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Finding Our Way (Werewolf Wars)

Page 11

by Bethany Shaw

“You know them?” Gene asked.

  “Emmett was good friends with their alpha, Charles. Charles is the one who introduced Emmett to Juarez. I believe he is one of Juarez’s right hand men. It won't surprise me if he has men camped there. They have lots of land,” Claire replied.

  “That is all the more reason to carry on with the strike then,” Natalia said.

  “It also makes it that much more dangerous,” Jackson added, eyeing April. “We’ll have to think out our attack plan if it’s going to be a small group.”

  “Wait,” Claire said, quickly. “There are women there. Charles’ wife Rosita, she is just as much a victim as I was, or Talia was. I believe his son has taken a wife, as well. I think her name is Emma.”

  “Emma?” April’s voice broke.

  “I’ve only met her on a few occasions. If I recall correctly her name was Emma,” Claire said, quietly. “Do you know her?”

  “It might not be her,” Jackson said, placing a hand over April’s.

  “But it could be,” April whispered, her breath quickening. “My sister, the alpha female of our pack, was kidnapped by Juarez’s men about six years ago. Her name was Emma. We never found out where she was taken to.”

  “We will have to come up with a plan to get the women out,” Gene stated. “If we go around harming and killing innocent people, we’re no better than Juarez.”

  “They’ll sense a wolf a mile away,” Devon commented. “We may have to devise a plan once we get there, and get the lay of the land.”

  “Daniel is familiar with the area. He and Emmett visited quite frequently,” Claire spoke, her gaze drifting to her son.

  “I’m not taking someone I can’t trust,” Devon declared.

  “He is your brother, and my son. I trust him with my life and with yours,” Claire bit out sternly, rising to her feet.

  Devon rose too, a steely gaze on his features. Gene cleared his throat, and slowly stood. He knew Devon and Claire would never come to blows, but they were both alphas and used to getting their own way.

  “He is his father’s son,” Devon growled.

  “He is also his mother’s son,” Claire shot back.

  “I trust him,” Lark volunteered.

  The three alphas turned to face her.

  Lark bit her lip before leaning back in her chair. “If it weren’t for Daniel, I’m not sure how we would have made it out of the house in Guymon. Not to mention, he came through for Talia and Gene too.”

  “It is true,” Natalia agreed after a long moment.

  “He has proved himself a valuable member of my pack. If he knows the area, I think it would be unwise not to take him,” Gene added.

  Devon growled low in his throat. He walked to the window and stared out into the yard. Gene sat back down. The conversation had gotten way off track. It was time to get it going in the right direction again.

  “Anyway,” he continued. “Juarez has asked Maddie to find a way to meet him. Dev and I want to use this meeting as a distraction so that the group that goes to New Mexico can sneak off the ranch undetected.”

  Devon’s footsteps thudded across the floor as he walked back to his chair. “There is an old gravel road near my home. Juarez’s men have not found it yet. Gene and I have a large van there. While Juarez is distracted, we will use that road and hop onto the main highway.”

  “Are you sure so many should be leaving the ranch?” Claire questioned.

  “It’s only going to be a small group,” Devon replied. “Lark, myself and the three of you. If you agree to go, that is.”

  “I think you should consider sending Daniel,” Claire said quietly. “It’s your mission though—your choice.”


  “Long time no see,” April smirked as Nora opened her bedroom door.

  Nora motioned her friend in and shut the door behind her. She walked to the mirror on the back of the dresser, and worked to pull her hair up.

  “What have you been up to?” Nora asked.

  “Busy work. Nothing much. Jackson and I have spent some alone time together and I had a chat with Gene and Devon about my involvement during the incident the other night,” April shrugged.

  “Did you get in trouble?” Nora asked concerned.

  “They were worried about my safety. Said I made an easy target putting myself out there like that, but they also complimented me on not giving into fear either.” April paused and sat down on the bed, hugging a pillow against her chest. “They invited me to go on a mission.”

  “Mission?” Nora asked tucking her hair up into a messy bun.

