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Lake Magic

Page 27

by Fisk, Kimberly

  His voice was soft and low, and when she tipped her head up and looked in his eyes, it was like drowning in the bluest of waters. Or flying high in the bluest of skies. “What?”

  “A truce. Just for tonight, if that’s all you want.”


  “Because I know tonight means a lot to your family, and I don’t want our . . . differences to ruin that for you. For any of you.”

  She dropped her gaze until it landed on the black studs on his white shirt. In that instant she realized she wanted it, too. Desperately. A night where they weren’t at odds. She was nervous enough about her first big outing in almost a year. Raising her gaze back up to his, she smiled. “I’d like that very much.”

  He closed the distance between them, wrapped his arms around her waist, then slipped them up her side until they were cupping the bottom of her breasts. Before she could utter a sound, he pulled her up onto her toes and next to his chest, then his mouth came down on hers. Not soft or slow, but hard and hot. The kiss was as brief as it was intense, and if Jared hadn’t been holding her, Jenny was sure she would have collapsed in a white puddle right there at the bottom of his feet.

  “A kiss to seal the deal.”

  She fought to regain her breath. “I thought you sealed a deal with a handshake.”

  “Not us, Cotton Tail.”

  Her legs still wobbly, they walked out to the Corvette. Jenny was surprised when Jared didn’t head straight to the driver’s door. “No, please.” She handed him the keys. “You drive.” She lifted her dress and showed off her stilettos. “Have you ever tried driving in these?”

  “Lots of times.”

  This Jared she didn’t know. The Jared who charmed and smiled and kissed her like she was the only thing in this whole world he wanted.

  As they drove through Hidden Lake, Jenny pointed out landmarks. The really important ones, she jokingly told Jared. Like where she’d taken her first ballet lesson and driver’s ed class. Her favorite pizza place and the tiny movie theater that only ran vintage films. She knew she was rambling to fill the silence, to cover her awkwardness. But the weird thing was, the more she talked, the less awkward she felt. And Jared was the reason why. Instead of just nodding and pretending to listen to her silly stories, he was completely absorbed in everything she had to say. It was as if he wanted to know every single detail about her. And he didn’t just listen. He asked all kinds of questions. About everything. His curiosity about her was endless.

  “Okay,” Jenny said with a soft laugh as they neared Seattle. “Now it’s my turn.”

  He glanced over at her, his face illuminated by the dashboard lights. “My life has been dull compared to yours.”

  She laughed again. “I don’t believe that for a minute.”

  With a little prodding, he told her about all the places he’d traveled and the things he’d seen. She was mesmerized by him, captivated by his voice and the stories he wove around her.

  They talked about nothing and everything, and when the Space Needle came into view, Jenny felt a stab of disappointment. Instead of attending the fund-raiser, she wanted to stay right where she was, continuing to talk to Jared.

  Parking was crowded, but Jared found a spot close by. As they got out of the car, a slight breeze blew the bottom of his jacket open, and she caught herself staring at him. In the weeks he’d been here, his hair had grown, and she found herself wanting to reach out and run her hands through the back of his head, where it brushed against his collar.

  Jared had her through the doors and into the thick of the party before she realized it. Waiters, dressed in black pants and formal white jackets, moved effortlessly through the crowd, balancing silver trays on their hands. Jared snagged two glasses of champagne and handed one to her. He clinked his glass against hers. “To a perfect night.”

  She smiled and took a sip, knowing that even if the evening ended right now it had already been perfect.

  On a dais at the far end of the museum, a dozen or so members of the Seattle Symphony provided the music for the night. Even in this large a room and with this many people, she could still hear the beautiful strains of their music.

  “Jenny.” Wearing a sapphire gown that perfectly matched her teardrop earrings, her mother was ravishing. She gave Jenny a hug and a kiss on her cheek. “You look lovely,” she said before turning to Jared. “I’m so glad you could make it. Now come, mingle.”

