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Karma (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 1)

Page 13

by K. T Fisher

  “Then it’s a good fucking job I’m not then!” I shout back.

  “You better fuck off out of my sight before I knock your fucking lights out!” Grim growls.

  “What?” My heart pounds in my chest from his words.

  Grim’s face softens and he places his hand on my cheek. “No, not you, babe.” He then looks behind me and I see that Duke and West are no longer sat at the bar.

  “Come on.” Grim picks me up, holding me against him and carries me back to my room.

  “I can walk.” I remind him.

  “I know.” He smirks.

  “So, you can put me down, we look silly.” I see everyone staring at us and sink deeper into his arms.

  “This is the nicest thing I’ve done for anyone, so shut up and enjoy it.” He replies, and when I see the intensity in his eyes, I do as he says.

  My eyes start to get heavier and heavier as he carries me, like I’m being rocked to sleep like a baby and I fight to keep my eyes open. We enter the hallway that leads to all bedrooms and my eyes flutter shut again. When Grim opens the door, he wakes me and I quickly notice that this isn’t the door to my room.

  “What are you doing?” I slur.

  “Just relax, I’m being a gentleman.” Grim answers as he closes the door behind us and lays me down on the bed.

  The alcohol starts to catch up with me and the room begins to spin. Shit, I shouldn’t have had so much to drink. I hold onto my head and groan.

  “You going to be sick?” Grim asks and I shake my head in reply. As soon as I do, I regret it and moan again.

  “My head hurts.” I whimper and I’m sure I hear the prick laugh.

  “I’ll get you something for your head, just hold on.” Grim walks away and as I wait, my eyes become heavy again and I can’t fight them anymore.

  Chapter 35

  Oh god my head kills!

  That’s my first automatic thought when I wake the next morning. The second is, I need some water and when I open my eyes they sting, but I don’t bother to notice because all I can think about is where am I?

  I’m not in my room! I roll over and have to hold back the loud shriek that almost falls out of my mouth when I see what is next to me, or better yet who. Next to me lays Grim, who is very much shirtless and again, lying next to me in bed. I take a mental note that my jeans are missing but my underwear and top is still very much in place.

  Shit I can’t stop staring at his naked chest!

  And it’s a very nice chest. Wow his body is delicious and I almost want to lick him but I obviously don’t. I take this opportunity to look at his tattoos. He has a large crown on one peck with the words, The Kings’ of Rebellion, underneath. It’s a powerful tattoo, and after adoring it I follow more of his tattoos down his stomach. Getting dangerously low until I stop at his shorts, that is only just covering his pubic hair. I marvel at his V shape, pointing downwards and see he has The Kings of Rebellion written across the deep ridges. He really loves his club. The longer I stare, the hungrier I get and I worry if the hunger is for food or something else completely. The feeling that spreads inside feels foreign to me, and I have to look away. I look up to his face and take in his great looks, that strong jaw that’s decorated with his black stubble. His eyes are shut and I smile at his quiet snoring and realize this still isn’t helping.

  As carefully as I can, I lean up onto my knees because I need to get out of this bed as quickly as possible and hopefully back to my room before he or Natasha wakes. I watch Grim, to make sure I don’t disturb him while I’m sneaking away. With the covers removed, I crawl slowly down the bed and see that one of Grim’s legs is hanging out of the covers and I think it’s kind of cute. I also notice that this leg is heavily tattooed, pity I don’t have time to take note of his chosen designs because I need to get the hell out of here. I can’t be here when he wakes up.

  I make it off the bed with success and quickly manage to find my jeans and shuffle back into them. I tip toe to the door and just as I open it my good luck stops.

  “Rushing off so soon?”

  I freeze in my tracks and don’t even bother to turn around. “I gotta go.”

  I run out of the door as fast as I can, running on bare feet and ignore his pleading to come back. I risk a glance back, happy to see that he’s gone back into his room but then I run right into someone and look to see its Drew.

  “You ok?” She laughs but when she looks behind me her face turns from humorous to disgust. “Seriously, Lauren? My brother?” She shakes her head, still looking behind me.

  I look behind me in shock, seeing Grim running towards us and he isn’t dressed. He’s still in just his shorts but now he has his boots on.

  “Grim is your brother?” I ask, in total shock.

  “Unfortunately.” Drew frowns at him.

  “I told you to call me Brandon.” He growls from behind me.

  I ignore him and watch as Drew looks between us both, trying to figure it out. “So why are you rushing away?” She then glares at her brother. “You slept together!”

  “No!” I shout.

  “Thanks.” Grim laughs, but again I ignore him.

  “I just need to get back to my room.” I push past her, leaving them both arguing between themselves and only relax when I lock my bedroom door behind me.

  Chapter 36

  As soon as I enter my room, Natasha springs up from her bed in a sitting position like something possessed.

  “Where have you been?” She asks immediately and I feel like a child sneaking home from a house party.

  “I need a shower.” I mumble and run into the bathroom. The heat of the shower clears my head a little and I get my memories back from last night. I feel so ashamed that I let myself get that drunk, it’s been a while, but I didn’t think I would be that bad. Although, maybe the Vodka shots between the drinks weren’t such a great idea.

  I make sure to stay busy, getting dressed and blow drying my hair to try and ignore Natasha’s persistent questioning about last night. While I’m applying some light make-up, because it still feels weird to wear it after my time with The Devil’s Spawn, I finally give in to Natasha.

  “Lauren, I won’t stop. Tell me where you were last night. I know that you were drinking with two bikers.” She cocks an eyebrow, challenging me.

  “Fine,” I heavily sigh. “Yes, I was drinking with West and Duke and I got so drunk that Grim had to help me go to bed.”

