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Quality Control (Kita's Adventures in Product Development Book 1)

Page 2

by Vanessa Cardui

Then she left, which wasn't entirely fair. Kita had things she wanted to say, and there wasn't anyone to say it to.

  First thing she did was put the collar down on the side. There wasn't any . . . she didn't have to do what they said, just because they told her to do it. Only. . . . well, the thing was, there was the way that Gerana had looked at her, when she'd been scrubbing the floor. And she was kind of curious as to what else they'd come up with?

  Only she had a pretty good idea as to what else they'd come up with. At some point, Kita had picked the collar back up, and she put it back down. There was no way—Kita picked up a book, put it down, picked it up again.

  And then, somehow, she was putting the collar on. Just to see what it felt like? Only not. And then she was walking out to the living room, where Gerana and Terra were sitting on the couch.

  "Less than ten minutes," said Gerana. "You owe me a drink."

  Terra snorted. "First of all, she’s fully dressed, so you’re the one who owes me a drink. Second of all, given how much cash you owe me," she said, "I'm not sure you want to start—"

  "No, fine," said Gerana. “But check this out. Keets, pull up your skirt, and pull down your underwear.”

  Kita started, blushing furiously, but she was already doing it.

  “See?” said Gerana. “Sticky.”

  “Well, obviously,” said Terra. “She wouldn’t have put on the collar otherwise. It's not like I put in the subliminals you added to the specs at the last minute. That wasn’t my point. My point was—”

  “Fine!” said Gerana. “You’re right, you’re always right, I’m just a big stupid. Put your clothing back on, Keets; we’ll do sex stuff to you later. For now, clear off the coffee table, and pull it over here."

  She'd been keeping up with cleaning the living room, anyway, so the coffee table wasn't the sort of mountain of papers and books and empty teacups that it usually was; Kita cleared it off, and dragged it across the floor to next to the couch. It would've been easier if either of them had helped, but they were content to just sit and watch her.

  She still didn’t want to think about why she'd put that collar on.

  "Okay," said Gerana. "Get undressed, hands and knees on the table."

  That wasn't . . . well, they said that they’d be doing sex stuff to her later, which she didn’t entirely want to think about, but if this wasn’t sex stuff, what was going to happen later wasn’t. . . . She watched her fingers undoing her buttons, folding up her clothing, and then she looked down at the pitted wood of the table.

  “Okay,” said Gerana. “We’re getting a little closer to mind control here, so—”

  “Still not,” said Terra. “It’s just the inputs. The brain is too complicated to deal with like that. At least not with a thorough grounding in simpler brains. I’d need to—”

  “Fine!” said Gerana. “We’ll do the frogs next. Again. More undead frogs, what a great idea! But my point is, this is supposed to affect your. . . here.” She stood in front of Kita, and showed her a thin metal ruler, waving it so that it bent as it moved. “So, I’m going to hit you with this,” she said.

  Kita wasn’t sure if she was supposed to agree, or ask not to be hit, or whatever. So she just looked back down at the table, and waited.

  Gerana moved around behind her, and Kita tensed, waiting for the ruler to hit. Only, instead, there were soft fingers on her inner thigh. “That’s great,” said Gerana. “Check this out, Terra—she’s totally into this.”

  “Not a surprise,” said Terra, and then she was behind her too. Kita felt like she was about to die from embarrassment, but she had to stay where she’d been told to stay. And then Terra’s fingers—longer, thinner, hard calloused—were probing at her pussy, and coming away wet.

  “But yeah, you’re right; there’s a lot of potential there,” said Terra. “Suggests a whole new—”

  “No!” said Gerana. “This project is almost ready to go; this isn’t the time for a whole new. I’ve got buyers coming over in two weeks, assuming that this checks out.”

  “Fine,” said Terra. “Shelved for now.” She patted Kita’s ass as she went back to the couch, and Kita found herself moaning slightly.

  Then the ruler came down, and Kita yelped, lurched forward. That hurt. A lot. More than she expected.

  “Good,” said Gerana. Then she went back around to in front of Kita, and looked her in the eyes. “From now on, whenever I say ‘Now,’ you’re going to feel that again. Now.”

