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Abraham, 6
Abstractive memory, 48-54, 296-7
Academic psychology, 44, 44n, 60, 137, 166
Acquired skills, 37, 45
Act of Creation, The, 47 n, 131, 134 n, 136, 139, 147, 161, 221 n
Adaptive strategies,
see Flexible strategies
Aggression, 14-15, 69, 93, 116
Aggressive-defensive emotions, 60, 93, 116, 130
Aha experience, the, 133-4, 136, 156
Allegory, 122
Allport, F. H., 317
Alpbach Symposium, 23, 23 n, 56, 202 11, 289 11
Altruism versus egoism, 62
American Pragmatism, 4 n
Anamorphosis, 234 n, 269
Anna Karenina, 156
Anticipation of reward, 71-2
and see Emotional drive
Anti-matter, 253, 253 n
Arborization, 47, 49, 297-8, 308
Archetypes, 210-11, 222
Archimedes, 159
Aristarchus, 159
Aristophanes, 122
Aristotle, 115, 135, 153, 160, 191, 224, 278
Art, the discoveries of,
ch. VIII, passim
Arthropods, 12-13, 18
As If, the philosophy of,
4, 4 n
Atkinson, J.W., 137, 137 n
Auschwitz, 2, 95
Autonomic nervous System, 317-18
Autonomous holons, 41, 292-3
Awareness, degrees of,
Bacon, Sir Francis, 115, 124, 278
Baerends, G. P., 178
Baltimore, D., 199 n
Bartlett, F. C., 300
Bateson, Gregory, 182-3
Bateson,William, 181-4, 190
Becoming, hierarchies of,
43, 45
learnt, 42-3, 59
rules governing, 62, 81-2, 91-2
Behaviour of Organisms, The, 167 n
Behavioural holons, 37
Behaviourist psychology, 25, 39 n, 44 n, 51, 71, 165-9, 179, 223
Bell, J. S., 256-7
Bergson, Henri, 115, 116 11, 123, 128, 137, 224, 226, 229, 269, 271, 301
Berkowitz, L., 88
Berri, Claude, 112
Berthollet, Claude, 322
'Beyond Atoniism and Holism', 56
'Beyond Reductionism' Symposium, 23, 165 n, 289 n
Beyond the Pleasure Principle, 63
'Biochemical Aspects of Brain Activity', 101-2
Biochemical Warfare, 3
Biological evolution, 168-9, 214, 219-20, 222, 276
Biology of God, The, 96 n
Birkbeck College, London, 257
Birth control, 101
Bisociation, 113, uS, 123, 129-30, 141-7, 149, 151, 156
Black holes, 254-5
Bohm,, David, 250, 257, 267
Bohr, N., 247
Bolk,J., 218
Bonner, James, 40
Botticelli, Sandro, 154
Bragg, Sir William, 244
functions of the, 12-13, 276-7
structures of the, 9-11, 20
types of, 12
Brave New World, 103
Bristol University, 91-2
Broad, C. D., 32
Bruner, Blanche, 23 n
Bruner, J. S., 23 n, 290
Buddhism, 7, 8, 265
Burt, Sir Cyril, 248, 272
Buss, A. H., 88
Butler, Samuel, 185, 193, 202
Calder, Nigel, 91-2
California, University of, 101
Caligula, Roman emperor, 77
Cambridge, University of, 184, 271
see Codes
Capra, Fritjof, 243, 247 n, 248
Caricature, 114, 122-3, 126, 128-9, 133
Carrell, Alexis, 30
Carroll, Lewis, 121
Cartesian dualism, 229-30, 233-5, 245
Cartoons, 114, 118, 123, 128
Caruso, 51
Case of the Midwife Toad, The, 180 n, 193 n, 198 n, 200, 261 n
Causality, physical, 259-65, 268-9
body, 40-1
nucleus, 40, 182
Cells, 27-30, 39-42, 44, 58, 68, 225
Centripetal versus centrifugal, 62
