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The Cowboy's Kink (The Billionaire Bachelors Series)

Page 5

by RG Alexander

  He turned, gripping her hips and lifting her until her back was against a wooden stall before she had time to shout her surprise.

  “I said,” he murmured close enough that she could feel his breath against her cheek. “That’s too bad. Because I think you need a little bossing around. In fact, just between you and me, I think you’d love it.”

  “Wh-what?” His words sunk in and she felt something wholly feminine flutter inside her stomach. “You’re not talking about the car anymore.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Are all cowboys this forward, Mr. Reyes?” If they were she was moving here immediately, but she wasn’t going to say that out loud.

  “Not if they’re gentlemen.” He pressed his forehead to hers, his grip tightening on her hips. “I didn’t mean to scare you, and I was planning on approaching you differently, but you kept me up all night, Alicia Bell. The least you can do is call me Tracy.”

  “I did?” Alicia sounded breathless because she was. He was so close it was hard to think. “You didn’t scare me.”

  “Yes, I did.” He nodded against her head, his hands splaying so his thumbs pressed against her lower belly over her green sundress. “But I kept you up too and there’s no use denying it. For the same reason, I’m guessing. I usually have more patience than this, but I’m not a man who likes to waste time, Alicia. When I see something I want, I go after it. And I see something I want.”

  He looked into her eyes for one tense heartbeat. Then another. Waiting. The hands she’d placed on his chest flexed and she licked her lips. Tracy groaned. “I think I’m going to take that as a yes.”

  The first brush of his lips against hers was light. Teasing. He waited until she moved closer before deepening the kiss. Alicia’s bones turned to butter and she melted into him, loving how his body felt against hers.

  He pulled back, just enough so their lips were barely touching as he spoke. “You haven’t asked me what I want. Wouldn’t you like to know? I do have something specific in mind.”

  “What, specifically, do you want?” Other than to kiss her brainless.

  His fingers tightened in reaction. “You’re in town until the baby is born, right? Well, as long as you are, I want you to stay here, in my house. With me.”

  She whimpered when he pressed one thickly muscled thigh between her legs, rocking her sex against the rough fabric of his jeans. He bit her lower lip gently. “Your body is already agreeing to it and you wouldn’t even have to unpack, so this is where you say ‘Yes, Tracy’.”

  “I don’t want to cause any trouble,” she moaned, her hips moving instinctively against him, unable to help herself. “We shouldn’t have been here in the first place.”

  “Stay with me.”

  “Yes,” she gasped, unable to deny the command.

  He stopped her movements with a bruising grip. “Yes, Tracy,” he repeated in that voice that made her start to tremble.

  This wasn’t fair. It was coercion. But she couldn’t find a single reason to deny him. What harm would staying at his house do? Especially if he was going to keep doing what he was doing. “Yes, Tracy.”

  He kissed her in approval, the passionate kiss she’d been longing for, his tongue stroking hers as one hand left her hip and slipped beneath her dress. His knuckles pressed against her clit through her panties and she moaned into his mouth.

  Yes. Touch me.

  He lifted his mouth again. “Good girl. But I want more. I want you to give me permission to do whatever I want to this body…” He paused and did something to her clit with his fingers that made her jerk against him and gasp. “Whenever I want it, as long as you like it and don’t tell me to stop.”

  “Don’t stop,” she whispered, more turned on than she’d ever been before. Ready to burst. Ready to come right now. She lowered her hand to cover his and pressed it harder against her. “Please.”

  “I like that word,” he growled. “But that isn’t what I need to hear. Say it.”

  He stopped his caresses and lowered his thigh and she groaned, raising her hand to land with a frustrated thud on his chest. “We hardly know each other. I can’t just—why are you playing with me like this?”

  Tracy released her and stepped back, his expression enigmatic, his bronze cheeks flushed with the same need she was feeling. “I do want to play with you, Alicia Bell. But it isn’t a game. So let’s get to know each other. I’ll tell you a little bit about me. I suppose you could call me a kinky bastard. I spent the night imagining you tied to my bed while I spanked your pussy until you came for me. Hours picturing you on your knees, letting me have you in ways that you never dreamed were possible. That’s who I am. What I want.”