  Kita yelped, lurched forward again. Gerana was there, and Terra was on the couch, but something had hit her again, just as hard.

  “Generalize it,” said Terra. “Not exactly the same.”

  “Right, fine. Strike that. From here on in, when I say, ‘now’—”

  Kita yelped, and lurched forward.

  “From here on, someone is hitting you on your ass or your upper thighs, with the ruler. Sometimes a little harder, sometimes a little softer. Not the same place twice. Now. Now. Now.”

  With each ‘now’ Kita squealed, trying to get out of the way of whatever it was. “Check it,” said Terra. “There are stripes there. I-O is working right, anyway.”

  “Wait, what?” said Gerana, and she went around; her hand was cool on Kita’s ass, where it burned from where that ruler had hit.

  "Sure," said Terra. "It's tapping the nerves, right? So the body is convinced that what's happening is what you tell it. I mean, it won't bruise, because that's broken capillaries, but increased blood flow to the point of impact is going to happen.

  "Now," said Gerana, and Kita could hear Gerana's quick intake of breath as the ruler came down, and Kita jerked.

  "That's amazing," said Gerana.

  "Mhm," said Terra. "Be cautious though; I mean, if you tell her that her arm is chopped off, she could get necrosis."

  "Now," said Gerana, and again, a quick little breath.

  Gerana's hand was on the inside of Kita's thigh, soft, appraising. "From now on, It's going to hit your breasts. Different strengths, different placement. Every three seconds."

  Kita wailed as the first one came down. It was harder than any of the others had been, and it stung like anything.

  "Very nice," said Gerana, spreading the lips of Kita's pussy apart, probing inside of her. "And you seem to be having a good time."

  "You can change that, if you like," said Terra.

  "Interesting," said Gerana. "Hm. Okay, Keets. You're right at the brink of orgasm, now."

  And she was, just like that. Kita gasped, shuddering, as the ruler . . . the ruler wasn't hitting her, that was stupid, her hands would be in the way, and it was right there, but it was, and it hurt, and the hurt was amazing, and Gerana was—

  "You can't come," said Gerana. "No matter what else happens, you don't orgasm unless I tell you to."

  Kita whimpered, helplessly. It hurt, but it had almost . . . and now, it couldn't.

  "Something's fucking you," said Gerana. "It's big and hard, and it's moving in your cunt."

  If she hadn't been as turned on as she was, Kita would've been ripped apart. She gasped, tried to keep from toppling over, as whatever it was moved in her, urgent, and almost too big for her.

  "Please?" she whimpered, not entirely sure what she was asking for.

  "Sh," said Gerana. Her hands were on Kita's pussy, as the thing thrust in her.

  "I was kind of hoping I could see it," she said. "But it doesn't look like—"

  Terra snorted. "It's just her nervous system," she said. "There isn't anything there."

  "But the—now—" and the ruler hit her ass, almost the same time as it hit her breasts. Kita wanted to beg for that to stop, but she had to sh; she couldn't even make noises.

  "Sure. That's her nervous system. Point is—"

  "Okay, got it. Something else is fucking your ass, Keets. It's nice and lubed, but it's almost as big as the thing in your cunt. Moving at the same rhythm."

  That hurt; she hadn't done . . . even with her boyfriends, when she'd had them, K
ita hadn't experimented much with her asshole, and this was—

  "That's great," said Gerana, and while her hand on Kita's pussy didn't go away, her other hand started probing at her ass. Which felt really weird; there were two things in the same place. The thing fucking her was moving in and out, but Gerana's fingertip was on the edge of her hole, just touching.

  "Yeah, you can make her relax muscles," said Terra. "But like I said, you really have to be careful; don't relax them too much, or they'll—"

  "Yes, fine," said Gerana. "Now"—and Kita winced at yet another slap from the ruler— "Keets. Would you like to eat some pussy?"

  Kita didn't want to answer that question, exactly, and fortunately, she couldn't.

  Gerana's hands stopped, and she slapped Kita's ass. "C'mon. An—"

  "No," said Terra. "Don't give her contradictory orders. That could break it. Or her."

  "Oh, right. You can talk again, Keets. And answer the question."