  She steered them toward the crowd. For over an hour, Jenny met new friends and reacquainted herself with old ones. As they talked, she found herself relaxing and reconnecting. Jared was the perfect companion. Once, when she was talking with some very old and very dear friends, he’d tried to move away, to give them some privacy. She’d caught his hand, and when he looked at her, all she said was, “Stay. Please.” And he did. She couldn’t explain it. All she knew was that she found a strength in his nearness, a comfort from his arm when it settled gently around her waist. She’d been so worried about tonight; worried about coming face-to-face with people she’d pushed away after Steven’s death. But now she saw how wrong she’d been.

  “Jenny.” She turned at the sound of her brother’s voice.

  “My, don’t you look dapper.” It was the same thing she said each time she saw him in a tux. And each time, he smiled and crushed her in a bear hug.

  “And you clean up pretty well yourself, Jelly Belly.” He gave her a peck on the cheek. “Worth.” Paul stuck out his hand, and the two men shook. “Enjoying the party?”

  Jared’s gaze went right to Jenny and stayed there. “Immensely.”

  An awkward silence fell as the two men sized each other up. Trying to smooth over the moment, Jenny hastily asked, “Have you seen Anna?”

  Reluctantly, Paul returned his attention to her. “I don’t think she’s arrived yet. How about a dance, little sister?”

  “Only if you promise not to step on my feet.”

  He laughed as he took her arm and tried to guide her onto the dance floor, but Jared’s arm was still around her waist. Jenny was caught between the two men. She looked from one to the other, confused. Then, with a sigh only she could hear, Jared’s arm dropped away. Paul lifted the champagne flute out of her hand (the champagne flute Jared had made sure was never empty) and shoved it at Jared.

  “You were rude,” Jenny said to her brother as they danced.

  “I’m beginning to not like that man.”

  “Oh, really? I didn’t know you liked him at all.”

  “I’m not sure I did.”

  “Play nice,” she half-jokingly admonished. “No big brother Neanderthalness. I’m here to have a good time tonight, and nothing is going to ruin my fun.”

  That drew a reluctant smile from Paul.

  When that song ended, a son of a family friend asked her for the next dance. As he whirled her around, she learned that he’d gotten divorced, had a son, and wanted to know if she was interested in going out sometime.

  So caught off guard by being asked out on a date, she missed a step and stumbled. “Let me think about it. Okay, Ryan?”


  From then on she had a blur of partners. Her feet were beginning to hurt from being stepped on, and her head was feeling a little fuzzy from all the champagne. When the next song ended, she felt herself being swept out onto the floor with a flourish. Looking up, she smiled. “Kenny. I didn’t think you were going to make it.”

  “And miss my dance with the belle of the ball?”

  She laughed. “Hardly that.”

  He stared at her, his voice turning serious. “You really don’t get it.”

  “Get what?”

  “Jesus, he’s a lucky man.”

  Confusion furrowed her brow. But before Jenny could say anything, a deep voice sounded from behind her. “Hart.” Her heart leapt at the sound of the achingly familiar voice.

  Kenny twirled her around until they faced Jared.

  “I’m cutting in.”

  “Later,” Kenny said.<
br />
  “Now.” Jared didn’t wait for a reply but scooped Jenny into his strong arms.

  “Hello,” she said, slightly giddy from champagne. “I was wondering where you were.”




  Her whole body flushed at the look of raw desire in his gaze. “You should have been dancing.”

  His stare was direct and held a wealth of meaning and a promise that made her shiver, but not from cold. “There’s only one partner I wanted.”

  “And who would that be?” she asked, knowing it wasn’t only the champagne that was causing her to be so bold.

  He pulled her close, pressed their bodies together, until she could feel every hard inch of him. “I think you know.”

  She did. They’d been dancing around this attraction for weeks. She wanted him. And now she knew without a doubt that he wanted her. She was done denying it.

