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Reviving Raven

Page 4

by Brandi Nadeau

  I run out the front door just as Nate pulls into our driveway. My eyes grow about two sizes bigger when I see him, he looks so damn sexy on that bike. He's wearing a leather jacket, ripped jeans and laced black leather boots. I walk towards him smiling and he immediately grabs my waist and sits me down on his lap. He devours my mouth like he hasn't kissed me in months.

  “Get your helmet on baby, let’s get you back to my place in one piece.”

  Nate helps me strap the helmet on my head and I jump on his bike behind him. My fingers are laced together hugging tightly around his stomach as he pulls out of my driveway. I lay my face against the cool leather against his back and inhale his scent. The smell of Nate, the feel of his body against mine and the rumbling of the bike beneath me is already making me soak my panties. My fingers are starting to get cold as the ride progresses. I move them under Nates shirt and just about let out a moan when I feel just how tight his stomach muscles are. This sexy man is rocking a full-blown six-pack. Oh man please don’t let me cum right here on this bike. I let my fingers wander, tracing each muscle, combing through the hair on his stomach. Nate lets out a grunt.’ve seen me, now let’s see what you’re packing. I move one hand slightly down his waist until I find his massive erection straining in the confines of his jeans. I want to trace every long inch with my fingers, memorize every bulging vein and taste every bit of it. Ugh, I've never wanted something in my body so badly until this moment. Nate pushes the throttle harder, no doubt in dire need to get back to his place as soon as possible.

  We pull up to his apartment complex. I just get my helmet off as Nate jumps off the bike, rips his helmet off and throws me over his shoulder.

  "Oh my God, Nate! Put me down!" I exclaim waving my legs around.

  WHACK! Oh hell no, he did not just smack my ass! "Not a chance baby. Not until we get upstairs." Nate says laughing.

  Yep, it's official. I've caught feelings for Nathan Pierce. Undeniable feelings I’m completely powerless over.

  Nate carries me up the steps, taking two at a time. I cannot stop the laughs that come pouring out of me. I've never felt so carefree, so...happy in my entire life. Jeez, what is this man doing to me? He swings his apartment door open and goes straight to the bedroom. I’m ready for this, give me everything you got Nathan Pierce.

  I land on the bed with a bounce as Nate turns the light on. He’s standing over me, observing every inch of me. "Take your shirt off," Nate says impatiently with the look of pure desire in his eyes. I do exactly that and love the look of utter shock and lust sweep across Nates' face. I chose to wear the only sexy bra and underwear I own. A lace and satin bra that hides nothing for the imagination and a lace thong I’m hoping he takes off with his teeth. Nates eyes land directly to my hard nipples trying desperately to be free from this bra. I swear he's about to bite his lip open if he keeps at it. "Now your pants," he says through his teeth. I wiggle myself out of my pants and flip myself over on my side, just to give him a little taste of what this thong is doing for my ass. When you know your body’s good qualities, why not flaunt them a little?

  That’s all it takes for Nate to start undressing. I stare in amazement at the man in front of me. Broad, muscular and all man. Just the right amount of hair stretching from below his jeans all the way up and across his pecks. His tattoos stretch across his entire chest, connecting each tattoo sleeve, making one massive piece of artwork. My entire body is on fire, dying for him to get into this damn bed with me. He unbuckles his pants and shoves them down to his feet. Oh my god…Is this real? His massive cock is fully erect and staring straight at me. I mentally memorize every vein, every curve. I can't stop myself from jumping up and grabbing ahold of it with both hands. I need to know what he tastes like. I put my tongue on the base of his cock and lick all the way to the tip. I haven’t experimented much when it comes to the bedroom. I’m no virgin by any means but I know I definitely can’t be the best. Hmmm, let’s find out how deep I can go. I suck on his tip then slowly make my way down his shaft. Nate is firmly grabbing my hair, grunting and grinding his teeth. I must be doing something right. I start sucking harder, moving my head faster and faster. Savoring every last drop of pre-cum I can taste. Nates' legs begin to tremble. "Baby if you don't want me to cum down your throat, you need to stop now." Not a fucking chance in hell. I need to taste you, all of you. I take his cock deep into my mouth one last time and Nate lets off a stream of hot liquid straight down my throat. He tastes unquestionably amazing. I let off with a loud pop and Nate picks me up and lays me back down on the bed.

