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Realm of the Dead

Page 23

by Donovan Neal

  "We confess that the horn was indeed in our stuff. However, we did not take it, nor did we seek the instrument. Neither did we seek to hide it amongst our stuff. For hath not God said that on the day a horn of judgment returns to His sight, He would with seven trumpets unleash the end upon creation and all those who seek to destroy her? Come now and let us reason together, for who but the insane would dare to remove an instrument that could tear asunder worlds? And lo, do we strike thee as men without reason?

  "Therefore, if thy king hath nothing to fear, present us once more to thy sight. Search us and see that no wickedness lies within us, for what can be gained but the truth, and who hath anything to fear but us to the loss of life? I say again, we are innocent of the crimes laid against us, nor do I plead for mercy when my brother and I are without fault. But know this. If need be our lives must be taken to avert war, then do what must be done, for Heaven must not be allowed to be grip further division."

  Gabriel then ceased from his argument, bowed, and took his place next to Metatron. The two stood next to one another confident, and unafraid for what might befall them.

  Many in the crowd nodded their heads, looking at one another, affirming the Burning would be the best way to show their deeds.

  "Let the angels' works be revealed by fire!" one shouted.

  "Try their works and see what sort it is!" said another.

  A slow clamoring overtook the crowd, a cacophony of voices that raised fists and arms to their king. "Try them! Try them! Try them!"

  Camael frowned, his brow wrinkling in disapproval. He lifted his hands to shush the crowd.

  "Who is Nephanos?" he said. "Am I not your king?" he roared.

  Silence overtook the crowd as the atmosphere tensed, and many a citizen lowered his head nervously as a child rebuked by a parent.

  "Hath not I, your king, decreed these two as the culprits for which punishment is due? Doth my own servants question the rule of he who is ordained by God to be seated before thee? Hath the judgment of thy king now come into question?"

  Elijah then stood and faced the kind with fiery eyes. "Thy rule hath been found wanting by the True King," he said that all might hear.

  Camael pounded his fist on the armrest of his chair, stood and shouted, "How dare you! You would do well to mind your tongue, human. Or do you think that El's allowance for thy presence in Heaven removes thee from the shadow of my rule?"

  And in that moment, Camael grew bright, and flame erupted from his person as solar flares from the sun. Fiery tentacles shot across the crowd and over both Elijah and Enoch, the blast nearly singeing both.

  Enoch then also stood in anger. "We dare to speak for we are the candlesticks of the Lord. Or hast thou lost the presence of mind that thou wouldst threaten men whom God Himself hath given power to open and close Heaven? You speak of thy desire to avert war, yet thou dost channel flame across the very ambassadors of the Lord, and even thine own people. Do you think your kingship removes thee from judgment?"

  Camael drew a deep breath for retort, flaming from head to toe, irate.

  "Thou shal..."

  A deafening boom pounded the sky and concussive reverberations rocked the people. All looked up, for the familiar flash of lightning and prismatic colors of a funnel cloud signaled the arrival of a ladder. All stepped aside to make room for the new arrival. A great bolt of light settled onto the platform and ash and dust raced to cover the flaming souls that eyed the spectacle. The kaleidoscopic beam lifted from the scaffolding, and the King of the Ophanim materialized...and from behind him stepped Michael, Chief Prince of all Elohim. Immediately a cadre of Seraphim warriors landed as well. Some took up positions in front of the king, while others floated above the people, spears in hands.

  The faces of Eladrin slowed in their spinning. Michael's halo shown bright over his head. Gleaming white raiment fell over a muscular body, and Michael looked upon the people. So swiftly did he unsheathe his sword that the motion was like a blur, and the sword split into seven swords with fearsome eyes and snapping teeth. Each blade encircled him as moons traverse a planet in elliptical orbit while arcs of electricity draped his person. His eyes burned as coal as he approached the king.

  Immediately guards closed ranks around the king and each unsheathed spears of fire. Sherkanim also unsheathed a sword and floated near to Camael, ready if needed.

  Michael's eyes bore no fear as he marched toward the king, unmoved by the guards that stood between him and his celestial peer.

  Camael waved his hand. "Stand down," he commanded.

  The warriors slightly relaxed and sheathed their swords, continuing to eye Michael as he mounted the steps to face the King of the Seraphim. With each step, sparks crackled beneath him. With each ascent, his flowing cape billowed in the winds of Aseir revealing a fully armored body. The Seraphim warriors edged back as he approached.

  The twirling Sword of Ophanim surrounded the Prince of Kortai and none dared enter his personal space Michael reached the apex where Camael sat quietly watching the display of regality that approached. A wave of awe swept the people as

  Michael stopped before the king, and the shining armor folded back into his skin. He glowed in white rays of light and his halo was as a brass ring of fire suspended over his head.

  All seven blades stopped their gyroscopic rotation and hovered mid-air. Michael then fell to one knee before the king, and all seven swords converged into one, then slammed into the fiery iron platform, puncturing the dais where they stood blade-first into the ground. A billowing clap of thunder echoed from Michael's person and the rumbling shook the ground.

  Michael closed his right hand into a fist and slammed his fist into his chest in a sign of acknowledgment to the king.

