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Smut Alfresco

Page 17

by Lucy Felthouse

“Coffee?” She proffered a cup. Karl was still lying on his back.

  “I don’t think I can move,” he said.

  “Oh well, maybe I should just pour it over your cock to warm you up that way,” she said. He jumped to his feet and took the cup from her.

  The sun was now just showing over the hillside. Hannah chose a standing stone that faced it and sat with her back against the rock and her face to the dawn. She bunched her skirt up behind her so she didn’t wet it with their juices, damp grass crushed against her ass and pussy. It felt good to be in direct contact with the earth. The low sun was giving off the tiniest hint of warmth, but she was glad of the hot coffee. Karl sat down next to her and she leaned into him.

  “Your cum’s leaking out of me into the ground,” she said.

  “It’s an offering to mother earth. It’s only right that we let her join in the fun.”

  “I’m not sure being drizzled in second-hand come counts as fun.”

  “Sounds like fun to me,” he said, grinning.

  “You’re disgusting,” Hannah said, shifting round to straddle him and rub her wetness against his legs.

  “I know. And you love it.” He sipped his drink as she pushed her slippery slit over his shrunken cock, bathing it in their mingled juices.

  “I think we can definitely tick off number 463,” she said. “But we need to go to the supermarket in Kirkwall before we go and get the ferry to Rousay for 464.”

  “I thought we had enough food for the first couple of days,” Karl said.

  “Yes, but we need to see if they sell rope in the household section. If I’m going to tie you to a tree, I’m going to do it properly. You won’t be able to move a muscle when I’m done.”

  “Oh Hannah,” he moaned. “I love you. How many more maps have we got?”

  “Seventy-three down. Three hundred and thirty to go. It could take us years.”

  “Good,” he said. “I don’t ever want to stop. We’ll have to think of a new challenge after this. How about the summit of every three-thousand foot mountain? Or the banks of every river in Britain? Up against every native species of tree?”


  By Jenny Lyn

  The last thing Jacey Marlow wanted to look up and see bleeding through the dense gray dust cloud in her rear-view mirror was red and blue flashing lights. She didn’t dread the sight for the usual reasons most people did, like speeding for instance, which she was foolishly doing, or running stop signs, which she’d also done several times in the last fifteen minutes.

  No, the reason she’d broken out in a cold sweat over the colourful lights steadily gaining ground behind her was because of the forty gallons of illegal moonshine she carried in the Chevelle’s trunk. If she got caught, her brother Tyson was going to be pissed about losing his car and the income from the sale. He’d probably let Jacey sit in jail for a few days out of spite before he decided to be merciful and bail her out, even if she was doing him a favour by making the haul on his behalf. To him, part of being a Marlow meant knowing how to outrun the law. Given her family’s history, it should be imprinted in her DNA.

  Jacey considered trying to outrun the Sheriff’s cruiser, even going so far as to press the accelerator just a little harder, watching the speedometer climb past eighty miles-per-hour, before she saw another set of flashing lights pull across the roadway a quarter of a mile up ahead of her, blocking any chance of escape.

  She was screwed.

  Lifting her foot off the gas, she rolled to a stop a few feet away from the white Chevy Tahoe with the word ‘Sheriff’ emblazoned down the side in big green letters. Beneath it read, ‘Rydelle County’ in smaller print.

  Tennessee’s finest.

  The man who stepped out of the Tahoe once the dust settled certainly fit the description in a literal sense. At six-four and 215 pounds of solid, intimidating muscle, he backed up the badge impressively. She’d had the misfortune - or perhaps good fortune, depending on which side of the law you were on - to be cornered by Sheriff Nick Fleming himself, the County’s most eligible bachelor, and the hottest thing to ever pin on a shiny silver star. She completely forgot about the other cop behind her - the one that a quick glance in her side mirror confirmed had exited his vehicle as well, and had his right hand resting cautiously on his sidearm like if she made one wrong move it might be her last.

