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Realm of the Dead

Page 29

by Donovan Neal

  Yeshua stood alone, still holding the keys to Death and Hell. Whispered sorrows and old screams still lived there, as well as the unrighteous dead and daemons. He sighed then whispered one word to Hell. "Feed."

  The creature immediately roared to life. Millions of maggots, tendrils and lava burst into the cavern, and the Lord looked up and lifted His foot from off Lucifer's neck. The Adversary coughed, rubbed his throat and struggled to his feet. Yeshua began to fade and be drawn back into the realm of men.

  Satan shook a fist and screamed, "We are not done yet Yeshua!"

  Lava poured behind Lucifer who stood defiantly watching the rising Lord, ignoring the calamity about him as well as the screams of his own people.

  Yeshua smiled as He exited the cavern and replied to His wayward son.

  "My child, it was over from the foundation of the world."

  The spirit of Yeshua rocketed to the roof of Hell and exploded through the floor of the Earth, racing through rock and crust to join once more to His physical body. The rejoining of body and spirit sent tremors through the earth, and a white-hot column of light flashed over His body, irradiating the area. The inside of the tomb glowed in incandescence, and the Lord's lungs breathed the cool air of the tomb. Blood pumped through His beating heart and coursed through His body. He opened His eyes to see Azaziel standing guard with sword drawn, over him, and the Lord spoke through the linen shroud. "It is good to see you, my friend. A faithful son thou hast been."

  Azaziel blinked as his eyes adjusted to the great flash of light that heralded the Lord's return, and a full-faced smile erupted as he helped the Lord to His feet.

  * * *

  Azaziel had waited patiently for the Lord to return, standing as a silent sentry over the human body of his master. His eyes pierced the physical confines of the sealed tomb to the brethren who stood guard outside. The sun would rise soon.

  Suddenly an earthquake rocked the region and the inside of the tomb glowed in brilliant incandescence. The head of House Issi covered his eyes. The body of the Lord shone as a star, the light of which breached the contours of the boulder rolled in front of the tomb's entrance, and burned through the sealed ropes that lined the stone. Angelic guards stared at the epicenter that came from inside the tomb.

  Cassiel revealed himself and came down in a great light in front of the sealed tomb. Roman guards struggled to keep their balance on the rumbling ground, watched the stone roll away, and fainted in fright. Azaziel blinked repeatedly to dismiss splotches of blues and morphing shapes that danced across his eyelids.

  Cassiel noticed the Lord's chest rose and fell. His lungs breathed in the cool air of the tomb as blood began to circulate through His resurrected system and color slowly returned to the body of the Lord. His fingers moved, and the linen covered head turned toward Azaziel. He spoke through the shroud. "It is good to see thee, my friend. A faithful son thou hast been."

  Smiles wreathed his face as he helped the Lord sit up and tenderly removed the cloth from His face.

  "Your plan? The keys and righteous dead...are they well?" Azaziel said.

  The Lord opened His hands where the open wounds of His nail scars still remained, and within His right palm lay the two recaptured keys of Death and Hell.

  Azaziel gasped in joy. Onlooking angels beamed at one another and bowed to their King.

  Azaziel helped the Lord to His feet, steadying his King as His body returned to full function and they exited the tomb. The sun broke over the horizon...the dawn of the first day of the week, and Yeshua and His guards laughed and strolled the surrounding countryside.

  "My Lord," Azaziel said, "thou hast breached the stronghold of the Enemy and spoiled his house. What wilt thou do now?"

  Yeshua looked at him and replied, "There is yet much to be done, for an army of men must be raised to undo that which Satan hath done. The final battle is yet to come. Even now in Heaven thou wilt have many new siblings and there are even more that I must being into my Fathers house, but for now, come, I must shew myself to my disciples and gather my sheep into the sheepfold. Take me to them."

  Yeshua then masked them all in invisibility, and Azaziel then lifted his King into his strong arms and flew off with the angelic royal guard trailing them.

  Yeshua, seeing two of His female disciples walking toward the tomb, commanded two of the angelic guard stay at the tomb to bring glad tidings to them. Women who were moments from a discovery that would soon change the course of mankind.

  * * *

  Now after forty days of showing Himself in infallible proofs in the course of time, the Lord called His disciples together, and they asked Him, saying, "Lord, wilt thou at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?"

  And He said unto them, "It is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the Father hath put in His own power. But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon thee: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth."

  And when He had spoken these things, they beheld as He was taken up; and a cloud received Him out of their sight.

  Azaziel watched the men and noted that they looked steadfastly into heaven as He went up, and given leave by the Lord, the angel revealed himself to the disciples.

