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Realm of the Dead

Page 2

by Donovan Neal

  Ashtaroth bowed, "Nay lord. Be not angry with thy servant, but watch on."

  Lucifer growled his displeasure but stayed on the image until he saw one man that walked differently than the others. The Grigoris also took notice of the man and moved closer to transcript John and the man's speech. John the Baptist looked upon the man, and forbade Him to be baptized saying, "I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me?"

  And the man said unto John, "Suffer it to be so now, for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness."

  And John suffered Him. And when the man was baptized, He went up straightway out of the water and lo, the Heavens opened unto Him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon Him and lo a voice from Heaven, saying, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."

  The image stopped and Lucifer glowered.

  "What is this man's name, Ashtaroth?"

  "He is called Yeshua."

  Lucifer swore in the ancient tongue of angels, grabbed Ashtaroth and shook him.

  "How old is this report?"

  Ashtaroth cringed in discomfort. "Days old, my Lord, but He may still be by the water."

  Lucifer pushed him away, then took flight toward the Jordan River. Finally, the search would be over. And after searching forty days, he found Yeshua in the wilderness, hungry. He eyed the man and cautiously approached, but nothing stood out to draw notice that this man was the Son of God. Lucifer, confident in his invisibility to human sight, lowered himself next to the man and stared into His eyes.

  Yeshua returned the stare.

  Lucifer, startled that Yeshua could see him while cloaked, stripped away all pretense and appeared before Him in all of his beauty. He gestured invitingly towards the rocks that lay before them and spoke as one might give advice to a friend. "It is unthinkable that one who is begotten of God would starve here in the wilderness. Therefore, if thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread."

  But Yeshua answered, "It is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."

  Stymied that the man did not seek to satisfy His flesh's desire, Lucifer transported them to the holy city and seated Yeshua atop the pinnacle of the temple, thinking that he might commit Him to self-destruction, and add to El's already stated public confirmation.

  Lucifer then said unto him, "If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down, for it is written, He shall give His angels charge concerning thee, and in their hands, they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone."

  Lucifer swelled with pride at quoting El's words, thinking to tempt Yeshua to justify Himself and to show His power before men, demonstrating before all that He truly was who He claimed to be.

  Yeshua stood unmoved by Lucifer's ploy to move God's hand in presumption and replied, "It is written again, thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God."

  The Prince of the Power of the Air stood baffled and hardened his resolve to commit Yeshua to sin. Thinking that the pinnacle of the temple was not high enough to motivate Yeshua to worship him, Lucifer took him up into an exceeding high mountain. There the angel of light projected a spectral array of all the kingdoms of the world, from the mighty cities of the Roman and Chinese empires, to the pomp of thrones and stately palaces. A barrage of light and fancy did he display that showcased all the wealth, pleasure, and gaiety of the world; and when he was done he said unto Yeshua, "All these things will I give thee if thou wilt fall down and worship me."

  Yeshua smirked, unmoved by the glitz and splendor and spoke in authoritative rebuke and warning. "Get thee hence, Satan, for it is written, 'Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve.'"

  Lucifer scowled, and seeing that Yeshua would not be moved, turned away from Him in a frustrated huff, and left Him for a season.

  Immediately a cadre of angels materialized. Azaziel bowed his head in reverence and gave his master food that He might strengthen himself. The angel looked toward the direction Lucifer had gone, then spoke to his Lord. "This thing that you are doing can lead to only one outcome, my Lord."

  Yeshua nodded. "Indeed."

  * * *

  Michael stared at Iblis as he sat in the holding cell he had created for him. Iblis's demeanor seemed fainter, less regal, the residue of light from the Shekinah clearly gone. His head was bowed and he spoke in unintelligent mumblings.

  "I cannot go back," Iblis said. "I have forsaken the King of Hosts, yet I stand on the ground of Heaven, free from the shackle of my master, free from the despot, Lucifer." He spoke as a man in a daze. Sweat beaded his brow and he shivered as though ill. "Kill them...kill them all..."

