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Three Days

Page 6

by Ariadne Wayne

  “When the police left, Dad hit me with his belt, really hard. That was when Mum had enough. She’d put up with him doing it to her, but as soon as he laid a hand on me …”

  She rolled back towards me. Our faces were inches apart, and there was more than just the lust I’d seen earlier in her eyes. Neither of us could speak, our eyes locked together in some shared empathy for one another. We’d both had pain in our lives; now we’d shared our pasts.

  But what about the future?

  And why on earth was I thinking that after only knowing her three days?

  Almost as if she could read my mind, she licked her lips, her eyes darkening as her hand roamed down my chest.

  “I don’t know what this thing we’ve started is, or why I wanted it so bad. Something about you called to me,” she whispered.

  I closed my eyes as her hand worked its magic, her fingers like silk against my skin, calling my body to life to give her what we both needed.

  It was too soon, too fast, and I had no intention of changing a thing.


  Three Weeks.

  Maddy and I had been involved for three weeks now, and we were in the that stage where even the thought of her made my stomach flutter like a million butterflies were trying to get loose.

  Equally causing me butterflies was the struggle to find a job. It had taken three weeks to secure an interview. The relief at getting to the interview stage was overwhelming, and I'd spent last night working out what to wear.

  Maddy had stood over my shoulder, inspecting my choices and telling me what went with what. It had been unnerving; Charlie had once done the same thing. As with Maddy, I'd stood, bemused while she went through my things and found a matching shirt and tie to go with my suit.

  I’d bitten my tongue when I’d realised they had very different tastes. Where Charlie had gone for subtle pastel hues, Maddy had managed to dig out the tie I'd worn once, throwing it in a drawer to forget about it forever more. It was a brilliant blue, not my usual style, and I didn't know what had possessed me when I’d bought it.

  "This makes you look confident about yourself. You're not afraid to be bold."

  Now, Maddy gave me strength when I needed it, and I fell deeper as I watched her tying the Windsor knot. She was adorable, her tongue sticking out between her teeth as she put all her concentration into getting the knot right.

  I didn't have the heart to tell her I could do it in my sleep.

  "There you go," she said. "Go get 'em tiger."

  I grinned, pulling her into my arms and planting a kiss on the lips I loved to feel against mine.

  “Thanks, Maddy.”

  She looked at her watch, her eyes widening as she realised the time.

  “Crap, I’ll be late for work. I’ve got to go. Good luck.”

  Maddy kissed me on the cheek, and I let her go, waving her goodbye as she made it out the door. She was really something else.

  I made the bed, and washed the breakfast dishes before going downstairs to the car. My interview was at nine thirty and I made the short trip in ten minutes, leaving fifteen more minutes before I was due.

  My stomach nearly ate itself with nerves as the clock ticked down to nine twenty and I took a deep breath, making my way to the reception desk.

  The first thing I got was the application form to fill in while I waited. It started off simple—name, address, previous experience … Then on the flip side was the question that stopped me in my tracks—the one I expected, but it still stabbed me in the chest to have to answer.

  Do you have any criminal convictions?

  I paused, my pen held over the paper, and took a deep breath. Closing my eyes, I took another breath before opening them and writing one word. Yes.

  I’d known to expect the question, but it still caught me, throwing me off my game.

  If I didn’t face this now, I’d never get the courage to. I swallowed down my pride, returning the form to the reception desk. The receptionist took it from me with a smile, glancing at the front and flipping it over to make sure I’d filled it in correctly. I waited for some sign that she’d noticed, some indication that I was the scum of the earth.

  Instead she nodded, smiling again and asking me to take a seat.

  A few minutes later, a woman appeared, her brunette hair swept up off her face in a bun, wearing a tailored suit that clung to her curves. I had a sudden pang of not knowing it I was dressed formally enough. Did I want to work in a corporate-type office? I hadn’t even thought about that.

  In prison, I’d been able to wear my own jeans and T-shirts. I’d had to dig out my suit from the clothing that had been in storage. I didn’t know if I wanted to wear one every day. But then, I couldn’t afford to be that fussy.

  “Andrew Carmichael? I’m Patricia Morris.”

  I rose, smiling at her as she extended her hand.

  “Come with me. I’ll just take you through here and we can have a chat.”

  I swallowed hard, gathering the courage to follow. She led me through to a room with a large table in the middle and motioned for me to sit.

  "Your CV looks good, but I noticed you haven't been working for some time. Maybe we can start with you telling me what you've been doing."

  My mouth went dry, and I paused to catch my breath. She looked at me, head cocked, waiting for my answer.

  "Actually, I've been in prison."

  The awkward silence that followed was made worse by the way she looked at me. Her nose twitched as she processed what I’d said, and her eyes glazed over.

  "Oh. May I ask …"

  "It's a really long story, but kidnapping."

  She looked down at the table, the application form I filled in shaking as her hands trembled.

  "Andrew, I'm sorry …"

  "If you want the whole story, I'm happy to tell you. It's not as dry-cut as it seems. I'm ready to get back to work, and when I do I'll work hard."

