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Southern Seduction

Page 54

by Alcorn, N. A.

  "Lacey, why are drooling over Mason?" Hunter asks curtly. Busted!

  "You must be confused. I definitely wasn't drooling over him. Maybe it was just leftover drool from last night.” I lick the corner of my mouth and reach forward to grab his belt.

  "Oh, sugar, you were definitely drooling," Hunter grabs my hair, tugging my head back. His lips brush across mine, but my eyes can't help but drift over to Mason.

  This is awkward, and I fully expect him to be staring at the ground—looking anywhere but at us. However, his eyes are glued to me. I can't even tell you if he notices Hunter is tongue fucking me, but it obviously doesn't bother him.

  I decide to test the theory. I reach around and grip Hunter’s butt. He lets out a growl, and I moan when my hand palms his firm ass. Mason eyes flash to my hand but immediately return to my eyes. Hunter moves to my neck, allowing me space to give Mason my full attention. My eyes glide over his hard, sculpted body.

  "Stop mentally fucking him," Hunter growls against my neck.

  "I have no idea what you are talking about," I say just as he bites me.

  "Alright, if you are going to resort to lying, let’s take this to the office. Mason, care to join us?"

  "What?" Mason and I yell at the same time.

  "Eye fuck, eye fuck"—he nods between me and Mason—"I fuck."

  "Damn, Hunter. I'm not exactly a lady, but could you at least pretend?" I shout, pushing him away.

  "What happened to being greedy, Lacey?" he says with a smirk.

  "Greedy is my decision. I'm not going to fuck someone because you offer me up on a silver platter. I'm not fucking him just because you want me to." I glare at him.

  "Hunter, seriously? Not cool," Mason rumbles.

  "Oh for fuck’s sake. You two suck. If it was midnight, you both would be all over a threesome. The only thing bothering y'all is that it's ten in the morning and no one has been drinking. Whatever." He turns and walks away like the fucking dick he obviously is.

  I stand plastered against the wall as he walks out a completely different door than the one he entered. Apparently he must have read this imaginary sign.

  "I'm sorry. He... Hell, I don't know," Mason says, pulling off his hat and running his hands through his hair.

  "Exactly how well do you two know each other?"

  "Pretty well."

  "Obviously. What the hell was that about?" I ask as he once again looks down at my chest.

  "Nothing. You need a ride home?"

  "Um, yeah. If you have a phone I can just—"

  Not even glancing back in my direction, he heads for the side door. "Let's go."

  Shit, I guess Mason is giving me a ride home. I follow him out to a beat-up pickup truck. It's not old, but it’s definitely well used. There's mud caked on the tires and dents covering the tailgate. It's nothing like Hunter’s truck, but that's not surprising. Nothing about rugged Mason is like Hunter at all.

  "Where am I taking you?" he asks when I climb inside.

  "Montgomery and Forty-Eighth. I really appreciate this."

  "No big deal. Hunter can be an ass sometimes. I'm sure he’ll call you tomorrow." His words make me laugh. I try to cover it with a cough but fail in the process. "What's so funny?" he asks, looking over at me as he pulls out of the barn parking lot.

  "Oh, nothing."

  "Yeah, that definitely wasn't nothing." He rolls his eyes but says nothing more.

  "I just mean you don't need to give me the 'Hunter is an awesome guy' speech. I'm sure he's great, but I won't be seeing him again." I shrug.

  "Right," he answers shortly.

  "I'm serious. I'm not looking for anything."

  "Oh, I'm sure," he answers sarcastically, never looking over at me.

  "No really. He was great last night. It's just not my, you know, be in a relationship."

  "I'll be sure to pass on the message," he smirks, finally flashing me his shining blue eyes.

  I can't help that I want to jump him. I know it makes me a slut. I did, after all, just spend the night fucking his... friend? Are they friends? What exactly is Hunter and Mason's deal? Hunter was all too quick to ask him to join us, and Mason didn't freak out at the invitation. I feel like the heat in the truck has been turned on. Oh shit, the idea of Mason and Hunter together is more than enough to send me into some sort of spontaneous orgasm.

