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Minstrel's Serenade

Page 24

by Aubrie Dionne

Danika moved in a blur, feeling as though she wandered in an ashy neverland stretching on eternally. If it wasn’t for Bron, she would have fallen to her knees and collapsed, letting the ash cover her in a dry, heated grave. Hours passed, or maybe days. She couldn’t tell. The gray twilight endured and no sign of the sun or stars came through. The lava rock, the ash and Bron’s steady hand on her back remained constant.

  The crashing of waves echoed from the distance, bringing Danika out of her trance. They’d reached the sea separating them from the first island. That meant one thing: the ships would be waiting for them with water and a soft bed. They’d be waiting to take them home.

  “Look. The tide is out.” Bron jogged up ahead. “We can make it across.”

  Danika stumbled forward, following his footsteps in the ash. This stroke of luck seemed too good to be true. Helena and Horred were on their side.

  She reached the shore, wading into the water. The lava rocks protruded from the surface in haphazard steps to the peninsula. Bron offered his hand. “Come, I’ve found the best path.”

  She followed him, allowing him to pull her up to the higher inclines. It took all her energy to hurl her weary body forward. The gray twilight darkened as they crossed. Night had come.

  Panic rose inside Danika. Had the ships already left?

  She grabbed Bron’s arm. “How many days?”

  His shoulders slumped. Even the great warrior’s strength was failing. “What do you speak of?”

  “How many days have we been gone?”

  “Tomorrow will be the third day.”

  “Is that all?” It seemed like forever ago they’d disembarked on their quest.


  “That means we have two more days to get back to the ship.”

  “An easy task, Princess.” Bron reached the shore and sat on an outcropping of lava rock. He pulled off his boot and emptied the water from the heel. “It will take another day, if not less, to cross this island. Two people travel faster than an army.”

  “Even without food and water?”

  “That I can remedy.” Bron pulled off his helmet and set it down by the rock. Next, he unlatched his breastplate.

  Danika blinked in shock. What was he doing? Had he lost his mind? This was not the time for romance. She’d said “water,” not his naked, hard body.

  The metal clanged as the breastplate hit the ground. He pulled out a flask no bigger than his palm from the folds of his undershirt. He must have stuck it to his chest before he put the armor on.

  Danika frowned in repulsion. “That’s for liquor.”

  Bron smiled as though he knew she’d react in disgust. “Aye, but there’s none of that in mine. Many a battle I’ve fought when I’ve lost my sheepskin.”

  He offered her the flask. “Try a sip.”

  Danika took the smooth, silver flask in her hand. In a world where everything was covered in ash, soot and blood, the silver shone perfectly. She brought the rim to her lips and sipped. Water. Pure, fresh, untainted water. Her mouth reveled as the water flowed down her throat. Remembering to save some for him, she passed the flask back to him. Only then did she think she’d just put her mouth where he must have put his a hundred times.

  It’s not like they’d never kissed.

  Bron took the flask and brought the edge to his lips. After he drank, he closed the lid and slipped it back into his shirt. “We’ll rest here for a bit then walk throughout the night. We can reach the ship by dawn on the third day, just to be safe. That is, if you’re up to it?”

  A ship with food, water and a soft bed? Did he have to ask? She nodded and sat across from him, stretching out her aching legs. “Aye.”

  They sat in silence. After what had happened to Valorian, talking about anything else seemed trivial and disrespectful. She didn’t want to bring up the cave-in and, from the looks of it, neither did Bron. A heavy weight had fallen on his shoulders since he’d left that cave. Would Valorian’s death always be a thorn between them? Would it drive them apart?

  The desire for comfort from his gentle touch came over her. She leaned against his arm. If she could borrow his strength just for a moment…

  Bron pulled away, shifting on the rock to leave a hand’s width between them. “Use the ridge for your support.” A cold, unyielding resistance turned his voice to stone.

  What had she done? By saving his life, she’d lost his love forever. Tears burned in her eyes. “I don’t understand.”

  “Valorian is dead.” Bron rubbed his hand over his face. “I’ve failed in my life debt to him.”

