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Extreme Medical Services Box Set Vol 1--3

Page 59

by Jamie Davis

A tap at the parking lot door interrupted them, and Brook opened the door and then stood back to let the new arrival in. It was Dean’s new probationary paramedic, Barry. He had a few years’ experience under his belt in a nearby system as a regular paramedic for humans. He had applied to Elk City’s community paramedic program and had impressed the leadership with his drive and ingenuity. That was what they had told Dean when they described him. He was about the same age as Dean, stood about five foot, ten inches tall and had blonde hair. He smiled as he entered and walked over to Dean extending his hand.

  “Hi, you must be Dean,” the new guy said. “I’m Barry, and I’m excited to be invited to join you guys in this community paramedicine program. I didn’t know there was another program aside from the standard community program. No one seemed to have heard of Station U, no matter who I asked.”

  Dean saw Brook and Tammy share a look, and then they both burst out laughing, waving their goodbyes and leaving him alone with the new guy. Barry watched them leave and turned back to Dean.

  “What was that all about?” he asked.

  “They’re women, so who knows,” Dean said. He knew the new guy would figure it out soon enough. Best to get him acclimated to the station and go over the ambulance in case they got a call. There would be one on the radio system sooner or later, so it was best to be prepared. Since the roundup and arrest of all of the members of The Cause, Station U’s ambulance calls had returned to normal.

  “So, Barry, what’s your favorite fantasy novel?” Dean began as he led the new guy out to the ambulance bay to get oriented on the ambulance. Barry had so much to learn.

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  Dean sat in the office workstation getting some much-needed paperwork done and reviewing email updates from headquarters. Barry was out washing the ambulance, a daily chore that was especially needed in these spring months, as every bug in the world came out from its winter hiding place to splatter on their windshield. The new guy’s first day was a slow one, and there had been no calls on which to get him squared away with the type of patients they served. Dean was pondering a way to break the ice with him about their patient population’s unique natures if they didn’t get a call soon.

  Barry came into the squad room and looked at Dean. “Hey, you should come check this out. A totally hot brunette in a vintage red sports car just pulled into the parking lot. I don’t know why she is way back here in the industrial park. She must be lost and looking for directions or something.

  Dean jumped up and ran to the parking lot window. His heart leaped in his chest as he saw Ashley’s MG convertible parked outside next to his white Ford pickup truck. She was getting out of the car. He raced out the door and ran up to her, spinning her around and planting a kiss on her. He felt her pause for a moment then pull him closer, her mouth opening and the kiss deepening. This was hot, though Ashley wasn’t usually this into public displays of affection. And when did she get that tongue-stud? He thought they were hot and all, but it was not something that he expected Ashley to do.

  Dean’s eyes sprang open in surprise when he felt her hands groping for his belt. What the …? He forced himself to push back from the kiss and stare at his girlfriend in consternation. He got a further surprise as he took in her new look. Ashley was clad from head to toe in black leather, from the high-heeled boots to the tight-fitting jacket zipped up just far enough to expose her ample cleavage. She had new silver earrings piercing her left ear all the way from the lower lobe to the top of the cartilage. There was a nose piercing, too, with a small ruby stud showing on the right side. She was wearing a lot more makeup than she usually did, too. Then it hit him.

  This wasn’t Ashley. Ha!

  “Hello, lover,” said the voice with a definite British accent. “You have to be Dean. My sister has always preferred a certain type when it comes to men.”

  “Ingrid?” Dean asked, using Ashley’s twin sister’s name for the first time. “What are you doing driving Ashley’s car.

  “Surprised?” she said with a laugh. “Not as surprised as I was. I was in the middle of something important, but family is family. Am I right?”

  Dean just stood there and looked at her. What was she doing here? Where was Ashley?

  “Look, Dean, much as I would love to take you inside and finish what we started out here in the parking lot, we’ve got a lot of talking to do. Ashley’s in trouble, and it’s going to take both of us to get her out of it.” She hooked a finger for him to follow her as she strutted past him, across the parking lot, and right by the dumbfounded Barry holding the door open for her as she entered the station.

  Dean stood there, watching her go inside, wondering again what happened to his normal life.

  Ready to keep reading? Save 40% - get Extreme Medical Services Vol 4-6 in one box set!

  Read on for a preview of Book 4 - The Paramedic’s Hunter

  The Paramedic’s Hunter Preview - Chapter 1

  The wounds were severe, at least that was the information coming in from the dispatchers over the ambulance’s radio. Dean drove quickly through the nighttime streets of Elk City. He made good time but drove with due regard to safety and all traffic laws. It didn’t do the patient any good if the ambulance wrecked on the way to the scene.

  The call was for an animal bite. The dispatcher said that the caller was having difficulty stopping the bleeding. There were numerous bites to the patient. Dean worked hard to stay focused. He was distracted lately, ever since he found out his girlfriend, Ashley - an actual angel or, as she preferred, Eldara, had been abducted and was still missing. It was important for him to find her. It was also important for him to make sure he cared for his patients. He redoubled his focus on the on the dark nighttime residential streets in front of him.

