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I asked Sun Paw if she would like to come and live with my family. At first, a glimmer of a smile emerged at the corner of her mouth.
“Miss Cordelia, I had hoped you would ask me. I must first ask my mother and Master Evan for permission.”
I waited for Sun Paw outside of Evan’s house gates, while she spoke with them. Several minutes went by and I could hear Sun Paw’s mother, Light Shine, in their native tribal dialect, telling Sun Paw that she should be honored with the request. Then I heard Light Shine talking with Evan. He said he appreciated her asking him for permission but said the decision was up to Light Shine. Evan never failed when it came to diplomacy. But Moon Rose had her own opinion to divulge. She practically attacked her mother and Sun Paw in the parlor with her words.
“She won’t be safe there.” Moon Rose said. “The empress is hunted prey. Sun Paw must stay here where we can protect her. Mother, if you allow her to leave, you may regret it.” Light Shine slammed her fist on the table, scaring both Moon Rose and Sun Paw.
“Sun Paw, the empress is the purist of their kind, and she is fair. She will protect you as long as you protect her secret as we have all along. Go my child.
The distance between is only a heartbeat. As for you,” Light Shine said, confronting Moon Rose. “I’m the first and last word in our family. You are not Sun Paw’s mother. You are her sister. Act like one.”
A few more minutes past, and then Sun Paw emerged with Evan. He looked at me and winked. I smiled because it came naturally, along with the desire to kiss him. He smiled back then turned to Sun Paw. Evan extended his hand.
“Your service to us has been appreciated. I understand that you are needed elsewhere.” Sun Paw nodded with a nervous smile then walked over to me where I stood outside of the entrance gates. I patted Sun Paw on the shoulder, trying to make her feel comfortable with the transition.
“I’ll take good care of her.” I said.
Evan nodded and winked. “I expect Sun Paw will do the same.”
Sun Paw smiled at Evan then at me. Her thoughts about the move, and working with me and my family came through in a wide grin, and her beautiful face was like a good omen.
Besides, my brother, sister, and Sun Paw, a few more additions were vital. Of course Nikolas would be joining us again, not yet ready to live in the home his parents had built. And then there was the newest house guest. Victor needed protection from the Apolluon trackers as a mortal. They would smell the scent of his aura now that he had been stripped of the shield of immortality. Therefore, as long as he was in the home of an Ischeros he would be safe.
Unfortunately, Victor hadn’t proved himself in the eyes of the council; it has only been a day. The elders barred him from being reinstated as an immortal. Of course, I could override there ruling, but I too was skeptical therefore, mortal he stayed, for now or forever was the question. Only Victor knew the answer to that. He would have to prove himself before he could truly be accepted by the members of the empire.
When I first suggested it, Victor had shuffled his feet, and kept his eyes down cast at first, but knew he couldn't be left alone. He walked around the parlor now, browsing photographs of my parents, my brother and sister, and me, probably recalling the last time he’d been here.
“I remember when we were six years old.” Victor said picking up a picture of me when I was about that age. “You had been trying so very hard to hide the crush you had on me when suddenly, Bethany blurted out the top secret information. Your face had turned as red as a cherry.”
I looked him in the eyes. “Things have changed since then.” To my chagrin, I felt the blood creeping up in my cheeks, and I tried to stifle it, remembering those simple days all too well. Victor’s crisp voice brought me back to the present.
“Cordelia, this is ridiculous. You can’t expect me to live in your house. I can live in my own house.”
“No, you can’t. Quit being difficult.” I demanded, lightly. You aren’t safe alone, as a mortal.”
“Then transform me.” He tried to hide his smirk. I pretended not to hear or see him, and he knew it.