  Patricia's shoulders slumped, and she frowned as she met my eyes again.

  Holy shit. I can't get past the first question.

  To her credit, she recovered, smiling slightly and picking up my CV. She started talking about my previous experience, and I answered every question she fired at me. There was no doubt in my mind that I made her nervous, and I couldn't blame her for that.

  As I left, I shook her hand again and she nodded. "We'll let you know soon," she said.

  "Thank you. I appreciate it."

  I walked away, the conflict in my stomach still not resolved. If that was how every interview started, how on earth would I ever find work?


  “Andrew? Andrew Carmichael.” I looked up from the vegetables I’d been inspecting. I’d promised to cook Maddy dinner, and in an attempt to impress her, decided it had to all be fresh and not the frozen foods my meals had consisted of so far.

  We’d spent every available moment together, eating noodles and out of cans rather than going anywhere. My days were spent looking for a job, my nights were spent with Maddy. I had applied for welfare, which would cover me for a while longer. As much as I didn't want to go back home to Mum and Dad's, I knew the day could come when I needed to.

  Maddy worked in a clothing store, which had come in handy as I updated my wardrobe. Looking good was important. I had to make the best impression I could before breaking the news about what I'd done to potential employers.

  A vaguely familiar face came into focus, and I realised I was looking at a woman I’d gone to university with. If only I could remember her name …

  “It’s Kim, Kim Collins. We were at uni together.”

  I nodded. “I remember.”

  “I didn’t realise you were out … I mean …” She went scarlet. This was going to be a reaction that I would have to get used to as I ran into people from my past.

  “Yeah. About a month ago.”

  She recovered, tapping my arm. “You’re looking good. I was so sorry to hear what happened with your wife and everything. That�
�d be enough to screw anyone up.” Her jaw dropped, and she covered her hand with her mouth, glowing red with embarrassment. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything … Go on, Kim, put your foot in it.”

  “It’s okay. I know it’s a lot to take in,” I said, laughing.

  “So, how are you? That’s probably a stupid question, given you’ve had about five minutes to sort out your life.” She swung on her heels. Oh God. Is she flirting with me?

  “Actually, not too bad. Just need to find a job and I’ll be on track. How about you?”

  She nodded. “Pretty good. We’re looking for another business analyst at work. Might be right up your alley, if you’re interested. I seem to remember that was what you were doing when things went off the rails.”

  How much else did she remember about me? Seemed a bit random after all this time.

  “Uh, yeah. I’d definitely be interested. In the job, that is.”

  She grinned, licking her lips. She was gorgeous, but Maddy was already so far under my skin that the action didn’t have the effect it might have once upon a time.

  “Great. How about we swap numbers and I’ll talk to my boss? I can give you a call and let you know if he wants to see you.”

  “Uh sounds good. I’d appreciate the referral.” I pulled out my phone, tapping her number into my address book while giving her my own.

  “Yeah well, I never picked you for being that crazy. That whole losing-your-wife-on-your-honeymoon has to be the hardest thing ever.” She clapped her hand over her mouth again. “I didn’t mean that to come out that way, I was trying to be sympathetic.”

  “I know. It’s okay.” It would never be okay, but it was something I had to get used to.

  “Anyway, I guess I should leave you to it. Shopping for dinner?”

  “Yeah, something like that. I’m cooking for … for …” Hell, what was she? “For a friend.”

  “Oh. Right. Well, have fun. I’ll call you.” She smiled.

  I watched as she walked away. Hopefully something would come of that—at least she would tell her boss I was a kidnapper, that I had a criminal record, and then we could go from there.

  The insanity of that thought nearly made me laugh out loud. I stopped myself, though; there were already enough people in the world who thought I was crazy, let alone the other shoppers in the supermarket.


  “This is pretty amazing,” Maddy said between mouthfuls. She waggled her eyebrows at me, and I laughed, shaking my head.

  “It’s really just meat and vegetables.”

  “Oh, but so perfectly cooked.” She slid a piece of carrot between her teeth, and if my temperature didn’t shoot up, it gave it a good go. A warm glow washed over me from my head to my feet. Just watching her eat, remembering our recent marathon bed session.

  I closed my eyes, shaking it off. “Got a possible lead on a job too. I ran into someone I used to go to uni with, and the company she works for is looking for people.”

  Maddy cocked her head as I opened my eyes again. “She?”

  I laughed. “Trust you to pick that one part of the sentence out.”

  She grinned, that cheeky grin that got me into trouble in the first place. “I hope it works out. Then you’ll be able to keep me in the manner I’ve become accustomed to.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  Maddy pointed at the meal. “This. I’d like cooking like this every night, thank you.”

  “So, you only want me for my cooking?”

  She leaned over, giving me a view down her top, her hand on my thigh. This is so hot.

  “No. I want you for much more than your cooking. It’s just a great bonus.”

  I pressed my lips against hers for a quick kiss before standing with my plate, needing to get some space between us. Maddy was charming and funny, and made me hotter than I had been in forever. But, I wanted more. Not just sex, but her friendship.

