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Devouring Raine

Page 6

by Zoey Derrick

  “I know, but still. Maybe tomorrow night we can get away with it again.”

  “The guys might be able to,” he tells me.

  “Why the guys?”

  “Because, we have plans tomorrow night.”

  I turn to look at him. “To do what?”

  “Have dinner with a friend.”

  “Oh.” I can’t hide the concern from my voice. “Who?”

  “A couple friends of mine. They were at the concert in Greensboro, but…” He lets the thought fall off.

  “So they’re coming to Nashville?” I question.

  “Something like that.”

  Unfortunately I don’t get to press him too much longer because we arrive back at our hotel and pile out of the cars.

  “Don’t worry, it will be fun,” he assures me as we wait for everyone to join us before heading up.

  We stand around chatting for a bit. Dex smokes a cigarette. I’m not a fan of it, but I’d rather him do that than something else. “Is something bothering you?” I ask him while we stand there.

  “No, not really, just a bad habit,” he tells me with a smile before taking a couple more drags and putting it out.

  Beck and Casey follow us into the hotel and up to our floor.

  As soon as our door closes, Dex has me pressed against the wall. “I’ve been dying all night to peel these pants off of you,” he tells me before capturing my mouth and raising my arms over my head, causing my breasts to loosen in my top and slide up.

  He continues kissing my mouth, then down along my jaw, to the collar around my neck and then to the swell of my breasts. “Dex,” I cry out.

  “What, sweet girl?”

  “I need you,” I breathe out and he releases my arms, taking my hand in his as he escorts me into our bedroom.

  As soon as we’re there, I push him down on the bed and climb on top of him and kiss him with excitement as his hands begin to tug on the strings holding my top together. I pull back to catch my breath. “Leave the collar and shoes on,” he tells me and I smirk.

  His fingers brush along the choker around my neck. “You like that?” I ask him.

  “Oh, you have no idea,” he tells me. His voice is soft and full of emotion. “It’s probably sexier than this top, or the pants. I’d like to see you wear one all the time.”

  The idea of being collared sends a shiver up my spine. I know that a collar can come in many forms, not an actual collar like what I’m wearing right now, though I wouldn’t mind one of those, just not all the time. I shiver again, my nipples hardening further.

  “That idea turns you on, doesn’t it?”

  “Yes,” I breathe.

  “Yes, what?” he says with a mischievous tone in his voice.

  I shiver again. “Yes, Sir.”

  His finger brushes over my cheek. “Good girl.” His voice is soft, comforting.


  “Yes, glowbug?”

  “You asked me about training before.”

  “I did. I was curious why this comes so natural to you.”

  “I certainly haven’t been trained, but I’d really like to be,” I tell him and his eyes light up. “It’s just something that feels right, natural to me. I’d really like to find a way to train.”

  He smiles. “I’m really glad you said that.”

  I cock my head at him, “Why?”

  “Because I’d like to learn for myself and train you as well. I think it’s a great dynamic that just might work for us and I’d really like to give it a try.”

  I lean down and kiss his lips. “So would I.”

  “But tonight, tonight I want to make love to my sweet girl,” he tells me as he finishes unlacing my corset and then pushes it off of my shoulders. Then he surprises me by removing the choker he’d asked me to keep on.

  Once the corset is off, he flips me onto my back and he slide between my legs, rubbing his erection right into my crotch before pulling back and removing my belt, then my shoes, then finally undoing the button and zipper on my pants. He begins the removal process and there is a rush of cool that sends goosebumps all over my body. He continues to help cool me off by blowing cool air across my legs as he tugs them downward and finally off of my feet.

  “So fucking gorgeous,” he tells me as he slides back up my body after removing his t-shirt.

  His lips land on mine in a passion fueled kiss that sends a new wave of pleasure through my body.