  "Yes," said Kita, which she wouldn't have said if she hadn't had to.

  "Say please," said Gerana.

  "Please!" said Kita.

  "Please what?" asked Genara. She'd settled back onto the couch, and was grinning at Kita.

  Kita groaned, as the ruler came down across her breasts again. "Please, please let me eat you out, Gerana. I . . . just, please?"

  Gerana ruffled Kita's hair. "Okay," she said. "You can come down from there, and come here."

  None of the other stuff had stopped; she was still being fucked, harder than she ever had been, in her ass and her cunt at once, and every three seconds, it felt like that ruler was hitting her breasts, at different angles, and different strengths, and it hurt so very badly. But she was finally able to pull back Gerana's skirt, and bury herself in her crotch.

  Kita hadn't been with a woman before, exactly, but Gerana's pussy was lovely, warm, and welcoming, with a thicket of neatly trimmed black hair. Kita spread her apart with her hands, and then started licking, tasting Gerana's desire for her, feeling her hips thrust up to meet her mouth.

  She was so turned on that she couldn't even think about what she was doing; she just did it; breathing and licking and touching, hoping to make Gerana happy. Not because she wanted the hurting to stop, or more of it, or anything; she just wanted to be useful to her.

  It seemed that she was useful. It didn't take too long before Gerana climaxed, her back arched, her fingers knotted in Kita's hair.

  "Terra next, sweetie," said Gerana, when she was finished, and Kita moved over, unbuckling Terra's pants, and then sort of trying to hold her up, and slide them down. But before she could start, Gerana tapped her shoulder. "Not like that," she said. "Up, on my lap, your head there—Terra, you'll have to move so that . . . right; like that."

  Terra had turned so that her legs were up on the couch, and Kita was lying between them, her crotch on Kita's lap.

  Terra actually had really nice legs. Long and slim and muscular. Kita didn't seem them much—Terra was almost always wearing the sort of heavy-duty pants that would resist acid or whatever. But they were nice. Her hair was sparser than Gerana's, and blonde, and while she wasn't pushing Kita away, she didn't seem to have been as into it as Gerana was—not as wet when Kita started, not as responsive to her lips and tongue and fingers.

  "She's not bad," said Terra, after a while. "But—"

  "Shut up," said Gerana. "She's adorable. And very sensitive." Her hands were moving on Kita's ass, on her cunt. Kita gasped, moaned, twisted herself around Gerana's hands, but it seemed like what she was looking for was always a few seconds away, not quite there. If she could just—

  "After Terra comes, you'll be allowed," said Gerana. "Do a good job."

  It seemed like it took forever, locked there on Gerana's lap, her face in Terra's pussy, but finally, Terra started to grind into her, moving to the rhythm of Kita's mouth. Meanwhile, Gerana's hands were moving on her, firmly, possessively. She couldn't come; it was like there was a wall there. Instead, she was getting more and more turned on, utterly abandoned to the feelings in her cunt. With the collar or without it, there wasn't anything that Gerana told her that she wouldn't do.

  Then Terra tensed, breathing hard, for three, four long seconds, and pushed Kita's head away.

  "Okay," said Gerana. "Go ahead and come."

  It was the most intense orgasm Kita had ever had; her back arching, her feet curling up, muscles spasming, her face contorted with the strength of the feelings pouring through her. It seemed like it would last forever, but finally she collapsed against Terra's thigh, breath ragged.

  "Right," said Gerana. "Now, do that again."

  It was just as strong, but there was less left of Kita to handle it. It was like she was being torn apart by the way she was convulsing; there was foam on her mouth when she was finally done.

  "And . . . one more time," said Gerana. "Just for me."

  It started again, and this time, Kita passed out halfway through.

  When she woke up, she was still naked, but she was lying in her bed under the covers, with the collar off. Gerana was sitting next to her, on top of the covers, and reading one of Kita's books.

  "Better?" asked Gerana, when she saw that Kita's eyes were open.

  Kita groaned, not sure how to answer that. "Good," said Gerana. Then she bent over and kissed Kita on her forehead. "There's water on the bedside table. And some figs. Feel better!"