  Nick ran his fingers through his short blonde hair, before sliding a pair of sunglasses over sky-blue eyes. His calm demeanour plus the fact that he didn’t reach for any sort of weapon of his own told her he recognised her through the dusty windshield. Jacey watched the roll of his slim, jean-clad hips as he strolled to the side of the car. She kept her hands firmly wrapped around the steering wheel and tried to keep her breathing calm.

  He bent forward, placing both hands on the edge of the open window, and shook his head. “What the ever lovin’ fuck, Jacey?” he growled.

  “Nice to see you too, Sheriff.”

  He let out a long sigh and straightened, placing his hands on his hips. The action framed the bulge in the front of his jeans perfectly in her car window. Even soft, it was impressive. And what the ever lovin’ fuck was she doing thinking about the Sheriff’s dick at a time like this?

  “Get out,” he said sharply, yet he still reached for the door handle to open it for her and offered a polite hand for assistance. Sparks zinged up her arm when her fingers made contact with his.

  She swung her bare legs out first then stood up directly in front of him, seeing her distorted reflection in the tinted lenses of his sunglasses. No doubt she looked a fright, with her dark brown hair windblown and wild around her face and shoulders, wearing nothing but a pair of cut-off denim shorts and a baby-pink tank top over her bikini. Yeah, she’d had lofty aspirations of going for a swim in the spring-fed pond at the back of her property after making this run. That made this excursion sound just as casual as if she was making a quick trip into town for a six-pack of beer or a loaf of bread when she knew good and well it was anything but.

  Nick slammed the door of the car and took her by the arm, tugging her toward the left front fender. Surely he wasn’t going to-

  “Hands on the hood,” he ordered. “Spread your feet apart.”

  When she didn’t comply right away, he tapped the inside of her foot with the toe of his work boot. Jacey bit back a few choice names for him and did as he ordered. He didn’t touch her yet, though she knew it was coming. Instead, he put one hand down beside hers and leaned close, whispering in her ear, “You weren’t supposed to be the one driving this car.”

  She kept her gaze trained on the woods past the roadside. “Well obviously I am.”

  “And why would that be?”

  She shrugged. “Just doing Tyson a favor.”

  “That’s some seriously misguided loyalty you’ve got there.”

  She swung her head around to glare at him. “He’s all I have.”

  A muscle in his jaw jumped. Anger made his lips flatten into a straight line before he asked, “What am I going to find if I pop the trunk?”

  “I think you know the answer to that already.”

  He gathered up a handful of hair at the back of her neck, pulling until her head tipped back and the pain in her scalp made her hiss through her teeth. “Don’t you move a muscle, understand?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she drawled.

  He turned her loose and walked over to the Deputy still standing beside his cruiser. Jacey watched them as they talked quietly for a few minutes, her body practically vibrating with an unstable cocktail of anger, frustration, desire, and just a hint of fear. The deputy smiled while he squinted in Jacey’s direction, then nodded at something Nick said before climbing inside his car, shutting off the obnoxious lights, and turning around in the road to head back the direction from which he’d come.

  She and Nick were alone now on a deserted country back road, which meant he could do anything to her that he damn well pleased. The idea shouldn’t turn her on as much as it did, but fanta
sies were fantasies and sometimes that’s all you had to keep you company on long, lonely nights in an empty bed between visits from a lover.

  Nick reached inside the Chevelle, removed the keys from the ignition, and opened the trunk. Jacey winced when a minute later he slammed the trunk lid closed hard enough to rock the entire car.

  He walked up behind her and placed his hands on her hips, fingers digging in through the denim. Everything inside of her went liquid and warm. She squeezed her eyes closed and waited. Wanted. After an anxious moment, his wide palms travelled up her ribcage, skimming over her shoulders and down her arms to stop at her wrists. His body now blanketing hers, he curled his fingers around them and pulled her into a standing position, braced between his solid frame and the fender of the Chevelle.

  Pressing his face into her hair, he drew a deep breath then let it out slowly. “What am I going to do with you, Jacey?”

  “I can think of a few things,” she said boldly, arching her back to push her ass to his groin. Behind his fly, his cock hardened to steel. His hands tightened around her wrists then pinned them to her hips.

