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A Captive of Chance

Page 9

by Zoe Blake

  She wondered for the thousandth time if Chance was even looking for her. Would he care enough to try or just move on to his next conquest?

  She had to believe he was out there looking for her. She could not have been so wrong as to fall in love with a man who cared nothing about her welfare. Belle wasn’t so foolish to think he was in love as well, but was it too much to ask for her charming pirate to turn into a white knight?

  * * *

  Chance watched from the obscurity of the crowd as the women were ushered down to the beach to stand on a rough-hewn platform. Scanning the dirty and worn-down faces, he desperately searched for a pair of sapphire blue eyes. Finally, he saw her close to the end of the line. His chest constricted at the sight.

  Her borrowed dress was filthy and torn. Her beautiful hair dull and lank as it hung about her shoulders. But it was her eyes that troubled him most. From the first moment he saw Belle, her gorgeous eyes flashed rash defiance. It was one of the things he enjoyed most about his little spitfire. Watching as she scanned the crowd, he saw hope vanish from their blue depths.

  There was not a doubt in his mind she was looking for him among the sea of dirty, callous faces. Chance was offended at the look of resigned disappointment that crossed her expressive face. As if she had only half expected for him to search for her! He would add that to the ever-growing list of why he was going to severely punish her when he got his hands on her.

  The despicable auction began. It was obvious Heartless Hal was saving Belle and one redheaded comely lass for last. The majority of the women were older, matronly. In an odd way, it helped their fate. If a pirate was fortunate to make it to old age, it was not unusual for them to want to settle down, to find someone to keep their house and warm their bed. Being a pirate, they could not go the usual courting route, so procuring a bride through this non-traditional way was common.

  The fate of someone as young and beautiful as Belle would not be so fortunate. Chance did not want to dwell on those possibilities.

  It was the redhead’s turn on the auction block. A wave of excitement rippled through the crowd. You could barely hear Heartless Hal announcing bids over the obscene calls and rude comments of the pirates. To incite the crowd further and drive up the bids, Heartless Hal decided to display the merchandise better.

  Belle was horrified when the disgusting pirate who had grabbed her on the street, approached Rowan. With a sickening wrench, the front of Rowan’s dress was torn from her body. Her pert breasts and flat stomach exposed to the leers and cheers of the crowd. She winced when Heartless Hal handled one breast, squeezing it painfully. Belle grimaced at the dirty hand print left on the woman’s pale skin.

  The pirate crowd was not satisfied. They began to chant ‘Show her cunt’ over and over again till Heartless Hal obliged. Tearing the front of the dress straight down to the hem, he also made short work of the threadbare petticoat that was her final barrier against this shame. Rowan was all but naked before a crowd of blood lust pirates. Belle was astounded at how Rowan maintained her serene composure even in the face of such evil. Rowan’s chin was up. Her shoulders back. Her eyes glowed with an unholy light as if she were cursing every man that fell under its gleam. In that moment, Belle truly believed she was in the presence of a witch.

  The bidding frenzy continued till finally one tall pirate separated from the crowd. For the briefest of moments, Belle thought it was Chance. He was handsome and well-dressed with thick black hair but there the resemblance ended. His eyes did not have the charming spark of Chance’s. This pirate’s eyes radiated danger. He approached Heartless Hal and spoke quietly. Whatever coin amount he mentioned, Heartless Hal seemed particularly pleased and immediately handed over the troublesome redhead.

  As the dangerous pirate grabbed Rowan by the upper arm, Belle rashly grabbed Rowan’s other arm. Not thinking of what she would do next, her only thought was to somehow save the strange, brave woman. Belle’s eyes met the cold, dark depths of the pirate’s and she shivered. He was obviously not someone you defied.

  Rowan leaned over and gave Belle a kiss on the cheek. With a knowing smile, she whispered against Belle’s ear, “I will kill him before the sun sets. Do not fear for me.”

  Reluctantly, Belle released Rowan’s arm. As the strange woman was being dragged away by the dangerous pirate, Belle couldn’t help feeling more sorry for the pirate.

