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From the Beginning: The Old World

Page 6

by Kurtz, Timna

  He was dangerously handsome—the winning combination of blue eyes and dark skin, dark wild hair and a bright smile, a smile he did not freely give out but when he did it was enough to conquer any woman, even the most prudish. He was masculine and had a magnificent build. Rumors had it within the group that he used to be a secret agent for the state, maybe even a spy. No one knew for certain nor bothered to find out. Jack on his part, was not too keen to share his past with us. He was diligent and efficient and cooperated whenever he was asked to. He performed his task without a hint of complaint. A quiet and introverted man, that did not share his needs or wants with anyone. The only testimony to his past was a golden wedding band he had on his left hand that told of a family that was lost too.

  Although no physical resemblance existed, he reminded me a lot of my ex husband, in the way my ex did not communicate with others either and all my attempts to breach the walls of silence were futile. Jack was exactly like that. That is how I knew I better keep away from him—especially since I was already pre-occupied with Eddie and my plants. But, in the same way I knew how dangerous it was to be attracted to him, it was also clear to me why he was attracted to me and why his blue eyes did not leave my image for many days now, why his gaze was following my every move, why he was undressing me with his eyes…


  He was now standing in front of me in the cave, his penetrating eyes glistening with wild passion, strolling slowly on my naked body, not missing a detail, until they imbedded in my eyes that were widely opened from the power of the vibe that was reignited in me.

  Even without him touching me I could feel the warmth spreading through my organs. The vibe lit a fire between my thighs, demanding that I comply with his demand. Although my gaze was pinned in his eyes, I noticed his nostrils widening with passion while he took off his torn shorts, revealing his magnificent chiseled body with his swollen member proudly erect, ready and willing for what was coming. He came closer reaching his hand. His thumb sensually caressing my lips, squeezing them slightly, making it clear to me how much he wanted me. His hand kept moving from my lips to the back of my neck, his fingers burrowed in my hair and with a swift move he pulled my head back. My sensitive neck was exposed to his mouth that was now kissing and nibbling it, sending shivers through me, causing me to extract a deep and longing moan.

  His powerful and passionate kiss was completely different from Eddie’s soft and long kisses. The intensity that poured from his tongue into mine made me swirl and my blood to boil. He now let my hair go and with a cat like flexibility leaped up into the basin I was bathing in. With one hand grabbing my neck, he kissed me intensely again. His other hand urgently moved onto my breasts, forcibly massaging and squeezing my nipples, and for a second leaving my mouth to suck on them with the same passion that was mixed with a trembling pain.

  The vibe between my legs tortured me. I extended my body to him. He responded immediately sending his hand in between my thighs, his fingers invading the moisture and wetness in me, touching my sensitive spot from which this crazed vibe escaped. I moaned loudly, relishing the sensations he was giving me, knowing that here, in the cave, no one would hear us. I leaned on my hands and knees inside the water like an animal in heat, turning my buttocks and pelvic to him. He penetrated me wildly from the rear, his arms holding onto my waist moving my body in sync with his. He penetrated me again and again, groaning like a wild animal, without stopping. He increased the rhythm more and more, extracting calls, moans and groans of pleasuring pain and wild relentless pleasure, until we both exploded like two primal, animalistic and wild creatures.

  We collapsed into the water, breathing heavily, but not minutes later his hands and lips had returned to my body. The intensity and wildness of the passion did not diminish, but now, once we had attained the initial gratification, we engrossed more in getting to know the sensitive spots on each other’s body.

  When his lips invaded the space within my thighs too, pleasuring my sensitive organ with his tongue, he was not gentle, or sensitive. This animalistic touch excited me with intensity levels I had never known, and the gratification I felt rocked and shook me time and time again.

  Only after completing about three mating cycles, the vibe in me finally settled, and the calm spread in my body. My limbs were relaxed. I felt as if I was floating in the water, or maybe even hovering in the air.

  Jack felt the change and understood its meaning well. With the same flexibility he climbed to me, he now descended the rock like a cat on his velvety paws, put on his pants and before vanishing, ran his thumb over my lips. With his piercing blue eyes he told me that he would keep everything between us, and that we would come together again for our mating ritual, at the same place, with the same passion, and the same wildness…

  * * *

  Chapter 12

  As I was dragging my feet down the island, my head was filled with excited thoughts: How will I tell the group about the vision? How will I present it to them without being considered crazy? and How can I keep my actions to myself until it is time to share them with Eddie?

  Inside I knew, more than anyone else, that Eddie would have the hardest time accepting the tribal way of life I was about to bequeath to our little tribe—a new/old way of life.

  When I arrived at the lower level, I saw a huge commotion. Everyone was excited and rattled about the fact the water stopped descending, and they were busy looking extensively for me, as they were worried I had fallen into the water. They were certain I noticed the silence and followed my sense of curiosity to check the meaning of it, and so they feared for my safety.

  When they saw me, they breathed a sigh of relief. At first they were very happy to see me and then scolded me fondly for making them worry so much. Surrounded by excitement and my friends’ questions I could sense, without the need to look, Jack’s blue eyes resting on me, sweetening our secret.

