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Boss: A Dark Mafia Romance

Page 5

by Sara Fields

  So, the spoiled princess act was back.

  “You’re going to remain naked until you earn back the privilege of clothing. If I hear anymore whining about it, you’ll spend breakfast sitting on a freshly spanked bottom. Is that clear?” I warned her.

  She pouted.

  “Yes, sir,” she finally answered. To her credit, she didn’t complain anymore. Her stomach growled noisily, and I chuckled as she pressed her hands to her belly, a blush creeping over her cheeks.

  “Come on. Let’s get you fed,” I said with amusement. Her blush only deepened.

  I climbed out of bed and offered her a hand. I could see the mark of my seed, still damp in places on her thighs.

  “It pleases me that you wear my mark so beautifully,” I said, and a soft whimper escaped her lips. I took a moment to drag my eyes up and down her naked body, taking care to look at the fullness of her breasts and the swollen folds of her pussy. It was still just slightly pink from all the attention I’d given it the night before. I turned her around so that I could assess her bottom.

  I hadn’t marked her. Not this time. Her ass wasn’t even pink anymore from her spanking. I yearned to see my handprint on her naughty bottom again. I imagined what the welts from my cane would look like and I grinned.

  One day.

  I had no doubt that day would be sometime soon.

  I traced my fingers along her shoulder and gripped the back of her neck. In a possessive maneuver, I led her into this kitchen this way. She whimpered at my rough treatment of her, not expecting to be manhandled like this first thing in the morning.

  She had much to learn though. I’d use her pretty body however and whenever I pleased. I’d put my hands on her whenever I wanted. I’d redden her gorgeous little ass whenever I wanted just because I wanted to.

  I led her to the island and sat her down in one of the chairs. Only then did I release the back of her neck. She breathed a sigh of relief and I could see her watching me warily out of the side of her eye.

  I started the coffeemaker, ignoring her hard glare. It didn’t take long for it to warm up and start dripping the delicious brew. Next, I pulled a cartoon of eggs and some bacon from the fridge. I grabbed a frying pan and started to cook. I popped some toast into the toaster and in no time at all, I served the two of us with hot plates of food. When the coffee was done, I poured that for her too. I turned away and took the creamer out of the fridge. After that, I slid a small bowl of sugar her way so she could prepare her coffee the way she liked it.

  She murmured her thanks and I watched her as she mixed in a dash of sugar.

  She didn’t know it yet, but she was already mine.

  Chapter Four


  I’d searched his office that morning and found nothing. I needed to search the rest of his place, but I needed more time. I’d been afraid that he would wake up and find me, so I was resorting to plan B. I’d briefly pawed through the purse I had left behind in his study and pulled out the single vial of a sleeping drug that I had brought along with me in case I needed it. It was a heavy sedative that would make him sleep for several hours while I performed a more extensive search of his penthouse.

  It was small and I’d hidden it in the palm of my hand. He hadn’t even noticed. When he had turned his back to me to get the creamer from the fridge, I’d popped it open and poured the single dose straight into his coffee. It would take a little bit to kick in but likely no longer than it would take to eat breakfast with him.

  I sipped my own coffee and dug into the steaming plate of food before me. I was starving. Decadent flavors spread across my tongue and I popped another bite of eggs into my mouth.

  “Damn. These are delicious,” I exclaimed, and he grinned. Those dark gray eyes sparkled in my direction and I smiled in return. “Thanks for cooking breakfast for me. It’s really good.”

  “My pleasure,” he answered, his tone smooth as he watched me eat.

  My pussy clenched. Why did the sound of his voice turn me on? I licked my lips, my thoughts drifting to the events of the night before and I could feel myself starting to blush. My ass was still sore from the spanking and between my legs was sore too, both from his palm and his cock. I’d been able to feel it with every step I’d taken this morning. Even my muscles were sore, probably from coming more times than I could count.