  Her thoughts quickly returned to her own disastrous fate. Belle felt dizzy with fear and repulsion. She was next on the auction block.

  * * *

  Chance watched the exchange between Belle, the little redhead and the tall pirate carefully. The pirate was called Gentleman Jack, and he was both a fraud and strangely enough a friend.

  Chance and Drake were probably the only two men alive to know that Gentleman Jack was truly Lord Grayson Bancroft. Chance had met up with him years ago after being confronted with somewhat overwhelming odds in an unexpected bar fight. Grayson had stepped in and fought on Chance’s side. They bonded over black eyes and copious amounts of rum.

  Grayson was searching for the man who killed his brother. He was certain the key to finding him was the man’s redheaded sister. The young woman had proved to be elusive, frequently moving from town to town. Grayson had some tale of her using witchcraft to always stay a step ahead of him. Chance suggested it was more likely Grayson’s British attire and wealthy appearance, were making a sensation, that would lead to rumors of his presence from several towns over.

  It was Chance and Drake who transformed him into Gentlemen Jack the pirate… for a handsome fee of course! They were, in fact, real pirates and rarely did anything out of the goodness of their hearts, bar fight or no bar fight.

  It would seem Grayson had finally caught his elusive red bird, thought Chance before turning his attention back to his own blue-eyed bird as she was pulled towards the auction block.

  Chance started to make his way towards the makeshift platform, the crowd immediately parting. He could hear whispers of “Le Chanceux” as he passed. Chance did not even try to hide his smirk. His reputation for having the devil’s own luck in a fight was hard won and completely deserved. Chance had earned fear and respect among a group that rarely feared or respected anything or anyone.

  He boldly stepped on to the platform. Ignoring Heartless Hal’s greeting, Chance examined Belle’s disheveled appearance more closely. Taking in the hollow look from lack of sleep and hunger, Chance’s jaw clenched at the dark, ugly bruise on Belle’s jaw. He curled his fingers into fists as his eyes lit on the harsh grip Heartless Hal had on her thin upper arm, but it was her eyes that were almost his undoing. Bright with tears, they shone with such warmth and love, Chance was almost unmanned. Always the pirate, no one had ever looked at him like he was the hero.

  Heartless Hal licked his lips in greedy anticipation. “Don’t think you’re going to get away with paying the same amount of coin as Gentleman Jack, Chanceux,” he sneered. “This whore has bigger tits and a better mouth.”

  “I’m not paying for her,” said Chance.

  Belle’s heart dropped. When she saw him prowling toward them through the crowd with such determination, her heart had leapt. Chance had come to rescue her after all! But now she was confused and heartbroken. Did he come to only get a look at the next man who was to hold her captive?

  “She is already mine. I’m here to claim her,” growled Chance, trapping Belle’s surprised gaze within the primal intensity of his own.

  With a sneer, Heartless Hal jeered, “Not much of a man if you can’t hold on to your woman. I found this whore running away from you. If you want her back, you will have to pay handsomely. Or maybe I’ll just keep her. Plow between her thighs for a bit before throwing her back to you.”

  Chance sucked in a deep breath through his teeth, calming his rage. He motioned with his two fingers for Heartless Hal to lean in close. The moment the cruel pirate did so, Chance had a sharp knife to the man’s groin.

  Placing a restraining hand on Hear
tless Hal’s shoulder, Chance calmly assessed the situation. “We all know you are not much of a man and a rubbish pirate, Hal. With the flick of my wrist, I can turn that from opinion into fact. So what shall it be? Will you dine on beef and ale tonight, or am I going to feed you your own shriveled balls?”

  “Fuck you, Chanceux!” Heartless Hal angrily sputtered. “My men will kill you for this!”

  Chance turned to look over the crowd before shaking his head. “Do you really think so?” he asked with amusement. “I have to be honest with you. They don’t look terribly motivated,” teased Chance, drawing Hal’s attention to the small group of men looking at the ground, the sea, the sky… anywhere but at the platform in an effort to willfully ignore what was happening.