  Eddie arrived, limping on his crutches, upset and excited. He held me so tightly I almost lost my breath. I could see on his face how anxious he was. “I was so worried for you, Grace!” he confessed. “I don’t know what I’d do without you!” He buried his face in my hair, which was still slightly damp from the extraordinary dip I took, “Grace! You’re wet! Where were you? Did you fall in the water? Are you alright?” He showered me with questions.

  “No, no. Everything is fine. Thank you.” I stroked his face lightly, reassuring him. I was touched by his concern. “And thank you all—” I turned to the rest of my friends that were still surrounding us. “I have something important to share with you!” I freed myself from Eddie’s embrace and felt proud at the sight of the intrigued looks. “I didn’t fall into the water—but I did bath in a stone basin filled with fresh clear water…” I presented my magnificent discovery of the water in the cave. Lunch was delayed due to the search for me, therefore I asked them to gather in our cave. While dining on our meager lunch, I shared the mystical experience I had with my friends. I did not reveal the entire detailed vision complete with its mating rituals, nor did I tell them about the strange drawings I saw at the end of it—there was no point in giving them false hope, when even I did not know the meaning of it yet.

  While I was disclosing my vision to them, I felt the vibe rising from within me again, returning to guide me, as if I was one of the wise women I had seen in my vision. It was a different gentler vibe than the one that rocked my senses in the cave, but I could easily notice the change in my posture and the rich language coming out of my mouth as I spoke before my friends.

  “The upper cave will serve us for bathing and drinking. With that said, I would like to dedicate the site to the ways of women. As you know, in early times, women used to gather in a sacred place during their monthly menstruation. No one could ever explain it but women’s cycles tend to synchronize whenever they are sharing their lives together. It is true that for some of us, menstruation had stopped due to the severe lack of food, but I believe that if we keep steady timing when the women gather in th
e sacred cave, the effect of the fertile women will pass on to the women that at present are lacking the ability. I think that I speak on behalf of all the women when I say that we all wish to conceive and give birth again—not only to fill the emptiness brought on by loss and grief, but also for the knowledge that the human race will not be extinct with us here. Even if there are more survivors out there, on other peaks we cannot see from here, we can’t afford the doubt. We have to do all that we can to ensure our continuance. I am positive that each of you feel, deep in your hearts, that there is a reason that we were saved and are here after we have come this far. With all the pain over our loved ones that were lost, we cannot ignore the fact that we have the ability to create new generations. Also, we need to pray, each in their own way, that the water will keep going down and the land will be exposed, that our luck will change and we shall find more food sources to enable us to keep on surviving. Therefore, I am asking the permission of our small tribe to let us observe these customs and put me in charge of the cave’s rules. I am imploring you again, have faith in me, trust me,” I concluded my speech quietly but with determination...

  Naturally I feared the reactions, and I imagined that there would be a few skeptics in the crowd, obviously, not everyone was religious or believers—but to my surprise I could see the sparkle in their eyes. The women’s eyes were especially glistening, they wanted to experience motherhood again indeed.

  “I think it is a wonderful idea!!” Roan rushed to express his opinion. “And we could all use a decent shower!” The tension started to dissipate from my body with the help of the peals of laughter coming from Roan and the rest of the group that laughed as they nodded in acceptation.

  “By the way—” Rebecca’s voice was heard. She was the oldest woman in the group. “If we’re talking about ancient women’s ways, did you know that the menstruation blood of women was collected and used to fertilize the ground? Studies have shown that there are many growth stimulants for plants in the menstruation blood…I think that it will be a welcome addition to your plants, Grace,” she supported me with a radiant smile that emphasized the wrinkles on her face.


  Rebecca emigrated from San Francisco after the merry sixties of the 20th century. She was now in her mid-sixties, a knowledgeable experienced woman, with enough practical sense for ten people. She had experienced everything life had to offer, from academic degrees through psychedelic drugs during the big protest marches in America, then turning back to religion only to become secular again and establish the experimental center for the rehabilitation of people who lost their way. All her family members were washed away and lost, apart from her ten year old granddaughter Jezebel, who was one of the only three children that were rescued with the group. Rebecca and Jezebel had very little connection because of Rebecca’s daughter, who was very religious, and did not want her daughter near her secular grandmother. As fate would have it, they both wound up on the same ship, the one we all sailed in. It was there that Rebecca recognized Jezebel and took her in. Since then they were inseparable, making up for years of not being there for each other, taking solace in their love and great fortune.


  “You are right Rebecca. When I had my son Idan, I buried the placenta in the garden, and on top of it I planted a young pine tree. The tree grew unusually fast, becoming a strong tree with a very large trunk.

  I have no doubt that the blood of life can fertilize our little fields.” I thanked her with my smiling eyes. I saw in her the tribe’s old wise woman, exactly like the ones I saw in my vision. I knew that her advice would be the best and most valuable advice I would ever get when I deliberate or consider certain problems.