  He’d fucked me not just once, but twice. The second time I’d willingly spread my legs for him despite the fact that I knew I shouldn’t have.

  I shouldn’t like what he had done to me. But I did. A lot.

  I wanted him to do it again.

  I could feel my nipples harden and his eyes dropped down to look at them. I couldn’t do anything to hide my naked body from his gaze and I worried that if I used my hands to cover them that he would punish me for it.

  My pussy clenched hard again. I did my best to ignore my traitorous body and stared down at the plate of food in front of me instead.

  “Today, I’m going to reach out to some of my connections in order to look into your father’s disappearance. In the meantime, I want you to think about every last detail you can remember about the last few weeks that you spent with your father. I want to know everything, no matter what it is. Even things you think are minor are important. Do you understand?” he asked. I lifted my chin to peer back at him.

  “Sure. I understand,” I answered. His jaw ticked and his eyes narrowed slightly.

  “That is not how you address me, little girl, is it?” he questioned next, his tone dripping with warning. I squirmed under his scrutiny and bit my lap, my eyes dropping to his massive hands. The ones that had forced me over his knee and spanked my naked bottom until I was sobbing. The ones that had spanked my pussy after that.

  “No, sir. I’m sorry,” I whispered, taking care to keep my voice soft.

  “That’s better,” he answered, as he took another sip of his coffee. His eyes drifted back up and down my body and I could feel liquid heat gathering between my thighs.

  “I like having you here. Naked. In my kitchen,” he said next and I blushed hard. It felt wrong and right at the same time, but I wasn’t going to tell him that.

  “I need to go home this afternoon,” I replied.

  “We’ll discuss that later,” he answered firmly, and I knew better than to press the issue at that moment. Not if I didn’t want to end up with a very red bottom just like I had last night.

  “Yes, sir,” I replied, trying to do my best to keep him happy with me as much as I could. His lips turned up slightly in a smile at my response.


  The rest of breakfast passed by uneventfully, at least as normally as it could with me sitting entirely naked across from him. He didn’t say anything more about my father and continued to drink his coffee until he’d emptied the mug. His movements slowly became more sluggish as he placed the dishes in the dishwasher.

  “Come,” he demanded. I followed him into his office. With a yawn, he sat down at his desk and powered on his computer. I sat down in one of the chairs in front of his desk.

  It wouldn’t be long now.

  Five minutes passed. Then ten before he leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. Less than a minute after that, his breathing had deepened and the tenseness in his jaw had slackened. He was asleep. And he would be for a good long while.

  It was time to get to work.

  I walked around his desk and peered at the screen. Because it was password protected, I’d been unable to get into it earlier, but he’d logged in and now I could. With a quick glance at the sleeping beast of a man, I leaned over the desk and started my search. I searched through his email first, trying to find any mention of my father’s name. With a sigh, I scanned one email after another, only finding cursory business-related messages the two of them exchanged. I looked through every folder, but if Dominic kept dangerous information on his computer, he’d hidden it well because nothing that I found hinted at the nefarious dealings that I suspected he could be involv
ed in. There were a couple of password-protected files that I couldn’t break into and I hissed with annoyance. I had no way of knowing what kind of password he would use, so they were essentially inaccessible.

  I stood up and left the office. I’d already searched the rest of it, so there was no reason to look through it again. Instead, I spent some time in the kitchen next, then the living room. There was a home gym and a few guest rooms, none of which offered any clues to my father’s disappearance. I searched his bedroom and found Dominic’s laptop. There was a large wooden chest in his closet that was locked tight, as well as a massive steel safe that I didn’t know the combination to.

  By the time I finished my search, I was saddened by the fact that I hadn’t found a single clue linking Dominic to my father’s disappearance. I returned to his office and picked up the remains of my clothing off the floor. I was sure I could piece it together with whatever safety pins I had in the bottom of my purse enough to be able to cover myself enough to walk out of the building into my car.