  His voice trailed off as Michael entered his presence. "Iblis of house Issi, do you know where you are?"

  Iblis looked up at Michael with glazed and bloodshot eyes. He smiled, then his chin drooped to his chest as though a great weight were attached to it.

  Something is wrong. Why does he seem so confused? Michael thought to himself.

  "Iblis of house Issi, you are commanded to speak. Do you know where you are?"

  Iblis raised his head and looked into Michael's eyes. "Woe is me! For I am undone because I am an angel of unclean lips, and I have dwelt in the midst of a people of unclean lips. My eyes have seen the King, the Lord of Hosts, yet I have surrendered my birthright to follow a rogue son. Yea, Prince of Kortai, I know where I am. I reside within the Holy City of God, yet His presence is denied me. Even though I dwell in the third Heaven, I do not feel His presence. Despite my works for Heaven's cause, I had hoped that I might but glean from the fields of His mercy. Yet I stand in a cell. Yea, High Prince, I know where I am, but alas, I perceive you do not possess the Lord's mind on my being here."

  Michael winced, for indeed he had not consulted the Lord on the decision to return Iblis to Heaven, yet Lucifer had to be stopped. Michael needed all the intelligence he could gather to discern his brother's plan and somehow circumvent the death of Yeshua. "My dealings with El are not your concern," he said. "You are here to help the kingdom. To determine if truly your repentance hath been to sorrow, turn from your wicked ways and restoration may be interceded for thee."

  Iblis laughed mockingly, "But is restoration possible for a being whose heart is stone? Can I, who hath changed his own stone, remove the scar contained therein? Can I, indeed, come home, Kortai? Can I?" Iblis rent his robe to reveal his kilnstone. His beating heart pulsed in his chest and across his breast lay a discolored scar. "Look, oh high prince, and make promise to me if thou art able. Can this which I have done be undone?"

  Michael stared at the scar Iblis had made. A token of Iblis' commitment to follow Satan. The public physical confession of those who belonged to Satan. An act Michael had come to learn that Lucifer commanded of all those that would follow him. 'Mar with thine own hand that which El hast placed within thee. Show me thy devotion with a token of initial obedience.

  Michael gave a somber nod and said, "All things are possible with El."

  "You will let me pass this instant!" a distant voice said from outside the cell door.

  Michael turned toward the sound of scuffling. His hand fell to the hilt of his sword as he took a stand between Iblis and the entryway. The door swung open and Jerahmeel strode in. Michael looked past Jerahmeel to the two guards that lay on the floor unconscious.

  Jerahmeel wore a look of disgust. "I will speak to this prisoner, nor will you hinder me, unless you care to join these on the floor," he said, pointing to the unconscious guards on the floor.

  Michael loosened his hand from the hilt of his sword and stepped aside.

  "Wise move," Jerahmeel said. He walked toward Iblis, grabbed him by his torn robe, lifted him off his chair, and slammed him against the wall. "My charge, Chronos, believed in you and now he's dead! Dead! And why? Because he convinced the council that saving you from your master was to the benefit of Heaven. You will, therefore, give his death meaning by revealing w
hat possible information could a traitor to the realm be worth the risk of life to save?"

  Michael looked at Jerahmeel concerned, and interjected, "Jerahmeel, do not hurt him."

  Iblis struggled to speak whilst Jerahmeel pushed even harder against his breast, ignoring Michael.

  "SPEAK," Jerahmeel said, "or by Heaven and Earth, you will have more than Lucifer and Charon to fear! Speak I say..."

  "Jerahmeel!" Michael moved to his side.

  "Lucifer builds a forge..." Iblis whispered.

  Jerahmeel smashed him against the wall again. "SPEAK!" he roared.

  "JERAHMEEL STAND DOWN!" shouted Michael as he pulled the Sword of Ophanim from its sheath and it buzzed to life.


  Jerahmeel dropped Iblis to the ground while his captive panted and wheezed from his treatment.

  Michael stood in disbelief, his mouth open.

  Jerahmeel looked at Iblis satisfied, turned and walked past the frowning Michael. "You were taking too long," he said, smiling as he left the room.