  Stretching up on her tiptoes, she wound her hands around his neck and brushed her fingers through the back of his hair like her hands had ached to do outside. Unlike her other partners, Jared danced with a slow, languid confidence. “Thank you.”

  He leaned down until his warm breath brushed across her. Even in a tux he smelled of the outdoors, of fresh air and sunshine and aged whiskey. “For what?”

  For everything. For that kiss I can’t forget. “For fixing the kitchen faucet.”

  He smiled. “How do you know it was me? Maybe Cody fixed it.”

  It was her turn to laugh. “Somehow I don’t think so.”

  “And here I thought you thought he was a great assistant.”

  She blushed, remembering how she’d sent her nephew out to work with Jared in the hangar. “I plead the Fifth.”

  His voice lowered a fraction. “I can think of a lot better things to plead for.”

  Her heart slammed against her chest and heat spread through her, pooling low in the pit of her stomach. “Name one.”

  He pulled back until there was just enough room for a shaft of light to fit between them. “Come out onto the deck with me, and I’ll show you.”

  She didn’t resist as he led them through the crowd and onto the patio. Soft light spilled out from the double set of open French doors. In the warm night, the air was heady with the fragrance of the flowers that overflowed from the huge containers bordering the patio’s perimeter.

  Jared didn’t say a word as he pulled her into a corner. His large body blocked her from anyone’s view as he leaned into her. She met him halfway, pressed herself against him. His hand caressed the side of her face, his callused thumb rubbing her cheek. His hand slipped lower, down her neck, across her shoulder, until both his hands were on her bare back, the heat from his touch burning her, fueling her desire. He crushed her against him. Instead of the fiery hot kiss of before, he lowered his head slowly, trailed kisses along her forehead, down the side of her face until finally, finally, settling on her mouth. She gripped his strong shoulders, not knowing if it was for support or to make sure he didn’t pull away. A hot ache started deep in her belly and spread outward. There were so many reasons why she shouldn’t do this, but right now none of them mattered. He wove his hands through the back of her hair, and she felt the warmth of his fingers against her scalp. He worked the pins free, and her hair fell around her shoulders in a thick collection of disorganized curls. He ran his hands through the tangled mass and sighed with pleasure as if he’d been waiting forever to do just that.


  “Don’t stop,” she pleaded with a voice she didn’t recognize, one husky from want and need. She didn’t want him to end this like he had that night on the beach.

  “As if I could.” His mouth was warm and demanding, soft yet firm. She pushed her hands under his coat and over his shoulders, feeling the hard strength of him. He grabbed her waist and lifted her up on her toes. His tongue explored the inside of her mouth, driving her crazy with a carnal desire she’d never known. Her breasts began to ache with need and want and desire, and as if reading her mind, he reached behind her, cupped her butt in the palms of his hands, and pulled her even closer until she was crushed against his chest. Pinpricks of sensation tingled outward and hardened her nipples. One hand held her back while his other roamed over her bottom, down her leg, until he found the slit in the back of her dress. Reaching through, he pulled her left leg around his hip and anchored it there.

  “God, I’ve been wanting to do that all damn night. Tell me. Tell me you want it, too.”

  She looked up at him through eyes half-closed with desire. A small slash of light illuminated his strong profile, and she ran her hand over his cheek. “I do.”

  “Do what?”

  “Want this. Want you.”

  “God, Jenny.” Her name was as much a curse as a caress. He slid his hand farther inside her dress, skimmed the underside of her thigh, before slipping his hand under her panties.

  She sucked in a breath, and his hand stilled. She pulled against his shoulders and kissed him with every bit of desire she’d been holding back, telling him without words how much she wanted him. His fingers fanned over her heated skin, and right then he made her forget everything but him. She forgot about the music, the ballroom full of people. His hand continued to deepen its caress. Her body went hot and wet all at once. As his fingers skimmed over her swollen flesh, she stiffened.

  Oh God.