  “Where’d you go?” he asked and I stiffened. I hadn’t expected him to be awake yet.

  “The restroom,” I answered quickly, and I took a seat in front of his desk once more, pretending that I had only been gone for a short while.

  He stared back at me for a moment before he glanced at his computer.

  “I’m sorry I fell asleep,” he murmured, his tone frustrated, and I chuckled in response.

  “Long night?” I teased him and the corner of his lip turned up in a smirk.

  “Long night indeed,” he answered evasively.

  A look of amusement crept over his features before he turned back to his computer. I waited, unable to see his screen from where I was sitting. For a second, he appeared to be annoyed by something, but it passed quickly. He turned back to me after that.

  “I should get going,” I began. “Would it be alright for me to get dressed now, sir?”

  I elected to err on the side of caution and refer to him as he’d requested.

  He shook his head.

  “Did you find anything?” he asked, and my stomach plummeted to the floor. He couldn’t have known what I’d done. I decided to play dumb, at least for the moment.

  “I beg your pardon?” I replied.

  His eyes bored into mine.

  “Did you find anything in your search, little girl?” he said, and I knew that he knew what I had done. He turned his computer screen so that I could see it and I saw myself on camera conducting my investigation of his home. He clicked open a number of different windows and it showed me searching every drawer, every room, and anything I could get into. I licked my lips, suddenly nervous once again.

  “No. I didn’t find anything,” I answered timidly.

  He sat back in his chair and folded his hands together, his gaze never leaving mine.

  “You’re not going to be leaving. In fact, I’m going to be doing a search of my own, but it won’t be of your apartment,” he said firmly, and I shivered at the warning in his tone. Quickly, I stood up and grabbed my clothes, frantically pulling them on in order to cover my nakedness. He didn’t stop me.

  “I demand you let me go,” I snarled, and his gaze darkened considerably.

  “I didn’t give you permission to cover yourself, did I, little girl?” he said dangerously, and I ignored him. My heels weren’t here but I had an extra pair of flats I’d brought in case my feet started to hurt from the Louboutins.

  He stood up. I took a step back and pulled my torn tank top back over my head while he circled around the desk. I rushed to pull my suit top back on before he reached me, but before I had a chance to get away, his arms circled around my waist and he lifted me off the floor as though I was light as a feather.

  I screamed and kicked, trying to make him let me go. None of it mattered though. He was much bigger than me and far stronger. I didn’t stand a chance of breaking his hold, but I wasn’t going to make it easy on him though.

  I punched at his back and squirmed in his clutches. He didn’t say a word as he carried me out of the office and into his bedroom. Silently, he tossed me onto the bed, and I hissed in his direction.

  “Take off your clothes,” he demanded.

  “No,” I retorted.

  “It isn’t an option. Strip,” he ordered. When I did nothing to comply, he took a step forward and I scooted backwards. I wasn’t fast enough. He grasped my ankle and tugged me toward him. Roughly, he grabbed my pants and pulled them down. Since I’d been unable to button them since he’d torn them off, they came down with ease. I wore no panties beneath them since he’d ripped those into pieces too.

  With ruthless efficiency, he took my clothing off piece by piece. He wasn’t gentle and his rough manhandling left me sore as he bared me. When I was completely naked, he rolled me over onto my belly and pressed me down into the bed with a hand secured against my lower back.

  I turned my head and watched in horror as he reached for his belt. Almost in slow motion, I watched him as he unbuckled it and slid the leather through the clasp. The swishing sound that echoed as a result of him pulling the strap free from his belt loops was ominous and nerve-racking all at once. I had a feeling I was about to regret my actions very much.

  With one hand, he folded the belt in half and laid the warm leather against my backside.

  “Bad little girls who behave poorly get their little bottoms spanked. Especially bad little girls get the belt,” he warned before he pulled his arm back.

