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Mastered by a Wolf

Page 5

by Belladonna Bordeaux

  “Remember, you can’t climax until I say so.”

  She gripped the handles tighter when he removed his fingers from her drenched pussy. Wanting to tell him, ‘don’t stop’, she whimpered.

  His hand slapped her butt. She sucked in a sharp gasp.

  “Do you want my cock, slave?”

  “Aye, Master.”

  “Say it, slave.”

  “I want your cock, my Master.”

  Before she could blink he slammed his erection into her. Filled to the hilt, she gritted her teeth. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. He was huge.

  He growled “Don’t say a word.”

  She nodded. His hands spread her butt cheeks wide and his fingers dug into the delicate flesh of her hips. The warmth radiating off his chest warmed her back when he leaned down. “I can’t wait for us to be at our home and I can fuck your arse,” he whispered.

  Tremors tripped up her thighs. He started to thrust. She shivered. His plunges came fast. All the way in, nearly all the way out until she was ready to shatter. It took all her energy to keep from begging him to bring her satisfaction.

  “Come for me, my slave,” he rasped against the shell of her ear. He kissed her hair then straightened. With his hands on her hips, his thrusts turned rough. “Come for me—now.”

  She did. Contractions ripped from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. Gasping for air, she held onto the handles for dear life as he pummeled her pussy. And the contractions wouldn’t let go.

  On a growl, he pulled her back so he was fully imbedded. His hot seed drenched her core.

  Panting hard, Eliza rested her forehead against the screw. Her heart felt ready to beat out of her chest. Gratified that he wasn’t doing much better, his heavy breaths wafting her hair, she gasped when he eased his cock out of her.

  “That was phenomenal,” he muttered. He wrapped his arms around her.

  Held in his embrace, she nodded. Aye. Phenomenal. “We should straighten our appearances. My papa wants to leave soon.”

  “Over my dead body.” He slid out of her. His hands caressed her bottom before he righted her skirts. Spinning her around, he stared down at her. Embracing her, he studied her face. “Eliza, I won’t allow you to risk your life in this storm.”

  Worn out, she nodded. She no more relished going out in the storm than she wished to leave the comfort of his arms. Reveling in the heat radiating from his chest, she heaved a satisfied sigh. “He doesn’t want to be an imposition to your family.”

  “I understand.” He kissed the top of her head. “‘Tis nothing short of suicide to go out in this.”

  As if Mother Nature was trying to make his point the wind rattled the storefront windows. An icy breeze skittered over her face. She hugged him tight. “I’ll try to talk some sense into him.” She might as well talk to a brick wall. If her sire got a notion in his mind, he normally was steadfast to see it through.

  “Nay, I will speak with him.” He stepped away and fixed his clothing. “I already have a question to pose to him.”

  “You do?” Maybe she was fishing for confirmation William intended to ask for her hand in marriage or if he wanted to negotiate a formal courtship, she wasn’t sure. In truth, it made little difference. Unless, he doesn’t plan to ask either. Her mood deteriorated that fast. Tears stung at the corners of her eyes.

  “We leave for my home in Kent on the morrow or as soon as the roads are safe to travel. ‘Twould serve us better for the details to be hashed out before then.”

  “We?” Stunned by his announcement, words failed her. One day? A few days? Perhaps a week? He’ll not have the time to attain a special license. Her throat worked hard to swallow the knot of worry clogging her breath. There won’t be time to post the banns. Her brain was frantic as she tried to grasp what was happening. Questions rolled through her mind. Are you asking me to elope? Oh, the horror of that. If that was his intent her reputation would be permanently marred and all hopes for Constance would be burned to ash. Are you asking me to live in sin? She laid her hand on her chest. “I can’t…you won’t…my papa would never…” Think.

  “Eliza, whatever it is you are trying to spit out, do so.”

  “A chaperone,” she whispered. He must expect Papa to provide a chaperone for me. She relaxed a little. Her great-aunt could act as a proper escort for her, though the woman was deaf as a door and about half-way blind.

