From the Beginning: The Old World

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From the Beginning: The Old World Page 9

by Kurtz, Timna

  The vibe pulled me again into the water. I left a trail of clothes behind me, which I had taken off on my way to the basin, and like the first time, I lay in the water, naked as the day I was born, releasing my frail organs to the cool, healing and sacred waters. I could feel how the water penetrated each cell and pore on my skin and body, rinsing and cleansing me, sucking out of me every trace of pain and illness.

  My ears were sealed to any outside noise, and all I could hear were my breaths and the beating of my heart. Slowly I closed my eyes, sinking once more into the empty endless void, where the answers were waiting for me.

  Sure enough, a new vision came up: the lake from my previous vision appeared, and I was lying in it, floating in its waters like I was in the basin. The blue eagle was standing on its own on the branch, observing and watching from afar. Suddenly a black shadow spread blocking the sunlight. The black bird was hovering above me, diving at me, like an arrow, pouncing on me full of rage!

  Terrified, I lifted my arms to block the attack, but instead of sharp claws piercing me, my wrists were caught in a grip of steal by human hands pulling me out of the water, pulling me out of my cleansing bath, waking me abruptly from the horrifying vision.

  I opened my eyes, screaming. My hands were clutched in Cole’s hands, he had the expression of a wild animal that had just succeeded to catch its prey and was just about to sink his teeth into it.

  “Cole…” I mumbled trying to stop him, but his name was the only thing that came out of my mouth…

  “Did you wait for me, Grace? How’s your vibe? Is it true you will not be able to resist me?” the contempt in his snake-like hiss ran shivers down my spine, but they only urged me to rise up against the vibe.

  “I see you are ready. Good…yes. Exactly the way I like it…” He surveyed my naked body with lusting, burning eyes. “A little thin perhaps, but I am sure that if there were a little more food, you would have been fuller—obviously, just enough for my taste—but I can never taste enough!!” he tried to joke at my expense. “Besides, I can’t afford to be picky right now…” He was talking as if to himself— “because you know that if you do not comply, I’ll find the first poor thing that comes my way. Hmmm…I have always liked them young and tender! You wouldn’t want me to accidently bump into your little Jezebel, would you?” he threatened me with the dirtiest weapon he had.

  I felt the fear in me turn to hate that started flowing and vibrating in me, taking over the initial primal vibe, taking its place and planting awful thoughts in my mind, the likes of which I had never dared think or imagine, not even in my wildest dreams. “If you lay one finger on her—” The hate was painful and further burdened my breathing— “I swear, I’ll kill you myself!!” I muttered angrily, my voice sounding more like Cole’s snake-like hiss than of a human whisper. His hatred, which was in his blood, was reflected back to him from me.

  For a brief moment, a look of wonder came from his eyes, wondering where I mastered the nerve to say what I did. But a second later, he pulled me forcibly from the basin, throwing me on the hard stone floor. My bare body bumped against the rocks and a moan of pain got loose in spite of my efforts to grind my teeth. I went to great lengths to conceal my fears and pain. He must not know I am getting weak or breaking down. He cannot know that the vibe in me was tearing me apart, weakening my will to fight him.

  How did he know about my vibe? How did he get hold of this sensitive information, which revealed my weakest point to him? Thoughts were running through my head as I saw him get closer to me, loosening his belt-buckle, pulling his belt out with a swift move mimicking a whip through the air, with a malicious mean smug on his face.

  “Come, Grace! Come and taste a little bit of leather on your tongue. You can struggle as much as you want—it will only enhance my sense of superiority when I beat and overpower you. One way or another I will violate you with force. If you give up now, you will feel less humiliated…” There was truth in what he said. If I fight and eventually lose, the defeat would sting so much more, the humiliation would be intense and he would take full advantage of that. For a second, I almost reconciled with the verdict and succumbed to my vibe. But a different voice, internal and more powerful, was crying out from inside of me, demanding that I not give up without a fight with all my might.