  “Baby that was fucking incredible. Now it’s your turn.” Oh, thank God. I don’t think my dripping wet pussy can take much more. Nate unhooks my bra like a damn pro and immediately sucks one nipple into his mouth and twists the other between his fingers. Between the sucking, biting and twisting the pleasure is almost too much. I arch my back and let out a moan. “Please Nate, I need you. I need you now!” I moan out loudly. And that’s all it takes. He kneels up, grabs the fabric of my thong and rips it clean off my body. “Don’t worry baby, I’ll buy you a hundred pairs just like it.”

  “Please tell me you’re on the pill baby, I need to feel you. Feel every damn inch of you.” Nate says as he’s teasing my entrance with the head of his cock.

  “Yeah, I’m on the shot, just please get inside of me now, Nate!” I moan impatiently.

  Nate lets out a sigh of relief and pushes his throbbing cock inside of me. I wrap my legs around his back, wanting to feel every inch of him buried deep inside my wet pussy. He grabs my face and brings my lips to his. Threading my fingers through his hair, I grab a handful while Nate begins to thrust harder and harder, faster and faster. I let out a scream I'm sure woke every damn neighbor in this apartment complex as my body goes through the most intense orgasm I’ve felt. My juices leak everywhere as Nate continues to thrust, riding out my orgasm. He flips me over onto my stomach and begins to ride me from behind. Okay, seriously? I cannot be having another orgasm already! “Nate yes! Don’t stop, please don’t stop!” The headboard bangs against the wall as I moan loudly. I swear at this point I don’t care who the hell hears us.

  Nate grabs my hair and turns my head towards his while I'm coming down from my second orgasm. He kisses me passionately. “Baby your pussy feels so fucking good. So fucking tight and wet. Keep screaming my name baby,” Nate says through our touching lips. His throbbing cock thrusting into my wet pussy. The way his voice sounds against my lips is enough to send me barreling straight into my third orgasm. “Nate I’m cumming! Don't Stop!" I yell. Nate thrusts one last time just as my orgasm hits me with as much intensity as the first. I feel him empty himself deep inside me. We both rollover and Nate grabs me into his arms. I lay my head on his chest and listen to his pounding heartbeat. I’ve never felt so satisfied, so comfortable and just simply happy in my entire life. Utterly exhausted, I close my eyes and drift to sleep with the feel of Nates fingers running through my hair and the sound of his thumping heart in my ear.

  Chapter Nine


  Dancing, dancing and more dancing. I’m sweating more than I thought was possible. I look all over and can’t find my friends anywhere. Those assholes must have left to go do their own thing. The feeling of eyes peering down on me is enough to focus my drunken mind if even for a moment. I can’t focus on his face though. He’s saying something but I just can’t make out what he’s saying through my intoxication and the loud music. Wait…I’m outside now. How am I outside? This guy is holding me up. Where is he taking me? “No stop I need to go back inside.” I have no clue if this dude can understand me. He shushes me as I trip on a branch beneath my feet. A branch? Wait, I’m in the woods. Why the hell am I in the woods? I start to push myself away from this guy but he’s too strong. I’m on my back and he’s on top of me. Nooo! I kick and scratch and punch with every effort I have within me. His closed fists with a Marine engraved ring are the last things I see before I’m swept into darkness.

bsp; “Raven! Raven baby! Wake up!” I hear Nate yelling but I just can’t open my eyes. I can’t shake myself out of the dream. I need to go back! I need to see his face! The entire three years, I’ve never had a dream or even a flashback of the night I was assaulted. Even hours upon hours of therapy wasn’t able to recall any suppressed memories. Nate grabs my face and gently shakes my head. “Raven baby, please look at me!” I open my eyes and see his deep blue ones staring right back at me.

