconds away from death, Lucius finally makes his appearance and pulls Noah away from the window.

  Lucius tears off his suit jacket and presses it against the large cut on the side of Noah’s head.

  All at once I begin to sob uncontrollably.

  It’s done.

  It’s over.

  Whether I sob from relief or fear, I’m not exactly sure.

  Through blurry vision I watch Lucius find the ice in the mini-fridge of Connor’s office and press some underneath Noah’s eye as he mutters.

  “I just caught the last second of that,” Lucius admits.

  “Are you alright?” Lucius asks as he turns to me.

  I can only nod as tears flow freely down my cheeks and my hands fly to my throat.

  He almost killed me, for a split second I thought it was over.

  But I’m alive, all of us are.

  “Stop it,” Lucius orders me.

  I feel someone’s arms around me, and the familiar scent of Noah’s aftershave fills my nostrils.

  My sobs slowly turn to hiccups as Lucius watches us intently for a moment before he peers out the open window.

  “He landed on his Lamborghini,” Lucius comments.

  Then, after what seems like hours, the police burst through the door.



  December 12, 2017

  Detective Aidan Wilde sits across from me, and I wonder who's behind the mirror.

  Aidan says nothing for a while, and we sit in silence.

  We have the recording Tinsley managed to take.

  Am I still being accused of Connor’s death?

  “You know, I thought that Elizabeth had something to do with that fire. I was so fucking positive," he slams his fist down on the table.

  “I've been watching that woman for almost ten fucking years, and I thought she slipped up. I thought that I finally had her, and she fucking slips through my goddamn fingers," he slams his fist on the table.

  “What are you talking about?” I try to keep my tone even, but I want to scream.

  “Elizabeth is in jail,” I state.

  Aidan rolls his eyes so dramatically I am suddenly fearful for everyone.

  “She was examined by our goddamn doctors. I watched everything. I was there. I saw the tumor," he shakes his head.

  “I saw it with my own eyes, Noah, I saw it, and I believed her fucking lies!” he nearly spits at me.

  “What lies?” I ask.

  “Elizabeth Darlington was let out of prison on October 28, 2017. It was a Saturday, and I will never forget the day, we signed her out, for medical reasons,” Aidan states.

  I'm flabbergasted.

  For the first time in my life, I have no idea how to respond.

  “A brain tumor?” I try to repeat the words.

  But my entire world has suddenly been turned upside down.

  “She had a brain tumor, that has been growing for years, and years. The doctor suspected it's always been there by the size of it. When she started to have hallucinations in prison, they had her checked out. It was legitimate. At least I thought so,” Aidan’s voice is mournful.

  “She did everything she did... because of a tumor?” I try to comprehend what he's saying.

  “That's what I thought too. Until she missed her first appointment with the specialist,” Aidan admits.

  He slams his fist down on the table.

  “When was the appointment?” I ask carefully.

  This better not be what I suspect it is.

  “Yesterday,” Aidan's reply is glum.

  Lauren left for London, to sell her apartment, yesterday.


  She betrayed me far beyond anything Elizabeth has ever done.

  Elizabeth is out there somewhere.

  I’m fearful for what Aidan is going to say next.

  “Lauren Darlington, her sister, was supposed to ensure that she attended that appointment, and now they’re both gone," he tells me.

  “That explains Olivia and Connor,” my voice doesn’t sound like my own.

  I trusted Lauren.

  We’ve been friends for years.

  And she does this?

  “Well neither of them can give us anything. Olivia left the country before we could get to her,” Aidan explains.

  “And, Mr. Bradford splattered all over a yellow Lamborghini, licensed to,” Aidan pauses as he looks at his file.

  “Oh, his car,” Aidan chuckles.

  “Alright,” Aidan waves a hand.

  “If you know nothing, go out in the hallway. I want to speak with your security next," he says exasperatedly.

  I nod as the door opens and an officer escorts Lucius back into the mirrored room.

  Tinsley immediately sees the look on my face.

  “What? What happened?” She asks, a desperate tone in her voice.

  “Elizabeth is out of prison because she supposedly had a brain tumor,” I report in a tone I don't recognize.

  “She missed the first appointment with the specialist. She lied,” I add.