“The Apolluon will track you in no time. Suppose one of our brothers and sisters, one who doesn’t totally agree with my decision to accept you back into the family, feels that we are better off without you?” Victor’s eyes became overshadowed, and his mind clouded with regret. “You hurt a lot of people when you were on your own agenda. Although, I’ve asked everyone to forgive your ‘transgressions’, I’m positive that they haven’t forgotten your crimes against them. You must prove yourself first. Sorry, you have stay in this beautiful mansion for now. You know that I’m the only one who can protect you.”
“Don’t you mean the only one willing to?” Victor asked, noticeably saddened.
“I didn’t say that.”
“You didn’t have to. Besides, I don’t need any protection. I’m not afraid.”
“Perhaps, not.” I humored him, but I knew better. “Look, I’m not doing this because I feel sorry for you or because I think that you’re afraid. Your strength is greater than Evan’s if used properly, and not distributed to a renegade gang of disciples. The Ischeros need you. Give us some time, alright?”
He nodded, and we locked eyes for longer than I wanted to, but not long enough for him. I hadn’t forgotten that afternoon on C Street when I’d been craving ice cream for lunch. My mind lingered on the moments just before Victor plowed the jeep into me. I had looked into his eyes then, and they were sinister, focused, yet intensely alluring. The eyes I looked into now were kind, vulnerable, beautiful, yet still intensely alluring. It was odd now that he, who was once my predator, needed my protection. What a strange twist of fate.
“I will prove myself, Delia. I have every right to a place in this empire as much as all the other members have. Also, I must make things right in every accord. “I was robbed, and so I made a lot of mistakes. I wasn’t thinking while I was killing. I was pulsating, breathing, and existing in my rage. I know this now, and I’m deeply regretful.”
Victor eyes never wavered as he spoke, and his mind had already been read, so I knew that he spoke from a thawed heart.
I will also make things right with us.
I heard him loud and clear and tried to deflect the rest of his thoughts. I tried to focus on the topic at hand.
“I know that you’re genuinely sorry, but living here with us is necessary, for now.”
“And Evander agrees with your new living arrangement?” Victor raised an eyebrow displaying I small glimpse of his old wicked ways.
“Of course not, you tried to kill me. You came pretty damn close too. He hasn’t forgotten what happened just a day ago, or what took place in the future, not for one second. But he understands.”
“And this is the same Evander who is aware that we’re betrothed, right?” Victor maintained a serious expression, but I knew he was smiling beneath the facade.
Our eyes met again, and he didn’t turn away, but I had to. For some reason I couldn’t look into Victor’s eyes for a long period of time. I could read his thoughts, and there was always something there. The thoughts were new intense feelings that were re kindling the old ones. It was something that would grow stronger if I wasn’t careful. This intense connection of some extraordinary kind, that I had known the very first time I had seen him as a child, was stronger than anything on this earth, and that much harder to resist now. My powers fell second to whatever it was between Victor and I. It would have to be ignored indefinitely. What I have with Evan is what I need, and what I deserve.
“Once betrothed.” I corrected him.
“Always.” Victor said, holding my gaze. I did my best to ignore him, and turned away.
I wanted so badly to be Evan's wife – someday. My heart felt like it could burst from the immeasurable love that I felt for him. He meant everything to me. Evan had brought me home and protected me from the moment I arrived up until now. Understandably, Evan was truly disgruntled with my move back to the
Tieron Estate. Early that fateful morning, about an hour after his parents had been exiled; Evan came to me and told me that he could never hold any harsh feelings towards me. He understood what I did and why I had to do it.
“This is a moment of honesty,” he said. “I’ll take the lead. I wish to express all that comes to me and, my love, if you wish to say anything, there isn’t a more appropriate time.” Evan said, tenderly holding my face in his hands.
“You’ve given me love that I’ve never known, ever, and I deserve it, I know that I do. The love you give, I can’t ignore. I need it to survive.” Evan said, as tears filled his eyes.
“I want you too.” I whispered, needing his kiss as much as the human part of me needed air to breathe.
