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From the Beginning: The Old World

Page 14

by Kurtz, Timna

  “If you wish, Roan, we can have a burial ceremony or a wake for Eddie. After all, his contribution to the leadership of the tribe was valuable and very significant!” I pointed out what we both agreed upon even without saying a word.

  “I used to dabble a little with small carpentry jobs…” Roan told us shyly. “I would rather make little wooden headstones than to throw another ceremony right now. When I finish the job, we can have the ceremony. I have a feeling that the members did not yet forgive Eddie for his behavior. They do not know him like us, from the past, and couldn’t possibly guess what prompted him and led him to his actions. If we have a ceremony right now, when it is all so fresh, it will only encourage grievance within our friends. I think that if we wait a while and then have a joint ceremony for Rebecca’s headstone as well, it will be welcomed,” he said, and we all nodded in acceptance.

  “Now you can also find a suitable branch for your work,” I pointed at a group of trees revealed close to the shore.

  “What do you say? Shall we take a tour of the island’s new terrains?” Jack changed the subject. “I managed to find out a few things that will make you very happy, Grace. One might say that these are organic discoveries…” he hinted with his captivating smile, slightly melting me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders, leading me towards the trees. We signaled the rest of the members to join us, and we all went to tour the island. To our joy, we found a few types of nut trees that had managed to survive the altitude, their fruit resembling pine, macadamia, and hazelnuts. Another surprise that awaited us was when we cracked open their shells and discovered that some of them were edible. In spite of the long weeks under water, their thick shells protected them from the wetness and humidity. We gathered pockets full of nuts and continued the tour. I marked specific locations in my head, places I would return to later by myself to explore them quietly. I was especially interested in a small cave that was hardly noticed, and when I came close to it, the vibe down my spine reignited again. The rest of the tribe kept on going, continuing with the tour. Only Violet and Jezebel lingered next to me, and between us, we agreed to keep the location of the cave a secret for now, until I check out the calling vibe that came from it. We caught up with our friends and joined them in an area where the leftovers of some dense vegetation were seen, and I marked this place to come back to later as well, to check the nature of these plants. In spite of the damage from the storm, I believed that there would be enough plants that had deepened their roots into the ground and would return to bloom in a few days. After all, the storm also saturated the soil in the plots with water. All that was left was to wait and see if my prediction would come true, and in the meantime, we could enjoy fresh fish meat that was nutritious and healthy, as well as energy packed and delicious nuts, until the herbal growth regenerated.

  I would be then able to also identify the new herbs and develop the various crops I had planted.

  There was great happiness and the hard days we had gone through seemed to have lifted from our shoulders. The day that had begun with total despair at the sight of the storm damage and the food depletion ended with a magnificent sunset on the beach. And when the sun sank onto far away islands, a fresh bonfire was lit on the beach, unleashing the celebration of hope, and dancing around the big fire, spreading its light, signaling far…

  * * *

  Chapter 26

  For three straight days, we remained excited on the beach.

  We slept, ate and relocated all our daily chores to the coast line, near the fire that was lit close to lunch time and at the end of the day with the arriving sunset.

  Three happy and joyful days of celebration and gluttony, satisfying the terrible hunger which was our daily fate for so long. The plenty of fish in the water made it clear to us that from now on we would no longer go hungry, which is why we did not catch more fish than we needed for the day. The food was fresh and nutritious, and we saw no need to accumulate and store fish that would very quickly start to smell anyway.

  For three days we explored every piece of rock, land and tree that was now exposed on the island.

  Three days in which Jack and I spent time in the hidden cave behind the waterfall, making love, satisfying a different kind of hunger.

  Three days in which the same dream about a great white eagle, lying wounded in a boat, calling me for help, troubled me.

  Despite all the happiness we felt for the goodness that was bestowed upon us, inside me, the weak humming, forewarning of a powerful vibe that was building up was nagging me. Just between me and myself I wondered if the small cave I had discovered was the one that hinted to me that I had not yet checked the meaning of the vibe it ignited in me. But whenever I tried to free a little time to go and check it out, something else important came up that distracted me from it.

  In the morning of the fourth day, I decided to climb up to the sacred cave. A cleansing bath and maybe a new vision could really help ease my mind from everything that was troubling me. As soon as I lay in the water, I could already feel my body relaxing. Again I sank into the endless void, waiting for an illuminating vision that would finally make clear the mystery of the white eagle and maybe even bring a solution to the enigma of the little cave.

  This time, the great big sea was spread before me, and I felt as if I was standing on the summit of the island. I rose in the air over the sea, and I was gliding, overlooking everything from a bird’s eye view. I flew over the island, seeing the remnants of the merry bonfire on the beach that in this early hour of the morning was just a pile of smoking charcoals. I also saw the tribe members, rising early to a new day with light and joy on their faces accompanied by a ray of hope.