  At the same time, I knew that Rebecca would not last long. The food shortage had already damaged her health although she made heroic efforts to hide her pains. When I could, I would share my food with her, and at night I always made sure she was covered and warm. I took Jezebel with me on my study excursions and for my devoted care of the plants, instilling in her the ancient knowledge as the wise women in the past did, just as if she was my own daughter.

  I could see Rebecca’s approval of this in her eyes. She knew I would take care of Jezebel once she was no longer with us. Even though we were not blood related, I felt as if we were representing three generations of wise women. We could expect more trials and tribulations to come, and we would need to rely on one another to overcome them. That is why the connection with both of them was most important to me. From the one I learned and the other I taught. In my heart I called them my mother and my daughter…

  When the time came to retire for the night, my heart was beating madly inside my chest. Not from the fear that Eddie would sense that something was going on, not for feeling blame, but from pure excitement of love and passion that took hold of me each time Eddie and I would unite in our little niche. To my surprise, I wanted him even more now. Just like the first time, I dragged him behind me, impatient and excited, I took off his cloths.

  There was no sign telling that Eddie could feel some sort of difference. On the contrary—my passion only aroused him more. The only thing that bothered him was the fixation of his broken leg. Each time his leg bothered us when we changed positions, a juicy curse came out of his mouth resulting in a wild burst of laughter that we tried to stifle so not to disturb our neighbors…

  * * *

  Chapter 13

  The next day, at noon, I led the women of the tribe up the island to the sacred cave. Like a biblical priestess, I raised one woman after the other onto the basin alter, dipping them in the water in a sacred purity ritual, as was done in days of old. I already stopped asking or wondering how I knew what to do—I was entirely engulfed by the grace of the vibe. What amazed me more than anything was the full and excited cooperation I received from the rest of the women. I guess in such extreme situations, like the one we were in, people are not surprised by anything anymore. They are just looking for something to hold on to, someone to lead them, showing powerfulness and leadership abilities.

  Once the women were all bathed and purified, I told them of my ancient tribal vision. Some moved uncomfortably when I explained the enormous responsibility that lies on our shoulders—keeping the tribe in peace. “We cannot risk disputes or violence between the men,” I elaborated. “Any evolving brawl will ultimately lead to tension, jealousy and other outbursts. In our extreme survival state, after people have already lost their entire world, it won’t be difficult for them to lose the most precious thing of all—their soul. My biggest concern is that if an outburst of jealousy does occur, it will bring someone to commit a criminal and heinous act such as murder!” A few looks were now astonished and panicking.

  “I do not wish to instill fear in you, but it is important that you understand how sensitive this issue is. At the same time, men who will not be able to accept the new way, might also be prone to jealousy outbursts. That is why us women must unite and show the men that we are strong and willing to stand behind our convictions. Tomorrow we shall gather the entire tribe and we will include the men in this too. Tonight, lie in your beds and listen to your hearts. Let my words sink in, let the ancient knowledge permeate and embrace you. I can see on some of your faces the doubt and questions—try to set them aside. I can also see that some of you agree with me, out of a deep understanding of the situation. I wish to bless each one of you, to gather your strength and have faith that we shall be empowered by our new way.”

  I had them all stand up and hold hands in a circle. I prayed in an unknown language that came from my heart, which was whispered in my ears by the spirits of all the women of the ancient tribes, giving me their wisdom…

  “No, No, No!!! There will be no such thing!!!”

  As expected, it was Eddie that reacted aggressively after I shared my tribal vision with the men. I was happy to see that most of the women internalized my words and showed their willingness to join me and stand by me to keep the peace. I also realized that mos
t of the men were quite happy with the idea—and why wouldn’t they be??

  Except Eddie…

  “Grace!! Have you completely lost your mind?!” His eyes glared fire, sparking anger. “I don’t understand you! I thought you loved me; I thought you wanted to have my child! What you are actually telling me is, that tomorrow one of the men will approach you, revealing his passion and desires and you will be forced to oblige so he won’t—God forbid—be frustrated?! What if you shall fall pregnant by him? How will I be able to touch you if that happens? What about our love???” his voice thundered, and tears of rage and insult glistened in his eyes. His insult scorched my heart as well. It was now that I felt for the first time the pain and sorrow for hurting the man I loved. I didn’t even want to think of how much more hurt he would be when he learns I was already touched by someone else.

  “Eddie…” I tried saying something in light of his turmoil, but a manly voice interrupted me. “Don’t you think you are taking this a little too far, Eddie? You have Grace to yourself every day and each night. What about us? What about those of us who do not have a partner? You know that there is an uneven number of men and women in the group. There are less women than men—and we all wish to keep warm at night and be touched, to feel a little closeness. What are you even complaining about?!”

  It was Cole, a relatively young man that I could sense more than once his intentions and wishes towards me when he was near. Although he was ten years younger than me, he didn’t try to conceal his attraction to me. It was only out of fear from rubbing against Eddie, and the fact that I did not respond to him that kept him from making a move so far. Now that he heard my words, he suddenly had the courage to come up against the head of the tribe, challenging him.


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