CETI (conimunication with extraterrestrial intelligence), 319-25
Cézanne, Paul, 141, 154
Chain-response theory, 39 n
Challenge of Chance, The, 243 n, 260, 269
Chance and Necessity, 67, 191
Chaplin, Charles, 115, 117
Child, C. M., 310
Chomsky, Noam, 31, 170, 234, 290
Chopin, Frédéric, 127
Chromosomes, 39-42,44, 181-2, 185, 186 n, 187, 197-9, 202-3, 215, 273
Cicero, 115, 124
Civilization and its Discontents, 63
Clausius, 222
Cleopatra, queen of Egypt, 229
Clerk Maxwell, James, 135
Cobb, S., 318
Code governing holon's structure, 38-9
Codes of conduct, 38-45, 59, 61, 63, 81-2, 89, 112, 145, 148
incompatible, 144
Coghill, G. E., 214
Cognitive code, 45-6
Cognitive hierarchy, 47, 59, 226, 233
Cognitive holons, 112, 121, 131-2
Coincidence, 144, 259-65
Colorado, University of, 323-4
Comedy, 125, 129, 144-5
Comic devices, 123-4
Comic opera, 127
Comic verse, 121
Communicating ideas, 35
Communication theory, 34, 53, 53 n
Communication with extraterrestrial intelligence (CETI), 319-25
Complementarity, Principle of, 61, 234-5, 244-5
Condon, E. U., 323
Conflict, 145
Confucianism, 7
Consciousness, levels of, 230-1, 310
Constable, John, 50
'Control of the Mind' Symposium, 101
Cooperation versus competition, 62
Copenhagen School of physicists, 249
Copernicus, Nicolaus, 1, 159, 258
Cornell University, 282 n
Correns, Karl, 181
Country of the Blind, 281
Creativity, the three domains of, 109-11, 128-9, 146-7
Crick, F., 196, 213
Criteria for judging humour, 127-8, 130
Criteria of relevance, 50-1, 54, 153-4
Cro-Magnon, 2, 98, 275
Crying, 137-8
Cultural evolution, 168-9, 220
D'Andrea, Joanne, 312
Darlington, C. D., 188, 196
Darwin, Charles, 125, 134, 155, 174-80, 185, 190, CH. X passim,
205, 214-15, 274, 274 n, 275, 279
Darwin, Francis, 180 n
Darwin Retried, 178
Darwinism, 175-6, 179-81, 183, 190, Ch. X passim, 209, 223
Daumier, Honoré, 126
de Beer, Sir Gavin, 216 n, 217
de Broglie, Maurice, 245, 250
Death-wish (Thanatos), 5, 57, 63-6, 223, 304
Deformity, 124
Degrees of awareness, 230-1
Degrees of freedom, 237, 237 n
Deluc, J. A., 322
Democritus, 158, 243
Dependence versus autonomy, 62
Descartes, René, 115, 229, 278
Determinism, 47, 239-41, 248
Developmental homeostasis, 42
Devotion, capacity for, 14, 82, 89
Dirac, Paul, 154
Disney, Walt, 123
Divine Flame, The, 96 n
Dobbs, Adrian, 252, 271-2
Domains of creativity, the three, 109-11, 128-9, 146-7
Donne, John, 78, 155, 160
Driesch, Hans, 224
Drosophila melanogaster, 182-3, 198
Dualism, Cartesian, 229-30, 233-5, 245
Dulbecco, R., 199 n
Dürer, Albrecht, 154, 158, 177
Eastman, Max, 120
Eccles, Sir John, 251
Economy in humour, 128, 130
Eddington, Sir Arthur, 251-2
Edinburgh University, 180
Eidetic imagery, 53-4
Einstein, Albert, 132, 135-6, 149-51, 153, 155, 245, 248, 250, 252,
255-6, 258-9, 263