  “I will fight you, even if it costs me my life! The only way you will be able to violate me is over my dead body. You will only be able to relish my corps, you will never win my heart, and you will not take my soul!” I defied him, feeling my body gain powers I didn’t know existed. I rose up slowly and stood up while his eyes widened with surprise at my gumption and the sight of my naked body, and he was immediately filled with rage because I wasn’t willing to submit and grovel before him.

  “You will pay for this!” his vicious smile cringed, and he tipped his head in an intimidating angle. His hand holding the belt was lifted swiftly, projecting at me the improvised whip. My reaction wasn’t any less swift and I managed to swerve, avoiding a serious injury, yet he still managed to whip one of my arms that was raised to protect my body, leaving a red and burning mark on my skin. A little drizzle of blood started flowing down my arm.

  The sight of blood together with the burning sensation of pain filled me with anger like I had never known before! When Cole lifted his arm to lash at me again, I leaped from my spot in the direction of a grapefruit sized rock, hoping that I could pick it up and bash him with it, or try to throw it at him.

  I rolled on the hard ground, ignoring the little cuts that tore my skin, I gripped the rock with my hand when I felt the whiplash of his belt on my bare back. The impact squeezed an uncontrollable cry of pain that echoed throughout the cave.

  “Screaming won’t help you—no one will hear you! No one will come to your aid!” The minute his arm rose again, I threw the rock in his direction.

  I missed. That throw was a gamble out of pain which was accompanied by another cry of pain, squeezing the last drop of strength I still had in me. Cole’s eyebrows were lifted with surprise. “Pshshsh…You are one brave chick!” an undertone of appreciation wiggled into his disrespectful tone of voice. “But you should learn to aim better!” He slowly closed in on me, content with the situation and closing the little gap between us. He raised his arm again, lifting the belt into the air.

  I cringed, hiding my head between my knees, covering my neck with my hands, preparing for the next blow—but it never came.

  A muffled thump was sounded. I lifted my head, just managing to catch the surprised look that flashed for a second across Cole’s face. His eyes rolled, and he collapsed, out cold, onto the cave’s floor. The metal belt buckle made a harsh clicking sound when it fell to the ground.

  * * *

  Chapter 18

  Out of the darkness of the cave, the strong image of Jack, my keeper and savior appeared. He leaned to Cole, making sure he was really unconscious, and then he approached me, lifting me off the ground.

  “Did he hurt you, Grace? Signal with your head if yes or no!” he was distraught and upset and demanded an answer, but only gasps of air and hysterical crying came out. I shook my head from side to side signaling no, but he noticed the bleeding scratch on my arm and allowed himself to check me all over, gently touching the deeper cut on my back. The expression on his face changed and I could clearly see the pain reflecting from it when he realized what had happened.

  “He…Only…Flogged me…” I managed to blurt in between the gasping of air. “I fought him…I struggled!” A glimpse of a painful smile stretched on my lips. “He didn’t succeed in violating me!” I whispered proudly in pain.

  “You are without a doubt an incredible woman! And completely insane! Why did you come up here alone? Why didn’t you call me so I could protect you?” He stroked my face and embraced me.

  “I had to do this by myself, and I believe with all my heart that there is someone who watches over me that help will arrive at the right moment,” my words hinted at him.

  “It’s not enough!” he grunted, and his fingers burrowed in my hair. “What if I didn’t make it in time? Would it be worth the price? Was it worth it to take such a risk, Grace?” He looked into my eyes so I could understand how much he worried about me, and then he pinned me to him again, squeezing me with his hug. A faint sigh was heard from Cole’s direction.

  “Wait here! Don’t move!” Jack instructed me. Jack bent to pick up Cole, and he put him over his shoulders and carried him out of the cave. The light was fading, and soon the cave was dark. I waited for Jack’s return for what seemed to be a couple of very long minutes. In the meantime, I collected my clothes and placed them at the foot of the basin, climbing into it to cleanse my wounds.

