behavioural, 37
cognitive, 112, 121, 131-2
evolutionary, 37, 39, 43
functional, 36-7, 54
linguistic, 37
ontogenetic, 37
self-regulating properties of, 41-2
social, 37, 57, 60-1, 80-2, 93-4, 100
Homeostasis, developmental, 42
Homeostatic feedback devices, 46
Homer, 158
Homicide, 14
Homology, 206, 209-10, 225
Horney, Karen, 65
Hoyle, Sir Fred, 253, 283
Hull, Clark, 290
Human creativity, theory of, 109
Human sacrifice, 6-8, 18-19, 73
Humour: CH. VI passim
criteria for judging, 127-8
in music, 126-7
in the visual arts, 126-7
Hunger instinct, 73, 134, 214
Huxley, Aldous, 119
Huxley, Sir Julian, 5, 170, 170 n, 173, 174, 198, 216, 217 n, 279
Hyden, Holger, 23 n, 101-2
Hynek, J. Allen, 321
Hyper-reflection, 55
Illusion, 143
Imagination: 71-2, 76
and see Emotional drive
Impersonation, 123, 127
Incongruity, 121-2
Indeterminacy, Principle of, 249-50, 250 n
Inhelder, Bärbel, 23 n
Inheritors, The, 54
Inhibition, 75
Innate skills, 45, 177
Input hierarchies, 36, 295
Insight and Outlook, 116 n, 220 n
Instinctual activities, 37-8, 42, 45, 59, 177-8
Integration versus self-assertion, 62
Integrative tendency of the holon, 57-63, 67-8, 74-6, 78-9, 82-3, 89,
93, 139, 225-6, 265, 269, 301-4
Internal Factors in Evolution, 210 n
Introduction to Psychology, 137 n
Invariant rules,
see Fixed rules
Invisible Writing, The, 285-6
Irony, 113
Jaensch, E. R., 53
James, William, 96 n, 201, 272
Janus principle, 34, 37 n, 57-8, 66, 89, 94, 235, 238, 244, 293, 301, 304
Jeans, Sir James, 253
Jenkin, Fleeming, 180-1
Jenkins, J. J., 52, 312
Jesus Christ, 16, 152
Jevons, F. R., 33 n
Johannsen, Wilhelm, 184, 190, 273
Joke, seeing the, 111, 113-15, 117-18, 120-1, 133
Jokel, Victor, 7 n
Jones, Ernest, 64 n
Joyce, James, 158
Jung, C. G., 259, 261, 261 n, 262-4
Jung Institute, Zürich, 263
Kafka, Franz, 12, 129
Kammerer, Paul, 193-4, 198 n, 261-4
his Law of Seriality, 262
Kant, Immanuel, 116
Keats, John, 155
Kepler,Johanncs, 131, 133, 199, 224, 263
Kidnapped, 48
Kinetic code, 45
Kluever, O., 53
Kodá1y, Zoltán, 127
Koety, S. S., 23 n
Köhler, Wolfgang, 134
Koltsov, N., 216 n, 218
Krinov, E. L., 322
Kris, Ernst, 152
Kuhn, Thomas, 161
Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste, 180, 191, Ch. X passim, 205, 215, 261, 273
Language, 15-17, 20, 43, 45 n
hierarchy, 35-7, 233
Lashley, Karl, 221, 233
Laughter, 110-11, 114-19, 123-5, 129-30, 133, 137, 137 n, 138
Lavoisier, Antoine, 322
'Law of Effect', Thorndike's, 71 n
Law of Gravity, Newton's, 61
Law of Seriality, Kammerer's, 262
Lawrence, D. H., 64 n
Lawrence, Douglas, 312
Laws of Motion, Newton's, 248, 302
Le Bon, 80, 94
Leader-follower relationship, 79-80, 89
Learnt behaviour, 42-3
Leibniz, Gottfried, 224
Leonardo da Vinci, 126, 154, 157-8
Levels of consciousness, 230-1, 310
Levels of hierarchy, 43, 45, 49 n, 53, 54-6, 59, 61, 72, 81, 94
Levels of mental activity, 97
Levels of organization, 32-3
Leviathan, 115-16
Libido (Eros), 57, 63-6, 304
Lima-de-Faria, 188
Linguistic holons, 37
Linnean Society, 274 n
Living Stream, The, 172
Logotherapy, 55
London, University of, 257
Lorenz, Konrad, 14 n, 19, 24, 53, 82, 87, 91
Louis XV, king of France, 112
Low, R. J., 323-4
Loyalty, 14-15, 82-3, 89-90
LSD, effects of, 103
Macbeth, Norman, 178
McConnell, J. V., 198 n
MacDougall, W., 198
Mach's Principle, 62 n, 256
MacKay, Donald, 239