“I want to make you my wife. We can do the unimaginable, and change things. It may make us unforgivable, but I’ll risk it, to be with you,” Evan said, referring to the painful fact that we weren’t betrothed in the eyes of our creators. It scarred us to know that the gods cursed our union, now that Victor was back in the empire. For a second I thought to banish him again, but couldn’t punish him any more then he’d already been.
“If you want me, I’m willing.” I sighed.
“I’m completely devoted to you as I’d been long before this day. I’m prepared to cherish you as my wife, and more importantly, serve you as my divine leader. What more could the god’s want? I’m your first disciple. I don't care that we are not betrothed. We are meant to be together.” His eyes were moist, and his voice was slightly hoarse – chafing. Evans’ heart was genuine as I knew it would always be. “Please stay with me. It’s no longer my father's manor. I am making it my home… our home.”
“I want to stay with you. I want you, Evan, but I can’t stay in that house. I must return to the Tieron Estate, and make it my home… again. Please try to understand,” I said, and sighed. “I have to make a home for my brother and sister. A home where they will remember their mother and father, and expect them soon.” Evan’s expression sent chills up and down my spine, in an exhilarating way. He let me into his mind, and it was no surprise to learn that he was dying to kiss me.
“The short distance will not change how I feel for you, nor will whomever I’m living with. I love you,” I said, and pressed my lips against his petal soft lips. Once he pulled me close and gently held the nape of my neck, I knew it would be impossible to stop. The taste and smell of him kept me enraptured.
“Delia–” Evan sighed, and then I did too. I couldn’t look into his eyes without having to gasp. The shock of iridescent azure always gripped me.
“I love you. Here, touch me,” I whispered, placing his hand on my heart. “You live in my heart. It belongs to you.”
“And you live in mine. I love you, and I trust you.”
“Good.” A giggle caught in my throat.
“I’m not content with your living arrangement, and I’ll probably voice this quite a bit, although I know you are doing what you feel is right.”
“It is what is right,” I said, nodding.
“I can’t help but not agree with it. I know that he has to be protected, and that you’ve given him a second chance and a place in our empire. Why not let him stay at my house?”
“I don’t think Bethany would agree. Besides, I’ve already made up my mind. You said that you trust me.” He was getting really good at blocking his thoughts, I noted.
“I just want you near me at all times. I wish I could be with you every second, of every minute, of every hour, and of every day.” He pulled me into him, and kissed me, taking my breath away and when he pulled away; I was ready to beg him for more. My whole body tingled and floated on air although, my feet where still planted to the ground. I wanted every part of him. I had to come down from the high when we stopped kissing.
Things were definitely a lot different now. My desire for Evan overflowed. I had to put a cap on it, or things would start to move at a rapid speed. I couldn’t allow that yet. I had to stay focused on finding my parents. Evan was a sweet, yet compromising distraction. He had finally accepted me leaving his house. That was one of the things that had changed for the better.
“This should be interesting.” Victor commented on the new living arrangement, and once again bringing my thoughts back to the present.
“Nikolas will be just down the hall from you. Evan isn’t worried.” I smirked raising my eyebrow, wickedly.
“Oh come on, Delia… you’ve rendered me powerless. What could I possibly do? I’m just a harmless mortal. Besides Evan would have my head if he so much as thought that I was thinking of you in an impure way.” Victor chuckled. But I knew better. Evan could never get into Victor’s head, I made sure of that. Only I knew the secret thoughts that lay there.
“You will play nice.” I commanded with a slight trace of annoyance in my voice. I faked it so that Victor would take me seriously,
“Evan, and what he believes to be his, meaning you, have nothing to worry about. Although, I am the more gorgeous, handsome, stud aren’t I? Let Nikolas know that he can relax.” Victor continued to chuckle and the bad boy in him lives on.
“That’s the Victor I remember all too well. Welcome back.” I said, softly.
Victor’s face suddenly took on a solemn look. “Thank you Cordelia,” he said, knowing all too well his position within the empire, and the risk everyone believed I’ve taken to restore his place within it.