  Holy—she took a shaky breath and lifted her chin, knowing he was expecting to shock her. And succeeding a little more than she wanted him to know. “You mean like BDSM?”

  He reached out with one hand and hooked his fingers around her bodice, tugging her closer. “An apple for the teacher. What do you know about this subject, Ms. Bell?”

  She licked her lips, amazed she was having this conversation at all. It was surreal. Unexpected. Exciting. “I’ve read about it.”

  “Textbooks? Psychology papers?” His knuckles were brushing against her skin.

  She shook her head, swallowing. “Erotic fiction. There’s one author whose books are very detailed named Eden Brad—”

  “Did you like it?” he interrupted softly. “The details? Did they make you wet?”

  Oh God. “Yes.”

  She’d loved it. It was her guilty secret. While other teachers at her school were reading young adult to connect with their students or sweet romance to escape them, Alicia was reading about dungeons and dominant men who craved submission and love.

  “Tell me your favorite—” Tracy’s jaw clenched and he inhaled sharply. “Damn it.” He let her go and lifted his hat long enough to run a hand through his hair. “There’s a truck coming up the drive. Probably for your car. Stay here and I’ll deal with it.”

  Oh my God.

  Alicia covered her face with shaking hands. Was this actually happening? Making out in a barn with a man she hardly knew? Having a conversation about kinky sex?

  She wanted to say yes. It was almost frightening how badly she wanted to agree to this proposition from a man she hardly knew. She’d never felt anything like this. Like they were two magnets drawing closer together. She could feel the pull in her stomach. In her sex.

  As long as she was in town, he’d said.

  There were rules to this kind of thing, she knew. Safe words and limits. She would have to let him know if she wasn’t okay with any of the things he mentioned. Being tied up. Being spanked. Being taken whenever and wherever he wanted her. Her rule would be that her sister could never find out what was going on, which wouldn’t be easy when they were all under the same roof.

  Or that would be her rule…if she were saying yes. Which she would only do if the idea of Tracy spanking her until she came turned her on.

  Which would be crazy.

  Alicia jumped when she heard a whinny in the stall beside her. “Oh lord, when did you get here?”

  A horse. A large white and brown speckled horse was eyeing her with a resigned air. She laughed. “So what do you think I should do?”

  Tracy’s chuckle made her close her eyes in embarrassment without turning around. “I see you met Old Man. He’s going to be our transportation for the day.”

  That got her attention. She whirled around. “He’s going to what? I’m skittish city folk, remember? I’ve never been on a horse in my life. If my car were still here I’d just meet you and save Old Man the aggravation. It isn’t that far right? I could probably walk.”

  Tracy was leaning against the door, his lips tilted. “Your car is still here, Alicia Bell. You told me to stop sticking my nose in where it doesn’t belong, but your car is a death trap so I’m compromising. I asked my guy to come back in a few days and do any work that needs to be done in my driveway
instead of towing it out of your sight.”

  “You did?” Her voice rose in genuine shock.

  He nodded. “I want to control your pleasure, Alicia, not your life. Despite evidence to contrary, I’m not an asshole.”

  I want to control your pleasure.

  Oh God.

  “Tracy I think—”

  He held up his hand. “We should wait on making any firm decisions for the moment. You know what I want and you’ve admitted to more than a passing interest in the topic. Neither one of us can deny our mutual attraction without lying. Do you agree?”

  “Yes, Tracy.” It slipped out and his eyes narrowed.

  “Good,” he responded with a rasp. “That’s good. Then let’s do an experiment. While you’re thinking, you’re going to ride down to the party with me. It will take a little time, and we’ll be all alone on a private road. Until we reach the front gates of Reyes ranch, you’ll do what I ask and let me do what I want to your body. Just a taste of what’s coming, to see if you want the main course.”

