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To Kiss A Cowboy (Hunks and Horses Book 1)

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by Maggie Carpenter

  He didn't understand her passion for horses, but she couldn't complain about their sex life. He would tease her mercilessly, making her beg for her release. He would pin her wrists and devour her neck as he rode her towards her climax. But he didn't like to cuddle when they were done, and lately they'd been arguing. Suddenly Caleb floated into her head. She wanted to kiss him. She really wanted to kiss him.

  "Would it be so wrong?" she murmured, opening her eyes and staring at the glittering ring gracing her finger. "I just want to know how his lips would feel. I need to get it out of my system. No! What am I saying? I need to talk to mom," she said firmly, reaching into her pocket and pulling out her phone.

  Her parents lived outside of Fort Worth on the ranch that once belonged to her grandfather. She missed them, but not the hot dry Texas summers. They had driven her away.

  "Hey, honey. How are you?" her mother asked, answering the call on the first ring. "I'm so happy to hear from you."

  "Great. I may have found a new trainer. I'll know more tomorrow. How's dad?"

  "Just fine, and what's that I'm hearing in your voice?"

  "Is it that obvious?"

  "I'm your mother. What's wrong?"

  "This is difficult. I've met this guy, and I guess you could say I'm attracted to him, but how can I be? I'm engaged."

  "Are you sure you love Jerry?"

  "Of course I'm sure, I mean, I guess so. I enjoy being with him, though he's been touchy lately, and he still doesn't understand my love for horses."

  "Uh-huh. And how long have you known this other guy?"

  "I just met him. This might sound crazy, but I took one look and my knees went wobbly."

  "That cute?"

  "Yeah, actually, um, he's the possible trainer."

  "Hmmm. You should let this play itself out."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Don't do anything. You don't even know this guy. What's his name?"


  "You don't know Caleb. This attraction might be fleeting. On the other hand, he may be the man of your dreams. If he is you'll know soon enough."

  "I think I'm more confused than ever."

  "All I'm saying is, tomorrow is a blank page. You don't know what will be written until the words appear. If you want Caleb as your trainer, then hire him. Things will fall into place one way or another. Just don't do anything impulsive."

  "Okay. I'll remember that."

  "You've already been through one disturbing divorce. You thought you knew Max, but you didn't. If you're having doubts about Jerry, don't marry him. If you're sure, great, but don't go through with the wedding because you feel you have to."

  "Do you think I'm attracted to Caleb because Jerry's wrong for me?"

  "I don't know. Let it evolve, honey. It will, believe me."

  "You're right. Thanks mom. I love you. I wish you were here. I'm at Dream Horse Ranch at the moment. It's such a beautiful place."

  "Are you looking at another horse?"

  "No. I brought Domino here to get some help."

  "Ah. And you met Caleb."

  "I did."

  "And Jerry's there with you?"

  "He is, though he's totally bored and restless. Anyway, I wish I could talk more, but I have a bucket of carrots with me and I'm off to the paddocks to make some horses happy. I have to make it quick though. Lunch is being served soon. "

  "I won't hold you up, but keep me posted."

  "Of course I will. Thanks again, mom. Bye."

  "Bye, honey."

  Pushing the phone back in her pocket, Connie devoured the remainder of the brownie as she watched the horses. Her mother's advice made sense. Things would happen as they should.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  A short distance away, in the small cafe run by Andy's girlfriend Maureen O'Toole, Caleb wondered what spell Connie Masters had cast on him. He couldn't get the spunky, sassy, wealthy young woman out of his mind.

  "Do you want to talk about it?" Maureen asked softly.

  "Where did you come from?" he asked, staring up at her. "A little while ago someone said I'd be a good cat burglar, but I've got nothin' on you."

  "You were just lost in your thoughts. The offer stands. Do you want a chat?"

  "If you've got nothin' better to do."

  "Girl trouble?" she mused, pulling out a chair and sitting down.

  "How the heck could you know that?"

  "I can read the signs. What's the problem?"