  Dean glanced over at his new partner. Barry Winston had been an experienced paramedic before he applied for the special Station U community paramedic program in Elk City. He had been unaware, just as Dean had been in the beginning, that their patients were not normal people. In fact, their patients were not human at all. The Station U paramedics responded to calls for emergency medical aid from what other people would call the creatures of myths and legends. Some might even say they were the monsters of nightmares.

  Dean had come to know different. They were just people who were trying to live their lives alongside their human neighbors, without anyone knowing how different they were. Barry had been shocked at first, but was coming around. He was adjusting better than Dean had in the beginning. Barry was already a pretty good paramedic and that, plus a predisposition for reading fantasy and science-fiction books, had helped him overcome his cultural biases.

  Barry operated the siren while Dean drove, changing the tone of it when they entered an intersection. Once they were through it and speeding down the road on the other side, he looked over at Dean. “What do you think caused the bite? It sounds serious. Could it be a shapeshifter like a werewolf or werebear?”

  “Not sure, yet, Barry,” Dean replied as he drove. “Whatever it is, it does not sound like a casual bite. Also, most shapeshifters are very careful about who they bite and infect with Lycanthropy. The disease is a blood borne illness and they take it seriously when someone is brought into their pack. It doesn’t sound like that kind of bite. Whatever it is, we will see soon enough.”

  Dean turned the ambulance onto another residential street and started looking at the house numbers as the headlights illuminated the mailboxes lining the street. He was looking for number eleven-ninety-four. He knew he was getting close, and started looking on the right for the even-numbered houses. Most of the houses were modest ranch style single-family homes with large front yards. The street was lined with trees and didn’t have any streetlights. Both of these things contributed to deep shadows and only a little moonlight filtering down to the ground.

  He saw a flicker of movement ahead and turned the ambulance toward the shoulder of the road to shine the headlights onto one o
f the lawns in front of them. He saw a person crouched over a figure sprawled on the ground. The crouching individual, a middle-aged man, shielded his eyes from the glare of the headlights and then gave them a frantic wave. This had to be their patient, and the nine-one-one caller. Barry put them on location over the radio and was acknowledged by the dispatcher’s voice in return.

  “Careful on this one, Barry,” Dean cautioned. “Whoever or whatever bit this person might still be in the neighborhood.”

  “Got it, Dean,” his partner responded as he climbed down from the passenger side of the ambulance.

  Dean grabbed the large flashlights from the compartment behind the driver’s door on the ambulance, then he went around to the rear, climbed inside and got the heart monitor and oxygen bags out of the back. Walking around to the passenger side, he handed one of the lights to Barry. His partner had grabbed the trauma and medication bags from the compartment on his side of the ambulance. They hung off his shoulders by their straps. Switching on their lights, together the two paramedics walked across the lawn to the patient and caller. Dean shined his light around the yard to check for the creature that caused the bite. He had an itch between his shoulder blades and wished he could see better in the dark.

  When they got to the side of the patient, the two paramedics saw she was an Asian woman in her fifties. Her entire shoulder on her left side was laid open so that Dean could see bone and tendon underneath. There were also deep slashing wounds to her abdomen. No wonder the caller couldn’t stop the bleeding. It was a wonder she had lived long enough for the ambulance to arrive.

  Because he was still on probationary status, Barry took the lead, with Dean observing and in support. The newer Station U paramedic held out the back of his right hand so the male caller could see it, and shined his light on it. That would reveal the hidden, ultra-violet ink stamp placed there. It showed the Station U paramedic emblem. It was invisible to humans, but it could be seen by their patients and other Unusual community members. The man nodded as he saw the fresh ink stamped there and he visibly relaxed. Dean showed his right hand as well. His mark was a more permanent UV tattoo of the Star of Life emblem. If Barry worked out in the long term, he would probably get one, too. All the Station U paramedics did eventually.

  “Thank the Gods you are here,” the man said. “My wife, she was attacked by some sort of demon-made-flesh.”

  “I’m Barry, and this is my partner Dean,” Barry said as he set to work. “We are going to help your wife the best we can, okay?”

  “Thank you,” the slight Asian man said. “I’m called Yamo, and my wife is Akiko. Please help her. I did what I could but I’m not as powerful as she is.”

  Barry nodded as he started controlling the bleeding, slapping large, absorbent trauma pads over the wounds. Dean started collecting and assembling the IV supplies so they could get her some fluids. She had to have lost a great deal of blood.

  “What sort of Unusual are you?” Dean asked. He had been unable to figure it out just from looking at them, or from anything that was said so far. That was normal. Sometimes you just had to ask.

  “We are Hakutaku,” the Asian man said. The woman groaned as Barry continued to work on her, packing her significant wounds with gauze and trauma pads. The groan distracted the man from Dean’s inquiry. He knew a little of the Japanese and other Asian myths. The Hakutaku were healing spirits, and generally considered helpful and non-threatening. They were rumored to be related to the Chinese Bai-Ze spirits. It was times like this that his study of the extensive library of myths and legends back at Station U came in handy. It also explained why she was still alive. Her husband must have used some healing magic to sustain her.