  “I’ll be gone for a few days.”

  “Is it safe? What are you doing?” Nora questioned taking a seat next to her friend. The bed dipped down, creaking with her movements. Nora held her breath waiting for her friend's answer.

  “I can’t give you the details, but it could be risky,” April answered honestly.

  “April.” Nora shook her head, pulling her friend into a hug. “Are you sure you want to do this?” she asked, her heart clenching painfully in her chest.

  April inhaled sharply, wrapping her arms tightly around Nora. “I am. They killed my family, Nora. My grandparents, my mom and dad, my brother’s, and most of the members of my pack. My older sister was taken six years ago by Juarez’s men. This place I’m going, she might be there. He has taken my family from me. If there is something I can do to stop him—to save Emma, I’m going to do it.” April said with conviction. A sob escaped her mouth and she pulled back her hand covering her face.

  “You told me your sister was dead,” Nora whispered staring at her friend. All these years she’d thought her sister was dead and April had been lying to her.

  April shook her head. “What was I supposed to say? That she was kidnapped by a crazy werewolf alpha. I spoke with Gene and Devon in detail this earlier. Claire was there too. She remembers meeting a woman named Emma at the home we are going to. I have to find out if it’s her.” April wiped tears from her face with the back of her hands. “She’s the only family I have left.” Her bottom lip quivered and she sucked in a deep breath as more tears trickled down her face.

  Nora could tell there was no point in talking April out of it. If it were her own sister, she would be leaving to find her family too. “I really hope you find her. Promise me you’ll be careful,” Nora whispered, gripping her friend’s hands.

  “I will.”


  Daniel jogged steadily next to Nora. Gene seemed to be leading them on a different path tonight. This one was a little longer and took them through the rugged terrain of the trees. Twigs snapped around him as the pack thundered through the woods. Nora kept pace, her breathing even and controlled.

  He glanced at her, taking in the tight black Capri’s she wore and red long sleeve shirt. The skintight material clung to her, accenting the swell of her firm breasts. He gritted his teeth, averting his eyes. She’s not one of the floozies you met at the bars in Guymon, he berated himself. Don’t stare!

  The group began to slow and Daniel spotted the meadow he and Nora had been in earlier. He hoped they would be training out here. The evening was cool and there was a slight breeze. Every time the wind blew, the sweet scent of Nora blended with the woodsy trees, leaves, and grass overtook his senses. It was intoxicating.

  “Are we staying out here?” Nora questioned beside him.

  “I think so,” Daniel said coming to a halt.

  Nora lifted her back leg up behind her, stretching it. She gave him a wide smile as she met his gaze. A fine sheen of sweat shone on her brow and loose strands of hair fell in tendrils around her face. He imagined for a moment that she would look the same after a night of passion. Daniel ran a hand through his hair and let out a long breath.

  I need to get a grip! A few kisses and I’m acting like a schoolboy. But Nora isn’t like any of the girls you’ve been with. She cares. The beautiful woman before him was kind, caring, and he respected her. Get your head out of the gutter.

We’re going to try something a little different tonight,” Gene’s voice boomed above the chatter around them. “We’ve been doing hand-to-hand combat the past few weeks. Now, we’re going to do something a little more dangerous. It is important you are extremely careful with your partners. Tonight, we are going to do one person in wolf form, the other in human. Most of us can shift quickly, but sometimes there are instances where shifting might not be a possibility. We need to prepare for this. Choose who is going to change first, and then go back into the tree cover to transition to make sure no one is uncomfortable with our nudity.”

  Nora’s wide eyes met Daniel’s. “I’m supposed to fight you in your wolf form?” she whispered.

  “You don’t have to,” Daniel assured her. “We can still work on other things. I’m sure Gene won’t mind.” While he was sure he wouldn’t hurt Nora, the idea of grappling with her while in his wolf form was a little unnerving. Werewolves could heal quickly if there were an accident, a human would take much longer. Not to mention, guns and punching bags were one thing, but he was sure she would not last long against a werewolf. No amount of training would change that. Wolves were quicker, larger, and agiler.