  The sound of footsteps alerted my body and senses. I strained to look in the direction from which I heard the hesitant steps, and I held my breath. Only when I recognized the image of Jack, I released the trapped air from my lungs.

  “It’s you!” I called out happily to him, but when I noticed he was alone, a strange cramp went through my stomach. “Where’s Cole?” I asked. “What have you done with him?” I demanded to know as I was getting out of the water, completely forgetting I was naked.

  Jack kept quiet, he came closer and extended his arms to help me down from the watery alter. I tripped slightly straight into his lap. He held me and helped me stabilize my posture. Now, when he was so close, the old familiar vibe was reignited.

  His eyes embedded in mine and his head leaned towards me, magnetized as well to the wild force that carried us both away.

  As his lips were fluttering on my face and he whispered something I already knew: “Cole will not bother anyone anymore! No man, no woman, and especially not you, should live in a constant state of fear from a despicable character like him,” his fingers going over my skin, drawing imaginary circles on my shoulders and arms. He leaned toward my injured arm, kissing my cut, which was closed now due to the holy waters which miraculously stopped the bleeding too.

  I was shaking from his thrilling touch, but at the same time, I quivered at the idea that Jack had taken Cole’s life.

  As If he had read my mind, Jack forced me to look into his eyes. “It would have happened, sooner or later! Cole would have raped you or another woman—and someone else would have carried out this “task;” either that or the tribe would have lynched him…” He raised the concern I was too afraid to. “No one will miss him—and everyone will be grateful he went missing!” I knew he was right, but still I found it hard to accept the fact that he played judge and jury with someone else’s life.

  “You are not God, Jack! And maybe that is exactly what was supposed to happen?!” I protested.

  “And maybe your God put me here for exactly this purpose?! To protect you, and be your and the entire tribe’s protector? Or maybe you would have preferred that Eddie will be the one to protect you? You wouldn’t have been able to let him look at you anymore if he was the one who had to eliminate Cole—and I am most certain that if he were the one who happened to be here—he would have done the exact same thing! It’s a dirty job, but somebody’s got to do it!! And this is what I am here for!” His eyes were blazing at me while his lips were descending onto mine, fiercely squeezing them, and awakening the wildness inside me too. I embedded my nails in his shoulders—I answered with my passion that I would give in to him without a fight! Life, death, and sex, the holy trinity—were mixed, wallowing in each other, carrying us away to the same animalistic and powerful mating ritual.

  This time, we didn’t even bother getting in the water. Jack pinned my back to the wet stone wall, lifting my body so that our thighs were at the same height, and he forcibly penetrated me. He then turned me around with my back to him, his body pressed against mine, pushing me on the rocks, his fingers entwined in mine and his body, pounding at me from behind, until he brought us both to an intense and vibrating climax…

  “Grace!! Grace!!” Searching voices were calling my name, slowly invading my consciousness as they sounded louder, clearer and closer. I opened my eyes. It was already morning, and I realized that I had fallen asleep or maybe fainted after making love to Jack. To my surprise, I found out I was alone in the sacred cave, Jack had vanished!

  I was still naked from the night before. I immediately reached for my clothes when I heard my friends calling, headed by the voice of Eddie, who sounded very concerned.

  I put on my pants and with trembling hands hooked my bra as I heard the voice of Eddie behind me: “Grace! What happened to you??” He noticed the remains of the large cut on my back and sounded even more worried.

  I was afraid to turn to him and look into his eyes. We had enough lies between us as it is, and I wasn’t sure I would be able to continue hiding the truth from him. When his hand gently touched the cut, which was miraculously healed and closed by the holy water too, tears filled my eyes again.

  “I slipped coming down from the alter in the dark. I must have fainted and fallen asleep here…” I cried for my new lie, aching the deceit that would come to light soon enough, collecting its pricey ransom. Eddie hugged me from behind. A sigh of relief escaped his mouth for finding me safe and sound, followed by another sigh filled with accusation and moral preaching.