  Even if we joked about being friends with benefits, I wanted the friends part, the emotional attachment. Despite the fact that we were probably going to have sex again tonight, I wanted quality time.

  I ran the water in the sink, letting the heat distract me from my torrid thoughts. It’d be easy to just drag Maddy off to bed—I doubted she needed much persuasion—but I’d enjoyed the whole cooking-a-meal-for-someone again, someone who wanted to be with me.

  Her scent hit me before her arms wrapped around my waist. “What are you thinking about?” she asked, leaning her head on my back.


  “So, do you think there is an us?”

  I turned, picking up a towel from the counter, wiping my hands. “Maybe there could be, if you wanted there to be. I want us to spend time together.”

  “That’s what we are doing, silly.”

  “I mean, just time hanging out. Not in bed, not having sex—just being together.”

  Maddy backed away, grabbing my hands and pulling me away from the sink. “Let’s snuggle on the couch and talk then.”

  “You don’t mind us not having sex tonight?” I grinned as she backed up against the couch, pulling me towards her.

  “I didn’t say no sex, but we could spend some time just talking.” She looked up at me, so sweet and innocent and for a moment, time stopped as we gazed at each other. I swear I saw her soul. Maddy was so much more than she ever let anyone know.

  She’d spent her entire life in this big, old place, keeping things together when everything around her was falling apart. Maybe the house stayed intact for her. Lord knows it should have been down around their ears some time ago.


  I’d hoped for a repeat the following night, her companionship comforting, and her presence alluring. I shouldn’t have let myself get distracted, but I couldn’t help it. I loved everything we did together and couldn’t wait for her to touch me again, wanted to know her better.

  By the time I got up she’d left for work. She’d spent another night in my bed, but I’d slept so well, I hadn’t noticed her slipping out of my arms to leave. The bed was cold, and I clutched her pillow to me, grinning at her scent still faintly there.

  I spent the day searching the net for jobs again, applying for a couple more, before surrendering to the couch. I could go out, but that would just waste gas, and I needed to save what I could.

  The day dragged, and when Maddy didn’t turn up after her shift, I went downstairs to look for her. She was on her way out Carly's door as I got to the bottom of the stairs.

  “I’ve been waiting for you,” I said, grabbing hold of her hand.

  “Sorry, Andrew. I’ve got to go.” There was no humour in her words, no smile on her face.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Fine. I’m out for the evening, might be out for the night. Got some stuff to take care of.”

  She kissed me on the cheek, pulling her hand away, and walked out the door. I stood like a chump watching her go, wondering what on earth was going on and where she could be going all night.

  Who was I kidding? She had her own life to lead, even if part of it was entwined with mine now. I wanted an explanation, but did she owe me one? The confusion tore at my gut, and I climbed the stairs and went back to the television.

  When my phone buzzed. I picked it up to a text from Kim.

  My boss wants to meet you. 10am tomorrow if you’re free.

  A tiny glimpse of hope began to grow. If I could get the employment part of my life sorted, maybe the rest would fall into place. I had another interview booked for the afternoon; morning should be no problem.

  That would be fantastic.

  She sent the address, and I tried to keep focused. Maybe this one would be different. If Kim had told them about me and they still wanted an interview that was one less barrier I'd have to worry about. My mind kept wandering to Maddy.

  I hope you’re okay.


  I was out for most of the following day. At least I was prepared for rejection. But, the day didn’t
go too badly, and I went home to wait for a call about either of them.

  Trying to save money, I’d caught the bus. Gas was best left for when I needed it; it was expensive enough. It meant for a much longer day, and by the time I trudged back to the boarding house, I’d already decided to take the car next time. Screw it.

  Outside the house and down the road a little was a car. I wouldn’t have noticed it, but for Maddy, her arms around the man standing beside it, his hands on the small of her back. They didn’t even notice as I drew closer, but my stomach plummeted at the sight of them.

  He was tall, with dark hair and stubble. Black jeans and a leather jacket. About the opposite of me. She let go of his neck, and looked at him with the same intensity she used when she looked at me. I couldn’t watch.

  I ducked into the entrance of the house, not wanting to see any more. What the hell? She’d thrown herself at me, and I had fallen for it hook, line and sinker. Was she warming his bed too?

  Barely noticing Bob standing at the base of the stairs, I walked straight into him.

  “Shit, man. Sorry,” I said. “Distracted.”

  He grinned. “Is her name Maddy?”

  Ugh. This was one conversation I did not want to have.

  “It’s just been a long day. Went to a couple of job interviews today, hoping one will pan out.”

  He nodded. “It’s a tough one. Good luck.”

  I ran up the stairs and into my room, closing the door behind me and leaning on it. It shouldn’t hurt as much as it did. I barely knew her, but she’d opened up to me, told me some of her deepest, darkest fears as I had done with her. My phone buzzed and I pulled it from my pocket.

  How did the interview go?

  Kim, checking up on me.

  Okay I guess. I’m not getting my hopes up about anything.


  Want to go out for a drink tonight?


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