  “Aye? My aunt, my mother’s sister, will perform the duty.” William sighed. “She lives quite close to me and would enjoy your company.” A smile quirked his lips. “Did you expect me to kidnap you, or something like that?”

  Relief gushed through her. She waved her hand in the air. “Nay. I’m just out of sorts.” Very, very out of sorts. “If I could have my pantaloons?”

  He chuckled. “Of course, though once you are wed and properly bedded, I doubt you will find much need for clothing.” Striding to where he’d stored her unmentionables, he retrieved them. He handed them to her.

  Only once did they get caught on her boot as she hurriedly slipped them on. “Why is that?” she asked absently as she adjusted the waist and tied the tapes.

  “Because I plan to keep you naked and in my bed.” He entered her personal space and brushed his knuckles down her cheek. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you, my slave?”

  Blushing, Eliza nodded.

  * * * *

  William leaned his shoulder against the doorframe to his room. For the most part, Daniel Dogood had seen reason. He’d agreed to wait at least another hour before considering leaving for the family’s house. “I’d also like to speak to you regarding your daughter.”

  “My daughter?” The wizened old man narrowed his eyes. “Did Constance offend you? Did she try to wheedle her way out of paying for that bit of nonsense she ordered?”

  “Nay, Sir, I meant your other daughter.”

  “Eliza?” The man physically relaxed. “What about her?”

  “I’d like to marry her, Sir.”


  William had already prepared himself for a discussion on the level of the Great Inquisition. “Because I am in need of a wife, and she is in need of a husband.” ‘Tis as simple as that.

  Daniel gave him a little grin. “You don’t waste any time. Not that I blame you. Eliza isn’t a classic beauty but she has a lovely attitude.” Daniel turned his head and stared out the small window in William’s spartan room. “You know she was engaged.”

  “Aye, sir.”

  “Not that I necessarily approved of the match, but there was a glimmer of hope that they’d find peace given time and a steady hand.” Daniel appeared to want to say more about that. “Geoffrey Falston didn’t have the temperament to handle a lady like Eliza. For the most part, she’s kind and gentle, but she’s got a mind too. She can be opinionated, and ain’t afraid to speak her peace should she feel the need.” Daniel steered his gaze back to William’s face. “That’d be her mother coming through.”

  “I’d not destroy her spirit.”

  “Good. Good. ‘Twould be a pity to see her beaten down.” Daniel stroked his chin for a moment. “From what your parents say, you have your own business in Kent.”

  “Aye. I followed in my father’s footsteps. My shop is quite popular, even though it is not as busy as Papa’s. I do make a fair living not only through my own sales but I also sell some of my plates to this shop.”

  “Ah, so you don’t lack for coin.”

  “No, sir. I’m not wealthy, but we’ll want for naught.”

  “You do understand I have only a small dowry for Eliza.”

  “I understand, Sir.”

  “Good. I’ll not lead you to believe that wedding my eldest daughter will bring you a windfall. It won’t.”

  William measured his words. The last thing he wanted to do was inadvertently bruise the elder man’s pride. “I expect naught from you sir, other than what has been set aside for Eliza should I pass afore she.”

  Daniel stood and extended his hand.
“Then it is agreed. I’ll leave it to Eliza to plan the wedding and all that female nonsense.”

  William strode across the room and shook the proffered appendage. “There is only one issue I would discuss with you. My shop has been without me for days, and I cannot be gone for much longer. I’d ask that Eliza travel with me to Kent when I return home.”

  “I’m loathe to do so, but considering she’s nearly of a spinster’s age, I see no harm in having her courted outside my home. She’ll need a proper chaperone and I expect you to conduct yourself as a gentleman.”

  “I can arrange for a chaperone.” How did he answer the second part? I’ll not make a promise sure to be broken. Already, he lusted for another go with his life mate.


  Glad that Daniel hadn’t pushed him to vowing to act the fop, William took his first full breath since asking Daniel Dogood if he could have a moment alone. “Thank you, sir. I promise to take care of Eliza.”

  “That’s a promise I intend to hold you to.” Daniel clapped him on the shoulder. “Well, I guess the only thing left to do today is inform Eliza. I’ll leave the duty to you.”