  She turned toward him, but he avoided her gaze “You have not failed me.”

  “I’ve failed Ebonvale. I’ve failed your father. And worst of all, I’ve failed you. If I hadn’t said how I felt on the ship, then you wouldn’t have sacrificed Valorian for me.”

  A growling rumble like underground thunder came from behind them, followed by a series of loud explosions. Bron jumped to his feet and grabbed his helmet and breastplate. “We should start moving.”

  Danika followed, though her whole body protested and their conversation was not over. She had to convince him Valorian’s death was not his fault. It was hers. She’d made the choice to save Bron and sacrifice Valorian. Somehow he had to believe it. Weariness and shock had stolen her reason, and the words to express herself could not come.

  As night fell, the volcano’s wrath lit the sky with red fury. They used the bloodshot haze to find their path. Empty sheepskins, scorched travel bags and damaged weapons cluttered their path. They passed in the army’s footsteps. Some men had survived and waited for them at the ships.

  Thoughts of the survivors comforted Danika in her grief for Valorian and the other men who’d lost their lives. Monks would utter their names for centuries to come and etch their likeness in the great temples. They were heroes of war, much like Helena and Horred, and now they stood with them in the place where time had no meaning.

  Was Valorian at peace? Would he forgive her? She could only hope.

  They passed the night, following the tracks of the soldiers to the other side of the island. As dawn broke, and the sun peeked from a smoky horizon, the masts of the Destiny and the Fortune claimed the coastline.

  The crew, the soldiers and the minstrels clapped and cheered as Danika and Bron emerged from the ridge. Many had made it back to the ship. The sight brought tears to Danika’s eyes.

  “Long live the Princess,” they chanted as Danika made her way to the ships. The chant grew until Bron joined in. He knelt by her feet and bowed to her. His gaze would not meet hers, and his voice fell lifeless from his lips. “My lady, you have triumphed over all.”

  For Danika, it was a melancholy victory. They’d defeated the She-Beast and reduced the wyvern brood, but they’d lost so much. She’d lost so much. How could she return and tell Valorian’s father she’d sacrificed his son to save her bodyguard? How could she live without Bron’s love?

  One of the minstrels broke from the crowd. He bowed before her with fear in his eyes. “Any word of Valorian?”

  Danika shook her head and the crowd grew silent around her. She’d prepared a speech on the long trek back, smoothing over each word like a pirate held a treasured jewel. She’d speak of Valorian’s courage, his compassion, his determination to make Ebonvale and the House of Song safe. Lastly, she’d speak of his wish to unite both kingdoms. Collecting her thoughts, she cleared her parched throat to begin.

  “Look! Over there!”

  Danika whirled around, following everyone’s gaze.

  A single soldier climbed down the ridge. With armor as black as soot, slumped shoulders and a noticeable limp, he looked as though he’d barely survived.

  “Who is it?” someone else called out.

  They stared, mumbling their fallen comrade’s names, each one hoping the returning soldier was their friend.

  The figure brought his hand up and took off his helmet. A long stream of nut-brown hair fanned out in the breeze of the sea. />
  “That’s no soldier.” Danika’s heart sped. “It’s Valorian.”

  Chapter 33

  Pleasure and Pain

  “It’s the Prince!” a man shouted as the soldiers and minstrels ran to Valorian with sheepskins, bandages and food.

  “Long live the prince!”

  As the people chanted around her, Danika couldn’t believe her eyes. A mix of relief, joy, guilt and regret threatened to bring her to her knees. She’d had a chance to help Valorian, and she chose Bron instead. The Prince of Song had seen her choice. He knew the true nature of her heart.

  Bron rose from beside her with stoic acceptance. “You should go to him.”

  “I cannot.” She could no longer hold together her façade. Not if he knew she loved Bron. “To go to him would reek of a lie.”

  “Go for Ebonvale’s sake, Princess.” Bron’s voice came out hoarse and pained.

  “No.” She turned to Bron. She was her mother’s daughter after all, but this time it didn’t shame her. She followed her heart. Placing her hand on his breastplate, Danika whispered, “I’ve made my choice.”