  “You god damn, worthless dogs! Kill him,” shrilled Heartless Hal to his crew.

  “Now this is just a suggestion from the man holding a knife to your cock but you might want to try saying ‘please’,” said Chance in a charmingly helpful tone that was in sharp contrast to the dangerous glint in his eyes.

  “I will kill you myself,” spit out Heartless Hal. “I will hunt you down and kill you.”

  “I’m afraid you would be joining a very long list of people who want me dead,” mused Chance.

  With a swift movement, Chance raised his arm and slashed Heartless Hal’s throat. As the man fell to his knees, clutching at the bleeding mortal wound, Chance ground out in a menacing tone, “You were a dead man the moment you touched her.”

  Wiping his knife off on the dead man’s tunic, Chance turned to the man’s crew. “Anyone else have a problem with me collecting what’s mine?”

  The men collectively shook their heads ‘no’ as the rest of the crowd of pirates quickly dispersed, none willing to take on “Le Chanceux”.

  Belle threw herself into his arms, clutching at his neck. Chance wrapped a strong arm around her waist and buried his hand in her hair, holding her close.

  “I’m so sorry,” she whispered against his shoulder.

  “I know,” he soothed. “You will still be severely punished for running away from me,” he warned.

  Belle nodded her head in assent. She would take any punishment he gave her if he would only bring her back to the safety of his cabin.

  “But first, you need a bath,” mused Chance. “Why is it, wench, that every time you try fleeing from me you manage to find the most disgusting filth to roll about in?”

  Belle just smiled as she burrowed closer to his chest.

  * * *

  It was not long after, Belle found herself naked in his cabin. She sunk down into the hot, steaming bath water with a sigh. Chance sauntered over, holding out to her a small glass.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “Rum. Drink it up like a good girl. It will warm your insides.”

  He laughed as Belle coughed and sputtered after tossing back the liquid in one gulp.

  “It’s like drinking fire!” she exclaimed.

  “Well, I did say it would warm your insides!” teased Chance as he poured another. “Again.”

  With a petulant look, Belle obeyed, gingerly sipping the harsh liquid this time.

  Chance returned to the table and sat down. Pouring himself a generous portion of rum, he watched as Belle washed away the day’s horrors. Pensively, he picked up one of the discarded chess pieces from the other night. Twirling it between his fingers, he finally let himself think of the possibility of losing her. After learning of her escape, Chance refused to even consider the possibility of never seeing her again while he searched. Now that Belle was safe and secure in his cabin, Chance thought about how the very thought caused a sharp, clutching pain in his chest.

  Always assuming once he had his fill, he would ransom her, that option was no longer possible. Somehow, his little spitfire had gotten under his skin. He was not letting her go anytime soon. Her escape still troubled him. Forgetting he was essentially her captor not just her seducer, it rankled him she would try to leave him.

  “Why, Belle?” His voice was low and husky in the quiet cabin.

  Belle had no desire to answer him. No desire to tell her white knight pirate she had fallen in love with him, afraid his response would break her heart. If she never said ‘I love you’, he could never hurt her by laughing at her foolish female heart for falling in love with a pirate.

  Belle stood up in the bath, feeling the water silkily slide down her wet skin. Boldly facing him, she held out her hand. “I’m not the only one who needs a bath, pirate,” she said saucily.

  Her diversion worked. Chance took one look at her wet skin as it glowed a soft, warm caramel in the candlelight and his cock raged to life. Swiftly burying any thought of unwelcome emotion, Chance focused only on her body. Slowly rising, he stripped off his linen shirt, exposing the patchwork that made him look so beautifully savage.

  “You’ll need another one once I’m done with you, wench,” Chance said with a wink as he stripped off his britches and stepped into the large tub with her

  Chapter Ten

  Her Punishment

  Belle had been pacing the small confines of the cabin for hours. After waking to find Chance gone, she had sprung into action with nervous energy. The cabin was still in disarray from the storm, so she carefully returned all the various nautical tools, maps and books to their respective shelves. She righted chairs and picked up his clothes. When that was done, she took an old shirt and dusted and cleaned. It occupied her time and gave her a small sense of satisfaction as the space became neat and tidy.

