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#LoveToHateThatBoy (#BestFriendsForever Book 2)

Page 16

by Yesenia Vargas

  That was what I thought about as I shopped for dresses. One slow dance with Noah, as much as he had crushed my heart.

  Hidden in the back of the store, tucked between several dresses on sale, I finally found the dress.

  I held it up, studying it from head to toe. It was blood red, figure-hugging, and long with a sweetheart neckline. It was beautiful. Right away, I contemplated putting it back. What was the point when I was going to spend prom night alone?

  Ella came over. “Oh my gosh, that’s it. You have to try that on.”

  She dragged me to the dressing room and practically shoved me in before calling for Isabella, Lena, Rey, and Harper.

  I sighed and pulled my navy blue maxi dress over my head, slipping my sandals off.

  Then I stepped into the dress and tugged at it until it reached my chest, observing myself in the mirror. My hair hung loosely over my shoulders. I wondered if it was time for another cut.

  I reached behind me for the zipper but only got it up halfway.

  A knock sounded at the door. Ella’s voice came through the cracks. “Almost done in there? Everyone’s waiting to see you in that dress!”

  I rolled my eyes and shook my head but smiled. “I’m going, I’m going!” Stepping out in the small sitting area not too far from the racks, I held out my arms and struck a pose. “I need help with this zipper, by the way.”

  Everyone immediately oohed and ahhed.

  Harper walked right over, and I turned around so she could zip me up.

  When I faced forward, Rey gasped, and Ella looked me up and down. “You look beautiful,” she said.

  Harper nodded and stepped back to get a better look. “It was made for you.”

  Isabella stood up. “You look like a princess.”

  Rey held a black poufy dress of her own in her lap, her journal missing for once. “Or a queen.”

  Everyone murmured in agreement.

  Harper tousled my hair. “All you’re missing is your tiara, and I’m sure that’ll be on your head by the end of prom night.”

  I turned around and looked at myself in the mirror. They were right. It was a stunning dress, no alterations needed.

  Lena came over and stood beside me, hands on her hips. She stood just a little taller than me, the tallest of our bunch. She donned her usual winged eyeliner and sparkly lip gloss along with her favorite soccer jersey and skinny jeans. On anyone else, the outfit would have looked simple and casual, but Lena had a way of rocking anything she wore. “Now we just need to find you the perfect shoes.”

  If only we could find me the perfect date.

  I was glad nationals were long over because I could only think of Noah. Lunch without being able to sneak glances at him across the cafeteria went back to being dull and painful at my usual table, so I ended up at the #BFFs table more and more.

  When Mia, Julie, and a few of the others asked if everything was okay, I invited them to join us but wasn’t surprised when they were no-shows. Their entire world was cheer, and they preferred to stick with the squad.

  After lunch, I got an idea. I said goodbye to Lena, Harper, Ella, and Rey. Class was about to start, but there was someone I needed to see.

  Ms. Moreau.

  I knocked on her door and peeked inside. She waved me in, and I sat down while she finished her conversation on the phone. Her dress shone yellow like the sun, which must have been the theme she was going for because she had little suns dangling from her ears and a yellow bow in her hair.

  After a minute, she set the phone down and smiled up at me. “Tori, it’s so good to see you. It’s been a while.”

  I smiled. “Hi, Ms. Moreau. Yeah, it has been.”

  She placed her hands carefully in front of her on her desk. “And how are you doing? It just warms my heart when I see you with Ella and the other girls.

  I nodded. “They’ve turned out to be pretty awesome friends.”

  There was silence as I considered how to say what I had on my mind.

  We opened our mouths at the same time.

  “How can I help—” she started.

  “I wanted to ask you—” I blurted out.

  She smiled sweetly back at me. “You first.”

  “Thanks,” I said, fidgeting with my hands in my lap. “I was just wondering—I mean, I heard that—”

  “Is this about Noah Thomas?” she asked quietly.