  Eladrin spoke with all four of his faces as one. Their voices blended choral majesty.

  "We present to his majesty, Chief Prince, Head of the Lumazi Council – Michael of the Kortai. We have ferried him here at his request, and now stand as mediator between thy people and his."

  Michael bowed his head and spoke. "Great King Nephanos, High King to the Seraphim, this lowly prince of all Elohim bids you and your people peace and honor." Michael lifted his sword above him as a sign of submission.

  Camael looked at Eladrin, cocked his head to the side and grinned nodding. He stared at the Prince of Angels as though he had witnessed a joke. He clapped his hands slowly and loudly in feigned applause.

  "Well done, Chief Prince. Well done, indeed."

  Michael bit his lip and looked down at the ground, remembering the many lessons of protocol he had learned from his brother, Lucifer.

  "You have committed such a grand display of power, Michael of the Kortai. Yea, Chief Prince, impressive is both thine entrance and the weapon with which you yield. I do not recognize its maker. Intriguing.

  "Eladrin, by what article that binds us dost thou bring this person in my sight? In so doing, thou hast strained our friendship through this act. Tell me why I should even acknowledge this prince with a response?"

  "He is deserving of honor," the bear face of Eladrin said

  "He hath been chosen by El," the eagle face said.

  "Wouldst thou so lightly dismiss one of the three leaders of Heaven?" the man's face said.

  All then spoke as one and the voice rippled. "The time of reconciliation is nigh for Lucifer hath made himself an enemy of God, and if the image of God is brought to bear against us by Lucifer, we are all dead. I have honored this one with my own gear and know that I have aligned my people to the cause of God and His servants. My people and I are at the Prince of Elohim's disposal, even if it means war. The time for past squabbling must come to an end."

  Camael was taken aback by Eladrin's words. "What? Thou would take the side of this one against us?" Camael said. "We who were the victims of schemes birthed by this one? Thou wouldst make war, against us?"

  Camael looked at Michael who remained silent, knee still bowed and his arms yet raised, unmoved in the gifted gesture of his swor
d, still awaiting acknowledgment. Camael walked around Michael, inspecting him, eying him suspiciously as the crowd waited with bated breath. Not since the birth of The Schism were all three races of heaven together, and now two ambassadors from mankind were also assembled in treaty.

  Camael rubbed his chin and finally broke the silence.

  "It is with much interest, Chief Prince, that I would hear how Eladrin, King of the Ophanim, would hold such a one in high regard, for he implies that he would do battle against me if I were to invoke our rights. Thou hast come from across the great mountain and through the fiery plains of my land to speak to me." Camael then took his seat and leaned deep within his throne. "Speak, therefore, and say thy peace."

  Michael lowered his arms and stood, sheathing his sword. He bowed his head in a further act of respect and spoke.

  "Great King, it is with sore distress for my people and the cause of El that I stand before you now. For the Godking Himself commissioned Enoch to seek out another alleged to be in Heaven. A human, I see, who now stands next to thee. And who am I but a servant to our king? Nay, who are we all but servants to our Lord El? Therefore, I ordered two of the Lumazi council to accompany him, each purposed to assure his safe passage under the mount. Three in total were ultimately assigned to this task and now I see but two, for one is not. Thus, they came at cost of life to see Enoch safe to thy shores but know that we are not moved for we trust in the word of El. El is life. My princes were also charged also to see if they might bring balm from thy people to heal my own. And if not to heal, then perhaps to soothe the ravages of the plague that assails us through choices I have made.

  And now I come to see to my people's welfare, and behold, my ambassadors are surrounded by thy people and chained! Yet for what crime I do not know – nor do I need to know for I trust Gabriel and Metatron with my life, knowing they would happily endure dissolution to ensure peace between our people. Therefore, I come on bended knee, oh great king, to appeal on behalf of all Elohim. If it is my people's blood that thou dost seek, then know that I offer my life in exchange for theirs for I have learned that greater love hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friend. Therefore, I call the Seraphim friend, and Elohim friend, and Ophanim friend. If for honor's sake, or justice's sake a life must be given to reconcile the offense between our people..." Michael then kneeled and opened his robes to reveal his kilnstone, "then let the life you take be mine."

  "No!" cried Gabriel.

  "Michael, what are you doing?" Metatron yelled.

  Sherkanim tugged on their chains to silence them.

  Camael eyed Michael, his face smug. Without moving his eyes from the Prince, he barked, "Sherkanim, Chief of the Guard!"

  Sherkanim snapped to attention. "My lord?"

  "The Chief Prince would be my guest. Bind the Kortai in fetters of iron."

  Sherkanim frowned. "But my king..." Sherkanim spoke in protest.

  Camael roared at his lieutenant. "Would you switch roles with the prince and have me see thee burned in his stead? Obey my word!"

  Sherkanim replied wimpishly, "As you command, my lord."

  Michael allowed himself to be shackled and Eladrin watched on as each of his four faces showed anger, dismay, outrage, and grief all at once. Camael saw his ruling peer's expression and spoke in warning.

