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Page 56

by Andur

  “Though you probably earned another reputation by doing so. I heard that it was the first time that someone was drowned in a puddle of mud.” I point out while I refill my glass with wine.

  Lidith's expression turns gloomy and she holds her glass out for more wine. Then she looks at the dancing people without paying any more attention to me.

  I watch the people around us until Celestial returns with Jazira. Both of them have more food on their plates than they can probably eat.

  Celestial takes a seat beside me and Jazira snuggles closer to Lidith. A strange glitter is in her eyes and she offers Lidith a piece of fish.

  “Hey! I am not some kind of pet!” Lidith snarls at Jazira.

  Jazira doesn't retreat and edges closer. “But you are so cute. Let me feed you! Just once.”

  Lidith sighs. “Please give me the antidote now. I can't deal with the advances of this creep.” She points at Jazira.

  Celestial sighs and places a potion on the table.

  Jazira's expression turns desperate. “Are you really sure that you want to turn back?”

  Lidith snorts. “I am really sure.”

  Jazira draws a small circle on the table. “But Gemesh said that your new look suits you.”

  Lidith freezes with the opened bottle at her lips. “He really said that?”

  Celestial nods. “Now that you mention it, I remember his words too.”

  I frown. “I don't...” Someone steps on my foot! I have to clench my teeth together to endure the pain! The pinky toe might be broken! I felt the high heels. It was Jazira for sure! Celestial doesn't wear shoes like that.

  Lidith starts to fiddle with the potion. Then she puts it down. “I have to go somewhere. Don't search for me.”

  She dashes off and Celestial winks at Jazira, who pulls another potion from a pocket and follows Lidith.

  I frown. “What was that about?”

  “~Nothing.~ Jazira is just trying to help Lidith with her confession.” Celestial smiles and takes her potion back which was left on the table.

  “If I remember correctly, Lidith already confessed to Gemesh.” I sigh.

  Celestial arches an eyebrow. “That was during the last tournament. So it was a hundred years ago! Who says that you can't try it again after such a long time?”

  I take a sip from my wine. “I guess there is no harm in trying.”

  Celestial's expression turns into a grin. “That's what the potion is for. ~Just in case.~”

  So they are going to poison him? Then the honey trap follows. It's always like that. I sigh again and down my wine.

  Celestial looks at the empty bottle beside me. “Are you trying to get drunk?”

  “I am drunk. I am not trying.” It's a heavy wine with much alcohol. “And then I'll sleep.”

  “You can't. I wanted to dance!” Celestial grabs my hand and pulls me up, taking the glass away from me.

  I purse my lips and try to stand straight. But it's actually not that easy to do so. “Nope. Might not be possible. Unless you want me to trip over you.”

  That's the moment when I see the bunny girl in the crowd of people. “Ah! Look. Maybe I should go and apologize!” I take a step, but the world suddenly starts spinning.

  Strange. I am drunk, but I am not that drunk?

  Sphere of Sous


  I shoulder my husband and smile at the people around us. There is nothing to see. Just a woman who takes care of her ~belongings~.

  There is no more time to lose. Maybe dancing isn't possible today, but I want at least some romantic memories. I use a pathway to take us onto a nearby empty hill. The location is perfect if you want to be alone.

  Ascathon isn't the romantic type at all, so I have to arrange for almost everything myself. I place him on the prepared blanket and lean him with his back against a tree. Then I sit down between his legs and take a bottle with ice cream from the basket which I brought here earlier.

  “Isn't this place wonderful? The starry night sky, the nature around us?” No answer. I sigh and start eating. Can't let the ice go to waste. Actually I wonder how there can be night inside a Dyson sphere? Did Sous switch off the sun? And why are there stars? Some kind of ambience lighting?

  Hooh... maybe there are party cities all around the sphere?

  Several minutes pass while I watch the lights from the nearby festivities. Actually I am going on dates like this often. Most of the time while he is asleep at night.

  He is much easier to handle while he is asleep. Just dressing him up with neat clothes is a little troublesome. So much time lost because of that.

  The fireworks starts and I take his hand to point with it at one of the bigger explosions.

  “Look! Isn't that beautiful? It took me two hours to find this spot. Just for the two of us. I love you.”

  Haaah. Imitating his voice isn't the same. I place his hands around me and continue to eat my ice cream.

  Somehow I feel a little pathetic right now. Are my actions insane? Dragging him around while he is unconscious to have a little romantic time together... I feel like scum. Isn't this really childish? It feels like playing with a doll.

  All this started only because he would get nightmares as soon as I am a few feet away from him. So I simply took him with me when I couldn't sleep and wanted to do some work.

  Yes! I am actually really nice by always taking him with me to prevent his nightmares. I still feel bad.

  No. This might be what's called a mid-life crisis. I select a syringe from my thigh strap and inject myself with it. Being a woman sure is hard. All these hormones and pheromones swirling around inside of me. Then that time of the month...

  I wonder how all the other goddesses are dealing with this shit? Geez, now there are even tears in my eyes. Maybe I should do a complete overhaul of this body at home?