  Dex’s passion fueled kisses continued down my jaw, along the curve of my neck and onto my shoulder. With each passing kiss I was growing wetter and more aroused than I was the kiss before. He slowly made his way to the swell of my breasts, placing gentle kisses against his bite marks that still bared the angry red teeth marks. There was a little pain to accompany his gentle kisses and then finally he consumed my nipple.

  I spread my fingers into his hair, holding onto him, not wanting him to stop as I writhed beneath his touch with the subtle flick of his hips into my sex. “Ahh,” I cried out as his cock brushed right along my clit. I tightened my hand in his hair and he growled at me. His eyes met mine. Love and desire exploded between us. “I need to feel you,” I breathe. My voice soft and full of all the emotion I’m seeing in his eyes.

  He releases my nipple. “But I’m not done yet,” he whispers with a hint of disappointment.

  I smile at him. “I adore your willingness to want to please me, but right now, what will please me most is you sliding inside of me. Please?” I whine and he smirks. He kisses me on my breastbone, right between my breasts and directly over my heart before he rears up.

  He makes quick work of his button flies and pushing his jeans down to his knees. I watch as his cock falls free, hard as stone and bouncing with his movements as he sheds his pants. My mouth waters and I lick my lips. Desire to take him into my mouth overwhelms my need to have him buried inside my pussy. I sit up, reaching for his cock.

  “Nu uh, nope.” He shakes his head and pulls his hips away from me. “If I can’t make you come with my mouth, neither can you.” I look up at him through my lashes and pout. “Now that is quite possibly the cutest face I’ve ever seen, but it’s not going to work. Roll over.”

  Ah, there’s that commanding tone I love so much. I dutifully obey him, then wiggle my ass, taunting him. He smacks my right cheek playfully and I groan, but still. I feel him shift on the bed, then he pushes on one leg, silently asking me to spread wider for him and I do.

  He scoots closer to me, his cock running along the crack of my ass and I shiver with anticipation.

  Then I feel his hand softly rub along my cheek, right where he smacked me, then up along my spine, pushing down, asking me to arch my back. “Head down, glowbug.” I do as he’s asked me to, pushing my ass higher in the air and arching my back. His hand continues along my back, climbing higher, toward my shoulders, tracing some of the lines on my tattoo, making me shiver and my nipples harden. He leans over me and I see his big beefy hand ball into a fist and push into the mattress near my head. His other hand moves my hair out of the way and I feel him start to kiss along my shoulder.

  I turn to melted butter on the bed as he continues kissing and licking his way down my back, along my spine, gradually kissing the dimples on my ass cheeks. “Please, Dex,” I beg. “I need you.”

  The spreading of his lips, the short warm breaths against my back and the shaking of his chest against my butt is all I need to feel to know that he’s chuckling. “What’s the matter glowbug? Don’t you like foreplay?”

  “I fucking love foreplay, but we’ve been ‘foreplaying’ all damn night. I’m dying, I’m desperate, please for the love of my fucking pussy, give me your cock. Slide your cock inside and fuck me, make me fucking come all over your dick.”

  His breathing stops. “I fucking love it when you talk dirty to me.”

  “Fuck me, Dex, now,” I demand and without any more preamble, he lines himself up and he slams into me.

  Stars and white fireworks ignite as my eyes slam s
hut. My body erupts with my orgasm, my pussy clamping down hard on his shaft. “Fuck me,” he growls and immediately fights the tightness of my sex, pulling himself back out and pushing back in. In and out, bringing new heights to my orgasm.

  “Fuck, Dex!” I scream as he continues sliding in and out of me, his pace increasing, his thrusts gaining momentum and strength. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” I cry out as my orgasm finally begins to subside. Bringing me back to building toward another orgasm.

  Dex’s arms wrap around my torso, his hands splayed wide. “Come here,” he whispers as he slows his thrusts. I feel his hands pulling me upward, up toward him. I relax and go with him, my back arching; his cock sliding in deeper. Pressing deeper than he has ever been before and I shiver. Out of instinct, I wrap my arms around his neck, arching further and pushing my breasts out. He begins moving inside me, slowly sliding in and out of my depths.