  He bit the curve of her neck where it met shoulder. “Nice try at diversion.”

  “What do you want to do with me, Sheriff?”

  He finally released her long enough to turn her around to face him. At some point he’d removed his sunglasses and tucked them into the collar of his uniform shirt, so avoiding the heat in his eyes was impossible. But then she didn’t want to. Jacey liked seeing it. It meant that he still wanted her as badly as she ached for him.

  “Turn you over my knee and blister your ass until you can’t sit down for a week.”

  “Sounds painful,” she said, even though the thought of his hand burning her bottom made her wet, painful or not.

  “You deserve it for putting me in this position.”

  She did feel remorseful for that. When she licked her lips, his eyes tracked the movement. “I’m sorry, Nick.”

  His hands wrapped around her throat, thumbs pressing underneath her chin to force it up. A shudder of arousal rippled through her body. Nick’s dominance over her was a thing of beauty; the way she reacted to it as natural as breathing.

  “I do love hearing you say my name. Too bad it’s not more often.”

  It was her fault that didn’t happen. Well, really the blame lay in her surname. The Marlow men weren’t necessarily known for being the most law-abiding bunch. Jacey was guilty by association in the eyes of most of the folks in Rydelle County, and logically that included law enforcement. Agreeing to help Tyson was stupid and certainly didn’t help her cause any, but like she’d told Nick earlier, he was all she had left, and lawbreaker or not, she wouldn’t turn her back on blood. Not for something as tame as a trunk full of moonshine. If Tyson was involved in anything more serious than that, it would be a different story.

  Then Nick kissed her and all of the messiness inside her head retreated back into the dark corners of her brain. She curled her hands into his shirt, holding on while he deepened the kiss. She felt herself being lifted then tipped backwards onto the slick, sun-warmed hood of the car.

  His tongue pushed greedily past her lips and she opened for him in more ways than one. It never took much anyway where he was concerned. One kiss and she was molten. He insinuated his hips between her spread thighs, groaning softly into her mouth. Jacey drank down the sound like gulps of cool water.

  He broke the kiss abruptly, bracing himself on his hands above her. “Fuck, you make me forget everything when I taste you.”

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

  “It is when we’re sitting in the middle of a public road and anyone could drive up on us fucking around on the hood of your car.” He helped pull her into a sitting position before lifting her off the hood and setting her on her feet.

  “It’s Tyson’s car, not mine.”

  Too late, she realised what she’d reminded him of. The fire in his eyes died a quick death. “Which brings us back to the reason you were stopped in the first place.”

  “It’s not like I’m trafficking meth, Nick.”

  He ignored her ridiculous attempt at making light of the situation. “Where are you headed with the ‘shine, Jacey?”

  “I can’t tell you that.”

  He ducked his head until they were practically nose-to-nose. “You’ll tell me or I’m going to dump every ounce of it into that goddamn ditch. Then I’m going to throw your brother’s keys as far as I can into those woods right before I haul your sweet ass back home where you belong.” She opened her mouth to protest the implied sexism in his words, but he cut her off. “Don’t even try it. You know exactly what I mean - home where you’re safe and out of trouble.”

  Jacey gnawed at her lip, weighing her choices. She really didn’t have any. “Are you going to follow me and make the bust at the delivery point?”

  He scowled. “You think I want to get you killed for being a narc?”

  Her skin prickled behind his harsh question. The danger of what she was doing hadn’t crossed her mind until now. Sure, she knew the buyers casually, but people changed when cornered or betrayed. Even the Marlow name wouldn’t protect her from retribution under those circumstances. “No, but - ”

  “No fucking buts.” He grabbed her upper arms and shook her, just hard enough to draw her full attention to what he was saying. “I’m turning a blind eye to this drop, Jacey. Against my better judgment, I’m going to ignore my badge this one time because the thought of you in jail makes me want to puke. But I’m still the Sheriff of this county, so it will only be this one time, understood?”

  She nodded weakly.

