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Completion (The Kane Trilogy Book 4)

Page 14

by Fantome, Stylo

Sources close to the event claim that it almost didn’t happen, with Ms. O’Shea showing up to her own wedding an hour late. But the vows were exchanged, and there is officially a Mrs. Kane, something most people thought would never happen.

  Women the world over are weeping as the man known affectionately as “Satan” is officially off the market.

  Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Kane. And if you have a wedding stateside, please send an invitation our way.


  I promise, there are deleted scenes and bonus material after this!

  As always, to the ladies on the street team. Everything you do. All of it. Every single word, picture, post, everything.

  I have a lot of trouble talking to certain people – blogs, reviewers, other authors. I get nervous, I psych myself out, blah blah blah. On Goodreads, I had noticed a reviewer had added my books to her TBR shelf. She is a top reviewer and followed by a lot of people. I noticed that she read similar books to the ones I read, and to the ones I wrote, and I loved her reviews that she had done for other people. But sending your book out to someone with that much attention and “power” as it were is nerve wracking. So I made myself a drink and sent a letter to SueBee-“Bring Me an Alpha!”. I expected a polite response, accepting the review request, but most likely no guarantee for when she could read it, as top ranked reviewers are inundated with requests. But it turned out she was excited to read my books, and was actually able to start them pretty quickly. And even better – she liked them! PHEW!

  It also turns out we have similar tastes and interests, so a sort of friendship was born out of it. After she read Reparation, she mentioned that she wished there was more, that she hoped there would be an epilogue at some point. I mentioned that I had actually started one a long time ago, but it had gotten out of control, too big, so I didn’t really plan on attaching it to the end of Reparation. I was just going to keep it as a story for myself. She recommended publishing it as a novella. And here we are! So many thanks, SueBee.

  Again, thanks to everyone who read. Thanks to everyone who felt what Jameson was feeling, what he was putting out there. Thanks to everyone who supported Tate, with her ups and downs and all-over-the-places. Thanks to everyone who fell in love with Sanders – a.k.a. most of you. He is truly a phenomenon, and the outpouring of love and support for him has absolutely blown me away.

  I am beyond sad this is over. But I am beyond excited for what’s next.

  Thank you.


  On my Facebook page, I asked people to tell me songs that made them think of this series. They were all amazing choices, but I picked a couple of the ones that really resonated with me. So this is a Reader Made Soundtrack! Enjoy and if you participated, read on to see if one of your suggestions made the list.

  Figured You Out – Nickleback – picked by Sandra Godinez

  Love Hate Relationship – Trapt – picked by Sandra Godinez

  Heart Wants What It Wants – Selena Gomez – picked by Leah B Towery

  Our Time – Yeah Yeah Yeahs – picked by Sunny Borek

  The Funeral – Band of Horses – picked by Sunny Borek

  Poison & Wine – The Civil Wars – picked by Leah B Towery

  Just Breathe – Pearl Jam – picked by Jolene Rocha

  Sober – Pink – picked by Brandi Swendt

  37 Stitches – Drowning Pool – picked by Leah B Towery

  Desire – Meg Myers – picked by Tiffani Towery

  Pain – Three Days Grace – picked by Ange Hall

  Scars – Papa Roach – picked by Ange Hall

  Dark Horse – Katy Perry – picked by Brandi Swendt

  The River – Audra Mae – picked by Amanda Sheila

  Monster – Imagine Dragons – picked by Sierra McBride

  Beggin for Thread – Banks – picked by Sierra McBride

  Arsonist’s Lullaby – Hozier – picked by Sierra McBride

  Whore – In This Moment – picked by Brit Nichole Lane

  Leaving Tonight – The Neighbourhood – picked by Molly al-Jawad


  Author’s Note: This scene was written at the request of a reviewer – she asked me very specifically how I thought Jameson would handle it, if he were to find out through other people that Tate would like to have a baby. This is literally straight from my brain and into an e-mail I sent her. None of this has been edited or beta-read or proofed.

  Jameson walked into the kitchen.

  Time to cut the shit.

  “Tatum,” he barked out.