  “Hey,” Lark said interrupting his thoughts. “I thought it might be better if the two of us paired up. If that’s okay with you?” she shifted her eyes to Daniel. “Devon’s supervising and helping with some techniques. I wasn’t sure if you two would want to do this exercise.”

  Lark and Nora could pair up and he could find someone else for the night. “That’s a good idea,” Daniel answered quickly. He took a step back and looked for a partner, only to realize that everyone had already partnered up. Always the odd man out.

  “Maybe you could stick around with us and help out,” Nora offered.

  Lark nodded in agreement after a long minute. “I’ve seen you fight. You’re one of the best fighters here. I know Devon gives me lots of tips, but sometimes it’s good to change it up.”

  Daniel raked a hand through his hair, the hackles on his back standing. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” There was no way that Devon would ever let that slide. Even if he didn’t say anything now, he was sure that Devon would say something later.

  Lark sighed biting her lip. “Look, I know you and Devon have your own issues, but I’m asking you. I’ll be sure to tell him that too. Besides, I want to see the two of you come to some sort of resolution.”

  Daniel still wasn’t convinced. As much as he appreciated her sentiment, he was sure that there was no hope of peace between Devon and himself.

  Nora’s cool, slender fingers entwined with his. She gave him a gentle squeeze. “We could work on those hold moves. You could talk Lark and I through them.”

  “Fine,” Daniel caved. He wanted to protect Nora and some of these moves would be better with two females as they could get very personal. Although, he had to admit, he wouldn’t complain about pinning Nora to the ground. He gritted his teeth at the thought of her beneath him—moaning in pleasure.

  “So what do you want me to do?” Nora questioned.

  Daniel cleared his throat. This was going to be a long and torturous session.

  Chapter Eleven

  Nora brushed the dirt and grass off her red top as Lark walked away and joined Devon at the tree line. The blonde was a lot tougher than she appeared to be. Nora had lost track of how long they had been practicing, but Daniel must have shown them at least ten different grappling moves and ways to escape.

  Nora could still feel the heat of his fingers on her legs where he had helped to position her. She shuddered remembering the way his fingers had trailed up her calf. How could a few kisses ignite such an inferno inside her, she wondered. Maybe I haven’t been dating the right guys, she mused. In retrospect, she could understand why Lark thought they would make good partners for this particular exercise. Between a man and a woman who were attracted to each other, the positions would be extremely intimate. If she were to try some of those moves with Daniel, she wasn’t entirely sure how much they would accomplish. Well, at least not productively that is. Physically they could relieve a lot of tension. It’s too soon for that!

  “I’ll walk you back to the house,” Daniel offered.

  “Sure,” Nora grinned, slipping her hand into his. “Do you have watch again tonight?”

  “Saturday is my last night. We start a new rotation on Sunday.”

  “Will you be on days then?”

  Daniel shrugged. “Yeah. I’ll either be on watch or finishing up building the new house.”

  “Are you going to move there when it’s done?” She hoped not. It was nice knowing he was just a few doors down from her.

  “I know some of the guys will stay in the main house, but I’m not sure if Gene’s thought that far ahead. If he has he hasn’t said anything,” Daniel said. He gripped her hand a little tighter as she hopped up onto a fallen limb. “You’ll stay at the main house. It’s safer there—heavily guarded.”

  Nora jumped down, her feet thudding on the ground. Dirt flitted up sending a small cloud of debris over her sneakers. The particles stuck to her sweaty skin and she cursed under her breath. Daniel dropped down next to her, unfazed by the grime.

  “Do you think there will be an attack,” she asked quietly.

  “Yeah. It’s just a matter of when. If something happens stay with Lark and Talia. They’ll know what to do.”

  “Lark’s been teaching me how to shoot,” she said even though he already knew that. “I imagine I’ll be on the front lines.”