  “Nate, oh my god Nate!” Right when I’m about to wrap my arms around him, the realization hits me like a ton of bricks. My attacker was tall, muscular and…a Marine? Just like Nate. I push Nate off me as hard as I can and leap off the bed, scoop my clothes up and run to the bathroom as fast as I can. Locking the door behind me I quickly throw my clothes on. Oh, fucking Christ I need to get out of here! Nate can be my fucking rapist! I was so stupid and got completely caught up in my stupid hormones that I never asked him for answers to all my questions. A knock on the door makes me scream out loud.

  “Raven! What is happening? Please come out and talk to me! Or at least talk to me through the door!” I can barely fucking breath let alone talk. I need to get the hell out of here! My phone and purse are still in the bedroom. Looking around the bathroom I finally notice the window. I jump up and open it as quietly as I can. "Raven, please! I don't know what happened but if you open the door I can try to help!" Nate's pleads are tearing my heart apart, but I just can't trust anyone right now.

  I look down onto the pavement and luckily see some bushes. Second floor up, not too bad of a drop. Grabbing ahold of the window seal and using the toilet as a stool, I get one leg out then the other. I can still hear Nate banging on the door talking as my entire body is now out of the window, hanging. Aim for the bushes raven, I think to myself. The tears pouring out of my eyes cannot be stopped. I take a deep breath, look down and let go of the window ledge. For a spilt second, my body feels weightless, like a feather floating through time. My mind is at ease, and I feel free… Am I free?

  Thump! The bushes break my fall, and I sit here in pure embarrassment as I look around and hope no one saw. From above, I can still hear the faint pounding on the door. Once I stand, however, my ankle completely gives out and I fall on my knees. For fuck's sake! I stand once more, this time favoring my none injured ankle, and make my way out of the apartment complex. I need to find a way to get home, or at least a damn phone to call a taxi or my Uncle.

  Limping down the road, I see a gas station on the corner. YES! I limp faster to hurry inside. The clerk behind the counter is nice enough to lend me her phone and I immediately call the one person I need most right now, my Uncle. He picks up on the second ring.

  “Hello?” he answers, sounding as if I just woke him up.

  "Uncle Abel, it's me. I need you to come pick me up at the gas station on the corner of Route 15 and Abberline Street."

  "Raven! What the hell happened! Why are you at a gas station calling me in the middle of the night! And who's number is this?" He unmistakably sounds panicked. I mean I don’t blame him.

  “Uncle Abel please just come pick me up, I’ll explain everything when you get here.” I hang up the phone once he tells me he’s in his truck and on his way. Thankfully the store clerk is nice enough to let me wait inside until he gets here.

  Sitting here waiting, I can't help but overthink every decision I've made recently. Why the hell did I jump into bed with Nate before I fully knew him? If only I could go back into my dream and try to get a look at my attacker's face. My ankle is swelling up quite nicely and turning the prettiest shade of purple, great just freaking great. Just as I start to wonder if Nate has even realized I jumped out of his bathroom window, I hear the loud exhaust of a motorcycle. Shit, the bike is turning into the parking lot! I look around the corner at one of the display shelves and immediately notice Nate jump off and start to run inside. I duck down quickly and hide the best I can. I’m just not ready to face him yet. I hear Nate pushing the doors open and immediately start questioning the clerk.

  “I’m looking for a girl, 24 years old, wearing a loose sweatshirt and some black leggings. She may be hurt badly. Have you seen her?” He sounds so scared. Am I making a huge mistake? I just can’t take a chance right now; my safety is too important.

  "Nope, I haven't seen anyone like that come in here tonight." This store clerk just became my best friend.