  “I want to know where you’re making the exchange in case something happens to you. That way I’ll know who to destroy first.”

  He’d said the words with so much conviction; Jacey knew he meant every single one. Hearing them confused her, though. Nick made it sound like he cared deeply about her. She didn’t want to give herself any kind of false hope. Maybe she’d misinterpreted the emotion in his voice to mean more than it did. Perhaps he was simply upset with himself for allowing her to get away with breaking the law.

  Sure, they’d been lovers for several months, and the sex was mind-blowing, but she’d always thought of herself as Nick’s dirty little secret. It had been hard to swallow at times, even impossible once or twice, and she’d tried pushing him away altogether. But he always found a way to get past her defences. Despite their differences, and Christ there were a lot of them, he kept coming back. And she wasn’t strong enough to end it for good. What did that make her besides weak and willing to be used?

  “Jacey, tell me.”

  She sighed resignedly. “I’m meeting Marcus Tidwell at the barn behind his grandfather’s old place. And I’m already late, Nick, so either let me go or get to pouring.”

  He dropped the keys to the Chevelle in her outstretched hand then ran a finger beneath the string of her bikini top where it lay against her collarbone. “I’ll meet you for a swim around five. If you’re not there, your brother and Mr. Tidwell might as well start digging their own graves.”

  He kissed her hard then walked back to his vehicle and drove away.

  Jacey’s hands were shaking when she climbed back behind the steering wheel of the Chevelle. She loved her brother with all of her heart, but her “misguided loyalty” to him almost got her arrested today. Nick’s comment that she wasn’t supposed to be driving this car made suspicion bloom in the back of her mind. Did Tyson know the Sheriff was on to him and that was the reason why he asked her to make this run? She probably didn’t want to examine that question too deeply because she feared she already knew the answer. Doing this for Tyson could’ve also cost her… whatever this thing was she had with Nick in the process, and perfect or not, that was no longer a risk she was willing to take.

  Having left his work vehicle at home, Nick drove his truck through the woods to the back of Jacey’s property, bouncing down a narrow, rutted roa
d through lush trees and thick brush.

  She’d inherited this land from her father when he died three years ago. Tyson had gotten a smaller, less valuable piece just up the road a ways. Rightly so, too. Jacey deserved all of it for the shit she’d put up with her entire life. Her mother died when she was just a baby, leaving her to be raised by a family of outlaws. It was no wonder she was more familiar with war than she was peace.

  The first time Nick had noticed her as a grown woman six years ago, he suspected she was going to cause him trouble. She was headstrong, whip smart, and beautiful. She was also seven years his junior, but that hadn’t stopped him from wanting her in his bed. The first time he’d kissed her six months ago, he knew he was going to lose his heart. All of it would be a lot easier to accept if she didn’t constantly test his patience and push him to his limits.

  His dominant side revelled in the challenge though, which is probably why they were so drawn to each other. To the untrained eye, Jacey was tough as iron and closed off at times, a solid protective front she put up so no one saw the cracks beneath the surface. Nick had seen through it rather easily because he’d been that way himself when he was younger, until his stepfather introduced him to sports as an outlet for all of that negative energy and anger he felt toward his deadbeat real father. It had probably saved his life.

  Jacey didn’t need saving, she just needed someone to show her she had options, if she was of a mind to explore them. She had him, even though she didn’t think so. Nick bore the guilt there by worrying more about what his peers thought instead of what he truly wanted. But that was about to change too, provided they could reach a compromise.

  The heavily wooded dirt path opened up into a grassy clearing. Seeing her vehicle parked there sent a profound sense of relief coursing through his body, the weight that lifted from his shoulders nearly tangible. Her brother Tyson and Mr. Tidwell would live to draw another breath, although their days as lawbreakers were numbered.

  Nick pulled his truck alongside Jacey’s and shut off the engine. Sunshine danced off the surface of the pond in brilliant white flashes of light, making him squint until his eyes adjusted. The place was stunning, a private spot of Heaven she was lucky enough to call hers.


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