MacLean, P. D., 8, 8 n, 9, 23 n, 53
McNeill, David, 23 n, 290
Malice, 115, 118, 121, 126, 133, 135
Mammalia, 206, 206 n, 207-8, 210
Mao Tse-tung, 95, 277
Maoism, 8, 277
Margenau, Henry, 256-8, 279
Marsupials, 12-13, 19, 206-8
Marx, Julius ('Groucho'), 117, 120
Marx, Karl, 155
Masochism, 112-13, 121
Massenpsychologie (group-mentality), 80-3, 104
Mass-hysteria, 94
Mayr, E., 170
Mechanic, Arnold, 312
Melancholia, 177
Memory, 47, 47 n
abstractive, 48-54, 296-7
'spotlight' type of, 48, 52-4, 296-7
Mendel,J. Gregor, 181-3, 185, 198
Mendelism, 182-6, 190, 198
Mental activity, levels of, 97
Mental disorders, 95, 98, 103-4
treatment of, 104
Metamorphosis, 129
Metaphysics, Ch. XIII passim
Michel, Aimé, 325
Midsummer Night's Dream, A, 234
Milgram, Stanley, 83, 85, 87-90
Miller, G. A., 44 n, 308
Milton, John, 120
Mitochondria, 28-30
Monod, Jacques, 67, 173-5, 186 n, 188-9, 191-2, 194, 213
Morgan, Lloyd, 32
Morphemes, 35, 37, 233
Morphic prInciple, 224 n, 270
Morphogenesis, 37, 41, 43
Morphogenetic fields, 37, 41
Morris, Desmond, 19, 24
Motivating forces, 77-8
Mozart, Wolfgang, 127
Muller, H. J., 213
Music, humour in, 126-7
Mutations, 187-91, 198, 202-3, 215, 273
Myers, F. W. H., 17
Myxotricha paradoxa, 68-9
Naked Ape, The, 24
Nash, Ogden, 120
Natural selection, 168-71, 173, 176-7, 181, 185, 189-90, 196, 198,
274, 284
Nature, 210 n
Needham, Joseph, 31-2, 42, 220, 293 n
Negentropy (negative entropy), 223-5, 269
Neocortex, 9-11, 20, 96, 99, 103, 118, 274
Neo-Darwinism, 25, 165-6, 168, 171, 173, 177, 178 n, 179, 181, 184-5,
190, 192, 194-8, 200, 204, 213, 275
Neoteny, 217
Neo-vitalism, 224-5
Nerves, 27
Net-formation (reticulation), 47
Neumann, Johann von, 266
Neuropharmacology, 101-3
Neurophysiology, 8-13, 53, 96, 230, 251
Neutrinos, 252, 252 n
New Scientist, 199, 242, 320
New Yorker, 114, 118, 128
Newton, Sir Isaac, 61, 146, 153, 155, 157, 181, 185, 199, 243-4, 248, 250
his Law of Gravity, 61
his Laws of Motion, 248, 302
Nikias, 157
Nonsense verse, 122
Nuclear warfare, 2-3
Nucleus, cell, 40, 182
Ode on a Grecian Urn, 155
/> Odyssey, The, 158
Oersted, Hans Christian, 132
Olds,J., 317
Olivier, Sir Laurence, 76
Oneirolysis, 151
Oneirosynthesis, 151
Ontogenetic holons, 37
Ontogeny, 36-7, 39-40, 43, 54-5, 186, 189, 213, 231, 294
Organ-buds, 41
Organelles, 28-30, 34, 37, 40, 44, 58, 68, 205, 206, 209, 225
Organismic hierarchy, 27-31, 223
Organisms, 27-31
Organization, levels of, 32-3
Organs, 27-9, 39, 41, 58
Orgs, 37 n
Origin of Species, The, 180, 204
Origin of Vertebrates, The, 12
Originality in humour, 127-8, 130
Orwell, George, 122, 133
Osgood. C. E., 312
Output hierarchies, 36, 294, 307
Oxford, University of, 271, 281
Paedomorphosis, 218-20, 222
Panpsychism, 229-30, 252
Papez-MacLean theory of emotions, 8-9, 53
Paranoia, 95, 98, 104, 174
Parapsychology, 242-5, 252, 258-9, 270-1, 273, 279-80
Parental love, 73
Parody, 123, 127
Part and the Whole, The
(Der Teil und das Ganze), 67, 67 n
Participatory tendency (of the holon),
see Integrative tendency
Partness, 26-7, 33, 58, 60-2, 66-7, 74, 78, 82
versus wholeness, 62
Pascal, Blaise, 78, 229, 266
'Pathology of Memory, The', 47 n
Patou, 166, 168
Pattee, H. H., 30
Pattern recognition, 49 n
Pauli, Wolfgang, 235, 257-9, 261 n, 263-4
his Exclusion Principle, 257-9, 263, 266
Pavlov, I. P., 19, 24, 32, 198