  Belle had even taken time with her appearance. Using his comb and a small piece of twine she had found, Belle arranged her hair in a becoming up-sweep. Putting on one of his clean, linen shirts, she cinched his belt tight to emphasize her tiny waist. This time, she did not try to cover her long, lean legs with a pair of his britches. Biting her lips and pinching her cheeks to give them some color, Belle surveyed the results in his small shaving mirror, chuckling ruefully at her reflection. Well it was not rosewater, pearls and silk but it was the best she could do!

  Still she waited anxiously.

  There was an awkward moment when the cabin boy entered to bring her something to eat. Giving her a sullen look, he quietly placed the tray on the newly cleared surface and tried to stalk away.

  “Please, stay a moment,” Belle entreated. “I want to apologize for getting you in any trouble with your captain.”

  The cabin boy rubbed his ass where Drake had belted him good for forgetting to lock the door. “You shouldn’t have done it. You made Captain very angry. I’ve never seen him so worked up,” he said, stubbornly refusing to acknowledge the pain of his own punishment.

  “I know. I’m sorry for the trouble I’ve caused,” she offered shyly.

  The boy nodded his head in acknowledgment and left without another word.

  And still she waited.

  Belle was in the middle of pretending to read a treatise on sea winds when Chance finally returned. The sun had long gone down, the cabin thrown into candlelit shadow. Hesitantly rising, Belle waited for him to speak. On a deeper level, he refused to acknowledge he was also angry at Belle for forcing him to come to terms with how he felt about her.

  Chance took in the straightened cabin, the effort she made with her appearance and her submissive mood, but refused to be swayed. She had earned this punishment by defying him and placing herself in grave danger. He was determined to show his little captive had not softened him. He was a pirate, and it was time she was reminded of that.

  “Take off your clothes and kneel on the bed,” he said gruffly.

  “I just want to say again I’m sorry for…” whispered Belle.

  “Enough,” yelled Chance with a slash of his hand. “I am not interested in your apologies. Do as I say.”

  Knowing the punishment she had anxiously been dreading all day was finally here, Belle’s hands shook so hard she could not maneuver the heavy belt buckle. As she struggled with her task, a pair of large, tan hand
s enveloped her own. Pushing them out of the way, Chance unbuckled the belt and removed it from her waist.

  “Thank you,” whispered Belle shyly.

  She walked over to the bed as she quickly undid the buttons of his tunic, not wanting to make her punishment worse by lingering. Climbing on to the bed, she cautiously looked at Chance over her shoulder.

  “On your knees,” he repeated. “Face forward and grab the headboard.”

  Belle did as she was commanded. She could hear Chance rummaging through his trunks. It was driving her insane not knowing what he was doing. Was he getting the riding crop or would it be his belt again?

  She started at the feel of his warm hand on the cool skin of her bottom.

  “Do you understand why you are being punished?”

  Belle nodded her head yes.

  “Answer me.”

  “Because I ran away.”

  “No,” he answered, confusing Belle. “You are being punished because it is my will to punish you.”

  Belle whimpered. She had hoped their night together would have softened his anger toward her but she was wrong. If anything, he seemed even more resolved to teach her a lesson, to remind her he was the captor, she, his captive, subject to his intentions.

  Chance stepped away from the bed and removed his shirt. He didn’t want anything restricting his movement. Picking up the thin, bamboo cane, he stepped close till his thighs touched the bedcovers. Raising his arm, he brought it down with a sweeping arch.

  Belle could hear the whistle of the cane seconds before it struck her skin. She shrieked in pain and fell flat on the bed, curling on her side. Looking up, she was surprised to see the small, thin object in his large hand. Surely that was not what had just struck her?

  “What is that?” she whined.

  “It is a cane. Prisoners who misbehave on a ship get caned. Now up on your knees,” he responded mercilessly.

  “Please use your belt instead,” she begged as the sharp sting from the single blow started to settle in.


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