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) paradox, 248, 256-7
Electric shock experiments, 83-90
Electromagnetism, 132
Ellis, Ruth, 240-1
Embryo, development of the,
see Ontogeny
Embryology, experimental, 41, 189, 224
Emerson, R. W., 134
Emotion, the three variables of, 70-6
Emotional drive, 70-2
Emotional dynamics, 114, 118
Emotional reaction, types of, 140
aggressive-defensive, 60, 118
hedonic tone of, 70-1
Papez-MacLean theory of, 8-9, 53
self-tranScending, 60, 70
Emotive behaviour, 60-1, 70-6, 104
Empathy, 143-4
Emphasis in humour, 127-8, 130
Enjoyment of Laughter, The, 120
Entelechy, 224
Environments, hierarchy of, 40
'Epigcnetic landscape', 40
EPR (Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen) paradox, 248, 256-7
Eros (libido), 57, 63-6, 304
ESP (extra-sensory perception), 242-3, 251-2, 258, 260, 263, 270-3
Ethology, 31, 37, 46 n, 100, 177, 230
European Organization for Nuclear Research, 246, 256
Evolution, theories of, 46, 165, 170, 172-3, 182, 190, 200, 205, 209,
215, 274-5
Evolution of species, 43, 170, 177, 184
'Evolution of Systems of Rules of Conduct, The', 81 n
Evolution Old and New, 193
Evolutionary 'blunders', 11-12, 18-20
Evolutionary canon, 44, 205
Evolutionary holons, 37, 43
Evolutionary strategies, 44, ch. XI passim
Exclusion Principle, Pauli's, 257-9, 263, 266
Existentialism, 146, 153
Experimental embryology, 41, 189, 224
Experimental psychology:
at Bristol University, 91-2
at Yale University, 83-90
'Experiments in Plant Hybridization', 181
Exploratory drive, 134-5, 140-1, 143, 214, 226
Extra-sensory perception (ESP), 241-3, 251-2, 258, 260, 263, 270-3
Extraterrestrial civilizations, 184, 284 n, 319-25
Faraday, Michael, 151
Feedback control, 298-9
Feynman, R.P., 248, 253, 259
Finnegan's Wake, 244 n
Firsoff, V. A., 252
First Circle, The, 156-7
Fischer, Bobby, 73
Fixed action patterns, 37, 46 n
Fixed rules, 38-40, 42-6, 59, 61, 236, 293-4, 300, 305-6
Flexible strategies, 38-46, 59, 211-12, 236, 293-4, 300, 305-6
Flight towards Reality, 321
Foss, Donald, 312
France, Anatole, 122
Frankl, Viktor, 23, 23 n, 25, 55
Free will, 47, Ch. XII passim
versus determinism, 239-41
Freedom, degrees of, 237, 237 n
Freedom and Dignity, 67
Freedom of choice, 45 n, 236-8
Freud, Sigmund, 5, 14-15, 24, 63, 64 fl, 72, 79-80, 87, 91, 94, 120,
135, 137, 139 n, 155, 264
his theories, 63-6, 71, 116, 116 n, 117, 128, 223, 304
Functional holons, 36-7, 54
Galen, 224
Galileo Galilei, 133, 155, 159, 199, 258, 324
Galley, Robert, 324
Galton, Francis, 180, 196
Galvani, Luigi, 224
Garstang, W., 216-17
Gaskell, W. H., 12
Gellhorn, E., 317-18
General Systems Theory, 31, 67, 289
Genes, 40-2, 69, 181, 183-7, 226
'Genetic blueprint' (hereditary endowment), 196-7, 199, 201, 203, 215, 273
Genetic code, 37, 39-41, 43, 45, 200
Genetic micro-hierarchy, 188-90, 203, 206, 210, 273