  Kita still wasn't sure how to reply; she just watched Gerana put her book down, and straighten her skirt as she stood up.

  "Oh, and—" she said, turning back, just as she was about to leave the room. "We're going to be demoing the product in a couple of weeks. Try not to play with yourself until then, okay? At the very least, don't come before then."

  Then she was gone, before Kita could say anything.

  Not that she had the slightest idea as to what she would say.


  The next two weeks were very strange. Terra and Gerana were constantly busy, and every time that Kita saw them, she immediately found herself blushing and running to her room. Which they found hilarious.

  At one point, as Kita was scrubbing the floor in the living room, Terra stood in the doorway, watching her.

  "Good job," she said.

  "Thanks?" said Kita, looking for a way out.

  "Would you like to get undressed and finger yourself in the corner?" asked Terra.

  Kita shook her head, but couldn't actually find words. "Not sure?" asked Terra. "I mean, you wouldn't get to come, but maybe if you looked entertaining enough, I'd let you lick me."

  Kita was squeezing the sponge; she hadn't noticed that. She looked down at it, at the water running into the bucket, and still couldn't say anything.

  "Come on," said Terra. "Give me an answer, Keets."

  What came out of her mouth wasn't so much a word as it was a squawk. Then she closed her eyes, pushed past Terra, and locked herself in her room until she got some control of her breathing. When she finally did, the sounds were muffled by the door, but she was pretty sure that Terra was still laughing.

  What Kita needed to do was to find a new flat, but she didn't do that. The other thing she needed to do was to have an orgasm, but she didn't do that either. She didn't even touch herself. Instead, she just went red whenever Gerana or Terra looked at her, and spent like an hour every night in bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

  And then, finally, there was a knock at her door. Gerana was there, holding a long white dress over her arm. A really nice, long white dress, the sort of thing that Kita could never afford in a thousand years on what the bookstore was paying her.

  "They'll be here in like three hours," said Gerana. "You should go take a bath, and then put this on. Oh, and make sure to shave really well—you're the product demo, so you're going to have to look your absolute best. Not a single hair below your eyelashes, Keets, or there'll be consequences."

  "But, I—"

  "There, there," said Gerana. She put the dress down
on the dresser, and patted Kita on the cheek. "You're lovely; I'm sure that everyone will be very impressed. But get moving. And just the dress, you understand—don't wear anything else."


  The door was already closed.

  "But I don't know if I want to," said Kita, to nobody.

  The time was coming to make a decision. She could just blow them off, wedge something in front of her door, and wait until everything was over before coming back out. Or she could do what Gerana wanted her to do.

  Thing was, she could always change her mind later, and this was a chance to take as long a bath as she wanted, without Terra pounding on the door, or Gerana sniffing at her afterward. And . . . honestly, she probably was going to do what Gerana wanted, and she was pretty sure that she she didn't want consequences. Gerana just having fun with her was terrifying enough, but consequences . . . she went to the bath, and started bathing.

  Shaving was more difficult than she'd expected. Her legs, and her armpits, and the fine hairs on her arm were easy enough—she'd done that before. But there were a lot of other places under her eyelashes where she had hairs, and some of those were a real pain to shave properly. She managed to do it without cutting herself, but she had to tweeze out a lot of ends of hairs from places it wasn't comfortable to use tweezers.

  And then she went to her room, and put on the dress that Gerana had given her.

  It was really, really nice. And flattering. Kita wasn't sure that her legs had ever looked quite that long, or elegant, and the way it looked against her skin just made her look darker and the dress look lighter, and both her and the dress look better.

  It was probably the nicest present that anyone had ever given her. To the extent that it was a present, which she wasn't entirely sure about. But it was great.

  Would look even better with shoes, though. And underwear? Because it wasn't as supportive on top as she'd like, and when she sat down, it was going to be difficult to keep from being more revealing than she'd ever been. Of course, once the collar went on, she was going to be more revealing than she'd ever imagined being.

  There was a knock on the door. Last chance to barricade herself in her room, and wait everything out. Kita swallowed, butterflies in her stomach, and went out to the living room, where Terra and Gerana were moving chairs around.


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