  "I just met this girl and I really like her, but the situation is impossible," he said solemnly. "I don't know why I'm even stewin'."

  "Why is it impossible? Is she married?"


  "What else?"

  "She's wealthy, like, really wealthy, and I could end up workin' for her."

  "Funny how things come in threes."

  "Hilarious," he said grimly. "Something touched me the minute I met her. That doesn't happen, not to me."

  "Circumstances kept Andy and me apart for a long time. If you and this woman are meant to be, those things you mentioned will be speed bumps, not stop signs."

  "Sure seems like I'm bein' an idiot even thinkin' about it. I'm wonderin' if I should just turn down the job."

  "Caleb, one thing I can tell you. Time blasts by as fast as a record-breaking barrel racer. You don't want to wake up one day thinking, what if? That's about the worst feeling in the world."

  "Damn, Maureen, you're right."

  "Don't do anything rash, and let your instincts guide you. One way or another, things will work themselves out."


  The following morning, yawning as she stretched her arms above her head, Connie smiled at the prospect of her lesson with Caleb. He was all cowboy, with a devilish grin and a gentleness that belied his muscled physique.

  Jerry had left immediately after the game, and she'd spent the afternoon hiking with Carly. The acrimony from the lesson forgotten, the two had enjoyed an easy conversation about their horses, past and present. After returning to the house and soaking in a hot foamy bath, Connie had enjoyed a delicious dinner accompanied by a smooth red wine. Exhausted from the arduous day, she'd collapsed into bed and drifted into a deep sleep.

  The bedside clock read eight-thirty. She had plenty of time to shower, have breakfast, and be at the ring by ten. Closing her eyes, she recalled the moment in the barn when Caleb had crossed his arms and tilted his head to the side. He'd looked so damn sexy she'd barely been able to stand it, but the image gave way to the few minutes they'd shared in his truck. Her desire to feel his lips on hers had been ferocious.

  "To kiss a cowboy," she mumbled. "To kiss a cowboy like you, Caleb. Just one kiss, and a hug."

  An aching need between her legs begged for attention, and she dropped her fingers against her clit.

  Caleb's image grew stronger.

  Moving his hands into her hair, he clutched it tightly as he devoured her mouth, then nuzzling her neck, he brought his lips to her ear.

  "Sassy girls like you need to be spanked."

  Abruptly the picture changed.

  Bent over, with his arm around her waist, he slapped her naked backside.

  A powerful orgasm seized her, the convulsions sending waves of sparkling pins and needles through her limbs. They seemed to last forever, and when they finally passed, leaving her breathless and tingling, she rolled on her side to cuddle the extra pillow. Spanking fantasies had been with her for a long time, and though she'd broached the subject with Jerry, he'd been dismissive.

  "I think I'm almost glad he didn't want to. I'd much rather be over Caleb's lap. Shit. Either this is something really bad, or something really, really good."

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  It had been almost two years since Caleb had seen Domino. Wanting to spend time with him before the lesson, he arrived at Dream Horse Ranch early. He'd been shocked when he'd seen the severe bit Connie had been using, and couldn't understand why Carly hadn't changed it. The question had been bo
thering him, and as he pulled to a stop in the parking area, he placed a call to Heath.

  "Mornin', Caleb. Everything okay?"

  "Sure is. By any chance can I have a quick word with Carly?"

  "Sure. We're just finishin' up breakfast. Here you go."

  "Hi, Caleb," Carly said warmly. "What's up?"

  "I wanna make sure I'm not missin' something. Is there a reason you used that bit on Domino yesterday?"

  "You have perfect timing."

  "I do?"

  "Connie just left the dining room. She had a fit when I wanted to change it. That's how our lesson started, and probably why things didn't go well. I rode that horse in a halter. The trainer she had obviously didn't have a clue."

  "All it takes is a hammer, a nail, and a piece of wood."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Hang up a sign that says trainer, and you're in business."

  "So sad and so true."

  "Thanks, Carly. Now I know where I'm at."

  "Is it okay if I watch?"