  “How irresponsible is it on your part, Grace?! Coming up here just before dark without as much as an escort, or at least a flashlight or a candle? What the hell is wrong with you, Grace?! Just twenty-four hours ago you were burning with fever, and you could barely move an arm or a leg—and now you’re off on a dangerous adventure in the dark?! I can’t understand you anymore…” Again, with that patronizing paternal attitude of his.

  I knew he was worried about me, but instead of rejoicing in the fact that no harm came to me, he criticized my actions, which to him were totally irresponsible.

  I didn’t have the energy to set him straight and explain to him the importance of my actions, and that I had followed my heart out of faith that it was the right thing to do. If I had said that, I would have been compelled to expose everything that had happened in the cave with Cole, and from there the entire story would have unfolded—I would only be able to explain the disappearance of Cole by disclosing Jack’s involvement. It wouldn’t have been difficult for him to guess what had happened between Jack and me after that.

  Instead of speaking, I let him lead me down the island. The task proved difficult for him—after all, his leg was still splinted. Eddie scolded me on my behavior all the way down.

  Suddenly, he tripped! He lost his footing and rolled three or four times down the slope! I leaped after him in a fright, hastily rushing to his aid. Roan and two other friends that were with us ran to help him too.

  “Eddie! Eddie! Are you o.k.???” I helped him sit up, my heart pounding with anxiety.

  “I think I am…” He felt the back of his neck with his hand, looking for possible bruises on his shoulders and torso, “…but it looks like my splint finished its job!” He lifted the broken pieces of wood that were used to splint his broken leg. “Maybe it’s a hint?”

  My eyes were gleaming with joy. “Maybe it means that your leg is healed? After all, it’s been a good few weeks since we fixed that splint on your leg. Come. Try to move it and stand on it,” I suggested enthusiastically.

  Eddie looked at me, suddenly realizing what I had said, and a spark of excitement flashed through his eyes too. “You are totally right, my lovely! It’s worth a try!” He began rising, leaning on Roan and another friend and slowly moved his weight to the leg he hadn’t stepped on for quite some time.

  Indeed, I wasn’t wrong. Eddie began limping carefully, taking one small step at a time, supported by his friends, leaning on their shoulders, but without a doubt—his leg was healed and very soon it would regain its full function and Eddie would walk like he used to.

  When we reached the bottom, he carried me away for a kiss that was full of happiness, excitement and love, one that I hadn’t received from him since the last tribal assembly, when he refused
to accept my vision.

  When he pulled away from my lips, stroking my face, I felt the vibe passing through my spine. But it wasn’t Eddie’s loving proximity that vibrated me. Without turning around, I knew that Jack’s eyes were planted on my neck, lusting, loving, agonizing…now, with Eddie back on his feet, the struggle between the two would arrive sooner than I thought.

  I buried my face in Eddie’s shoulder, hiding my lies and fears from him, and especially hiding my feelings from Jack’s eyes. There wasn’t much time left. It would be a matter of days now, or maybe even a matter of hours…

  * * *

  Chapter 19

  The rumor that I was found broke out, and the tribe members started gathering, returning from their search, hugging me and warmly expressing their concern.

  Jezebel came running into my open arms and hugged me tightly, and even though she knew where I had been, it didn’t diminish one bit from her anxiety about my safety. She was well aware of the kind of risks I had to take on my holy mission. I embraced her, moved by the gesture. I kissed her forehead and hair, holding her as if I had just found my long lost daughter after years of searching.

  Rebecca came as well, slowly approaching with heavy steps, leaning on her wooden cane. I could see on her face the toll her sickly body had taken. It seems as if in the hours that had passed since I was gone, Rebecca had aged even more. I hugged her with caution afraid to hurt her.

  “Rebecca, dear mother, what happened to you when I wasn’t here?” I asked with concern.


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