  She pulled back, dropped her leg from around his thigh. Dampness pooled between her legs, and she felt a stab of shame and fear.

  Without saying a word, she ran. She paused at the French doors, but she knew she couldn’t go back into the party. Her lips felt swollen and puffy, and her hair was one long, disheveled mess. She rushed past the doors, past the light, and toward her car. But halfway through the parking garage, she realized Jared had the keys. She stopped, not knowing what to do. Tears stung her eyes, and right then she wanted nothing more than to curl up into a ball and cry.

  “Jenny?” Her sister’s voice startled her. “Oh my God. What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” Tears made her vision blurry, but even through her watery eyes she could see Anna had just parked her car. Her keys were still in her hand. “Your keys. Please. I need to go home.”

  “Jenny.” Her sister’s voice was full of concern. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

  “I can’t. Please just give me your keys.”

  “I’ll drive you.”

  “No!” She nearly shouted the word. “Please.”

  Anna stretched out her hand but didn’t let go of the keys. “I wish you would tell me—”

  Heavy footsteps thudded behind them, and they both turned at the same time. It was Jared.

  Grabbing the keys from Anna’s hand, Jenny jumped in her sister’s Volvo and roared out of the garage.

  All the way home she tried to keep the guilt at bay. She knew Steven was gone, but she couldn’t shake the feeling she was somehow cheating on him. And then there was something else, something she’d never admit to anyone. Steven had been her only lover, and she knew she’d always been a bit of a disappointment in bed. He was generous and kind and giving, and Jenny had loved him with her whole heart, but she’d never been able to just let herself go like she knew he wanted her to. But tonight, in a crowded museum, where anyone could see, she had become a woman she didn’t know in Jared’s arms.


  Not long after Jenny arrived home, she heard the Corvette pull in her driveway. A few minutes later, Jared knocked on her bedroom door, but she refused to answer. He called to her several times, and when she continued to remain silent, he tried the handle, but it was locked. She knew she was being a coward. She knew she should open her door and talk to him, try to explain. And she would. But not tonight. Even now her body still hummed and burned for him. She closed her eyes and let her tears fall onto her pillow. Guilt still tore at her, but so did another thought. For six years she had been engaged to Steven. Six years she’d waited for him to find ro

  Flyboys fly. How often had he told her that? She would have waited a lifetime for him to settle down, and when he told her he was getting out of the military and wanted to start the business in Hidden Lake, she knew all her dreams had been about to come true. Now she was falling for another flyboy. But unlike Steven, this one would never have roots. The evidence was right before her—in the duffel bag he never unpacked. She was on the verge of falling in love with Jared, and she couldn’t let that happen. He’d break her heart, and this time she knew she’d never get it back together.

  Jenny wasn’t surprised when the phone rang first thing the next morning. She was even less surprised that it was her mother.

  “Jenny, Anna told us what happened last night.”

  Jenny didn’t say a word. Anna didn’t know what happened, but seeing Jenny in such a state, she’d probably guessed.

  “Honey, do you want to talk about it?”


  Her mother sighed. “Your father and I talked this morning, and we want to give you the money to buy out your partner.”

  For one dizzying moment, Jenny considered accepting their offer. Even though it was the last thing she wanted to do, she knew she had to get Jared out of her life and quickly. For so long she’d been trying to make a success of Blue Sky on her own, but now she didn’t know if her heart was strong enough to survive him.

  “Think about it, honey,” her mom said when Jenny continued to remain silent. “We’re here to help whenever you need us.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  Not long after, she heard Jared head out for his morning run. While he was gone, she took a shower. As she dressed, she thought about her parents’ offer. It would be so easy, just like it had been every other time she’d let them bail her out. She knew her family was waiting—expecting—for her to once again fail. But this time, she wasn’t going to. Blue Sky had become more than just a tie to Steven. It had also become a huge part of her. She’d never worked so hard for anything in her life.

  Tell me, have you ever got past a secretary?

  I saw the files you worked up.


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