  "From a window in the house, sure, but I think Connie would be more comfortable without an audience."

  "You're probably right. Good luck."


  Climbing from his truck, he strode into the barn, picked up a halter and a carrot, and headed down to the paddocks. As he entered Domino's field, although the horse didn't approach him he didn't move away. Caleb walked up to him, and as he fed him the treat and rubbed his neck, the horse appeared to be relaxed and content.

  "I'll bet you're happy to be back in your old stompin' grounds," Caleb murmured, sliding on the halter. "This is a dream ranch for horses as well as people."

  Leading the big gelding into the barn, he placed him in the cross ties and began sliding his hands over his back and haunches. Not finding any sore spots, he picked up a brush and swept away the dirt, then standing directly in front of him, he looked Domino in the eye.

  "That bit Connie had on you tells me her trainer knew diddly-squat, but don't you worry, fella. Those days are over."

  Domino's warm brown eyes stared back at him, and as the big gelding let out a sigh, Caleb smiled. He believed problems stemmed from the human not understanding the horse, not the other way around. Placing the saddle on Domino's back, he attached reins to the halter, clipped on a lunge line, and led him from the barn. Entering the ring, Domino began licking his lips and dropped his head. He was at ease and listening.

  Walking down from the house, Connie watched Caleb putting her horse through his paces. Domino calmly trotted, cantered, broke to a walk, then trotted again. Confounded, she quickened her pace. He was suddenly back to being the horse she'd bought. At her ranch he'd been nervous and spooky.

  "He looks so relaxed," Connie remarked as she walked into the ring "I haven't seen him like that in ages. Maybe he's just happy to be back here."

  "Whoa, big fella," Caleb commanded. Domino slowed to a halt and turned to face him. "Connie, are you ready to get on?" Caleb asked as he signaled the horse to come to him.

  "Sure. Should I fetch the bridle?"

  "Nope. You don't need it."

  "Excuse me? There's no way I'm riding him in a halter."

  "Don't worry. I'll be in control."

  "How? Are you planning to take off the saddle and sit on him with me?"

  "Nope," he replied with a grin. "Trust me. Come on over to the mountin' block."

  "You're making me very nervous."

  "Nothin' bad's gonna happen. I won't let it."

  "That's one wicked smile you've got," she quipped, wondering if she'd misjudged him.

  "Nah, this is my everything's gonna be all right smile."

  "Why am I not convinced?"

  "Hey, Connie, if you don't trust me we're not gonna get very far," he declared, his voice serious. "Get on the mountin' block and climb on board."

  "No. I can't. Not with just a halter."

  "You're gonna be ten feet away from me on the lunge line."

  "Lunge line! I'm not a rank beginner. That's embarrassing."

  "There's no-one around, and the people here would never judge you that way. Go on now. Up on the mountin' block and get on your horse."


  "I'm not gonna stand here all day. We're either gonna work together or we're not. If we're not, fine, just tell me and I'll take him back to his paddock."

  Connie's heart hammered, but not from nerves. Her early morning fantasy had unexpectedly landed in her head, and Caleb's authority made her toes curl.

  "Okay," she said warily, "but if I don't like what we're doing, I'm getting off."

  "I think I'm gonna take the lunge and clip it on you. Domino's fine, but you need an attitude adjustment."

  "Hah!" she retorted, spinning around and striding to the mounting block.

  His comment had sent her there. She didn't want him to see her flushed face.

  Caleb broke into a broad grin. She'd turned too late. He'd seen the telltale blush. Meeting women who shared his kink could be difficult, but what he'd just witnessed suggested she liked take-charge men. Possibly even getting her tail spanked. Leading Domino forward, Caleb lined him up, and waited as she nervously slipped into the saddle.

  "Wow. Look at that," he exclaimed. "Your big spooky horse didn't race away."

  "Did you know that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit?"

  "Who's being sarcastic?"

  "That isn't funny."

  "Come on, Connie. Lighten up. Do you think Domino wants a sourpuss on his back?"