  She was sitting at the island, reading a magazine, and glanced up at him. Smiled briefly before going back to her reading. He scowled. Once upon a time, that tone of voice would’ve set her on edge. Now she just smiled at it? Not good.

  “What’s up?” she asked, yawning and flipping a page.

  “I’ve been talking to Sanders,” he started, leaning on the opposite side of the island.

  “Awesome. Don’t you talk to him every day?” she chuckled, before picking up a glass of water and taking a drink. He glared at her.

  “Yes, but usually when we speak, there’s not quite as much talk about how many fucking babies you apparently want.”

  Tate spit out her water. All over him. They stared at each other for a second, her with water dripping off her chin. Him with water dripping off of … everywhere.

  “I’m sorry … what?” she squeaked out. He leaned back and grabbed a dish towel.

  “I think you heard me.” He mopped the water from his face, then tossed the towel to her.

  “Why would he tell you about that!?” she demanded, cleaning up the mess on her chin and then on the counter.

  “The question is, why are you talking to him about it? I think if you wanna have kids, the key person you should be talking to is the one you’re fucking,” Jameson pointed out.

  “Well, you’re not exactly easy to talk to!” she snapped.

  “That’s a shitty excuse.”

  “See!? This moment, right here, is why I didn’t talk to you about it! You’re being a dick. Why can you just be a normal human being?” she demanded, before hopping off her stool and stomping over to the sink, refilling her water glass.

  “Because someone has caused me permanent brain damage with all her mindless chatter. Now. Babies. You want them,” he said it as a statement.

  She stayed silent.

  Jameson wasn’t gonna lie, the idea of kids terrified him. He knew what kind of person he was, was very aware of his disposition. Knew that people described him as “scary”, and was usually proud of that fact. But he didn’t want to scare his own children. Didn’t know if that was something that could be avoided.

  And Tate? As a mother!? It was almost laughable.

  “Someday,” she finally started speaking again as she turned to face him. “Yeah, someday I want kids. Did you see Ellie’s son last time he was here? He’s adorable.”

  “It’s not a puppy, Tate. Babies don’t stay babies forever,” he reminded her. She threw the dish towel at him.

  “I know how kids work, Jameson. And I’m not saying I want them right now, this second. But I do want them, and it freaks me the fuck out cause I know you’re not exactly keen on the idea,” she snapped.

  They glared at each other for a second, and Jameson let his eyes wander over her features. Let his mind wander over the past. She was a very loving person. A very forgiving person. She was loyal and giving and kind. She laughed a lot, and wasn’t scared of anything. And best of all, she loved him. Only him.

  If those aren’t top qualifications for being a mother, I don’t know what are.

  “I’ll make you a deal,” he started, making his way over to her. She watched him warily.

  “Oh god. What kind of deal?” she asked, folding her arms in front of her chest. He stopped right in front of her.

  “I’ll let you have my babies if -,”

  “Oh, you’ll let me? How magnanimous of your, sir.”

  “- if,
you can promise me that they’ll have your smile.”


  She blinked up at him, clearly caught off guard.

  “Your smile. It’s one of my favorite things about you,” he told her, tracing a finger along her jaw.

  “You want our kids to have my smile?” she asked in a soft voice.

  “Yes. But my brains. You’re shit with money,” he added. She managed a laugh, though her eyes were tearing up.

  “Okay. I think I can handle that,” she sniffled.


  He leaned forward and grabbed her around the waist. She let out a shriek as he threw her over his shoulder before stomping out of the kitchen.

  “What the fuck are you doing!?” she demanded.

  “You said you wanted kids,” he reminded her, starting up the stairs.

  “I know that! But what are you doing!?”

  “Taking you to give you what you want.”

  She laughed all the way to the bedroom.


  Author’s Note: This is an interview between Beauty and Her Beastly Books blog and Jameson and Tate. I thought it was funny and had a fun time doing it. None of this has been edited from the original blog’s posting. Thanks to Carol for the interview, and for allowing me to share it here.

  It’s such a pleasure to have both of you here in Beauty and the Beastly Books! And by Beastly I’m not even referring to you, Jameson. *winks*

  *Beauty and the Beastly Books: So, you’re here, together. And we all know what it took for this to happen. Do you think you’ll both settle and become one of those boring, acommodated couples?