  She bit her lip, wondering how they could do anything but cling for dear life to the big animal’s back. “Okay.”

  He raised one eyebrow and she corrected herself. “I mean, yes, Tracy.”

  He strode toward her and kissed her forehead before pushing her toward the door. “Let me get him saddled while you go inside and take off your underwear.”

  She laughed. “What?” He stared at her. He wasn’t kidding. “But I’m going to meet your family. Jinny’s in-laws. I can’t do that in a skirt with no…”

  He’d already started the experiment, she realized. If she wanted this, wanted to see what it was like, she had to follow his instructions. Going commando would be embarrassing, but only for her, as long as she was careful and there were no sudden breezes.

  Did she really want to do this?

  A little experiment? A little excitement? She really did.

  It only took her fifteen minutes to freshen up, make sure her braided bun was secure and slip off her underwear before returning to the patio. Tracy was waiting beside the giant, but thankfully serene looking animal, a thoughtful expression on his face.

  “Are you ready, Alicia Bell?”

  She nodded and started down the steps, loving the way he said her name.

  “Show me.”

  She froze, her cheeks heating. “Now?”


  God he had a sexy voice. She reached for the knee-length hem of her sundress and pulled it up slowly, her heart pounding in her ears when it finally revealed her bare sex to his gaze.

  She heard him growl. “You’re a beautiful woman. I could look at you for hours but then we’d never make it to the party. Are you ready to go for a ride?”

  Yes. But not the kind he was referring to. “I’m ready.”

  “You can drop your skirt now and come down.”

  Shit. She let go of her skirt, still blushing. When she reached him he picked her up with one arm and got up on the horse in a move so smooth she had to smile. Such a cowboy. There was only one problem.

  “I think I’m facing the wrong way,” she said with a laugh.

  He reached around her and took the reins, looping them on the saddle horn. “No, you’re not. Put your legs over my thighs and hold onto me.”

  “Oh God.” She obeyed nervously as the horse began to stroll in an unhurried gait down the driveway. Her hands tightened on his shoulders. She was so close she could see every long dark lash that framed his eyes and the small, barely visible scar on his strong jaw. “Are you sure this is safe? Shouldn’t you be steering?”

  “Old Man knows where to go. You need to trust me, Alicia. You’ll have to if we’re both going to get what we want. I won’t let any harm come to you.”

  “Okay.” Some part of her already trusted him to a certain extent. It must. Why else would she be in this situation, waiting for his next command? Wanting it. “What now?”

  His smile was wicked. “Eager to start this experiment, are you? Now we get to know each other.” He reached up and undid the buttons on the bodice of her sundress, sighing in satisfaction when he spread the fabric and saw her breasts. “And I find out how sensitive you are.”

  He cupped her breasts with his large, rough hands and she shivered. When it came to him she was apparently very sensitive. Every squeeze, every scrape of his thumbs across her nipples made her ache.

  “Do you like this, Alicia?”

  Did he have to ask? “I do.”

  “Take off my hat and hold it for me.” He waited until she complied then lowered his head. “Let’s see how you like this.”

  “Oh!” He sucked one nipple hard against the roof of his mouth, and she could feel each tug of his teeth all the way to her sex. She was wet. Empty. Her position didn’t even allow her to press against him or feel the hard leather of the saddle as they rocked to the rhythm of the horse’s stride. She needed more. “Tracy, please. Please.”

  He raised his head, his eyes nearly black. “Please what?”

  She dropped one hand from his shoulder and tugged at the hem of her dress. “Touch me.”

  The hands on her breasts slid up to her neck, his fingers tracing her jaw, thumb pressing against her lip. “I am touching you, Alicia.” He glanced up at her hair. “And suddenly realizing I might have a Lady Godiva fetish. I want to see you naked astride a saddle, your hair flowing down around you, your wrists bound as you hold the reins.”

  She made a fist around the green fabric between her thighs. “Tracy, don’t tease me.”

  He lowered his hands to her breasts again, his fingers caressing her nipples, then pinching them firmly. Alicia moaned. “Baby, if you can’t take this tiny tease, this experiment might be over before it’s even begun. Put your hand back on my shoulder.”