  “Ahh,” I cry out.

  His hands begin to roam over my stomach, one hand heading north and cupping a breast, the other goes south until it slides along my clit. The contact causes my entire body to tremble and my eyes to close tight.

  He continues pumping in and out while his hand strums along my clit. He pulls my nipple between his fingers and begins rolling it and pulling it, hard. The tiny stabs of pain melt into pleasure and I feel my orgasm climbing toward its peak once again.

  I release one of my hands from around his neck and slide it down to my other breast, pulling my nipple and turning it over.

  “Does this feel good, baby girl?”

  “Yes,” I breathe.

  “Play with your clit, make yourself come all over my cock,” he whispers into my ear before sucking my lobe into his mouth and nibbling on it. His breathing is short hot bursts. The sensation is new and I know just how much I’m affecting him.

  I slide my hand down my stomach as his hand comes up. He replaces my hand on my other nipple and he pulls, stretching and rolling them. My finger slides along my clit, and south, along the shaft of his cock as it’s entering me. My goal was his balls, but I can’t reach, so I settle for using my palm against my clit and my fingers along his shaft.

  “Fuck,” he growls as he pulls harder on my nipples, increases his pace then licks and kisses along my shoulder.

  “Give it to me, Dex. I want to feel you explode inside me,” I huff.

  “Come on, glowbug, I need to feel you first,” he says and his pace increases.

  I abandon rubbing along his shaft in favor of my clit. I begin rubbing feverishly against it. “I’m there,” I scream.

  Dex grabs the arm on the back of his neck and pushes me onto the bed, forcing my orgasm higher, giving him his ultimate goal of me exploding everywhere as he pounds into me.

  “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” he cries out as he empties himself into me.

  My body tingles with the warmth, that feeling you get deep in your gut when you know, no matter what, the person inside you is the right person, the person you have no choice but to love. You’re soulmates, bound by destiny. Fighting it no longer seems an option. He is it, he is my one.

  The reality of my realization rocks through me harder than anything I’ve ever imagined in my life. Being with Dex is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. I’ve never felt this way about anyone, let alone been able to actually act on my emotions.

  He spoons in behind me, bringing the covers with him and wrapping his arms around me. “I love you,” I breathe and his hand begins to gently rub along my stomach.

  He kisses my neck, then my shoulder and back to my neck. I turn my head to face him and he plants a warm, gentle kiss on my lips. “I love you,” he says before kissing me a few more times and settling in.

  It doesn’t take but a few more minutes before Dex’s breathing becomes soft and even with sleep. I am exhausted and far from wide awake, but my revelation rocks me.

  Of all the people in the world that I could fall in love with, it’s Dex. He’s not perfect, in fact, he’s far from it, but I’ve noticed his softened demeanor since we were in DC. Since we spilled all our secrets, laid them bare for one another to absorb or reject.

  In a way, I’m no more broken than he is or no less. Though we have our own demons that are buried beneath the surface, we’ve both managed to deal with them in ways that we can understand. I’ve never had an addiction, smoking, drinking, drugs, gambling, nothing. So I feel like I don’t fully understand the struggles he goes through and I’m sure he can’t quite understand my own demons.

  For having been raped as my first sexual experience, you’d think it would turn me off of sex altogether. You’d think that pain could not exist with pleasure, but for me, they hold the same wheelhouse. Dex is no different. The way he handles his addiction and mishaps is punishment, whether by his hand or that of a tattoo artist. But I’ve also noticed that there seems to be fewer struggles for him since I came into his life. Maybe it’s enough… for now.

  Sometime in the early morning hours, I finally managed to fall asleep, but not before realizing how drawn to me Dex really is. If he rolled away from me, it wasn’t long before he was draped all over me again.