  I exhaled. “Yes, it is. I just wanted to know if he was okay.” I blinked several times. “And if he was going to be back any time soon.”

  She nodded. “I heard you two got off to a rocky start and then ended up being good friends.”

  I gave her a small smile. “Yeah, and then I’m afraid we ended kind of…rocky too.”

  She frowned. “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. You must be worried.”

  “Yeah,” I said. “It’s been a couple weeks, and he’s not back, and I just—wanted to see if there’s been any word about him or Emma.”

  Ms. Moreau sighed, and I worried about what she was going to say next. “I haven’t heard much either, unfortunately. I probably know as much as you, that Noah and his sister are still in foster care. There’s to be a hearing soon, but until then, there’s not much we can do.”

  I stared down at my lap then up at her. “You wouldn’t have any contact information, would you?

  She grimaced. “I’m afraid I wouldn’t be at liberty to share it even if I did. I’m staying on top of his case as his school counselor, but I believe he’s been enrolled at another school, so my information is limited. I’m sorry, Tori. I wish there was more I could do for you.”

  I nodded. “It’s okay. I understand.” I stood up. “Maybe if you hear from him, you can tell him that we’re thinking of him? Me and Isabella? Isabella really misses his sister, Emma.”

  Ms. Moreau stood up too and came around her desk. “I’m so sorry to hear that. I’ll pass along the message if I can.”

  She took my hand and patted it.

  So that was it then? No goodbye? No finding out if he and Emma were okay?

  I said thank you and left, wishing more than ever that I had the chance to see Noah one more time.


  After learning about foster care from Google, I turned off my computer and walked away. That definitely didn’t help me feel better about Noah and Emma.

  I had never met his mom, but already I didn’t like her. Because of her, they were in this situation.

  But then again, no one’s parents were perfect. Mine certainly weren’t.

  My dad had been back on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, but now he was gone again.

  I walked toward the bathroom and stopped at Isabella’s room. Her door was open, and my mom stood in there, pulling at a party dress Isabella had on.

  My mom kneeled in front of her. “How does this not fit you? I just got it for you last month. Have you been sneaking sweets? Your sister used to do that all the time until—”

  I stepped into the room. “What’s going on?”

  Isabella turned toward me, a frown on her face and her eyes downcast. “I’m trying on the dress for Sarah’s mom’s dinner party on Saturday.”

  “Sarah from swim team?” I asked.

  She nodded.

  My mom stood up. “Sarah’s mom serves on the hospital committee with me. It’s going to be a formal event, and I don’t have time to shop for another dress. I had already gotten her this one, and now it doesn’t fit.”

  I stepped toward Isabella. The dress was kind of tight in places and a little too short. “Maybe I can go with her to find another dress. I should have time now that cheer is over.”

  My mom sighed. “It’s not just that, Tori. Your sister has been filling out all her clothes lately, and it’s unacceptable.”

  I blinked back at my mom. “Mom, she’s growing. It happens.”

  “Well, she’s already above the doctor’s recommended weight range for her age,” she snapped. Her earrings swung back and forth, and she could hardly look
at Isabella.

  I took Isabella in my arms. “Do you really think this is something you should be stressing over? And in front of Isabella? She’s just a kid.”

  My mom turned to me. “Don’t get short with me. I monitored your health just as closely, and now look at you. You’re in great shape and set for the rest of your life. Keep up your hard work, and you’ll never struggle with your weight like I did. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.”

  A little bit of pain crossed over her face along with the impatience. I felt bad for her, but enough was enough. It was one thing for me to have gone through this with her, with no one to show me any better, but I couldn’t stand watching Isabella go through this too.

  “There are better ways to help her stay healthy than always policing what she eats and forbidding she ever have a treat. Not to mention making her feel bad because she’s outgrowing her clothes.” My voice got loud, and Isabella hugged me tighter.

  My mom came close. “Tori, I am your mother, and you will not speak to me that way. I am in charge here, and I know what’s best for you two.”

