Becoming Beauvoir

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Becoming Beauvoir Page 45

by Kate Kirkpatrick

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  It’s very hard to know when this book’s life started – and when to stop thanking people for the ways they have inspired and supported it. For igniting and stoking my loves of philosophy and French literature I’d like to thank Françoise Bayliss, Randall Morris, Meg Werner, Pamela Sue Anderson, Jeanne Treuttel, Michèle Le Doeuff, George Pattison and Marcelle Delvaux-Abbott – and my family.

  This book offers my portrait of Beauvoir, but it rests on the foundation of many scholars’ pioneering work in Beauvoir studies. In particular I would like to thank Margaret Simons and all of the translators, editors and introduction-writers of the Beauvoir Research Series published by the University of Illinois Press, as well as Michèle Le Doeuff, Elizabeth Fallaize, Sonia Kruks, bell hooks, Nancy Bauer, Stella Sandford, Meryl Altman, Toril Moi, Tove Pettersen and Barbara Klaw. I am grateful to the welcoming and generous discussions of members of the International Simone de Beauvoir Society, who gave me glimpses into their Beauvoirs and enriched my own.

  I offer my thanks to Aaron Gabriel Hughes for their excellent research assistance in tracking down obscure French reviews; to Emily Herring, for bringing Bergsonmania t
o life; to Marine Rouch for generously sharing her research on Beauvoir’s letters from readers; to the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University; to Eric Legendre at the Gallimard archives; to Jean-Louis Jeannelle for newspaper articles and a conversation about sources; and especially to Sylvie Le Bon de Beauvoir, for taking the time to be interviewed for this book and for generously replying to my questions afterwards, too.

  Becoming Beauvoir wouldn’t exist at all were it not for the initial enthusiasm of Liza Thompson at Bloomsbury, and it wouldn’t have become what it is without her insightful criticisms: I’m very grateful for both the enthusiasm and the criticism. My thanks also go to Daisy Edwards, Lucy Russell and Kealey Rigden at Bloomsbury for their work on the project. For reading the manuscript during its development I am grateful to Bloomsbury’s anonymous reviewers, and also to Clare Carlisle and Suzannah Lipscomb.

  For their interest and encouragement at various stages of this project’s development I would like to thank my students and colleagues at the University of Oxford, UH Philosophy and King’s College London.

  Every writer knows that a book takes a village, and I’m grateful to have such a wonderful village of friends and family – thanks especially to Sophie Davies-Jones, Melanie Goodwin, Phyllis Goodwin, Suzie and Tom, Naomi and Joseph, Mary and Ard, and Angela and Simon.

  Finally, thank you to my creative and inspiring children – whose teasing question, ‘Simone de Beauvoir: Who’s she?’ became a motto of sorts – and to my husband: vous et nul autri.

  Picture credits

  The author gratefully acknowledges permission for the images included in this book:

  1Collection Sylvie Le Bon de Beauvoir, © Diffusion Gallimard.

  2Collection Sylvie Le Bon de Beauvoir, © Diffusion Gallimard.

  3Collection Sylvie Le Bon de Beauvoir, © Diffusion Gallimard.

  4Photo: Frédéric Hanoteau/Collection Sylvie Le Bon de Beauvoir, © Diffusion Gallimard.

  5Photo: Frédéric Hanoteau/Collection Sylvie Le Bon de Beauvoir, © Diffusion Gallimard.

  6Collection Sylvie Le Bon de Beauvoir, © Diffusion Gallimard.


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