  * * *

  Enoch's breathing grew heavy as he sparred with Kalien in the use of the sword. He ducked as the angel swung at him.

  "You are too slow, Adamson! Move quicker," Kalien said.

  Enoch parried the blow of Kalien's blade and kicked him hard in the chest, sending him reeling.

  Kalien smiled. "Yes, that's more like it." He lifted himself into the sky and accosted Enoch from the air.

  "Not fair," Enoch shouted. "You know I cannot fly."

  Kalien laughed and swiveled mid-air. His wing knocked Enoch to the ground. The human tumbled and spun to drive Kalien's sword smack into the ground, then ran from his foe.

  Kalien pursued, landed in front of him and pointed his sword at his throat. "Do you yield?" he said.

  "Aye," Enoch said. "I yield. How the Lord expects me to combat your kind is beyond me. How am I to fight beings who can fly?"

  Kalien laughed. "You think your lack of flight serves as a disadvantage? If God has told you to combat angels and yet you do not fly, then you have failed to understand the point of our sessions."

  Enoch sat on a bench and wiped his brow with a towel.

  Kalien sat by his side and swigged water from a quartz bottle.

  Enoch turned to look at him while rubbing the tension from his temple. "I fail to see the lesson. Am I that bad of a student, or are you a horrible instructor?"

  Kalien laughed. "Perhaps a bit of both." The angel stood and placed his towel over his shoulder. "My friend, you fail because you think that the weapons of this warfare are carnal. All of Heaven knows Lucifer will not be brought low with swords nor feats of might. Doth not Michael himself yield the Sword of Ophanim? Is he not crowned with a halo that, at his call, the King of the Ophanim will come to his aid? Yet despite an injury to the Dragon by the Chief Prince's own hand, Lucifer still lives. No, Adamson, our sparring serves another purpose that you have yet to grasp."

  Enoch thought hard on his friend's words. Argoth had committed Kalien to train him to understand how angels moved. To accustom him to seeing angels as creatures not so unlike himself. "I thank you, Kalien, for your training me these many days. I think I will retire to my chambers and study. Your words have given me much to meditate on."

  When Enoch stood, Kalien bowed to his friend. "My pleasure, Adamson, and for what it's worth, you are not a poor student. You still grapple with seeing through eyes of flesh. You yet walk too much by sight, and it hobbles you. When you are free from the shackles of thine imagination to accept the vision El would have you see, then you will understand how you might do exceedingly, and abundantly, above all that you might ask or think. In time, time."

  Enoch smiled. "Thank you," he said, and bowed in return.

  Kalien immediately took to the skies.

  Enoch grabbed his belongings and walked to the quarters assigned to him at the mount of God. He ruminated on his time in Heaven thus far. God had brought him here to complete a mission for a yet appointed time. He stood as witness to the Ascension of Michael to the role of Chief Prince and saw Yeshua step down from his throne to serve His created people. He had learned so much and had come to appreciate all that had transpired around him to battle the rogue angel, Lucifer, who had taken Enoch's people hostage. He appreciated Argoth's tutelage, yea, even the Sephiroth had become softer, more humble somehow. It was as though all of Heaven was tilting toward an inevitable outcome.

  Enoch waved as he passed angels along the street. Most flew, but a few walked and ran. Heaven was indescribably beautiful. Serene even. It was difficult to imagine a day when the streets ran blue with angelic blood, but time operated differently here. In Heaven, events on Earth played out in seconds and hours. He had watched from the Hall of Annals whole kingdoms rise and fall. He knew his family was long dead, and yet he was the only man in Heaven. Why was that?

  Enoch climbed the crystal stairs to the great golden doors of the temple. He opened them and the boom of the Seraphim rushed over his eardrums and roared throughout the city. The Seraphim stared at him, as though ready to ignite him in flames. Each of the four chanted saying nothing but 'the chant'. Nothing but the repeated refrain of HOLY, HOLY, HOLY! THE LORD, THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY! Why were there but four at the gate? He would have to ask Argoth later. He walked past them and into the outer court of the temple of God. The majestic structure was built into the mountain of God. Attendants scurried everywhere, each in ministry to the God of the universe. There was a hustle to the palace, a hub of activity as each carried out the bidding of the Lord.