  “What’s best for me?” I said. “Making my life revolve around cheer? Sacrificing everything else? Doing homework at ten o’clock at night and hardly getting any sleep? How is that what’s best for me?”

  She opened her mouth.

  “You know what? Don’t answer that question. I’m sure you think it’s best because it’s what you always wanted, but maybe I don’t want it. I love cheer, but not enough to go through this.”

  She clenched her jaw, and only the sound of our breathing could be heard. “One day you two will thank me for everything I did for you. Isabella, meet me downstairs in ten minutes so we can find another dress.”

  With that, she left.

  Prom night rolled around, and my mom and I were hardly on speaking terms. To make matters worse, my dad’s flight had been delayed.

  We settled for video chat. Isabella held up her phone at the bottom of the stairs so my dad could see me make my grand entrance.

  I felt like a movie star with my hair in large, dramatic waves plus the red dress.

  “Oh, you look absolutely beautiful, mi princesa,” he said through the phone. “I wish I was right there with you to give you a hug, but my plane won’t be in until the morning.”

  My dad finally had to hang up, and I had to get going anyway so I could meet up with my friends. I wished he was here for the mandatory father-daughter picture, but instead, my mom stood in his place. My body stiffened as she put her arm around me, and all I could manage was a tight-lipped smile.

  Something was gonna have to give eventually between us. I thought we both knew that. Gone were the days of me obeying her every word. Never eating this or that. Making sure I got my cardio in. Making all my tanning appointments and always looking my best.

  But tonight, I was going to leave all that behind and just try to have fun at prom.

  “Have a good time, and make sure you’re home by one,” she said, not meeting my eyes.

  Was it me, or did she look like she regretted the other evening?

  I pushed that thought out of my mind before I spent the rest of the night lingering on it. I turned to Isabella instead. “Try to survive tonight’s dinner party in one piece. Maybe you and Sarah can get away and hang out in her room.”

  She nodded. “Sarah’s not as fun as Emma, though.”

  I pinched her cheek, remembering how small she was just a few years ago. She was growing like a weed and getting taller by the day. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tight. “How are you growing up so fast? I can’t believe you’ll be in middle school next year.”

  Middle school was when things really started to get tough for me and my mom. It was when she became really strict about everything, from what I wore to what I ate, and it had already started for Emma.

  But I’d be there for her.

  I said my goodbyes and got in my car. Since mine had the most room, I was the one picking up everyone tonight. The cheerleaders and football players were probably already on their way to dinner in a fancy limo, but I had decided to skip spending the night around Gary and his date. The cheerleaders had understood, plus they knew I hadn’t really hung out with Ella and everyone else in ages.

  I picked up Lena, Rey, and Harper. Ella was riding to dinner and prom with Jesse, which we all thought was ultra-romantic.

  They walked into the restaurant hand in hand, and Ella positively glowed in her long, white off-the-shoulder dress. Her hair fell straight down her back for the occasion, with part of it pinned back.

  “You guys look awesome!” Ella said. “I hardly recognized you!”

  “Speak for yourself,” Lena said, giving her a hug. “You look amazing.”

  She wore a bright yellow long-sleeve dress with a slit up to the knee. Her hair was half up with soft curls falling down her back.

  After dinner, we made our way to prom. Lena, Harper, Rey, and I stuck together and gazed longingly at Ella and Jesse holding onto each other for each and every dance.

  But eventually, someone from our math class asked Harper to dance. She looked to us for permission, and of course, we nudged her to say yes. She looked more feminine than ever in a soft pink dress that hugged her hips.

  Rey’s older brother showed up to prom too. He was a senior this year and was there with his girlfriend, but his best friend didn’t have anyone to dance with. Pretty soon, he led Rey in her short, black, tutu rock star dress and heeled boots onto the dance floor.

  I leaned back against the wall, arms crossed. Lena smiled at me, and for a while, it was just the two of us.