  "Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Yeshua, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into heaven."

  And when they heard those words, they were quick to be about the Lord's business, and Azaziel watched them depart, knowing the war had turned and in the resurrection of the Lord, he saw the death throes of the war, and that the final push of righteous men had now begun.

  The End


  Having escaped the clutches of Hell, Lucifer and Ashtaroth watched from afar as the disciples of Yeshua departed and Azaziel lifted himself into the sky.

  "My king, many of our kind still remained trapped, consumed alive by the beast. How shall we recover from such a defeat?"

  Lucifer scowled at his words. "Is the thing not known? 'Smite the shepherd and the sheep will scatter.' Fear not, my faithful friend. In time, I shall seed my presence so much within the accursed 'body of Christ' that it shall be as a canker. And in the last day, I will follow the pattern that El Himself hath revealed and will raise up a man – an Anti-Christ, and I shall use him as El hath used Yeshua. We will undo His influence. Yea, fear not, for we are not without a hope and a future. And then we shall see what the end shall be for this wretched pestilence of Adam's kin. Come now, for they will assemble in Jerusalem, and I will hunt these disciples, we will see how she fares when exposed to trials of fire."

  Lucifer smirked as he looked away from the disciples. His eyes rested upon the city of Jerusalem and the temple dedicated to the worship of El. He recalled the daemon's report:

  "Sire! Sire! Yeshua hath prophesied saying, 'Dost thou not see all these things? Truly I say unto thee, not one stone will be left upon another which will not be torn down.'"

  Lucifer spat and wiped his mouth on his sleeve. "Yes, let us go from this place, Ashtaroth, for I intend to see the words of Yeshua come to pass, for I will cast every stone down. Go to and move Caesar of Rome! Bring him here that I might descend with my man-servant like a whirlwind."

  Ashtaroth bowed himself to his Lord and flew toward Rome.

  Lucifer looked to the horizon and muttered through clenched teeth. "We are far from done, you and I, El. As long as I draw breath, we will never be done."

  * * *

  Heaven held numerous celebrations over the victory of Yeshua. And Yeshua interceded for the saints on the Earth standing before the Father making intercession for them. And in the course of time Micheal summoned all of heaven to worship as was the way of the Chief Prince.

  El sat upon his throne and in the right hand of El was a book prepared by Argoth and written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals. Mic
heal then proclaimed to all Heaven with a loud voice, "Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof?"

  Enoch then saw a man who the Lord had allowed to see into Heaven and Enoch noted that he was in Heaven, but was not. And Enoch saw that the man wept sore and approached him and spoke.

  "What is thy name and what is this that you shed tears in Heaven?"

  The man replied to Enoch, "My name is John and I weep because no man is found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon."

  Enoch replied, "Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof."

  John then noted that in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.

  And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne. And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odors, which are the prayers of saints.

  And they sung a new song, saying,

  "Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation;

  And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth."

  And the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands; saying with a loud voice, "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing."

  And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard them saying, "Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever."

  And the four beasts said, "Amen." And the four and twenty elders fell down and worshiped him that liveth for ever and ever.

  And after the Lord had shown John all that was to transpire in the last days, Enoch bid him farewell.

  El then summoned Elijah and Enoch into his presence and spoke on this wise. "Go to, for after long last must thou now witness to my wonders and get thee down and make way for my coming. Witness to all within the Earth, that the end hast come. And when they kill you. Thou shall take your place with your brethren and we shall go down and bring righteousness, and recoup all that the Enemy hast stolen."

  Elijah and Enoch nodded and the duo left the presence of El to show men that Lucifer had deceived them. And that God--God was coming to bring recompense in the Earth.

  Grigoric Glossary of Terms: Scroll Three

  To: Enoch

  From: Argoth

  To wit, the Lord hath given me word to make thee understand by scrolls the ways of Heaven. I have determined it incumbent to tutor thee of the races that populate her midst. Know that though thy people hath acquired some information through observation and encounters with our kind, there is yet much that thou must still learn. This scroll hath been prepared for thy reading and translated from our tongue that ye might grasp our number. I will expand upon your instruction in future lessons. As you hast advanced in learning, I have now amended thy scroll to provide thee access into the tomes of the great houses, and Celestial history concerning the Schism, and the Articles of War which governs our kind.

  Commit the knowledge given to study and see my attendant if thou dost require additional resources.

  Note: It hath been brought to my attention that thou hast made inquiry regarding the Books of Seals which El hast commissioned me to prepare. Note that this book is for El alone, and He will reveal it at His choosing.