  Perhaps he shouldn't bother El, but they had spent so little time together since his arrival. El seemed preoccupied with the events on Earth and the sending of Yeshua below. "No," he said to himself. "I will not bother El."

  "And when, pray tell, my friend, did you think I would be less consumed with the affairs of the universe?" El whispered into his mind.

  Enoch smiled. "Forgiveness Lord. Who am I to waste my Lord's time with questions and company?"

  Enoch felt himself disappear and reappear before the throne. He bowed and immediately the Virtues hovered to perfume him. Argoth was also present in the room and listened as the Lord spoke. "Soon my son, the Book of Seals will be complete, for the last seal is almost ready to be strapped upon the tome," El said.

  Argoth smiled and nodded to the Lord. "Very good, my Lord. For when it is complete, then all Heaven will know that the end hath come, and our journey as Grigori will end."

  Argoth bowed and backed away from the throne, passed Enoch, acknowledged him, then turned to leave El's presence.

  The Lord then turned to His manservant. "Enoch I am ever watchful over the affairs of all things. The meditation of thine heart and the words of thy mouth are acceptable in my sight, but know that I am everywhere, and at all times, from the beginning unto the end of the age. Thou canst not encumber me nor waste my time, my son, for I AM that I AM. I am the first and the last, the beginning and the end. Speak my son, and be relieved of thy questions."

  Enoch rose from his knees and replied, "My King, thou hast said that I am to fight angels."

  The Lord nodded.

  "Yet your children fly whilst I lay encumbered to the ground. How am I to be a witness for thee when I cannot even jump high enough to smite my foe?"

  The Lord laughed. "Ahh my son, thou dost fail to recognize the lesson to be learned from your sparring. What hast thy schoolmaster said thus far?"

  "Kalien hast said that the weapons of my warfare are not carnal."

  "Indeed, they are not. For they are mighty through me to pull down strongholds, to cast down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and to bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. And when thine obedience is fulfilled, thou wilt be ready to revenge all disobedience."

  Enoch looked upon the Lord, frustrated. "Forgive me, my King, but what thou sayest is abov
e me. This thing you say is more than I can understand."

  The Lord frowned. "Who hath made thine mouth, and stitched thy mind? Can I create thought yet fail to give understanding? Can I assign a task and not see the thing be done?"

  Enoch prostrated himself on the floor. "Be not angry with thy servant. There is nothing that cannot be done if ye are the potter and I am the clay."

  The Lord spoke in reply, "Thou hast answered rightly. Behold the meaning to thy sparring. Has thou been able to defeat Kalien in combat?"

  "Nay, my King. He is too strong and too fast, and his ability to fly leaves me vulnerable to attack."

  "Well said. What then hast thou determined after seventy bouts with him?"

  "He cannot be defeated in the manner in which I have attacked him. Nor is it in my power to do so."

  El smiled. "Again, thou hast spoken rightly. What else hast thou perceived in thy sparring with his kind?"

  "That each is as different as the snow in design. Each has a gifting of power. They can at will armor themselves to withstand attack, whereas my flesh has no such attribute. I am vulnerable."

  El smiled the more. "Yet was not thine frailty in existence when thou marched with sword drawn to smite down Charon? With what weapon then didst thou command Death itself to stop that the vengeance of God would be made to heel?"

  Enoch thought hard on the question and stroked his chin in contemplation. "I had faith in my God that a sword swung in faith could bring down Death itself and stop the march of mortality. That a mere creature, no matter how powerful, could not stand against me if the Creator walked with me. That all things that are named in Heaven above, and in the Earth and under the Earth, must give way to my God."

  El nodded. "Now go, and know that thou art never vulnerable if I am thy sword and thy shield. For, you are more powerful in me than thou would ever know, and have not I given thee weapons to fight, both in this realm and the one below?"


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