  “FUCK!” Nate screams as he pounds his hands on the counter. It was so forceful I even jumped a little. “Please if you see her call this number.” He rambles his cell phone number to the girl and then I hear the door chimes signaling he left the store. I peek around from my hiding place and see him get on his bike and drive off. Standing, I limp over to the clerk.

  "Thank you so much for having my back. My name is Raven by the way." The clerk looks at me sympathetically. "Not a problem. My names Michelle. You look like you’ve had a hell of a night and the way you hid, I assumed you didn’t want anything to do with him. Girls have to watch out for each other, you know?” Oh Michelle, that I do know with absolute certainty.

  Bright lights beam through the store window and my Uncle Abel comes running in. As soon as I look at him my emotions get the better of me. He runs to me and grabs me into his arms, masking my cries with his chest. I thank Michelle one last time and my Uncle helps me get into his Truck.

  "Okay, Raven you need to spill it, now. What the hell happened?" my Uncle asks. Alright, Alright, let’s start with my dream.

  Chapter Ten


  This woman is going to be the fucking death of me. The nightmare she was having reminded me of one of my very own. She was sweating through the sheets, kicking and shoving with everything she had. Maybe she was having a nightmare about the night she was attacked? Her demeanor sure as hell screamed it. I tried so fucking hard to wake her calmly, but when she started shoving me violently, I knew I just needed to get her awake as quickly as possible. Her reaction afterward? You would have thought I was coming after her with a damn butcher knife. Ashamed as I am to admit it, it took me a good thirty minutes just to figure out the woman jumped out of the bathroom window! I have to give her props though when she's determined, nothing stands in her way. But why would she want to get away from me? Did I do something to hurt her last night? Oh shit. Maybe she saw me in her dream when I found her. Maybe she thinks I was the one who attacked her! FUCK! I push down the throttle harder, I need to find her! I need to tell her everything! If only I wasn’t such a dumbass and just explained everything to her at the beginning of the night. “So fucking stupid!”

  I need to find her. What if she got hurt when she jumped out of the window? Think Nate, Think. She’s not at any of the neighboring stores, so where else would she go without her purse or phone? Abel! She had to of found a phone and called Abel! I push down on the throttle even harder. Raven, my girl, we're going to have a serious sit down when I see you.

  I pull into Abel and Raven’s driveway. Jumping off my bike quickly and run towards the to the front door. Pounding on the door, Jameson comes running full speed and jumps on the window barking and growling. Damn, well I guess you’re healing up quite nicely. Abel comes walking towards the door and comes to a stop when he sees me through the window. The man looks utterly exhausted. He looks down at his feet, shakes his head and begins to open the door for me.

  “Nate, I don’t think it’s the best time to talk to Raven right now. Maybe come back tomorrow afternoon once she’s gotten some rest?” Abel asks, probably hoping to get rid of me for the night. Better luck next time.

  “Abel, I need to talk to Raven now. I have no idea what happened. One minute we're sound asleep and the next she's having a nightmare and jumping out of my second-floor bathroom window like a damn crazy person!" For God's sake, she seriously could've broken a leg!

  "Uncle Abel, it's okay. Just let him in," I hear Raven say from inside the house. That's enough of an invitation for me. Pushing past Abel, I find Raven sitting on the co
uch with her foot propped up on the coffee table and an ice pack covering her ankle. Damn it! She did get hurt!

  “Raven what the hell were you thinking!” She winces at my tone, but honestly, I’m finding it pretty damn hard to calm my temper.

  "You flat out freaked out on me then you jump out of the damn window from two stories up? Jesus Raven, you could have broken a leg or worse!" Raven's eyes are beginning to fill with tears. Shit! Okay Nate, calm down, take a deep breath. Kneeling, I lift the ice pack and take a sharp breath in through my teeth. Damn, that might really be broken. Raven still seems on edge. I sit next to her on the couch and grab her hands.


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