  Furthermore, your request to access tomes concerning the Mists, the Ophanim, and the Seraphim have been denied by El Pneuma. His word He would have me relay to you, and I quote, "The anointing which ye have received of Me abideth in thee, and ye need not that any man teach thee: but as the same anointing teacheth thee of all things, and is truth and is no lie, and even as it hath been taught thee, thou shalt abide in Him."

  I trust that these words will give you contentment. Please, do not let them fall to the ground.

  Your servant appointed by His grace in the understanding of our ways,

  Argoth Grigori

  The Chief of Eyes, and Sephiroth of House Grigori.

  El or Jehovah

  The name angels have given to God and by which He has revealed Himself to them. Triune in nature, El is often seen in a singular bodily form. On rare occasions, His triune nature is revealed as three separate distinct personalities (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost); collectively they are called the Godhead.


  The collective name of all celestial kind in Biblical lore; also called the Sons of God. Elohim are distinct from Yeshua, who is the only Begotten Son. Let it be known that Grigoric trances have shown that righteous men will also be adopted into the family of God. This knowledge is not yet commonly known among the people.

  The Schism

  An event in Heavenly history that caused the separation of the three celestial races, attributed to Lucifer's trafficking to elevate the Elohim above the Ophanim and Seraphim.

  The Descension

  The day noted by all angelic kind that Lucifer was thrown out of Heaven.


  The Trinity composed of the Father (El), the Son (Yeshua), and the Holy Ghost (El Pneuma).

  Chief Prince

  An honorific title given to one of seven angelic princes who stands before the presence of God and receives instructions for his race. The Chief Prince is entrusted by El to walk within the Stones of Fire and to protect the secret of the chamber, the Primestone...a repository of God's power where one may become as God. Michael stands as Chief Prince of Angels. Lucifer formerly held this rank. This rank is not to be confused with the Angel of the Lord, who is Yeshua.

  Lumazi (Re 4:5)

  The group of seven archangels who stand before the throne of God. They are the chief angelic council that executes the will of God in the universe. The head of each major house is represented on the council. The seven houses are Malakim, Kortai, Draco, Issi, Arelim, Grigori, and Harrada.

  Ladder (aka Orphanic Portal) (Ge 28:12)

  A mode of transport utilized by angels to travel between realms. Ladders are created by the Ophanim. Angels simply travel in the wake that the celestial beings create as they move from place to place.


  Also known as the Realm of Choices. An in-between place. The land between life and death. The land of infinite possibilities. Limbo is placed in the basement of Heaven, yet above the Maelstrom of the Abyss. It is the only passage to the other side of the Mountain of God that leads to the land of the Seraphim, as well as other regions of Heaven. El hath restricted full access to this area's tome.

  Tartarus (2 Peter 2:4)

  A prison designed by Lucifer to dispose of those who opposed him. Presently it is in use by the Lord as a holding cell until He has determined their end.


  The legendary city of fire and home of the Seraphim. A metropolis made of living fire. The city is located in the land of Aesir.


  A living mountain that serves as a prison. Designed originally with angels in mind, it lives off the eternal spirit of Elomic flesh. It possesses the ability to reproduce similar to an amoeba and can grow. Grigoric spies indicate that Hell has grown to hold captive humans. (Isa 5:14 Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it.)

  Scouts indicate that humans now abide in two compartments within the creature. Hades: the realm of the unrighteous dead. Paradise: The realm of the ri
ghteous dead. Prior to Yeshua's resurrection, Paradise is the place where the righteous dead were held in the spirit realm until they were freed. These two domains are separated by a gulf that prevents residents from crossing to one another. (Luke 16:26)


  The title angels have given the man who can defeat Lucifer.


  "Death" to a celestial being is called dissolution.

  The Kiln

  A furnace from which El created all celestial life and the former storehouse of the Stones of Fire; the living elements of creation. At the heart of the Kiln was the Primestone, and the ultimate test for angelic kind.

  Elomic Command

  A vowel, consonant, or phrase allowing the power of God to be invoked.

  The Abyss

  A gulf of nether sometimes referred to by thy kind as Limbo or by daemon kind as "the wilderness." It is a realm that separates the Third and Second Heavens. Failure to bridge the realms without a Ladder or direct intervention from El can cause one to be entrapped within the winds of the nether.

  The winds are referred to as the Maelstrom. Kortai builders frequently build near the edge of the Maelstrom to expand the landscape of Heaven. The Abyss is also referred to as the "bottomless pit."

  Mortals cannot pass through the Abyss without shedding their corporeal shell. Only Death or direct translation by God allows passage past the Abyss into the spiritual world of Heaven. El hath mentioned that He may release this tome to thee at a later time.


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