  “What?” Tinsley gasps.

  Her face goes pale, and for a moment I am worried that she is going to faint.

  But Tinsley doesn't as she grips the chair she's in for dear life.

  “Noah, Noah it's Lauren," she says the words quickly.

  “I kn
ow,” I tell her with a heavy sigh.

  “What?” Tinsley gasps.

  “Lauren was supposed to ensure that Elizabeth attended the appointment, now they’re both off the grid,” I refer to what Aidan Wilde told me.

  “Unless Elizabeth was blackmailing her, Lauren used me the whole time. Just like she used Connor and Olivia to do her dirty work.

  “Why would Elizabeth blackmail her sister?” Tinsley asks.

  “I don’t think Elizabeth would blackmail Lauren,” I admit to Tinsley.

  “I'm going to make this right,” I tell her.

  “How Noah? How? Are going to go another constant obsession with making Elizabeth pay?” asks.

  However, she is serious.

  I can feel it.

  The obsession creeps in like an old enemy that hides in the shadows of my brain.

  Elizabeth needs to pay.

  But I will not let her tear us apart.

  “Tinsley, I love you, let’s not let this overshadow the fact that we can finally just, be together, without interference,” I tell her.

  Tinsley’s face softens.

  “Are you going to let this go?” She asks.

  “I can’t promise you, that I am going to let this go, because that would be a lie,” I say to Tinsley.

  “You’re always honest,” Tinsley prods me further.

  “But, I will put this aside, because technically, we have never spent Christmas together, and I would like nothing more than to just relax with you,” my words are simple.

  “You mean that?” She asks.

  “Always. You’re my priority, you and our baby, and that’s more important. I can’t promise I won’t want to make Elizabeth pay, but for now, I’m content to forget about it,” I answer swiftly.

  There is no question in my mind that Tinsley will always come first to me.



  December 13, 2017

  “How are we going to spend our first Christmas together? Noah asks.

  Noah is correct; this is the first Christmas we can spend together.

  Let the police investigate everything, while we spend Christmas together.

  After everything I've been through, all I want is to forget about everything.

  If only for a little while.

  “Noah,” My voice is soft.

  “Yes?” he asks hopefully.

  “Let’s go out the Hamptons,” I smile.

  His lips meet mine at the same moment I lean in to kiss him

  There is a small moment of hesitation, the delicious moment right before our lips meet is drawn out.

  It's magnetic, the way our lips press against each other and I Noah embraces me against him.

  Nothing is going on in my head.

  I can only hear the soft sound of our kisses, as I open my mouth to his and wrap my arms around Noah's neck.

  He pulls me closer, his grip on my hips tight.

  “I can't live without you," he whispers in my ear.

  His breath on my skin makes my spine tingle.

  “I can't live without you,” I admit as I bite my lip.

  Noah's teeth sink into my neck as he plants a kiss there.

  He starts there and then goes on my shoulders before my he pushes my blazer down around my shoulders.

  “Noah we're in my office,” I whisper.

  “And you've never had sex in your office,” Noah's steamy voice comments.

  “The door locks when it closes,” I comment.

  I take a deep breath.

  “Oh my god, we shouldn't. We really shouldn't,” I laugh

  “What's stopping you then?” He asks.

  His tongue flicks across my collarbone, and my mind goes to another place.

  But only for a moment.

  “Noah, we need to be careful. My husband just died, I shouldn't be having sex right in the building where he-” I can’t finish.

  “Fell through a window and landed on his Lamborghini after trying to kill you?” Noah asks.

  We both laugh, the mood ruined.

  “Are you okay with everything?” Noah asks his arms still around me.

  “This week was very intense,” I admit.

  But all I feel is relief.

  The baby is just beautiful, Noah and I are finally together, everything is alright.

  “I'm just... processing it I guess,” I step away from him to take a deep breath.

  “Well, I can understand that," he pauses for a moment.

  “Do you need time?” his question is awkward.

  “Time?” I ask in disbelief.

  “Time with you, that’s all I want. I don’t care about the consequences, not anymore. I’ve paid enough attention to everyone else, and I need to put us first,” I pause.