  Jameson: Well, I’m not sure what you mean, Tate’s already boring.

  Tate: HEY! Truth, I don’t think we’ll ever be boring – ONE OF US has a flair for the dramatics (hint, it isn’t me). And you can call me boring all you want, Satan, because I’m damn accommodating.

  *Beauty and the Beastly Books: Tate, I particularly have NO problems with the way Jameson talks to you or treats you, because coming from him that is a sign of love (sorry, Jameson) and you obviously gets a kick out of it too…But is there anything you won’t do for him? And is there a name you don’t like and won’t have him call you?

  Tate: Hmmm, it kinda depends. Calling me “stupid” in bed is different, we’re playing, it’s not real. If we were at the store, and he was like “hey, stupid bitch, what kind of cheese should we get?” I’d probably punch him in the balls. But in bed … no, I can’t think of anything I wouldn’t do for him or a name he can’t call me. Except I wouldn’t do a threesome with Pet. That’s disgusting.

  Beauty and the Beastly Books: I have to agree with that, Tate. Pet should just die, I mean, disappear. winks* Jameson, what is a thing you’d never ask of Tate (in and out of bed)?

  Jameson: I would never ask her to let me hurt her if she didn’t want it. I would never ask her to hurt herself. But that’s about. Asking permission isn’t really my thing.

  (Is it my impression or it’s suddenly hot in here?? fans herself)

  Beauty and the Beastly Books: Is there a Jameson/ Sanders threesome in your future, Tate? looks at Jameson apologizing* Please don’t kick me, Jameson!

  Jameson: That question just made me physically ill.

  Tate: Oooohhhh, my birthday is right around the corner! What a good idea! hahaha, no, even as freaky as I am, that might get a little weird. Maybe for my birthday I’ll ask for a weekend where I get to do whatever I want to Sandy, we could go-Jameson: NO.

  (Ooops, I better change the subject thinks to herself)

  Beauty and the Beastly Books: Jameson, what do you say about all these ladies having their panties melting because of you? looks to the side and checks out underwear number 2 to see if it’s still holding*

  Jameson: I’d say it’s more of the same, and clearly they have excellent taste. They should just stop wearing panties all together. Very bothersome article of clothing.

  (In that case, let me go out just for a minutes. thinks to herself, but refrains from getting up from the chair)

  Tate: Now I’M physically ill.

  Beauty and the Beastly Books: Tate, a lot of ladies compare Jameson’s looks with Nick Bateman and David Gandy’s. I particularly think he’s a younger looking Gandy but with a better cock I like to think…Which of the two do you think resemblers him more? (Actually could you also tell us if he’s a potato like Gandy or a cucumber like Bateman?) tries guessing looking a Jameson’s penis. I mean, PANTS*

  Tate: I don’t see the Bateman at all – too scrawny. Do you see this broad-shouldered-beast sitting next to me!? Much more like Gandy, but … meaner? HAHAHA And there ain’t no potato hiding in those pants.

  Jameson: Jesus, if we’re going to spend the majority of the time talking about my dick, I could just take my pants off.

  Tate: No one likes a show-off.

  (I DO!! raises hand)

  *Beauty and the Beastly Books: Tate, can you tell us what this cheap “pearl” necklace means to you? We all saw it/ read about it, but I’m sure there’s more people than me wanting to know more about what it means to you?

  Tate: Oh, my precious. It actually sits in the safe at home, now. To me … it was a sign. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but doesn’t it kinda seem like not a whole lot gets through that thick head of his? He’s got an amazing poker fake, I always think he’s not listening to me, or doesn’t care about what I’m saying. That necklace showed me that he hears everything, every word I’ve ever said, and remembers them. It tells me that he loves me enough to do something against his nature, against his inclination, against what HE wants to do. Jameson rarely does something he doesn’t want to do. It just … it meant a lot. It meant everything.

  Jameson: I swear to god, if you start crying, I’m leaving.

  Tate: You’re such a dick.