  Bron gazed at her hand with a mix of guilt and pain. “And so it may undo us all.”

  They watched together as Valorian approached. Minstrels surrounded him, tending to his wounds and giving him water. Despite all of the commotion, his gaze found Danika’s.

  She bit into her already dry and torn lip. How could she ever face him alone again?

  As he grew closer, she mouthed the words, “I’m sorry.”

  He nodded once. His features tightened, and she couldn’t tell if it was from the strain of the trek or her betrayal. “I’m relieved to see you are safe, Princess,” he whispered.

  “My thanks to you and your minstrel army. Without them, we would not have achieved victory.” She bowed, hoping her one action wouldn’t tear their kingdoms apart. When she gazed up again, she didn’t get her answer. Valorian had already left for his ship, without extending an invitation to her.

  Danika’s knees weakened and she swayed.

  “Come.” Bron placed his arm around her as if he took full responsibility for her actions. “Today you must sail with Ebonvale. The soldiers need you.”

  They both knew he spoke a lie.

  They sailed onto the deep blue sea as the volcanos erupted behind them. The healers helped Danika to her cabin and attended to her wounds. After they’d bandaged every cut and soothed her burned skin, she stayed to rest out of respect for Valorian, despite her urge to talk sense into Bron. She didn’t want to be seen tramping about with her bodyguard. The time to unite her kingdom with the House of Song had come and gone, and now all she could do was ensure no further damage between their relations. Besides, Bron avoided her like the plague of the undead, staying below to comfort the wounded soldiers.

  When the ship had traveled a safe distance away from Scalehaven, a knock sounded at her door.

  Danika wrapped the sheets around her undergarments. Was it Bron? “Come in.”

  A servant girl with a tray of bread and cheese bowed before her. “You must be hungry, my lady.”

  Disappointed, Danika nodded. “Thank you. Leave it by the chest.”

  Movement stirred in the corridor behind the servant. A healer came in with a tray of ointment and bandages. “Come to check on you, Your Highness.”

  “My goodness, you only tended to me this morning.”

  The old woman smiled. “Aye. You’re the princess, love. I can’t have you getting an infection. Do you not want to be healthy when you greet your people?”

  Danika laid back on her bed in acquiescence. “That will be some time, though, won’t it?”

  The healer unwrapped a bandage around her arm and winked. “It will be sooner than you think. The minstrels have sent out carrier pigeons to alert Brimmore of our victory and our arrival.”

  “You mean there will be a crowd to greet us when we dock?”

  “A crowd unlike any other, love.” The healer leaned over her and spread ointment upon her lips gently.

  Danika squirmed under her sheets. What would Valorian say to his father? Would the crowd suspect a newly flamed discord between Ebonvale and the House of Song? Were they forever cursed to slight each other one way or another?

  “Are you in pain, Princess?” The healer gazed down at her with compassionate eyes.

  “No, no. I’m fine.” Danika breathed to calm herself. For now, she had to catch some rest. Who knew what the future would bring.

  * * * *

  Days passed, and Danika gazed out her window at the endless horizon of sea. Bron didn’t come to her and she’d never felt so alone. Was he as dead to her as her father? Was she cursed to follow in her mother’s footsteps? Would she end up an old woman, scorned and alone?

  “Land ho!” The call roused her from her dreary thoughts.

  They’d reached Brimmore’s Bay already? Danika scanned her room. She’d left all of her gowns aboard Valorian’s ship. All she had to wear was her battle-scarred armor. That was fitting, wasn’t it? She’d much rather her people and the people of the House of Song see her as a fierce warrior, not some dainty princess to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. Such notions would have resolved this dispute in the first place.

  A knock sounded on the door and she jumped. “Who is it?”

  “Lefina Squires.”

  Danika breathed easy. It was only the girl servant. “Come in.”

  Lefina walked in, bearing a tray of eggs and bread. She immediately looked away and closed the door as Danika was in her undergarments. “I have news from our sister ship.”

