Book Read Free

Uncut Bundle

Page 13

by Susan Stephens

  ‘You should never do that, Lisa!’ Stella warned. ‘That cliff is for mountain goats, and crazy men like Tino.’

  Lisa seized the opening: ‘Have you known Tino for long?’

  ‘It seems like for ever.’ Stella quickly became guarded again. ‘Look,’ she said, pointing out to sea. ‘Can you see the dolphins, Lisa?’

  Stella’s adroit change of subject didn’t bode well for discovering facts about Tino. Her reluctance to talk about him made Lisa more certain than ever that both of them were hiding something.

  When they reached the beach and the doors slid open, the first thing Lisa saw was another couple. Engrossed in each other, they were standing at the water’s edge with their fingers entwined. The young woman’s face turned up to her dark-haired companion was like a pale flame in the morning light. A stab of jealousy made Lisa hesitate and want to turn back. Had Tino been lying to her all along? And Stella too? No, not Stella…Stella would never lie to her. But she didn’t want to see… She didn’t want to be sure… She couldn’t bear to be so cruelly disillusioned. ‘I’m sorry, Stella. I should never have come down to the beach. There really isn’t time… I should go back and prepare for the meeting.’

  ‘You work too hard, Lisa. You should make a little time for yourself.’

  Lisa’s glance slipped back to the couple standing at the water’s edge.

  Misreading her interest, Stella grabbed hold of her arm, and started to lead her across the sands. ‘You must meet my daughter.’

  ‘Arianna and I have already met—briefly, at the villa when I first arrived.’

  ‘Then let me introduce you properly,’ Stella insisted, giving Lisa’s arm a little tug.

  It wasn’t Tino! It wasn’t Tino… As they drew closer and Lisa saw her mistake she instantly regretted her suspicions, and when Stella began the introductions she discovered that, like Arianna, Giorgio was also an opera singer, an Italian tenor of some renown. He and Arianna were due to start a week’s rehearsals for a major new production at the Covent Garden Opera House in London. Of course, that was why Stella had been staying at the villa, Lisa realised. She had wanted to give the two lovers some space, before world attention intruded on their personal lives.

  ‘I have something to ask you, Stella.’

  Lisa looked up at Arianna’s handsome companion, and then looked at Stella.

  ‘Not yet, Giorgio,’ Stella warned, her eyes twinkling.

  ‘No,’ Arianna agreed. ‘We must wait for Tino.’

  Wait for Tino? Lisa’s mouth hardened. Why did he have to be part of this? Could no deal be struck, not even a love match, without his seal of approval? Why should Arianna’s happiness depend on him? She couldn’t understand it. Surely Stella’s approval was all that mattered?

  ‘Arianna is right, Giorgio,’ Stella said, ‘You must be patient. We have to wait for Tino to return.’

  With a heartfelt groan, Giorgio looked for some relief from Arianna, but she only shrugged and kissed him impulsively on the cheek. ‘Waiting will make everything that much better,’ she insisted.

  Every mention of Tino’s name was like a burr in Lisa’s side. It was growing increasingly hard to hide her feelings. ‘How long do you expect Tino to be away from the island, Stella?’

  ‘He will be back when he has finished his other business.’

  Arianna’s face lit up with understanding. ‘Ah, so Tino has gone to the—’

  ‘Arianna!’ Stella silenced her daughter with a look. ‘We will talk about this later.’

  Why had they all turned to stare at her now? Lisa wondered. Why was she being left out of the loop? Didn’t any of them trust her? She held in her feelings, but it seemed as good a time as any to leave. ‘It’s been lovely meeting you, Giorgio, and seeing you again, Stella, Arianna—’ she glanced apologetically at her shorts and bare feet ‘—but I really have to go now.’

  ‘I guess that’s not your business uniform?’ Giorgio suggested.

  ‘Next time you must share our breakfast,’ Arianna offered warmly.

  She had been wrong to doubt any of them, Lisa realised, but where Tino was concerned she couldn’t think straight. ‘I’d love to.’ But there wouldn’t be another time, Lisa realised, giving Stella an impulsive hug. Breaking away, she ran across the beach without glancing back.

  As the funicular took her slowly up the cliff Lisa noticed the three figures were still standing in the same place waving to her, but then her vision blurred and she couldn’t see them any longer.

  As Lisa had suspected, the meeting soon reached a point where Tino’s presence was essential. No one breathed at Zagorakis Inc without his say-so—and time was running out. ‘I think we’ll have to call it a day here, gentlemen.’

  ‘My apologies everyone. I hope the meeting went OK without me?’

  Lisa stared. Tino had just walked into the room as if he had never been away. ‘Yes, what a shame you missed it.’ She reached for her briefcase. Five days…five lousy days, were all they had agreed upon—and he couldn’t even make it past two.

  ‘That will be all, everyone. We will reconvene tomorrow.’

  Lisa tensed as he took control, adding her own rider, ‘Yes, thank you everyone.’

  As the men filed out Tino pointed to the chair she had just vacated.

  ‘The meeting is over, Tino.’

  ‘And I want to hear what went on.’