  The flight continued from there towards the open sea. I could see the schools of fish, swimming in long silvery lines in the greenish-blue wide spaces. Suddenly my attention was drawn to a little spot in the distance. I increased my flight speed towards the spot, and the closer I came to it, the vibe intensified. It wasn’t long before I saw it was a boat, and seconds later I recognized it as the boat of the white eagle. But, when I looked in the boat from above, I saw the same scene again: the wounded white eagle was lying in the boat, asking for my help. Disappointed I started to be pulled quickly back towards the island, moving away from the boat. The white eagle’s desperate plea for help kept echoing in my ears, again troubling me, until the vision ended hastily and with a profound sense of frustration.

  I sat up in the water— frustrated.

  The vision showed me nothing new. Apart from the knowledge that his boat is rattling somewhere in the vast open sea, I had no inkling as to when he would reach me, how serious were his wounds and would it be too late for me to assist him. All of these questions twirled in my head when I left the sacred cave, heading towards the lower level.

  I was so preoccupied with my thinking that I almost bumped into Billy, who was waiting for me at the entrance to the cave.

  “Billy? Is something wrong?” I was startled from the surprising encounter, and immediately I worried that he had come up here to ask for my help.

  “No. Nothing’s wrong, everything is alright,” he seemed disoriented and spoke in short sentences.

  “Are you sure that everything is o.k.?” I kept on inquiring because it was obvious that something was troubling him.

  “Is there something you want to tell me, Billy?”

  “Actually—yes. There is something. I have… I want… Ahh… I need to ask you—No! Actually, I want to talk to you… Ahh… and also to ask you…” he stuttered with embarrassment. His words sounded contradictory and confused just like he was.

  “Billy!” I lay a reassuring hand on his shoulder, stopping the stuttering flow. “You can ask me anything you want,” I explained gently that I would listen to him willingly and that he had no reason for being nervous or embarrassed near me. He looked up, and for the first time our eyes met.

  A vibe was ignited at once! Even before he opened his mouth to speak, I knew what he was going to say
and what his request would be.


  The white in Billy’s big eyes brought out their special brown color, something that gave him a genuine clean look. His naïve gaze came together with a personality that wasn’t any less innocent.

  Billy had something else within him. He had an infantile charm that was added to an extraordinary depth and maturity. He was only about twenty-six or twenty-seven years of age, popular and liked by all, easily connected both with the little ones as well as the grownups and communicated with ease both with those younger than him as well as the older and more experienced adults. He was a true friend, and that is probably why he became Roan’s right-hand man. His older brother, so he told, was big like Roan and resembled him with his sense of humor and kindness.

  Billy had a special connection to nature and children, and that is why he spent many hours in the company of the three young tribe members, guiding them and teaching them anything he had in him to bestow.

  I knew he grew up in the country, with horses, dogs and many other animals that he gathered and adopted through time. When he grew up and decided on his continued education, he chose the profession of veterinary medicine that involved therapy with animals. The tribe members responded to his silent call and opened up to him even without him encouraging them to do so. Roan and I used to laugh once in a while about the fact that Billy was chosen to be the tribe’s shrink, and that one day, when we grow old, he would inherit our place as the tribe’s leader. Although the tribe presented their troubles to Billy, Roan and I were the only ones that he came to, to reveal his heart and what little that bothered him or weighed heavily on him. I admired his ability to contain and his sensitive listening skills that he gave to anyone who turned to him— and he appreciated the fact that I might have been the only person who could listen and contain him…


  He was standing before me embarrassed and confused, smiling shyly, which deepened his youthful charm even more.

  He was tall and relatively thin. His body was strong but still lacked the stamina and fullness that differentiates between a boy and a man. His skin was brownish, dark and smooth, and his posture and body language read as somewhat gangly. He was at the final stage of transition, the end of puberty and was about to become the man that any woman would be thrilled to have and win his love.

  He stuttered again, still self-conscious of what he was about to ask:

  “Grace… you know that… since the flood and since we arrived at the island and everything we went through… Ahh… I wasn’t… that means… I haven’t touched and didn’t even try… Ahh… no one would… Shit!!!” he blurted with frustration and embarrassment. Finally, he managed to put one whole clear sentence together: “I am so shy, that I did not dare come on to anyone! And I was wondering if you will be willing… if this is alright with you— because if it isn’t, we really don’t have to!” he quickly made it clear that it was entirely up to me.

  “But I wanted you to know, that I am really attracted to you, and I think that you are an amazingly beautiful and sexy woman—” he started to speak fluently, and the shy stutter disappeared the more confident he became at the sight of my widening smile.

  “It is important for me to tell you that I didn’t come to you because you are… well, how do I say it without sounding like a hypocrite… because you were the one to initiate the whole sex thing, but because I have this weird feeling when I am near you, I feel this vibe telling me that you should be my first— I mean, my first one here!” he corrected himself quickly so that God forbid I would suspect he has no experience at all, and by saying it like that, he revealed the juvenile side of his personality, further widening the smile on my face. He was so sweet and charming with his fluster that I couldn’t help myself, and I laughed openly with joy. The vibe in me flowed in a new and different way, but pleasant and almost virgin like. I extended my hand, took his hand in mine, pulling him behind me into the cave. Laughing and blushing like a little girl myself.