Genetic mutations, 174-5, 202, 206
Genetics, 182, 184-7, 200, 203
Geometrodynamics, 254 n
Gerard, Ralph, 37 n
Gesetz der Serie, Das, 261-2
Gestalt psychology, 26 n, 37, 51, 133
Ghost in the Machine, The, 6 n, 9, 40 n, 47 n, 70 n, 88 n, 105-6, 168 n,
175, 186 n, 189, 193, 206, 206 n, 211, 215, 220 n, 239, 275
Gibbs-Smith, C. H., 322
Giotto di Bondone, 157-8
Goddard, Air-Marshal Sir Victor, 321
Goethe, J. W. von, 23-4, 158, 210-11, 224
Goitrous cretinism, 99-100
Golden Bough, The, 155
Golding, William, 54
Gombrich, Sir Ernst, 157
Gothenburg University, 101
Gozzi, Carlo, 211
Grassé, Pierre, 174 n, 177, 182, i86 n, 191-2, 199, 226, 273
Gray, Asa, 174
behaviour, 81-3, 91-2,
belief-system of the, 79-81, 90, 94
identification with the, 82-3, 140
Group-mentality (Massenpsychologie), 80-3, 104
Group-mind, 90, 93-4, 96, 104
Growth-curves of science and technology, 7-8, 11
Gulag, 95
Gulliver's Travels, 122
Habit formation, 231-3
Habituation, 49 n
Haclainard, Jacques, 149
Haeckel, Ernst, 279
Haldane, J. B. S., 170, 197
Hardy, Sir Alister, 96 n, 172, 180, 208, 210, 214, arö 11, 218, 230, 269
Hári János, 127
Harvard Medical School Symposium, 47 n
Harvard University, 166, 178 11, 195, 198, 209
Harvey, William, 129
Harvie, Robert, 269
Haydn, Franz, 127
Hayek, F. A. von, 23 n, 81 n
Hebb, D. O., 317
Hedonic tone of emotions, 70-2, 139
Heel of Achilles, The, 6 n, 243 n
Heisenberg, Werner, 67, 235, 248-9, 253, 258-9
Helmholtz, Hermann von, 160
Hereditary canon, 39
Hereditary endowment ('genetic blueprint'), 196-7, 199, 201, 203, 215, 273
Heredity, theory of, 180-2, 194, 203
Herrick, Judson, 223, 306
Hess, W. R., 317
Hidden variables, the theory of, 251-2
Hierarchic awareness, 94-5
Hierarchic order, 32-4, 43, 50, 67, 103, 225, 291-2, 298-9
Hierarchic organzation, 27-34, 44, 99, 289-90
Hierarchic structures, 44,49, 99, 290
Hierarchical Structures, 37 n
input, 36, 295
of becoming, 43, 45
output, 36, 294, 307
social, 34, 61, 63, 93-4, 226, 303
symbolic, 37 n
cognitive, 47, 59, 226, 233
language, 35-7, 233
levels of, 43, 45, 49 n, 53-6, 59, 62, 72, 81, 94
of environments, 40, 299-300
of knowledge, 132
organismic, 27-31, 223
perceptual, 49-50, 52 n, 307
Hilgard, E. R., 137, 137 n, 312
Hippocrates, 265
Hiroshima, 1-3
Historic cycles, 161
History of human species, 6-8, 18
Hitchcock, Alfred, 75
Hitler, Adolf, 2, 16
Hitlerism, 8
Hixon Symposium, 299
Hobbes, Thomas, 115
Hogarth, William, 114, 126
Holarchy, Ch. I passim, 57, 78, 82
Holism, 26, 256, 265
concept of the, 27, 33-4, 36-7, 37 n, 56, 289-90, 304
integrative tendency of the, 57-63, 67-8, 74-6, 78-9, 82-3, 89, 93,
139, 226, 265, 269, 301-4
self-assertive tendency of the, 57-63, 67, 74-6, 78, 82-3, 89, 93,
116, 130, 133, 135, 226, 265, 301-4
structure of a, 38, 304
autonomous, 41, 59, 89, 292-3
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