  (But he is a hot dick.*sighs*)

  *Beauty and the Beastly Books: Jameson, what about you? We know you’d love to replace it with a real, expensive pearl necklace, but it’s so touching and swoon-worthy that you chose to give her a cheap one! What were you aiming for? Being sweet and romantic or just staking your claim?

  Jameson: I was aiming for a reaction. A good one. I don’t know shit about being sweet or romantic, but Tate kept saying that I never listened to her. I wanted to show her that I hear everything. She said if a gift was given with love, she would see the true value, not the price tag. So I got her a piece of shit and prayed that she would see the value. Women are so fucking strange.

  (Hey, I’m proud to be strange!)

  *Beauty and the Beastly Books: Tate, now for real and without embarrassing Sanders, because I absolutely LOVE him…What’s up with asking to take his virginity? Would you really do it? And Jameson, what would be your reaction to that?

  Tate: Hey, I was in a bad place! I wasn’t thinking very straight. And totally honest …, at the time, yeah, I would have. Sanders is special to me. The idea of him doing it with some random girl, who wouldn’t take the time to make him feel good, or maybe would just be using him for his money or something, god. I’d have to kill the chick. I swear, any and all future girlfriends will have to get through me, first. I should start sending out applications. The woman who gets to be with Sanders … she’ll have to be beyond perfection. I don’t think there’s one worthy of him – including me. I just think I could make it really fun for him, hahaha

  Jameson: Remember that whole “physically ill” statement earlier?

  Tate: just answer the question.

  Jameson: I wouldn’t allow it.

  Tate: Jameson ….

  looks back and forth

  Jameson: I would kill both of you.

  Tate: Jameson! Shut up and be honest.

  Jameson: I wouldn’t like it. It would make me … uncomfortable. I don’t like to be uncomfortable. But I care about both of them, and if they both honestly thought it was the best solution to his “problem” …. I would think about it. But I wouldn’t like it.

ate: That wasn’t so hard, was it?

  Jameson: Shut the fuck up.

  le sigh

  *Beauty and the Beastly Books: This is for the both of you…Tell me in your opinion Jameson, which are Tate’s best and worst qualities? The same for you, Tate, which are Jameson’s?

  Jameson: Finally, my kind of questions – her best quality is how she fucks. Worst is that she snores.

  Tate: I am never sleeping with you again. Jameson’s best quality is that despite all appearances, he’s actually very forgiving. He talks a big game, but he lets me get away with murder. He lets me be me, he lets everyone around him be who they want to be. His worst quality is that he almost completely lacks empathy.

  *high fives Tate*

  Beauty and the Beastly Books: Also for both of you, if you’d have to describe each other in one word, what word would you choose? Satan and bitch aren’t allowed! winks*

  Tate: HAHAHAHA, dammit … uh, dick? No … asshole? No, we can do better, um …, rude? Arrogant? Bossy? Controlling? Domi—

  Jameson: We’re going to be here all night if you don’t shut her up. One word for Tate – loving.

  Tate: One word for Jameson – taboo.

  (Ohhh I’ve always loved the word “taboo”!!!)

  Beauty and the Beastly Books: Jameson, what is something about Tate that you don’t know, but would love to? And please refrain from fighting in here…although the make-up would be hot, cough, cough, interesting to watch*

  Jameson: Something I don’t know? God, that’s hard – she never shuts up, I’m pretty sure I’ve heard her life story about a million times. Hmmm … I guess I’d like to know exactly what she thought she’d get out of life with Nick that she thought she couldn’t have had with me.

  Beauty and the Beastly Books: Tate, what is something you know about Jameson, but wish you didn’t. please don’t say he is actually small, it’d ruin my visual*

  Tate: HAHAHA, no, Jameson is gorgeous all over. Just ask him, he’ll tell you. Something I wish I didn’t know … it’s kind of selfish. I wish I didn’t know how badly I hurt him, when I went to Arizona. We’ve talked about it a lot. A while ago, he said he hadn’t known the kind of power he had, that he could hurt me as badly as he did, with Pet. Well, I had no clue I could do it back. And I did. I don’t know how if I’ll be able to really forgive myself.


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