  A low growl escapes my lips and I select yet another syringe to yank it into his forearm. He always wastes so much time with sleeping.

  He starts to move, but I lean back to prevent him from falling.

  “Mmhhh... What's... what happened?”

  “Hug me!”

  “Why are you crying?”

  “None of your business!”

  “The colours of that explosion are a little bleak. They should have used more copper.”



  “Shut up and be glad that at least one woman is willing to deal with you like you are now. And tomorrow you prepare a romantic date or I'll use your staff to do something unsightly to you.”


  “And prepare a present for me.”


  “And regarding the bedtime activities...”



  “A costume?”

  “Only if you manage to get me into a better mood.”


  105 - Aunty.

  Norfolk, Sarn


  “So Aneth and his minions are really gone?” I look up from my book and set my eyes on Lidith. We are in the garden of my mansion and I am enjoying Norfolk's short summer.

  It's not exactly hot, but at least some of the snow melted away and the sun is granting us some light and warmth. So I decided to waste my time by reading books and relaxing in my favourite chair.

  Lidith is floating heels over head beside me. She is still in her catgirl form. Apparently she decided to stay that way after she confessed to Gemesh. Though I didn't ask how it turned out.

  She gestures with her hands and starts explaining. “It has been a week since the party and I didn't hear a word from any of them. Our meeting place is deserted and dusty all over. So Wynne wasn't there for sure. She can't stand untidy rooms.”

  Lidith returns to an upright position. “And their followers are running amok in the Nation of Mist and the Kingdom of Mislow. Apparently they haven't heard a word from their gods since the party.”

  I nod. “I already heard a
bout that. Some groups demand more freedom. Others are trying to leave the country. It looks like all their little secret organisations are trying to influence their nations into different directions. They had more influence on those two nations than I thought.”

  Lidith's expression turns confused. “Wasn't the level of influence obvious when they sent both nations to war with aflick of their fingers?”

  I shake my head. “No. You can always coax a nation into going to war. That doesn't mean that you are controlling the nation in question to such a degree that it practically falls apart as soon as you are gone.”

  Lidith starts spinning around her waist and takes a yoga position. “You wouldn't wonder about that if you had played the game with us. Being only allowed to take indirect measures is very restricting. You require a high degree of influence throughout all levels of society if you want to win.”

  I grumble. “So? What do you intend to do about this mess?”

  Lidith raises her eyebrows and points at herself. “Me?”

  “Yes, you. Didn't you play to get the planet?” I inquire annoyed.

  Lidith dismisses my question by waving one hand at me. “I just participated in that stupid game because I felt sorry for all the mortals who were nothing more than chess pieces. To be honest, I couldn't care less what they are doing to each other. I am not some kind of saint who hunts down every pocket thief.”

  “Aunty Lidith is cruel!”

  Lidith spins around and finds Sera behind her. My daughter approached from behind while I was speaking with Lidith.

  Aunty Lidith's smile turns forced. “A... Aunty?”

  Sera pulls on her lower lip. “I can't call you aunty? But you are much older than me and Ascathon, aren't you?”

  Lidith turns troubled. “Well...”

  But Sera doesn't stop. “And you are always spending so much time here. It feels like you are a part of the family.”

  Lidith raises a finger. “It isn't...”

  Sera interrupts her again. “I measured the time. Even if you are constantly coming and going, you spend at least five hours per day on our property.”

  I put my book down. “Is that true, Sera? Maybe I should start to take rent from her.”

  Lidith gasps. “But I am just vis...”

  Sera doesn't let her speak. “And you even regularly visit for lunch! So why can't I call...”

  Lidith drops to the ground like all life force left her at once. “It's fine! It's fine! Call me aunty! There is no need to insist on blood-bonds.”

  Sera nods. “Now that the relationship between us is established... please teach me to sense pathways, Aunty.”

  Lidith gets up again. “What? You are too...”

  “~Pleeaaasee, Auntie?~”

  “F... Fine! But don't expect too much you puny half god!” Lidith grabs Serah at her neck and both of them disappear. I think that Sera will get more than she bargained for.

  I lift my book again to search the passage where I stopped reading.

  “Ascathon!?” Celestial's voice tears the silence apart and I drop the book once again.

  “Yes, Sugar cat?” I twist my head to find Celestial behind me.

  She holds out a stash of papers. “There is something you have to investigate for me.”

  I take the papers and flip through the pages. “Those are just lists of materials?”

  “A list of materials. You are right. And they are being bought from all over the world, most of them from our Nation. What strikes me as peculiar is that it has great similarities with the stuff you are buying for your lab.” She smiles.

  I take a closer look at the papers. “You are right. Seems like someone is trying to create mana crystals?”

  Her expression turns troubled. “So if it isn't you?”

  I shrug. “One of the other gods?”

  Celestial takes the papers back. “I don't know. But it strikes me as strange. Why should they buy stuff from this world if they can bring it from another one via a pathway?”

  I lift a finger. “For the same reason as me?”

  She lifts an eyebrow.