Pearl, F. S., 66
Penfleld, W., 53, 238, 251, 297
Pentagon, the, 3, 33
Perception, 312-16
Perceptual hierarchy, 49, 50, 52 n, 307
Perceptual skills, 35
Petri Papyrus, 101
Phenomenalism, 4 n
Philosophie Zoologique, 194
Phonemes, 35, 37, 39, 233
Phylogeny, 43, 53, 54-5, 118, 188-9, 203, 213, 221, 294
Physical causality, 259-65, 268-9
Physics, Ch. XIII passim
Physics and Beyond,
see Part and the Whole, The
Piaget, Jean, 23 n, 293
Pico della Mirandola, 265
PK (psychokinesis), 251, 270-1
Placentals, 12, 206-8
Plato, 111, 210, 265
Playful behaviour, 123-4
Pleasurableness, 70-3
Pleiotropy, 187
Pliny, 157
Podolsky, B., 248, 256-7
Poher, Claude, 324
Poincaré, Raymond, 154
Polanyi, Michael, 239
Polarity, 57-60, 62, 62 n, 70, 73, 78, 81, 135, 147, 302, 304
Pollution, 3
Polygeny, 187
Polygnotus, 157
Popper, Sir Karl, 149 n, 178 n, 239
Population explosion, 3, 10, 100
Post-natal skills, 42
Practical jokes, 123-4, 127, 129
Pre-natal skills, 42
Prescott, O., 95
Pribram, K. H., 317
Price, H. H., 271, 281
Princeton University, 254
Principle of Complementarity, 61, 234-5, 244-5
Principle of Indeterminacy, 249-50, 250 n
Principles of Biology, 196
Principles of Meteoritics, 322
Probability, theory of, 266-7
Problems of Genetics, 183-4
Problems of Life, 289
Prometheus, 3, 135
Proust, Marcel, 52
Psychokinesis (PK), 251, 270-1
Psycholinguistics, 31, 36, 45 n
Psychology, experimental:
at Bristol University, 91-2
at Yale University, 83-90
Psychopharmacology, 104
Punch, 128
Puns, 120-1, 129, 143-4
Pythagoras, 132, 135, 157, 265, 269
Quantum theory, the, 248-9, 252-3, 255, 257-8, 263, 269, 280
Quintilian, '57
Random mutations, 168, 173-4, 176-7, 180-1, 184-5, 189, 198, 209, 215
Ravel, Maurice, 127
Recalling experience, 54
Receptivity, 14, 20
Receptor organs, 49 n, 50, 55, 201, 280
Reductionist philosophy, 19-20, 23-6, 47, 165, 184, 212, 223-4, 239,
269, 279
Regeneration, 220-2, 224, 311
Regression, 63-4, 150-2, 222
Relevance, criteria of, 50-1, 54, 153-4
Religious ideologies, 96
Rembrandt, 72
Reticulation (net-formation), 47, 49, 297-8, 308
Reward, anticipation of, 71-2
and see Emotional drive
Rhine,J. Banks, 251, 258
Ribonucleic acid, 102, 102 n
Ribosomes, 28-9
Riddles of the Universe, The (Die Welträtsel), 279
Ritual killing, 6-8, 18-19, 73
Roberts, L., 53
Rolland, Romain, 139 n
Roots of Coincidence, The, 242, 243 n, 260
Rorschach, Hermann, 122, 153
Rosen, N., 248, 256-7
Rowlandson, Thomas, 114
Rules governing behaviour, 62, 81-3, 112, 147, 148, 150
Russell, Bertrand, 17, 112 n, 247, 256
Rutherford, E., 247
Ruyer, Raymond, 34
Sagan, Carl, 282 n, 319
St Hilaire, Geoffroy de, 43, 292
Sarton, George, 161
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 156
Satire, 122, 126, 130, 133
Schizophrenia, 103
Schizophysiology, 11, 96, 98, 104
Schlosberg, H., 312, 314
Schopenhauer, Arthur, 264-5
Schrödinger, Erwin, 223-5, 248, 250, 268-9, 306
Schweitzer, Albert, 106
Science and Human Behaviour, 166, 167 n
Scientific Creativity, 131-2, 135-6, 140, 150
Second Law of Thermodynamics, 64, 66, 222-3, 306
Secular ideologies, 96
Self-assertive emotions, 70, 73-4, 77, 116, 118, 130, 145, 240
Self-assertive tendency of the holon, 57-63, 67, 74-6, 78, 82-3, 89,
93, 116, 130, 134-5, 225, 265, 301-4
Self-awareness, 238-9, 310
Self-transcendence, 76