  Indeed, he had a point. I felt like I was initiating him, teaching him the intimacy between him and her, things that he didn’t know of but were very important to his sensitive personality— that is why it is better he learned them from an experienced woman than from a young woman who would not be able to give them to him. As I was taking off his clothes, revealing his almost ripe physique, I knew that he would pose no threat or be jealous of me or any other woman he would be intimate with.

  I knew it to be a proper initiation. He would then go out to find other partners to pleasure, and give them the enjoyment and love that I was about to instill in him, in our virginal initiation ceremony.

  His sensitivity was well expressed by his gentle touch and his deep kisses. He did not push or urge me, even when the passion and urges heated up, but he allowed me to lead and guide him through all the tender spots on my body. When he realized what he should do, only then did he take the reins and fulfill his manly duties in a very pleasurable way.

  He was an “honorary student” and eagerly took in all that I taught and revealed to him.

  When we began our second mating cycle, he took the initiative and successfully and eagerly applied all that he had learned a mere hour ago. If I weren’t there myself to teach him, I would have never guessed that he acquired all the love making skills just minutes ago. I felt like I took a musical instrument and retuned it anew, extracting out of it a wonderful tune that would please the ears of other women— a tune that was pleasing my body now, delighting me with its virginity, with joy and the magic of youth that was embodied in Billy’s sweet touch.

  Two long and satisfying hours of laughter and pleasure brought my body and soul more than just sexual gratification. The things that troubled me faded away, forgotten from my heart, and I was now quiet and relaxed as we skipped happily down the island, like two little children that had just managed to discover one of the world’s seven wonders.

  Flushed and giggling we arrived at the dwelling cave but instantly noticed a great commotion and excited calls coming from the beach. The tribe members gathered on the water front, looking and pointing at the sea.

  The calm and quiet vanished in the instant I noticed what caused the whole commotion, the reason everyone gathered, breathlessly watching at what was coming to us from the big sea…

  * * *

  Chapter 27

  The little boat advanced towards the island.

  From the shore line, where we all gathered in excitement, we noticed a few people sitting in the boat. Two were rowing, steering the bow of the boat directly towards us.

  The closer they came, the clearer the picture was, and we could identify with certainty that the rowers were two men. Another man was sitting close to the bow, steering the two rowing men. In the stern of the boat, a woman wearing a long bright veil was sitting, two young children were sitting at her sides, and she was holding a baby in her arms. Every now and again she leaned in checking something.

  The tribe members started waving their hands calling in the direction of the boat that by now was fairly close to shore. The men in the boat responded with waving their hands too, calling back to us.

  With tremendous excitement, I pushed my way in between my friends to the shore. I knew well what was at the bottom of that boat that the woman with the veil leaned to every few moments. I couldn’t wait for the boat to reach the shore. I started progressing towards it, my legs deep in the water and the soft waves splashing against my knees. I just wanted to view the white eagle already!! Jack and Roan dragged me back to shore against my will, and together with a few other men progressed towards the boat helping it ashore.

  Up close the Middle Eastern complexion of the men was noticeable. Their black hair, thick mustaches adorning their faces and the long veil on the woman’s head made it clear that they were Islamic in faith. They looked exhausted and very elated, with tears in their eyes. They stepped with wobbly legs ashore onto the solid ground of the island, dropped to their knees kissing the gr
ound, thanking Allah for their good fortune, for saving their lives.

  The children were much quieter and slightly overwhelmed, maybe because they were weak and hungry. We immediately served them fresh water and some nuts to ease their fast, before we gave them fish to satisfy their hunger. A few members quickly jumped into the water to catch a fare amount of fish for our guest survivors that had miraculously come to us. They came from out there, bringing tidings and great hope—that there were more survivors around the flooded world.

  Everyone was busy and preoccupied with the survivors that no one had noticed the white cloth that was spread out on the floor of the boat. Even the survivors had forgotten about it with all the excitement. With my heart pounding like a drum in my chest, I slowly approached the boat.

  I barely swallowed the lump in my throat and reached out my hand to lift the white cloth. It was obvious to me that the cloth was covering another man. He was motionless, and I was so stiff from fear that I struggled to lift the cloth only to see that the white eagle, whose identity I was so eager to reveal— would be lifeless, dead, and I wouldn’t be able to do anything to save him.

  With a trembling hand, I took off the white cloth. I slowly revealed his head. Short dark and curly hair adorned his head. For a minute, I wasn’t sure that I saw clearly, as tears filled my eyes again. But, when I touched his face to turn them to me, I recognized the familiar and beloved face of the man who touched my heart more than anyone else in my life!


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