  “I need you to do that too,” I tell him slowly.

  “Of course," he agrees with me instantly.

  I shake my head.

  “No, I mean,” I start but swallow hard, almost unable to finish my sentence.

  “You need to let Lauren and Elizabeth go. Whatever happens, it’s finished, it’s done,” I continue.

  Noah presses his lips together, and then he nods.

  “I can do that, for you, for us," he admits.

  “Promise?” I ask.

  “Promise,” Noah repeats.

  Then Noah presses his head against mine, his laser focus on me and it’s all I can do is accept his kisses.



  December 17, 2017

  Tinsley is somehow still together.

  Her mother is of course devastated as she sobs quietly beside her daughter, across the table from the London Lawyer who flew in immediately once the story broke.

  “Ms. Whittaker, Mrs. Whittaker, we apologize profusely for the delay,” The Lawyer apologizes.

  “We assumed that when your office sent us confirmation of the succession papers, that they were properly received and filed. Our office was also instructed that this would be handled by your lawyers," he adds.

  “Our lawyers?” Gianna sniffs.

  “What succession?” Tinsley asks.

  “Mr. Bradford,” the lawyer starts.

  He pauses as Gianna starts to weep again.

  Tinsley pours her mother a glass of water.

  “Mother, it's going to be alright,” Tinsley explains.

  “Even if we lose everything, we've still got each other,”

  “Oh no,” The lawyer shakes his head.

  “Mr. Bradford and Mr. Whittaker were quite clear, upon their death the merged companies would both be under the control of the Whittaker family. The company, as well as the lands,” The lawyer explains.

  “What lands?” Tinsley asks.

  I suck in a breath.

  “There were some lands, provided to the family some time ago, by Her Royal Majesty. The initial condition of your marriage to Connor Bradford was waived,” The lawyer explains.

  Tinsley only stares at him.

  “Mr. Whittaker also had a couple of letters enclosed for all of you,” The lawyer states before he pulls out the letters.

  “Copies were sent along with the original documents,”

  Gianna. Tinsley. Noah.

  Those are the names on the letters.

  My stomach drops because, once again, outside interference has kept me from Tinsley.

  I rip my letter open, and there is Jamesen's familiar scrawl.


  I've always trusted you with Tinsley.

  Though I felt at first that you failed me in having a relationship with my daughter, I can no longer bring myself to feel that way if you truly love her.

  My daughter has spent her whole life telling me, yes, and I told her no, the one time she asked something of me.

  That was wrong.

  You are a good man.

  You will make a wonderful husband for her.

  My intent when I return is to explain this to her.

  But just in case, I've written this to you.
r />   Protect her, be with her, make her feel loved as I could never make her mother feel loved.

  My daughter is strong and deserves everything in the world.

  She is a smart woman, and she can handle herself.

  But it's my firm belief that she needs you by her side, to make her stronger, to love her.

  I know that you will take care of her, like you've taken care of your own family, despite our differences in the past you haven't failed as a father as I have.


  “Holy shit,” I stare at his words.

  I want to be angry with Connor, but what's done is done.

  “What does it say?” Tinsley asks as she tries to take a peek.

  “Read yours, before you read mine,” I tell her.

  “Not yet," she puts the letter in her purse.

  “I'm not ready," she says.

  Then she attends to her mother, who sobs over Jamesen's last words to her.



  December 17, 2017


  You weren't the woman I would've picked to be my wife.

  We both know how in love I was with Rita when we married.

  I'm sorry I wasn't a better husband, but I grew to love you so much.

  My grief over how I treated you over the years was all-encompassing.

  I can't imagine how you felt.

  I can't imagine what our affair did to you.

  I know you knew, and I know I ignored.

  I ignored a lot of things.

  It was never right for me to start a feud with Julian over his wife.

  We both see that now, and we have moved past it.

  I'm only writing this now, as I feel death warming over me.

  You know, sometimes they say people know they are going to die.

  I feel as though I know.

  Cherish Tinsley and encourage her.

  I love you, my dear!


  I swallow so hard I need a drink of water.

  “Mom, it's okay,” I rub her back slowly.

  My mind wanders back to Noah's letter, but I have my mother to attend to now.


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