  "Are y'all bi?"

  "By what?"

  "No, I mean bisexual. Are you and Hunter bisexual?"

  "Fuck no!" he shouts, glancing between me and the road. "What the hell?"

  "Well you didn't exactly freak out when he asked you to join us. I just figured—"

  "Lacey, I'm not fucking gay!"

  "I never said you were. It just strikes me as odd that you just ignored his little threesome request. Most guys would have shit a fucking brick." I watch as his lips lift slightly at the corners, but his eyes never leave the road.

  I can't take my eyes off him. He is rugged, but stunning. Of course I glance down at the bulge in his pants. He may not be hard but those fucking jeans leave nothing to the imagination. My chest is probably still covered in Hunter’s dried come, but I still imagine Mason hovering over me after he fucks my mouth. Damn it. I've got to get a grip. I'm still sore from spending the night under Hunter, yet I can't help but watch Mason quietly drive me home.

  "So what's your deal?" he asks roughly.

  "My deal? Really?" I roll my eyes.

  "Are you and Hunt dating or just fucking?"

  "We are definitely not dating! I just met him last night!" I scream, causing him to flash me a questioning glance. I didn't mean to scream, but the idea of anyone thinking I'm in a relationship is ludicrous.

  "Wow. Most girls would be pissed about a completely different part of that question." He begins to laugh.

  "The fucking part? Please. That’s easy."

  He flashes me a quick grin. "And definitely more fun."

  He just opened the flirty door and I plan to walk right through it. It's not like I ever plan to see Hunter again. Why not see what Mason has to offer?

  "So what's your deal? You just a goodhearted cowboy who offers women a ride home?" I pull my leg up on the seat between us, giving Mason my full attention.

  "I'm not a cowboy." He pulls into my apartment complex. I'm immediately saddened by the idea of leaving Mason. I haven't seen him naked yet, and if the muscles on his shoulders are any indication, I would really enjoy that.

  "Want to come up?" I ask when he puts the car in park.

  "Nah. If I know Hunter, you need a shower right about now." He knowingly winks.

  "My shower is big enough for two, and you look pretty dirty yourself." His eyes glide down my chest, and I know he is mentally debating his actions. He's more than interested. So I decide to encourage him a little more. "Come on. I won't say anything to Hunter. I'm not interested him in that way. It was a one-night stand, nothing more. You saw how easily he dismissed me today."

  "Lacey, while it looks like a great offer…" He nods toward my body. Reaching forward, he drags a finger between my boobs and stops on my collarbone. He gently taps a white flaky bit before pulling his hand away completely. "I'm going to have to pass. Maybe another day when you aren't covered in my best friend’s come." Fucking clit tease.

  I shrug. "Oh well. Worth a try." Not willing to beg or waste another minute, I jump out of the truck and head inside. Sure, Mason is going to give me something to think about during my visit with my vibrator tonight, but you can't win—or in this case, screw—them all.

  "So tell me what you do for fun?" the hot frat boy slurs while adjusting his pants. I've been chatting up Mr. Preppy for the last forty-five minutes. While the conversation isn't exactly stimulating, the hard-on he has hiding in his pants is just big enough to keep me interested.

  I decided to go out and hit one of the college bars tonight. I didn't exactly feel like running into Hunter again, so I figured I'd be safe here. It’s been a while since I’ve taken a frat b
oy home. They usually always turn out to be clingers. Even if they don't want a relationship, they usually freak out when they see you hooking up with someone else two nights later. Then it becomes a conquest, and the ‘showing up everywhere you go’ begins.

  "I like going out and finding sexy men like yourself to fill my time."

  His eyebrows pop in shock at my candid answer. "Well you happen to be in luck." He winks over at me before giving my leg a firm squeeze. His touch doesn't affect me though. I'm probably still tired from last night.

  "I need a drink." I turn away from him and back to the bar.

  "Order anything you want. My tab's open." His hand moves down my back, stopping just above my ass.

  I wait, trying to wave down a bartender. I'm more than willing to take full advantage of this guy’s tab. The bartender places a rum and Coke in front of me.