  ‘I’m sure one of your team will fill you in.’ Picking up her briefcase, she tried to move past him.

  ‘But I want you to tell me.’

  ‘OK, then, shut the door.’ She stayed where she was while he crossed the room to see to it. ‘You couldn’t even be bothered to make the meeting, so why are you so interested now in what went on?’

  ‘My interest in the deal has never wavered.’

  ‘Unlike your interest in our agreement?’

  Leaning back on the door, he stared at her. ‘Stop this, Lisa. I called the meeting, didn’t I?’

  ‘So you should have been here when it started—except you couldn’t be, because you had to be somewhere else, somewhere more important.’

  ‘I thought it was agreed that we have no hold over each other.’

  ‘No hold over each other? So, that night we spent in bed was simply recreation for you—a little pleasure on the side? Didn’t you think there might be consequences?’

  ‘Consequences? Why should there be consequences? I took precautions.’

  Lisa’s face flamed red. Tino was always top of the class where practicalities were concerned. He had wanted a few guilt-free hours of pleasure, of release—it meant no more to him than that. But was she any better? She had lost control, and now she had to pay the price—but not for very much longer. ‘You’ll have to find someone else to fill you in on the meeting, Tino.’

  He stood aside to let her pass, but as she swept past he reached out and stopped her. ‘Are you coming to the dinner tonight?’

  ‘At the fish restaurant? No—I’m going to start my packing this evening.’ She stared coldly at his hand on her arm.

  ‘Of course, you must have a lot of things to pack. Would you like me to have some extra suitcases brought to your room?’

  She reddened, second-guessing his thoughts. ‘I’m going to pay you for everything. It’s all—’ She stopped, feeling awkward.

  ‘Chosen with care,’ he murmured sardonically.

  She knew that wasn’t true. Holding his gaze, she smiled faintly. They really were as bad as each other. ‘I can just imagine.’

  ‘So, we’ll meet again tomorrow morning?’

  This time Tino not only stood back, but held the door wide for her, and Lisa felt that deserved a little information: ‘We may be able to sign before Friday—things went really well this morning.’

  ‘I shall have to confirm that with my team.’

  Wasn’t her word good enough? She firmed her voice. ‘And I’ll be leaving the moment we sign.’

  ‘We have an agreement.’

  ‘An agreement
you broke.’

  ‘I’m here now.’

  ‘That’s hardly the point. You were the one who said we couldn’t cherry-pick agreements.’

  ‘I had to be somewhere else.’ His mouth flattened uncompromisingly.

  Secrets…always secrets. ‘You can’t just bend our agreement to suit yourself.’

  ‘I’d say we’ve got a pretty good agreement. Didn’t you say we’re about to cut a deal in record time?’

  ‘I’ll see you tomorrow, Tino.’

  He stood in her way.

  ‘Do you mind?’ She waited, but this time he didn’t stand aside.

  Closing the door, he locked it. ‘What the hell do you think you’re doing?’

  ‘I have another proposition for you.’

  ‘It’s too late for that, Tino. I’ve got everything I could possibly want from you.’

  ‘I don’t think so,’ he argued softly.

  ‘I must have missed something.’

  ‘What have you missed, Lisa? This?’

  Before she could respond he dragged her close. She whipped her face away when he tried to kiss her.

  ‘Let’s get rid of this first.’ Seizing her briefcase, he tossed it onto a chair.

  ‘What do you think you’re doing? Don’t play games with me, Tino! Let me out of here right now.’

  ‘If I thought you really wanted to leave, I’d let you go immediately.’

  ‘You don’t know what I want.’ She fought him. ‘I don’t believe this.’

  ‘Do you believe this?’

  Holding her firm with one hand, he cupped her face with the other and brushed her mouth with his lips until he drew a ragged moan from the very depths of her soul. ‘I don’t think you want to leave just yet, do you, Lisa?’

  She was trembling as he teased the seam of her mouth with his tongue, and then because she wanted to, because she had to, because she couldn’t stop herself, she pressed herself against him, and then her mind was wiped clean of everything but the need to have sex with him.

  Tino removed her tailored trousers in one easy movement with the cobweb-fine briefs she was wearing under them. She gasped with relief hearing the foil package rip. ‘Oh, yes, please.’ And burrowed her face into his chest as he lifted her…

  It was the most reckless thing she had ever done. The windows were unshuttered, the drapes fully open. Anyone walking past couldn’t miss what was happening inside the room. It only fuelled her excitement.

  Tino lowered her down on top of the boardroom table and lifted her legs to lock them around his waist.

  ‘This is madness.’

  ‘Yes, isn’t it?’ he agreed.

  He was so matter-of-fact he made her mad for him, and when his warm breath tickled her ear she shuddered uncontrollably.

  ‘This is what you want, isn’t it, Lisa? It’s what we both want.’

  Her eyes were growing heavy-lidded with desire. ‘It’s what we both need,’ she agreed throatily.

  ‘Oh, yes, we need it,’ Tino murmured as he passed the tip of his erection between her legs. ‘You’re so wet.’

  She leaned back against his arm at a better angle for him.