  Dean shined the light around in the darkness to check the area around them again. “Sir, did the attacker run off, or is it still out there nearby? Do you know what it was? Tell me what happened.”

  “I don’t know,” the man said. “We go for a walk every night. We love this neighborhood and enjoy the quiet after dark. It is a good time for contemplation and rejuvenation. Tonight, though, the natural world around us, was upset for some reason. We sought to understand why as we walked, but could come to no conclusion. We strive to bring healing and balance to both individuals and the world around us. This time we couldn’t figure what was wrong. That was when the demon jumped out and slashed at Akiko. I was able to conjure a burst of light energy that drove it back. It screamed and ran off into the darkness. I turned my attention to my wife. I haven’t seen it or heard it since. That was about fifteen minutes ago.”

  “You keep saying ‘demon,’” Dean said. “What kind of Unusual being was it? A lycan? Another variety of animal shapeshifter?”

  “No, no. You do not understand,” Yamo said. “I think it was an Oni, a type of Japanese demon. I am sure of that much. I don’t know how it got past the wards and entered this world. It must have sensed our true nature and set upon my wife right away. She’s the stronger of the two of us.”

  The hairs on Dean’s neck stood up. He had never encountered a demon before. He knew they were the evil opposites of the heavenly Unusuals like the Eldara. Those angels fulfilled the roles of messengers and agents of the gods of good and nature. The demons served another group, who sought to tear the world asunder, or so legend said. They were confined to the netherworld and kept there by a series of wards set in place millennia ago. An Oni was an Asian form of demon, though there were many varieties. Some were intelligent, but others were much more dangerous because of their unpredictable animal natures.

  Shining the light around the yard, the paramedic saw nothing but the house and the trees and grass. He turned his attention back to the patient and her husband. If there was an Oni on the loose and attacking people, it would need to be dealt with, but that was a matter for someone else. He and Barry were here to care for this patient. They had to get her to the Elk City Medical Center trauma team.

  The Oni demon, called Tegu by its lord and master, watched from the roof of the house nearby. It had been easy to climb up there and watch for the arrival of its true target. Tegu had been told that it would know the one it was to kill by his aura, and the stink of an Eldara on him. The Eldara, the messengers of the gods, were the most hated of the adversaries faced by demon-kind. The master was right. As soon as the strange, loud vehicle arrived and the occupants climbed out, the Oni noticed saw the white glow surrounding the driver. He was one of those touched by one of the hated Eldara. That was the demon’s target. The man would not be without some sort of magical protections, so the demon watched and waited for the right opportunity to strike. He must kill this man. The master had ordered it.

  Dean fetched the stretcher from the ambulance and took it over to where Barry was finishing up his treatments to Akiko. She was semiconscious, only occasionally groaning in pain when Barry was forced to move her while binding her wounds. He had stretched out the clear plastic from a roll of plastic food wrap and had wrapped her chest to seal the wounds and help prevent what was commonly called a sucking chest wound. The lungs required a closed system to work effectively. When air was able to rush into the chest cavity without having to go through the mouth and nose, the lungs could not inflate properly. This was one of the causes of a collapsed lung. By wrapping her wounds in airtight plastic, Barry helped seal the wounds and prevent air from entering the chest cavity by another route.

  Once the stretcher was rolled up next to her, the two paramedics carefully lifted her up onto it and then began loading their other gear up and around her so they could roll the whole package of patient and gear back to the ambulance in one run. Dean pointed to the ambulance and told Yamo to go get in the passenger seat of the ambulance’s cab while they loaded his wife into the back. The two paramedics then rolled her over to the back of the vehicle. They took care on the uneven ground to avoid tipping the top-heavy load.

  When they arrived at the back of the ambulance, Barry lifted the head end of the stretcher up and Dean helped him retract the wheels
and roll it into the back of the ambulance. Considering his route to the hospital, he closed the doors and started to walk around to the driver’s side of the ambulance.

  Tegu saw its opportunity as the two paramedics separated. Its target was alone at the rear and turning to walk to the front of the vehicle. The demon leapt down from its perch on the roof of the Hakutakus’ home. This would be the chance to finish off the target for its master. It would be satisfying to kill one of the agents of good. Even if this human was just another minion, it would be satisfying to serve its master this way. As Tegu scrambled from the roof to the ground, the demon failed to notice another dark form detach from the other shadows at the corner of the house, following after it. The hunter was also the hunted.

  Ready to keep reading? Save 40% - get Extreme Medical Services Vol 4-6 in one box set!

  Also by Jamie Davis

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  Extreme Medical Services Series

  Book 1 - Extreme Medical Services

  Book 2 - The Paramedic’s Angel

  Book 3 - The Paramedic’s Choice

  Book 4 - The Paramedic’s Hunter

  Book 5 - The Paramedic’s Witch

  Book 6 - The Paramedic’s Nemesis

  Book 7 - The Paramedic’s Doom


  Eldara Sister Series

  The Nightingale’s Angel

  Blue and Gray Angel


  The Broken Throne Series

  The Charm Runner

  Prophecy’s Child

  The Queen of Avalon


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