  Danika’s heart sped. She’d heard nothing the whole journey. What could Valorian want other than to disgrace her?

  “My lady?” The servant girl stood, tapping her toe.

  Danika must have been gawking. “Perhaps you can help me strap this armor on?”

  “Of course.” Lefina walked to the bed. She looked just a bit older than Nip. Suddenly homesickness tightened in her chest. She hoped the boy had fared well with Muriel. He didn’t seem to enjoy castle life with all of its tea parties and politics. But she had other worries at hand.

  Danika handed Lefina the breastplate. “What is the news?” She tried to keep her voice even as her heart skidded.

  “Prince Valorian wishes to speak with you before you address the crowd.”

  Danika froze. The time of reckoning had come. Her hands shook, and she balled her fists. “Oh, he does?”

  “Yes, my lady. He wishes for you to visit his ship when we dock.”

  She’d have to face him. Alone. Danika shuddered. What words could he have for her that weren’t angry or hurtful? She’d betrayed him. If he’d done it to her, she would have surely let him have it.

  Lefina clasped the armor behind Danika’s neck. “Your hair, my lady?”

  Danika glanced in the mirror. A rat’s nest sat on her head. “It could use a brushing, yes.”

  As Lefina brushed and braided her hair, Danika slipped on her boots. She steeled herself, knowing she had to face the consequences of her actions. Even if it meant disgracing herself in front of everyone. She only hoped she wouldn’t bring down Ebonvale along with her, losing everything her father had achieved.

  “There. You are ready.” Lefina brought the mirror from the desk.

  Danika looked at her reflection. Her cheeks were still burned and red, but her lips had healed well, and Lefina had braided her hair in a natural crown, like a true queen.

  “You look well rested, my lady.”

  “Thanks to you.” Danika smiled at the girl and handed her two rolls from the tray. “You may go back to your quarters and prepare for docking.”

  “Yes, my lady.” She curtsied then left Danika with her turbulent thoughts.

  Instead of mulling her destiny over, Danika decided to meet fate head on. She climbed the steps to the upper decks. The fresh air hit her face with a cool, misty breeze. She’d never take clean air for granted again.

he city of Brimmore stretched before them. People stood on ladders, removing the boards from the windows, and a crowd gathered at the docks, waving Ebonvale’s purple and green pennants, and music played from the House of Song. Joy danced in the air and spread across their faces. If only they knew how many had died, and the precarious place Ebonvale stood with the House of Song.

  The crews of both ships worked hard on the rigging, using the sea gusts to steer the boats toward the dock. Bron stood on the stern, flanked by his men, his gaze set upon the city. Danika wanted to go to him, but she knew their docking in front of the crowd would be the worst possible time. Valorian had requested her, and she owed him one conversation.

  They set anchor, and the crew laid down the planks to the dock. Danika took the first steps off the ship, eager to set foot on her homeland. After so many days aboard the boat, the dock felt solid and comforting under her feet.

  Her moment of respite was short-lived. Valorian had already walked ashore. He waited for her by his ship. He stood with arms crossed, wearing the fine minstrel clothing he was accustomed to. Seeing him brought a fresh wave of remorse. But, she did not love him. That was more clear now than ever before. She would not have his hand for their kingdom’s unity or she’d be living a lie. She’d only ever give herself for love and there was only one man who had it, whether he followed his heart or not.

  She summoned her courage. If she could confront the She-Beast, then she could talk to the Prince of Song one last time. Danika adjusted her helmet as if for battle then took long strides toward Valorian.

  Valorian bowed at her approach. “My lady.”

  “Your Highness.”

  His lips tightened. “I trust your voyage home was enjoyable.”

  Shame heated her cheeks. Did he think she slept in Bron’s bed the whole ride home? “Enjoyable, no.”

  He raised an eyebrow.

  “Valorian.” She took a deep breath. “I harbor great remorse for what happened. I could think of nothing but what I’d done. I was wrong to lead you to believe--”

  He placed a finger to her lips. His face softened as he cupped her elbow. “Come, let us speak in private before our emotions unravel us both.”


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