“You’re welcome, Victor. Don’t make me look like a fool.” He gazed into my eyes and held them for a short moment. I couldn’t help reading his thoughts, and he knew I would. He also knew that I couldn’t wipe them away. I quickly looked away.
“I’m always relaxed.” Nikolas informed. “Welcome back brother.” Neither of us had heard Nikolas enter the parlor. He was walking toward Victor and I, with one hand stretched out.
“Thank you, Nikolas. That means a lot coming from you.” Victor replied shaking Nikolas’ hand. I watched as my protective and towering cousin shook the hand of our former nemesis.
“Why is that?”
“I tried to kill you.”
“Ah, yes, well you tried. You were bull – headed, and a glutton for power then,” Nikolas chortled. “But that’s all changed, right?” Nikolas smirked as he eyed Victor, cautiously.
“Indeed, now I’m looking to better days where I can serve the divine Empress in whichever way she deems me worthy to.”
“Flattery will get you nowhere.” I chuckled.
Who would have thought this day would come after years of turmoil within the family. Nikolas’ thoughts were kind and genuine towards Victor. I could only hope that the rest of the members would truly accept Victor as Nikolas seemed to. I wondered if Nikolas’ acceptance of Victor could be due to the fact that they were both orphaned at a young age at the hands of the same man and woman.
“Come on, I’ll show you to your chamber.” Nikolas led Victor out of the parlor.
“It’s the one furthest from Cordelia’s.” Nikolas’ laugh, thunderous and boisterous, echoed though the foyer. It was music to my ears. Victor and I couldn’t help laughing at Nikolas’ joke. Then he looked at me and half smiled, and I couldn’t help doing it again. He was thinking that he would be forever grateful that I had saved his life. I smiled back.
Nikolas had stated that he would never stay at the Capius’ house again. It was decided then that he would live in my house. My house was certainly large enough, much larger than Evan’s home. The Tieron estate boasted nine bedrooms, four baths, two kitchens, a wellstocked library, wine cellar, and a sun room that led out to our grand garden.
The garden was slightly larger than the Capius’ garden, but had become barren in some spots and overgrown in others due to the lack of care. It would be wonderful if the Goddess Demeter paid this garden a visit. With a bat of my eyelash, Demeter walked past the sparse hedges. With every step she took, the sun burned foliage became lush and green again. It was like a before and after scene as she sauntered passed the vari
ous rose bushes, gardenias, freesia, orchids, and violets. They were all blooming in the pale sunlight.
I should’ve been mesmerized by Demeter gracing the garden, the raw beauty of the lush foliage, and delighted by the aromatic perfume of the flowers, but instead a sudden and debilitating sadness washed over me. This was my mother’s garden, which she had taken more pride in cultivating than the refined interior of the house. I stifled the tears, watching Demeter walk the narrow path that led to the fortress like gates that enclosed the garden. She vanished before reaching them. I took one last look around before re entering the house. Everything was falling back into place. Everything was right.
I only wish that I could say the same for my severely strained relationship with Bethany. After last night, Beth had only spoken a few words to me. Her words had been well chosen and precise. I knew that they were true and I also knew that she wouldn't allow herself to say what she really wanted to say.
Cordelia, I'm here to serve you as it is my duty.” After a quick bow, she turned to walk away.
“Please Beth, that’s not necessary.” I didn't like her bowing to me. It made everything that was once so casual between us now business as usual. I hated this, the awkward feeling between us. But I knew that I couldn't make everyone happy all of the time.
“I didn't want this, and I certainly didn’t want you to find out the way you did, in front of everyone, without any warning. I know that you think it’s partly my fault for your pain but you must realize that I never meant to hurt you. Our friendship was and still is most important to me Beth. We are sisters.” I waited for her to agree with me. Bethany was truly more than my best friend. She is my sister. I couldn't see her in any other way.
“I don’t know what you want me to say,” Bethany said, looking me in the eye then steering her eyes away.