  "Well that was quick." I smile up at the female bartender.

  She gives me a brief smile back before pointing across the bar. "From the gentlemen in the baseball cap."

  I look up to see the icy blues of Mason Wynn staring right back at me. He offers me a small smile and a shrug before tipping his beer in my direction.

  I immediately rise to my feet and head in his direction. I mean, I do need to thank him for buying me a drink. It would be rude not to.

  "Where you going, sexy?” Frat boy tries to grab my waist, but I don't stop moving toward my trophy. "Lacey?" He stands to follow me.

  "Well hello again." I squeeze between the barstools and basically rest my boob on Mason's arm.

  "Hey," he says, never looking away from his beer.

  "I expected to see a lot of people here tonight, but never you."

  "Funny. I could say the same thing." He swings his gaze to mine.

  The moment our eyes lock, I know I'm fucked. Literally. The heat in his eyes catches me off guard. I expected to have to work for this after the way he dismissed me this morning. But Mason is, without a doubt, a sure thing. And damn if that doesn't make my nipples hard. My eyes immediately flash to his mouth, and I can't help but stare.

  "Um, Lacey?" I hear from behind me. Mason and I both turn to see a very annoyed frat boy.

  "Oh—" I start to give him some lame excuse, but Mason cuts me off.

  "I've got this." He slides a hand around my waist, gripping my ass. He never stands up. Instead, he turns all the way around on his stool so he can face our little visitor. "Thanks for entertaining Lacey tonight, but I'll take it from here." He pulls me hard against his side and I swear my thong disintegrates. I spent ten minutes with this guy earlier and now he is claiming me as his own? Oh yeah, someone is looking for a blowjob, and I'm in the mood to drop to my knees and give him almost anything right now.

  "What the fuck? You have a boyfriend?" Preppy asks, turning his attention to me.

  "No, I'm not her boyfriend. I am, however, the man who is going to be fucking her tonight. So you best be on your way before this gets really messy." His words send a tingle down my spine. I could probably orgasm if he would just touch me. And as if he can read my mind, he moves his hand up under my skirt, gently teasing the curve of my ass.

  "You are?" I intended to answer with attitude, but it only comes out a breathy request.

  "I thought we discussed it this morning? I'm assuming you're not covered in Hunter’s come still." He gives me a quick wink.

  "Fuck you, asshole," Preppy says to Mason.

  "No thanks. I already have plans tonight. Lacey, tell him who you’re fucking tonight," Mason says, causing my eyes to go wide.

  Attitude. I need to throw attitude at him for being such a cocky jerk-off, but the only words that come from my mouth are, "I'm fucking you?"

  "Damn straight." Mason stands, pulling me with him. "Excuse me. I have a lady who is in need of some...attention," he says to a speechless Preppy.

  "Where are we going?" I ask as Mason pulls me toward the door.

  "Back to my place. I live above the barn. Is that okay with you?" He looks genuinely interested in my answer. He's probably wondering if heading back to the same place I was with a different man this morning is going to freak me out. Which only proves how little he knows about me.

  "Are you going to yell at me if I use the wrong door?" I ask with a smirk.

  "I won't yell as long as you promise to read the signs." He smiles back and it makes me stumble. Fuck, I was wrong. This guy is fifty times sexier than Hunter. His teeth are white but not perfectly straight. You can tell he didn’t have years of orthodontic work the way Hunter did. He's just naturally mouthwatering.

  He leads me to his truck and I climb in the same way I did this morning, only this time things will be ending a little differently.

  "So you decided we were fucking, huh?" I casually ask when he shuts his door.

  "I decided we were fucking the moment I saw you this morning."

  "So was this just a coincidental meeting tonight, or did you follow me here?"

  "Jesus, Lacey, I have a life. I don't have time to follow you places. This was a coincidence, but trust me, it was happening one way or another," he answers, never taking his eyes off the road. I take the moment to slide across the bench seat, pressing myself hard against his side.