  Until some of the varsity soccer boys found her and begged her to dance. She insisted I come along too. They were nice enough, and I finally got in my first slow dance of the night, but I snuck away as soon as I could.

  I made my way past all the dancing couples in the dark and found the bathroom. I really wanted to go home. Coming here had been a mistake, as beautiful as this dress made me feel. What was the point of getting all dolled up if my heart called for the person who was supposed to be here with me?

  Once the bathroom door closed behind me, the tears were back. What was it about me and bathrooms that I always ended up crying in them? I wiped away the tears so I could make it back without mascara running down my face.

  My phone buzzed, and I thought it had to be one of the girls, wondering where I was. As soon as prom king and queen were crowned for the night, I’d make an excuse and leave. Maybe Ella and Jesse could take everyone home.

  I opened the messages on my phone.

  Rey: Where are you?

  Harper: You okay?

  Lena: Get out here! They’re about to announce prom court!

  Ella: Come find us :) We’re near the stage.

  By the time I found my friends, junior prom king had already been named.

  Gary had won.

  No surprise there. He strutted up to the stage and accepted his crown, a sure smile on his face. Most of the crowd cheered and clapped for him, and he took a bow.

  I hardly clapped.

  Then the junior class president, Cassie, went back to the microphone. “Now for junior prom queen. It was pretty close. It came down to a few votes.” She took the small piece of paper in her hand and unfolded it. “This year’s junior prom queen is…” A drum roll filled the air, and my friends held onto me. “Tori Rodriguez!”

  My friends practically shrieked for me, and I joined Gary up on stage, carefully walking up the steps in my heels. I stood a couple feet away from him, not bothering to look at him. The class president came over and placed a glittering silver tiara on my head.

  “Let’s give a big round of applause to our junior prom king and queen!”

  Claps, cheers, and screams filled the ballroom. The lights shining down on me were bright, and it took a minute for my eyesight to adjust and find my friends. The cheerleaders were near the front of the stage. They waved and smiled at me. I did the same.

bsp; Senior prom king and queen were next. That was what everybody had been waiting for.

  Mia won prom queen, and Luke, the senior captain of the football team, won prom king. They joined us on stage, and I gave Mia a big hug and congratulations.

  I wasn’t looking forward to what came next.

  We made our way back down for our mandatory dance. The floor opened up for us, and a slow song began. Gary put his hands around my waist, and I lay my hands on his shoulders, looking anywhere but at him.

  Plenty of people clapped and cheered some more, but I was just counting down the seconds until this moment was over. All the hurt Gary caused me so many months ago came to the forefront of my mind.

  “You look great tonight,” Gary said into my ear.

  I didn’t respond. Instead, I looked out to the crowd and found my friends. They did their best to smile, but they knew how painful this was for me.

  My eyes darted to the back of the room, where a few people were already leaving. A tall guy in a suit came in, and I immediately noticed his hair. It was just like Noah’s. Tousled and wavy and the color of caramel.

  He turned my way, and then I knew it was him. There was no mistaking those striking cobalt blue eyes.

  My hands fell from around Gary. Noah’s mouth widened into a smile, and he walked toward me.

  Several people turned to see where I was looking, and there was a collective murmur.

  Gary turned too and mumbled under this breath. “You have got to be kidding me.”

  But I wasn’t paying him any attention.

  Then a familiar voice came over the microphone. “Looks like the reason Tori Rodriguez has been moping around school is finally back.”

  I spun around to see Krista at the microphone across the stage. She gave me a wink and turned back to the audience. “Oh, didn’t you know? Tori and Noah were a thing before his mom got arrested and he got landed in foster care.”

  The music stopped, and Gary laughed. “So the rumors are true? You sure downgraded, Tori.”

  I glared at Gary before walking over to Krista. Her smug expression morphed into something else, maybe fear, as I approached her. But instead of giving her the slap in front of everyone that she deserved, I snatched away the microphone.


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