Self-transcending emotions, 60, 70, 73-4, 139, 140, 145
Self-transcending tendency (of the holon),
see Integrative tendency
Sensory input, 49-51, 55
Seurat, Georges, 154-5
Sexual relationships, 73
Shakespeare, William, 143, 145, 211
Sherrington, Sir Charles, 251
Simon, Herbert, 291, 305
Simons, H. A., 44
Simpson, G. G., 170, 195, 209, 212
Sinnott, E. W., 212
Skilled activities, 34-5, 38
Skinner, B. F., 19, 24-5, 32, 45, 45 n, 67, 166-7, 167 n, 169
Sleepwalkers, The, 131, 265 n, 324 n
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre, 68
Smuts, Jan, 26
Smythies,J. R., 23 n
Social hierarchies, 34, 61, 93-4, 226, 303
Social holons, 37, 57, 60-1, 80-2, 93-4, 100
Solomon, king of Israel, 128
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, 156
Sorbonne, the, 177, 182
Species, evolution of, 43, 170, 177, 184
Speech, 35, 38
Spencer, Herbert, 116, 196
Spoonerisms, 120
'Spotlight' type of memory, 48, 52-4, 296-7
Spurway, Helen, i88, 210
S-R theory, 44 n
Stalinism, 8
Stanford University, 52, 312, 320
Stein, Gertrude, 58<
br />
Stevenson, R. L., 48, 72
Stimulation, 75
Strategic choices, 38-9, 45-6, 236-7, 300
Strategies in evolution, 44, Ch. XI passim
Strategy of the Genes, The, 41
Structure of Scienqfic Revolutions, 161
Sturrock, Peter, 321-2
Sub-atomic particles, 28-9, 62, 244-50, 253, 265
Suggestibility, 102, 104
Suggestive emphasis in humour, 127-8, 130
Superspace, 255
'Surprise' Symphony, 127
Swift,Jonathan, 67, 106, 122, 133
Symbiosis, 69, 225
Symbolic hierarchies, 37 n
Symbolic operations, 37
Symbolic thought, 43
Synchronicity, 259-65, 270
Synthetic theory, the, 25, 165, 171, 179, 188
and see Neo-Darwinism
Syntropy, 223, 225, 269
Szent-Györgyi, Albert, 154 n, 223-5, 269
Tajfel, Henri, 91-2
Takhtajan, A., 216 n, 218
Tampering with human nature, 99-102, 104
Taoism, 7, 265
Teil und das Ganze, Der
(The Part and the Whole), 67, 67 n
Teleology, 191-2, 192 n
Teleonomy, 191-2, 194, 213
Telepathy, 259-60, 270-1
Temin, H. M., 199 n
Thanatos (death-wish), 5, 57, 63-6, 223, 304
'Theory of Evolution Today, The', 202
Thermodynamics, Second Law of, 64, 66, 222-3, 306
Thomas, Lewis, 68
Thompson, D. W., 292
Thomson, Sir J. A., 195, 248
Thorndike's 'Law of Effect', 71 n
Thorpe, W. H., 23 n, 39-40, 165, 165 n, 210 n, 230, 292
Thurber, James, 111
Tickling, 125-6, 130
Tinbergen, Niko, 177-9
Tissues, 28-9, 31, 39-40, 40 n, 41
Torquemada, Tomás de, 77
Torture, 7, 7 n
Tragedy, 144-5
Truman, Harry S., 321
Tschermak, E., 181
Twilight Bar, 61 n
UFOs (unidentified flying objects), 319-25
Ulysses, 158
University College, London, 272
Unpleasurableness, 70-3
Unpopular Essays, 17
Vaihinger, Hans, 4, 4 n
Valse, La, 127
Variables of emotion, the three, 70-6
Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, The, 195
Varieties of Religious Experience, The, 96 n
Vasari, Giorgio, 157
Verbal Behaviour, 169
Vertebrates, 43-4, 205, 210, 218, 230
Vicarious emotions, 75
Vigier, J. P., 250
Visual arts, humour in the, 126-7
Vitalism, 224, 224 n, 226
Von Bertalanffy, Ludwig, 8, 23 n, 31, 171-2, 179, 188, 269, 289, 301, 304
Vries, Hugo de, 181
Waddington, C. H., 23 n, 40-1, 75, 170-1, 173, 190, 202, 202 n, 210, 226 n
294, 307
Wagner, Richard, 140, 318
Walker, E. Harris, 252
Wallace, A. Russel, 180, 274, 274 n, 275
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