  Daniel stopped and turned to face her. His hands came to rest on her shoulders and his eyes bore into hers. “That gun is your life line, Nora. We are animals and are instinctively afraid of weapons. We don’t use them. I guarantee that if you point a gun at a wolf coming after you, they will pause. Use it to your advantage. It’s you or them. Do you understand?”

  Nora swallowed and nodded.


  Daniels's hands cupped her face, his breath whispering against her lips. Nora’s hands reached for his shirt, tugging him to her.

  “I don’t want anything to happen to you, Nora,” Daniel murmured.

  “I’m more worried about you.”

  “Don’t be.”

  Nora’s breath hitched catching in her throat as his lips grazed against hers. Her mouth parted and his tongue traced along her bottom lip. Heat scorched through her and her fingers brushed against a bare patch of skin on his stomach. Realizing she still clutched his shirt in her hand, she skimmed her digits across his firm abs. Daniel growled, his hands winding in her hair, pulling her impossibly closer.

  Nora let her fingers wander over the smooth plains of his chest. Daniel’s hands lowered to her bottom, lifting her up. Instinctively her legs wound around his waist, his hard length pressing against her core. Her back hit something hard and it took her a moment to realize it was a tree.

  Warmth crept up her side, she gasped realizing it was Daniel’s palm. The side of her shirt rolled up and their bare flesh touched. The wolf’s mouth left hers, trailing hot, open-mouthed kisses down her neck to her collarbone. Her shirt rode up higher as Daniel’s hand found her nipple. Chills shot up her spine as heat pooled between her legs. His hand trailed over her ribcage—over her scar, before going to the other breast. Nora froze.

  Instead of pulling him closer, she began to push him away. Daniel stopped his eyes glancing up at her in question.

  She forced a deep breath into her lungs and offered him a weak smile. Tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear, she unwrapped her legs. Daniel pulled all the way back, setting her gently on the ground, his face unreadable.

  “Sorry,” she apologized. “I just...” she let out another breath as heat crept over her face. “This is new. I don’t want to go too fast.”

  Daniel took another step back and raked a hand through his hair. “You’re right. Let’s get you back to the house. I have to get to my post in a few anyway,” his voice came out gruff, his eyes darting e
verywhere but at her.

  Nora chewed on the inside of her lip wondering if she’d made him mad. She hoped not—he should respect her, but he sure did act pissed. What if he did just want one thing from her?

  “Come on,” Daniel said, motioning for her to take the lead on the path.

  Nora let out a long sigh before walking ahead of him. The trek back to the ranch was quiet. The only noise was the crickets and birds chirping and the twigs and leaves snapping beneath their feet. Nora ducked beneath a branch and came out of the trees. They passed the red barn and the white floodlight came into view.

  “So, I’ll see you tomorrow?” Nora asked as her stomach twisted in knots. Guess she’d find out if she were worth his time or not.

  “If you want to,” Daniel said standing rigidly in front of her.

  Anger flared inside her and she narrowed her eyes. “Why wouldn’t I?” she bit out.

  Daniel seemed taken aback by her anger—almost upset. Something flickered across his features, but it was gone before she could truly process what it was.

  “I’ll be up in the loft around three if you want to hangout,” he said, frowning before turning and stomping away.

  Nora huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. What is going on with him?


  “What crawled up your butt?” Vincent asked, when Daniel failed to laugh at yet another one of his brother’s jokes.

  “Nothing,” he muttered. He kept his eyes peeled on the trees ahead of them for any signs of movement, even though he hadn’t seen anything.

  “Is it Nora? Did she hit you with her car again?” Vincent smirked clapping him on the back.

  “Is everything a joke to you,” Daniel fumed. “You do realize that a man died a few nights ago on this watch, right?”

  “Probably because his partner was a bore like you. Poor guy fell asleep at his post,” Vincent retorted.

  Daniel shook his head and sighed. Is he serious right now?

  “I have an important job after this rotation is over,” Vincent stated. His eyes were glassy as he stared vacantly into the trees.

  “I can only imagine,” Daniel ground out.


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