  ‘You’re so beautiful,’ he teased, drawing back a little, ‘maybe I’ll just look at you instead.’

  ‘Don’t, Tino,’ Lisa warned. ‘I can’t wait any longer.’

  ‘In that case…’

  A low moan of pleasure flowed from her lips as he eased himself into her.


  ‘Much, much better,’ Lisa agreed, closing her muscles around him as her voice tailed away. She felt wonderful…he completed her…

  ‘There’s no hurry…just relax, and enjoy yourself.’

  He behaved as if they had all day, as if they were alone on the island! ‘But if anyone should come around the back of the villa—’

  ‘The only person who is going to come is you, and, after that, me.’

  His tone was dry and amused, but Lisa detected a strand of tension. The possibility of discovery excited him, she realised. ‘You have less to lose than I do if we are discovered.’

  ‘Is that so?’ He thrust deep, forcing her to collapse against him with a groan of delight.

  ‘It’s true,’ she managed to gasp. ‘You will be hailed as a stud, whereas I—’

  ‘Talk far too much.’

  If Tino hadn’t been holding her so securely she might have slipped to the floor, Lisa realised as they both recovered from what had been a shattering climax. She was reluctant to let him go, reluctant to stand alone, reluctant to lose the warmth of his body, and the wonderful feeling of security his strength always gave her.

  ‘Do you feel a little better now?’ he teased softly, nuzzling his rough chin against her neck.

  ‘A little better.’

  ‘But not fully sated?’

  ‘Are you?’ She let her hands slide up his arms, relishing the feel of naked power flexing beneath her searching fingertips.

  Tino smiled as he eased out of her, and then he looked past her out of the window. ‘What perfect timing.’ Moving in front of Lisa, he shielded her.

  Then she saw the group of men heading for the beach. ‘You knew,’ she breathed incredulously. ‘You knew they could walk past here at any moment.’

  ‘Don’t tell me the possibility of discovery didn’t excite you too?’

  She couldn’t admit that it had.

  ‘Do you think I got all this by being cautious?’ he gestured around.

  ‘No, I don’t suppose you did.’ But did she want to become part of his risk culture?

  ‘So, Lisa—do you still want to rush back to the UK when we sign the contract?’

  Truthfully, no. Even with all the warnings she’d been giving herself she still wanted him. She wanted him so badly she knew it was dangerous…out of control. ‘I must reassure everyone at Bond Steel as soon as I can.’ That was the perfect excuse—so why couldn’t she just turn away from him and stay safe?

  ‘You can let them know any number of ways,’ Tino pointed out. ‘Or you could just send Mike home with the good news. I’m sure he’d like that.’

  ‘I’m sure he would. But why should I stay here with you?’

  ‘Because you want to.’

  She held his gaze, wondering if it was safe for her heart to beat so fast. ‘You’re very sure of yourself.’

  ‘Forty-eight hours of sexual excess? Sounds tempting to me.’

  As her gaze strayed to Tino’s mouth Lisa knew he was right.

  ‘It’s perfect for us, Lisa—no strings, no consequences… I can’t offer you the long term, and I know that’s the last thing you’re looking for.’

  In that moment something died inside her, but something far more elemental took its place. ‘I’m not sure if I should stay.’

  ‘Yes, you are,’ he said confidently. ‘And just think of it—we’ll be all alone when the others leave the island.’

  ‘Except for your staff.’

  ‘Who are well schooled in discretion. We will be able to extend our area of study into all the extremes of erotic adventure.’ He smiled against her mouth. ‘We’re the same, you and I, Lisa; don’t fight it. Looking at you is like looking in the mirror. I don’t always like what I see, but at least I always know what you’re thinking.’

  She wanted sex with him so desperately it was like a kind of madness, but even more than that she longed to be close to him…even though she knew Tino was never going to let that happen.

  ‘So? Give me your answer, Lisa. Do you accept my proposition?’

  Gazing up at him, she saw that his warm, wonderful eyes had turned black with erotic promise.

  ‘I accept.’


  THRUSTING his face into his hands, Tino made a rough, animal sound as he paced his room. What was he turning into? What the hell was Lisa turning him into? Right now, he was no better than a rutting beast scenting a female ripe for sex.

  And now he was blaming Lisa for his own weakness! As he stood in
the centre of his study his face contorted with anger and disgust. What kind of a man did that make him? Was it Lisa’s fault that he only had to look at her, or think about her, and he turned into that most primal of men—a man who could think of nothing but possession, and sex?

  He couldn’t think about business, or Stellamaris, or about any of his other responsibilities, because she filled his every waking moment, as well as his dreams at night. He could see no further than keeping her with him every precious second he could until they both returned to their cold, emotion-free lives. While she was in Stellamaris he could fill his eyes with every nuance and quirk in her expression, fill his nostrils with her scent, and his hands with her silky flesh… He couldn’t let her go, not yet. That accounted for his preposterous scheme—an erotic adventure for the next forty-eight hours? He couldn’t believe he had suggested it. And he only had because he wasn’t capable of committing to anything more, and that shamed him.


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