  When I finally manage to open my eyes, the bed is empty and my heart sinks. I look around the room and I can sense he isn’t here. I roll over to look at the clock. Shit. It’s two thirty in the afternoon. Next to the clock is a note. It has to be Dex’s handwriting because it is sloppy and hardly legible.

  Gone out, I didn’t want to wake you. Be back around three then we’re going out.

  P.S. Be naked, just like you are, when I get back.

  I can’t help but smile at the note.

  I stretch and climb out of bed and head for the shower.

  In the middle of toweling off I hear the door of the suite beep with someone entering the room. “Glowbug,” I hear him call.

  “In the bathroom,” I holler back.

  I hear the rustling of a couple of bags in the bedroom then he comes to stand in the doorway behind me. I can feel his eyes on me, and I know he’s watching me, so I drop the towel to the floor. I hear him hiss through his teeth. I smile wide and turn around, facing him. The marks are better today but still there and still they bring me a strange comfort.

  “Fuck, you’re gorgeous,” he groans. “Thank fuck you’re all mine.”

  “All yours,” I agree softly.

  He makes no move to come closer to me, so I walk toward him.

  “You’re the devil,” he says as I wrap my arms around him.

  He brushes the hair out of my face and smiles at me. His smile steals my breath and I can only stare at him. His eyes are alight and excited. “I have something for you,” he whispers.

  “Oh?” I raise an eyebrow at him and he chuckles.

  “We’re going out tonight, remember?”

  “Just us and your friend or is the band coming too?” I ask as he takes my hand, leading my naked ass into the bedroom.

  “Not with the boys,” he says cryptically.

  “Oh? Where are we going?” I question.

  “It’s a surprise,” he tells me with a fire in his eyes I don’t understand.

  “Alright,” deciding he’s not going to tell me, “whatcha got, bubba?”

  His face lights up as he goes over to the three bags on the bed. I notice that one of the bags says Jimmy Choo and I feel my heart begin to beat hard and heavy in my chest. A little excitement mixed with trepidation. How much money did he spend?

  He opens up the non-Jimmy Choo bag and pulls out something in a charcoal grey. “Tonight is nothing fancy,” he says softly. “But it is about being comfortable. So…” He opens up what he’s holding in his hands.

  “Wow, Dex, that’s…” I reach out to touch it. It’s knit and soft. It’s a charcoal grey dress, with long sleeves, the shoulders are cut out and the dress dips into a v-neck, the back dips by the weight of a hood. I grab a sleeve and notice that there are thumb holes in it. “I love this,” I tell him and he smiles wide before laying it down on the bed an
d going into the bag again where he pulls out a black, sheer bra. I blush. He smirks. Then he pulls out a garter belt, lace topped thigh highs and a skimpy sheer thong to match the bra. “Did you really buy me underwear, bubba?”

  He blushes and nods. “What? I couldn’t help myself.” He lays the undergarments down on top of the dress, though it’s overkill for that kind of a dress. Depending on the fit, everything would show through.

  He goes into the next bag, again, not the Jimmy Choo bag. From that bag he pulls out a spaghetti strap cotton maxi dress that is low cut with a band under the breasts. It’s varying shades of black and grey. “That’s gorgeous.” He lays that down on top of the other dress then he pulls out another item. A sweater, full length, with a deep hood and a single clasp in the center, right below the bust. “Oh, I like that too,” I tell him and he smiles. This doesn’t come with underwear and I couldn’t wear a bra with it, unless it was one with clear straps. Though I don’t think I’d need one.


  “Yeah, glowbug?”

  “What’s in the last bag?” I say with deep hesitation.

  He, on the other hand, smiles wide. Pulling the bag toward him, he opens it and pulls out a box. Fuck me, he bought me shoes. Jimmy fucking Choo shoes. He hands me the box. “Uh uh, nope, I can’t do it, Dex. It’s too much.”

  His face falls and I immediately regret it.

  “I’m sorry…it’s, I…oh how the hell do I say this. I’ve never spent more than sixty dollars on a pair of shoes in my life…”


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