  “It's troublesome to carry everything yourself. I am a god. So why should I carry heavy machinery and raw materials around? I have better things to do.” I explain without shame.

  Celestial's eyes turn to the book on my lap. “These 'better things' don't seem very important.”

  I sigh. “Can we forget about this and take a look at whoever is buying all that stuff? I assume you already know where everything is shipped?”

  Celestial frowns. “A certain island in the Nation of Mist.”

  106 - Racketeering.

  Nation of Mist, Fingulf's island


  “It doesn't look like the right place.” Jazira voices her doubts while she floats beside Lidith, Celestial and me.

  Under us is a smouldering volcano in the ocean. It's the remnant of Fingulf's island.

  Lidith points down at the caldera. “But I feel the idiots down there! They must have masked their presences somehow. It's very faint, but they are down there!”

  Celestial pulls a dagger from her belt. “To hide inside a volcano. Are there even places on this world which are more uncomfortable?”

  I shrug. “At least it spares them the trouble of dealing with mortals. Should we go down and ask for rent? They are staying on our world even after losing their own bet.”

  “What if they fight?” Jazira stops us. “I don't want to damage this world. The tournament at the Sphere of Sous showed us that gods should avoid fighting with each other!”

  “Tch!” I summon my staff. “Why do you think are they trying to make mana crystals? Surely not to make some nice convenient tools.”

  “He is right. There is a point where you simply have to deal some punishment.” Lidith teleports directly towards the three presences.

  I follow without another word. Inside the volcano I find a set of complicated bridges and platforms. The temperature forces me immediately to increase the output of my battle aura. I learned that using my battle aura for protection is much more convenient than casting a spell for environmental protection.

  Under us is a sea of lava and from time to time a geyser of magma erupts from it. Above me is the chimney of the volcano through which the sky can be seen.

  Celestial and Jazira appear at my side and take a battle stance.

  Lidith is in front of us while facing Aneth, Charon and Wynne. All three of the evildoers are holding crystal weapons. Aneth has a spear, Wynne a sword and Charon something similar to a scythe.

  “What the hell are you doing here you bunch of oafs? Are you guys too self righteous to adhere to your own bet?” Lidith asks with an angry voice.

  Aneth readies his spear and points it at Lidith. “You are too late in any case! Justice is always on the side of the strong! And right now we are more powerful than ever!”

  He charges at Lidith without further discussions. Jazira summons her rifle and Celestial dashes forward to intercept him.

  “My... my... we can't have a fight on this world.”

  I grab into my pocket and release my battle aura to its limit while revealing a fist sized crystal. All the free mana in the environment is immediately sucked towards my crystal, which makes even the solidified weapons dissolve into nothingness.

  The shadows around me enlarge and stretch like living organisms while my aura encloses the entire volcano.

  Everyone around me is forced to their knees as the strength leaves their bodies. It's a side effect of my countermeasure. You have to take very aggressive measures to break up the solidified structure of a mana crystal.

  “What's this?” Aneth tries to get to his feet, but is forced down again.

  I walk forward and place a foot on his head. “You idiots seriously thought that I wouldn't think of a countermeasure against my own weapons!?” A kick throws him backwards to his companions.

  “This time you have crossed the line.”

  I mutter as I
walk forward and send an arcane lance into Aneth's foot. Barely with enough power left to protect himself from the environment, Aneth isn't able to block it. He screams in pain as the spike of shimmering energy nails him to the floor.

  “Don't look down on uuuus!” Charon screams as he forces himself to his feet and charges at me.

  I meet his charge with a kick to his knee, which creates an awesome snapping sound. He stumbles and I grab his hand, forcing him onwards and catapulting him over the edge of the platform.

  His scream of terror is cut off as his body falls into the lava under us. A fitting end. I turn to Aneth and Wynne who look at me with shocked expressions. Their eyes turn even wider as a black and grey sphere of energy appears from the ground under me.

  It circles three times around the crystal in my hand and disappears inside it.

  “Ah... did I mention that this crystal doesn't capture just mana?”

  I start kicking Aneth with all my might. “This time you won't get away! There are no rugby judges nearby to save you this time!”

  After a while my foot starts to hurt and I switch to my second one. Aneth stopped screaming after a while.

  Wynne is wailing beside him with tears in her eyes.

  It takes some time, but finally an orange sphere of light leaves Aneth's body and is sucked into the crystal.

  “Whew! What a workout!” I turn towards Wynne who is whimpering on the ground.

  As I do so, one of the lava eruptions hits the platform we are standing on. The platform tilts just a little, but it's enough to make me stumble.

  It's only a second of losing my concentration. But that second is enough to make my oppressing aura waver just a little. Wynne jumps to her feet and tackles me.

  I fall backwards while she grabs my crystal and tries to run for it. The platform rocks another time and she slips too, dropping the crystal.

  The crystal sails through the air towards Celestial, Jazira and Lidith who get wobbly to their feet as my crystal assisted aura disappears.

  It hits Jazira dead centre on her forehead and bounces off.


  “~Wa!~” Celestial grabs for the crystal, but it slips through her fingers and falls to the ground, slipping ever forward.


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