  William grinned. “Thank you, sir.”

  * * * *

  Eliza felt as though she sat on a tenterhook. She’d teeter-tottered between preparing herself for total disappointment and the elation which came from burgeoning hope.

  “You’re a hundred leagues away, Eliza,” Constance said and clucked her tongue.

  “Beg pardon.” Embarrassed, Eliza returned her focus to the checker board. Unable to concentrate, she moved her black-painted wood disk to the first free spot she spied. She winced at the flub of a move. She’d opened three of her pieces to be taken.

  Her heart surged upward then toppled to the pit of her belly when the door to William’s room opened. She clasped her hands together so hard her knuckles turned white. “Excuse me,” she said. “I don’t feel up to playing any longer.”

  “Pish-posh, that’s because for a change I was going to defeat you,” Constance sniped. “Oh, have your will. ‘Tis not fair, though.”

  “We’ll finish later.” Eliza rose from her stool when her father and William walked down the short corridor. Chills racked her body. She nibbled on her lower lip. Her heart beat a rapid tattoo.

  “Eliza, what has gotten into you? You’re acting like a debutante at her come-out ball.” Constance snorted. Again she clucked her tongue. “Sit down.”

  “Leave her be, Constance,” Papa scolded. He smiled at his hosts. “If you have more wine, I’d take a mug.”

  “Mother, open one of the bottles I brought,” William said.

  Eliza exerted all her control to keep from blurting out the first question that sprang to her lips. Holding her tongue, she took in William’s non-committal expression. The wine did bode well. Perhaps Papa wants a bracing drink afore we trek through the snow. Goosebumps rose on her arms.

  Seeing Mrs. Cope struggle to open the bottle with her arthritic hands, Eliza went to the woman’s side. “May I?” she asked, her good manners always on display.

  William took the bottle from his mother. Eliza’s heart flip-flopped when he winked at her. Unable to maintain her composure, she smiled. “Aye?”

  “Aye,” he whispered as he poured out a mug of wine and handed it to her sire. When he handed the bottle to Eliza, his fingers brushed hers. Delicious tingles raced up her arm to mingle in her chest. Her nipples tightened to hard buds and memories of him fucking her returned.

  She poured out mugs for everybody. The heady smell of red wine tickled her nose. “Would you like some?” she asked William.

  “Please,” he responded, his voice husky. His tawny gaze remained fixed on her face. “Share mine,” he commented when she poured the last of the bottle into his mug. “A toast,” he prompted all the people in the room to give him their full attention. “To my bride, may she think she is as fortunate as I know I am.”

  Happy squeals and her sire’s booming laughter filled the room. William pulled her against his side and kissed the top of her head. “Take a sip,” he ordered her quietly.

  She sipped from the cup he held to her lips. She stared at him as he drained the mug’s contents.

  “What? What do you mean?” Constance looked as though she’d eaten an entire bunch of sour grapes. Her face was pinched and the frown creasing her brow was aught but pretty. “You can’t. She shouldn’t.” She stomped her foot. The anger sparkling in her stare warned she was about to pitch a tantrum. “You—”

  “Constance,” Papa shouted. “You say another word and I will spank your bum until you can’t sit.”

  “But Papa,” Constance shouted.

  “Enough!” Papa lashed out. “I’ll not have you ruin this happy moment for your sister. Is that understood?”

  “Aye.” Constance stormed to her chair and flopped down on the thin cushion. Wine sloshed from her mug to stain the bodice of her gown. “But, you know what she is. ‘Tis unseemly,” she mumbled under her breath.

  ‘Twas too late for Constance not to ruin the happy moment. Eliza smiled her thanks to those who expressed their good wishes, but she’d felt William physically stiffen.

  “Oh, Miss, I’m so happy for you,” Amy said, her Cheapside accent thicker than usual. Eliza felt her grin turn brittle when Constance snorted with derision. She wondered what William was thinking.

  Amy glared at William. “You take fine care of her. She’s a real lady, if not by title then by demeanor.”