  "You don't understand. I've been anxious for so long I've forgotten how to relax."

  "Of course I understand, and what you're sayin' makes sense."

  "It does?"

  "Absolutely, and I promise today will change everything, but only if you trust me. Can you do that?"

  "I do trust you," she said earnestly, staring down at his handsome face. "I want this to work, but my heart is racing."

  "All you've gotta do is try."

  "I am going to try. I promise."

  "There you go! Are you ready?"

  "I'm ready."

  "All you're gonna do is walk around me. Go ahead and pick up your reins."

  "But they're not attached to anything."

  "Sure they are, and you need to feel them in your hands. There you go."

  Walking slowly into the middle of the ring, keeping hold of the lunge line, he asked Domino to move in a circle.

  "Tell me about Checkers," he said as the horse ambled lazily around him.


  "Yep, look at me. How old was he when you got him?"


  "Look at me," he repeated. "Talk to me, not Domino's head."

  "This is weird."

  "Uh-huh, but you trust me, right?"

  "Yeah," she mumbled, finally turning her eyes to him.

  "Checkers?" he pressed. "Tell me the story."

  "My parents were divorced, and my dad lived in Texas with my grandfather on his ranch. Caleb, I feel really strange looking at you, and not ahead or at Domino."

  "That will pass. Just keep talkin'. Who gave you Checkers?"

  "My grandfather, during my summer vacation there, but my mother was really ticked off."


  "When I got home I hounded her. I wanted to be with Checkers. I made her so crazy she decided to move. Not the ranch itself, but Dallas. That led to her and my dad getting remarried. I swear my grandfather manipulated the whole thing."

  "And they're still together?"

  "They are, thanks to Checkers."

  "Sounds to me, thanks should go to their determined daughter."

  "Maybe," she said with a giggle.

  "Do you still feel weird?"

  "Wow. No. Not at all."

  "Think about how you're feelin' right now. Good, right?"

  "Yes! Oh, my gosh. So good!"

  "Look around you, all around you, and take your time."

  As Domino continued his gentle stroll, Connie shifted her
gaze, then moved her head, and finally her shoulders. It had only taken a minute or two, but when she sent her eyes back to Caleb, she gave him a huge smile.

  "I can't believe this," she said happily. "I'm actually okay again."

  "Yeah, you are. Now I'm gonna take this one step further. When I ask you to do this, you're gonna think I'm loco, but again, you have to trust me."

  "I do. Totally."

  "Close your eyes for a second. Then close them again, but for two-seconds. Then three. Keep goin' until you can close them for ten-seconds and feel completely comfortable. You've got the reins, I've got the lunge line, and you can open your eyes whenever you want. Any questions?"

  "Only the obvious. Why?"

  "I want you to focus on how Domino feels underneath you. Let your body move with him. Don't worry about your position or anything else. Remember, you've got total control, and you can open your eyes at any time. Start whenever you're ready."

  "Okay, I'm doing it now."

  He'd expected her to close and open her eyes several times, but to his surprise she kept them closed, and her body began to move with the motion of the horse.

  "I love this," she suddenly declared. "I really love it."

  She'd completed two full circles before she opened her eyes. He could see the delight on her face, and he felt his heart swell.

  "I'm seriously proud of you," he declared. "Now ask him to stop, but just with your voice. If he doesn't, lift your reins and repeat the command."

  "Ho, Domino."

  The horse immediately came to a halt, and leaning forward, filled with joyous relief, she wrapped her arms around his neck. Still smiling across at Caleb, she wanted to wrap her arms around him as well, and plant her lips on his in a long, leisurely kiss.

  "Caleb, will you please come back to my ranch with me?" she asked as she straightened up.

  "Sure. You did great, but if you wanna leave this afternoon I need to get home. I can pack pretty quick, but I have some things to organize."

  "Go. I can take care of Domino. That's no problem."

  "I'm thinkin' I'll drive the horse van and you can follow in my truck."

  "That would be great."

  "Okay. Let's do it. I'll walk back to the barn with you, then take off."


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