  "Why were you at a college bar?” I ask, reaching over to cup his package. He's not hard yet, but I intend to make him that way very soon. Starting at his collarbone, I drag my tongue up to his ear and whisper, "You have a thing for college girls, Mason?"

  "Fuck." He lets out a loud groan before clearing his throat to cover any excitement. "I'm the trainer for the university equestrian team. I was supposed to meet up with the team tonight." He growls as I begin to stroke his quickly hardening cock.

  "Luckily you walked in when you did." I say, watching his hand travel up my leg and under my skirt.

  "Oh, I'd been there for a while. I was just waiting for you to get that poor frat boy worked up before making my move."

  "Mason Wynn, were you watching me with that poor guy, knowing all along I was going to be riding this tonight?" I squeeze his hard dick.

  His head never turns, but his eyes slide over to me. "I like to watch, Lacey."

  With those words, I officially become more turned on than I have ever felt in my life. I've had plenty of guys watch, but never any as mouthwatering as Mason, and I'm going to assume he would watch me with Hunter. Even. Fucking. Better.

  "So you and Hunter weren't kidding this morning, were you? He really wanted you to join us, didn't he?"

  "Yeah. He’s usually a little more respectful about it though."

  "So we established this morning you two are not bisexual, so how does that work out for y'all?"

  He shrugs before answering. "We share sometimes. No touching each other or anything,"

  “So what’s the benefit for y’all? It’s not like either one of you have trouble getting women of your own.”

  Mason shrugs again. “No, we don’t need any help. I like to watch sometimes, and Hunter, well… Hunter likes to be watched. We did it once in high school with a girl who wanted us both and it just worked. We don’t do it a lot, but Hunter couldn’t stop rambling about you this morning.”

  "Is Hunter going to be joining us tonight?" I ask entirely too quickly. I can't even begin to hide my excitement at the possibilities of being with both of them. He may say no touching now, but they definitely won't be the first two guys I've ever convinced to give the other team a try.

  "Damn, Lacey, I'm a little offended. Is this not interesting enough for you?" He pushes his hips into my hand.

  "I never said that, but you should know. Two guys is kind of my thing."

  "So Hunter mentioned—seven thousand times today. You made quite an impression on him last night. I have to admit, it’s made me more than a little curious."

  "Don't worry. You won't have to be curious much longer." I nip at his ear.

  "I'm banking on that, Lace," he says mischievously.

  I've been called Lace my whole life. It's t
he logical way to shorten my name. But the way Mason says it hits me in a way that makes me feel like I'm hearing it for the very first time.

  We stop at the red light, and just before we turn down the dirt road toward the barn, I climb into his lap. I'm dying to taste his mouth. My ass rests on the steering wheel, but my core settles right on his zipper. I lean in, trying to catch his lips, but he avoids my mouth and dives into my cleavage instead. One hand reaches around and squeezes my ass, firmly shifting me to grind into his lap. His other hand helps him maneuver a nipple out of my shirt and into his mouth. He wastes no time devouring my breast.

  I continue to move over his dick, and given a minute longer, I could have finished round one for the night. But just as quickly as it started, the light turns green, and Mason picks me up and places me on the seat next to him. He doesn't say a word and makes no attempt to touch me again. Not even to finish me off with a hand under my skirt. Asshole.

  We arrive at the barn and I assume we are going to Mason's place. Instead, he leads me directly to Hunter’s door. I fidget for a minute, trying to figure out how I want this to go down. I would really have preferred some alone time with Mason before introducing Hunter back into the equation. Maybe get to know his sexual abilities before pairing him with Hunter. Figure out his strong points and weak points and then combine them with Hunter’s to create the perfect threesome. I guess we will just have to figure it out as we go though, because no sooner than Mason knocks does Hunter snatch open the door with a sexy-as-fuck grin on his face.

  "Sugar, you came back!"

  "Well, I came back for Mason. You just happen to be the spare." I give him a patronizing smile.

  "Oh, don't be like that, Lacey. I'm sorry about this morning." He pulls me in close. "I had such high hopes when I saw the way you were looking at him."

  "Well he's gorgeous. And currently a hell of a lot nicer to me than you are." I push away from his chest.


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