  “I fully intend to,” William responded.

  “Thank you, Amy.” Eliza took the cup from William and set it on the scarred top of the dry-sink.

  “Papa, I want to go home,” Constance whined. “I’m bored.”

  “We’ll leave soon if the weather permits,” Papa informed her.

  Eliza bowed her head. She couldn’t shake off the bleak emotions creeping through her. Leave it to Constance to shred aught joy she had in her life. This can’t be happening; she thought when her sister began to mutter under her breath about how she was sick of the tedium.

  “I have several plates in the shop for wedding invitations. Would you care to peruse my work?” William asked. “Mayhaps, ‘twill give you some ideas how you’d like ours to look.”

  “That sounds lovely.”

  “I’ll go with you. We wouldn’t want our beloved Eliza’s reputation to come into question, would we, Papa?” Constance chimed in, vindictiveness edging her words.

  “Nay, Constance. Amy will act as chaperone.” Papa put his mug down with a heavy thud. Eliza knew he was putting Constance in her place the only way he could considering the number of outsiders around.

  “Aye, Sir,” Amy agreed with a nod.

  Thank God for small favors. Some of the tension left Eliza’s shoulders, but not all. Following William across the room, she glanced at Constance. The woman was pea-green with envy. Please, God, let it snow and snow and snow.

  The last place I want to be with the shrew is home.

  Chapter Five

  Look before you leap.

  William followed Eliza into the Dogood’s house. Much to his chagrin, Daniel had adamantly argued for them to get home. Not even his own father’s wisdom, lent to the heated debate about the Dogoods leaving the shop, was enough to sway Daniel.

  The only option left was for William to escort the family home. As if he’d let Eliza leave his parent’s home without a proper escort. Twice he’d caught Eliza when she’d lost her footing.

  Constance had clung heavily to her father’s arm, but he was no match against the driving wind. She’d fallen so many times ‘twas almost as if Fate was teaching her a lesson. The valentine she’d risked her life to attain was surely a mess from her struggles to regain her balance once she’d slipped.

  “If you’d wait in the parlor, I’ll fetch my coin purse,” Eliza said as she slid her cloak from her shoulders and handed it to Horace. She nodded her thanks to the family servant before ascending the staircase and striding alon
g the open balcony. William watched her open the second door.

  “This way, Mr. Cope.” Horace motioned toward the opposite side of the foyer.

  William strode into the tiny room. He took in the furnishings. Though as clean and tidy as his family’s flat, the accoutrements didn’t appear overly expensive. The mahogany sideboard gleamed in the candlelight, but wasn’t constructed from the best stock. The settee and two wingback chairs it faced were built from cherry wood and upholstered in the same cloth. Aye, the room is tidy, but not filled with wealth.

  Sniffing the air, William breathed deeply of his life mate’s scent. “’Tisn’t necessary for you to pay for your sister’s purchase, Eliza,” he said, not bothering to turn around. “Consider it a gift.”

  She came around him. Counting out coins, she gathered the purchase amount in her palm. His heart kicked hard when she lifted her silky, brown gaze to his face. “I couldn’t accept. Your father worked hard to create it.” She held out her hand. “Please.”

  “Very well.” He accepted the payment. His thumb caressed the side of her hand when she placed the coins in his palm.

  “Would you care for a cup of tea?”

  “Please.” His throat went dry when she let her fingers linger against his longer than appropriate. He pocketed the coins and grabbed her wrist with his free hand. Laying a gentle kiss to the tips of her fingers, he clenched his jaw. You don’t know what you do to me.

  “Horace, if we might have some tea,” Eliza called in her gentle voice to the butler.

  “At once, Miss Eliza,” the butler said.

  “Would you like to sit?” Eliza motioned to the wingback chair. She leaned in. “’Tis the most comfortable in the parlor.”

  Smiling, William nodded. What he really wanted was to lay Eliza out on the ivory-upholstered settee, tie her down and listen to her beg for him to fuck her. He shrugged out of his coat. His cock hardened. “We should be able to leave for home the day after the morrow.”


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