  "Do not interfere, great one. The power to command the Kiln's flame is ours by right of treaty and I invoke this right now. I will make an example of these Elohim...a lesson to be learned by all angelic kind. To never trouble the people of Aseir again with folly. If you interfere, know that once more schism will be created in Heaven, and you wilt be responsible. A breach between, not two, but all three races. Do this to thine own hurt if you must. But the right to exact judgment from broken covenant is mine by divine right. I will, therefore, release none – for all shall surely die!"

  Eladrin held his peace. Michael looked at Enoch and nodded to Elijah as Sherkanim shackled him. The people gasped and some groaned to see such nobility put to death. Whispers grew into murmurs as Sherkanim lined up all three men to the entrance of the tube of burning.

  Enoch was about to intervene when Elijah held him by his arm. "Not yet," Elijah said. "But soon."

  Enoch nodded. "I am ready when you are." Elijah also nodded, and the two men watched as Metatron entered the tube of burning first, followed by Gabriel, then Michael. Sherkanim shut and sealed the door behind them. Gabriel smiled at Michael and reached out to hold his hand. "I will always love you, brother. Thank you for your leadership, for you did not forsake us but came to see of our welfare. Let it be said that we have fought the good fight."

  Metatron then immediately chimed in. "Aye, we have indeed finished our course."

  Michael followed suit. "We have kept the faith."

  The three looked on in pride knowing that their lives would assure the life of their people, each lifted up their chins and waited for the fires that they knew would smelt their stones back to their base metals.

  Sherkanim had never seen such honor in all his days. Even from his own king. He hesitated as he opened the seals that would allow the people of fire to enter and execute their king's punishment.

  "Chief Guard!" roared Camael, "complete the task for which ye are assigned!"

  Sherkanim turned the connected wheel outside the chamber and small air ducts opened to allow the Seraph entrance, but when all the air ducts opened, none of the populace moved. None took their true form to enter as living flame.

  Camael looked at his people in frustration. "Let the burning commence!"

  Still, no one moved.

  He frowned and said, "Very well. If it is distasteful for thee to destroy them – I will bear this burden as thy king and release them from this life."

  The king rose and both humans stood to stop him, but his body blazed so that neither could come near. The monarch swaggered toward the tube as his soldiers parted before him and Camael eyed the three angels with intent to do them evil.

  Sherkanim noted his people's confusion. Their faces agonized as the king drew near. Had they not already judged them and found them pure?

  The Chief Guard stared into the crazed eyes of his master...and then the eyes of the people, and in that moment he knew their leader was lost to reason. Lost to serve his people. And if he was not stopped, war with the Elohim would not be far behind.

  The king's guard stared at the beautiful trumpet of Israel crafted by Camael himself and gifted to the head of House Malakim so long ago. Sherkanim felt its warm metal against his hands and closed his eyes in prayer.

  Please, Lord God, do not let my action see our people to the door of war. What I do now, I do to honor thee and my people.

  Sherkanim gripped the golden Horn of Malakim and raised it to his lips, and from the depths of his being blew into the instrument.

  Camael immediately stopped his approach to the tube of burning face screwed in horror and rage. For when the music danced on the gentle breeze, the king's body blazed aglow in color, his body matched the color of the flames that erupted from the horns sigil. A sigil that exposed Camael as its maker.

  Seeing all distracted, Elijah ducked out from the platform and raced to parts unknown. Enoch also left the dais, running hard after him.

  The trumpet's sound dashed through the air like racehorses into the golden skies. The ears of all burst, torn asunder by the blast of so powerful a sound that they fell to the ground, stunned and dazed; and in the moments that occurred between the bat of an eye, the clouds rolled open and the sky boiled into a putrid green.

  For ladders now burst across the lid of Heaven, and Eladrin knew that his people had made causeway, as was their purpose, and thunderous booms littered the peaceful skies while lightning strokes raced across the firmament to embrace each other for upon winged gryphons rode legions of mighty Malakim. Thousands with unsheathed swords and spears descending upon them all.

  Gabriel looked up in both relief and fear, for with the arrival of his p
eople could come war. For never since the Schism had so many Elohim entered Aseir, and now in a matter of minutes, legions now filled the skies and threatened to do battle.

  Michael seeing his people assemble cried out. "No!" His halo burst in gleaming shimmers of bronze across the emporium as he transformed into a ladder. The restraints he willingly wore fell to the ground as he lifted himself to meet the army of descending soldiers, hoping against hope that he might avert war.

  Flying upward the sky opened up before him, as thousands of his people portaled through the skies, descending upon the populace upon gryphon-back. Michael positioned him before all and he hovered in their path, raising both arms.

  "Hold, warriors of House Malakim, for thou hast not been called by one of your house. Hold in abeyance and do these no harm."

  Thousands of Malakim griffins filled the skies, as Eladrin's people held the portals open. Legions of griffins and Malakim warriors poured through, each wondering about the welfare of the Lord of their house, each ready to do battle, and each assessing the situation as they came through. And Michael, using the power of his halo, laddered as the Ophanim across the skies and kept the warriors from accosting the people below. Like living lightning, the great Prince crackled across the sky moving hither and thither to keep his people at bay.


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