  I heard the sound of the belt cutting through the air before it whipped against my very naked bottom. For a moment, I felt nothing but by the time the second stroke fell against my bared cheeks, the line of fire from the first flared to life. Agony burned across my flesh and I keened as it strengthened in intensity as the seconds ticked by.

  “Please. Don’t,” I begged but my pleas fell on deaf ears.

  I’d earned this. I hadn’t addressed him properly. I’d ignored his directives. I’d drugged him and searched his penthouse and he knew it.

  “I told you I’m going to perform my own search, didn’t I, little girl?” he asked me, and I wailed as I struggled to answer.

  “Yes, sir,” I finally managed as the belt whipped against my ass once again.

  “Do you know what I’m going to search?” he asked next.

  “No, sir,” I whispered as the belt thrashed my naked backside.

  “I’m going to search you, little girl. All of you. Every inch of that beautiful body is going to be searched, including a very, very thorough examination of every single one of your beautiful little holes. But first, I’m going to teach you a lesson in obedience that will ensure that you will follow my instructions when my own search begins,” he said sternly and I shuddered hard, my pussy clenching desperately at his words.

  I tried to roll my hips to avoid the lash, but his hand held me in place. I couldn’t escape even a single blow as he whipped every last inch of my bottom, but he didn’t stop there. He whipped my thighs too. I cried out as he punished me, squeezing my eyes shut as the terrible sting took a hold of me completely.

  It hurt so much. So very much.

  I didn’t know how long I’d be able to hold myself together. Each lash burned hot like fire for several long seconds and the more he thrashed me with the belt, the more the pain compounded across the entirety of my backside. I wailed as he punished me, and I started to plead for his forgiveness.

  “Please, sir. Please. I’m sorry,” I wailed as the belt ruthlessly whipped my naked bottom, again and again until I feared I couldn’t take anymore. I could feel the welts rising with every lash and I tried to hold back my tears, but I was fighting a losing battle.

  “Please,” I begged.

  He whipped the backs of my thighs especially hard and my breath hitched. I blinked hard several times but despite my best efforts, the first tear trailed down my cheek. Followed by another and another. Before long, I was sobbing into the sheets and my belting continued.

“Will you disobey my instructions again, little girl?” he asked.

  “No, sir,” I answered, my voice shaking with emotion.

  “What comes next will ensure that. Spread your legs, little girl,” he demanded.

  I didn’t even think about not obeying him. I just did it. I spread my thighs as wide as I could, and I whimpered as I felt the leather of the belt press against my bare pussy.

  He flicked the belt firmly against me and the resulting sting burned hot like a firecracker. I wailed and he did it again, firmly thrashing my pussy with his belt. It stung against my sensitive folds and I found myself crying even harder.

  He spanked my pussy with that belt until I was sore and sobbing. I had no doubt in my mind that the skin between my legs matched the color of my freshly belted backside and I cried even harder at the realization.

  I had tried to get the upper hand today. I’d tried to take matters in my own hands, and I had failed, utterly and completely. I’d made the mistake of underestimating Dominic Porter and now both my ass and my pussy were paying the price.

  I tried to control him, but a man like Dominic couldn’t be controlled.

  Now he had the upper hand. I was naked. Bare. He was punishing me.

  And I was learning what it felt like be controlled instead.

  My backside burned with terrible stinging agony. My pussy throbbed with pain as he continued to whip it with his belt, but as the leather struck my folds, I came to the startling and terrifying realization that I was wet.

  Very wet.

  Positively soaked.

  The sound of the belt striking my pussy sounded embarrassingly wet. Here I was, completely naked and getting the first belt whipping of my life, and it was turning me on.

  What the hell was wrong with me?

  I screamed and cried into the sheets. I pleaded my apologies, but I didn’t dare reach back to cover myself. I didn’t dare to even close my legs, because I feared earning any more punishment than I already had.

  “Will you obey my instructions now, little girl?” he said, his voice dark and expectant.

  “Yes, sir,” I cried with tears rolling down my cheeks.


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