  Damn it. She bit her lip at the pressure of his pinch before obeying, studying his shirt so he wouldn’t see the frustration in her eyes.

  “Look at me, Alicia.”

  When she did, his dark eyes snared her. “I will touch you. I’ll tangle my fingers in those tight blonde curls and feel how wet you are for me. I’ll suck on your clit the way I sucked on your nipple, and taste you on my tongue.”

  “Yes.” He was tugging on her nipples now, punctuating his words with small twists and squeezes and Alicia could almost feel what he was saying. Feel his hands and his mouth between her thighs.

  “I will know every inch of your sweet pussy, better than anyone ever has. I’ll make you come harder than you thought you could, and I’ll do it again and again. With my hands, with my mouth, with whatever pervertible toy I have at my disposal. And then, Alicia? Then I’ll make you come on my cock.”

  “Oh God.” She was panting. Needy. Ready to do whatever he asked as long as she got to come.

  His next words were like a splash of cold water on her head. “But not yet.”

  She tensed and he released her nipples, stroking the undersides of her breasts lightly with his knuckles. “I hope those books you read talked about patience. How much better it can be when the heroine gives her body’s pleasure over to her lover.”

  They did, but she was having a hard time remembering the details. If he was feeling even half of what she was right now, she wasn’t sure how he could form coherent sentences. “But aren’t you…?” She looked down at his jeans and he laughed roughly, his hand coming up to grip her wrist and drag it down his broad chest and into his lap.

  “Tempted? Turned on? Hard as fucking stone?” he replied. “Just so we’re clear and there’s no misunderstandings between us, you can feel for yourself.”

  Jesus he was…her fingers gripped the thick, steel-hard erection and, with his direction, traced its length until his belt halted her progress. He was big. Alicia shivered and her eyes met his again, uncertain, but undeniably aroused.

  His expression was one of grim restraint. “You will take me, Alicia Bell, and sooner than you’re ready for if you don’t stop looking at me like that.” He took her hand off
him and raised it to his lips. “I know exactly what to do to make sure you’re ready for me. Trust me to take care of your body and your pleasure. Stay with me and be mine until you leave. You can complain and cuss and tempt me all you like, and we can stop whenever you give the word, but if you give yourself to me…I’ll make sure you won’t regret it.”

  She opened her mouth and he shook his head. “Don’t answer yet unless it’s a yes without hesitation.” He smiled tightly and started to button her sundress again. “We’re nearly there. We better cover you up so those ranch hands and my single cousins don’t get any ideas.”

  Alicia held her tongue while he straightened out her top.

  They reached the gate and he swung off the saddle, reaching up to wrap his hands around her waist. She’d lifted her leg and was facing him, ready to be lowered down when he groaned. “Wait. Show me again.”

  Her heart fluttered in her chest and she lifted her skirt, spreading her legs just enough to give him what he wanted. She could feel her arousal on her thighs, knew he would be able to see how much she wanted him.

  She gasped and jerked in his grip when he lowered his head and flicked her wet sex with his tongue. She could feel his groan against her clit and arched her neck, so sensitive and aroused now it felt like she was one touch away from finding her climax.

  He raised his head and she blew out a shaky breath. Torture. If she agreed to his proposal this would happen again. He would take her to the edge and leave her there until she was desperate. And then he would do it again. She lifted the hat still dangling from her hand and placed it back on his head, adjusting it until it looked right and she got her breathing under control.

  He chuckled roughly. “Thank you kindly, ma’am. I wouldn’t be much of a cowboy without that.”

  He lowered her slowly to the ground, looking into her eyes with a fire that gave her a small amount of comfort. She wasn’t alone in her need. He was right there with her. He just liked to be in control.

  They reached the gate, Tracy releasing her hands and the reins of his horse to open it for them. Alicia could hear children laughing and screaming and music drifting toward them, though the long driveway and tree line made it impossible for her to see anyone yet.


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