  “But, you weren’t in your bed.” She points out and then realization appears on her face. “Holy shit, Grim took you back to his room!”

  “Quiet!” I shush her. “Someone will hear you.”

  “Did you?” Natasha does this weird thing with her fingers and I realize that she’s asking if we had sex.

  “No.” I reply. “I don’t think I’m ready for that.”

  “I understand.” She smiles. “I’m not either, not sure when I will to be honest.”

  We both sit in silence for a few minutes and I decide I’m done with my make-up.

  “So, what did happen?” She finally asks and I let her know exactly what I can remember happening. Including waking up to his delicious body and staring at it, a lot.

  “Everything will be fine.” She assures me after I freak out about Drew and her finding us this morning.

  In a perfect world, I would have spent all day in bed and have a Netflix marathon, hiding away. But obviously here I can’t do that. In a clubhouse full of bikers, who are actually very nosey, getting privacy is not something I will achieve.

  So, when I enter the club room, I should have expected the few looks from some of the members, but it still makes me feel as awkward as hell. Instead of going to the bar, where I was last night, I decide to stay in what I call the club room. This room is more family friendly, with TV’s, tables and often food. With lockdown still in place, there’s some family member here but I know that the president is thinking about lifting the lockdown rule for everyone but me and the girls. I don’t know if
that’s a good idea or not because I know Demon, and that look in his eyes, he will try and find us. If he finds out we have come to the UK, which I’m assuming is an easy guess, the first place he will come is here. My brain starts to imagine all possibilities of that happening as I look out at the children and I start to panic. Maybe them all going is the best thing, if they’re here when Demon gets here, they will all be in trouble.

  I quickly stand, determined to go and talk to Franky about this but I’m stopped. A hand grips my wrist and I look back to find Grim. A hot flush spreads all over me from just his hand on me and I back away.

  “Grim.” I greet.

  He immediately drops my arm and frowns. “Call me Brandon.”

  “Why?” I ask. I don’t understand why out of everyone, he wants me to not call him by his club name.

  “I don’t know.” He struggles. “Just please, call me Brandon. At least when we’re alone.”

  I think it through, and I come to a decision. Why the hell not?

  “Ok.” I agree. “When we’re alone.”

  He seems happy with that.

  “Are you ok after last night?” He asks, looking me over.

  “I’m fine.” I snap. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “You seemed a little freaked out when you were running away from me.” He points out.

  “I wasn’t running.” I stand my ground. “Anyway, I need to find your dad.”

  “Why?” He asks.

  “I want to tell him that he should lift lockdown for everyone else. If Demon comes here then we’re all in danger.” I take a deep breath to calm myself. “I don’t want anyone else hurt.”

  He takes a hold of my shoulders, looking me in the eye. “Lauren, you don’t need to worry. Everyone here is perfectly safe, especially you.”

  My breath catches in my throat. “Why me?”

  Brandon stares down at me, intensity pouring from him. I take a deep breath and inhale his scent. “You have me in your life now and I can keep you from Demon. I won’t let him get his hands on you again. I’d rather die.”

  His growling voice sends goose bumps to rise all over me. “I can’t help but be scared Brandon.”

  As soon as I say his name I know he likes it. His pupils widen and his face relaxes, not a lot but enough for me to notice.

  “I know, but I will protect you but you can’t talk to my dad.” He answers.

  “Why not?” I ask.

  “Lauren, only club members can talk to the president about that shit. My mum only can when they are alone, you can’t discuss that with him.” He sounds certain, and I can understand but that doesn’t mean I’m happy about it. I’m under their care and I owe them my freedom from the Devil’s Spawn so I have to respect their rules.

  “You hungry?” He asks me.

  “Sure.” I answer, after The King’s rescued me from The Devil’s, I feel like I’m always hungry.

  Brandon leads me away and I realize that he’s taking me towards the kitchen. When we reach the door, he pokes his head around and shouts out.

  “Mum? You got it ready?” He waits and then I hear his mother reply.

  “Sure do, who are you taking?” She asks and I see a large bag being passed into his hands.

  “None of your concern.” He laughs and quickly leads me away. When I turn around, I see Laura with her head poking around to spy on her son. When she sees us, she smiles and waves and I have to return the wave.

  Brandon then takes me out of the back of the clubhouse. A few kids are out here but he leads me around the corner where it’s quieter and sits on the grass. He pats the space beside him with a smirk on his face. “Come and sit.”

  I eye him curiously but sit beside him and watch as he grabs containers out of the bag he was handed by his mum.

  “So, did your mother make you a packed lunch?” I ask. “Very manly.”

  From the look on his face, I can’t help but laugh. “Very funny, she saw me starting it and took over.”

  “So, you had this planned?” I ask. I’m very surprised.

  “Of course. I had to make up for last night.” He answers. “Nothing happened by the way.”

  “No, I knew that.” I smile. “Thank you.”

  “You don’t need to thank me, Lauren. I wanted to look after you. I was just worried by your reaction this morning.” Brandon lays down cans of Coke and looks to me. “I’m sorry about Drew.”

  At this I laugh. “No, that was a little awkward but it’s not your fault. It was mine for getting drunk.” I groan.

  Brandon’s face darkens. “I’ve already sorted Duke and West.”

  “What!” I shriek.

  “Don’t worry, they’re not dead.” He chuckles. “They should be after getting you like that though.”

  “No, that was all me.” I place my hand on his. “Don’t do anything about something that was on me.”

  Brandon looks to our hands and nods. “Let’s eat.”

  Chapter 37

  The next morning, I wake with a very strange sensation between my legs. My fingers are soaking and my pussy is tingling, so much so that my thighs keep clenching. I think my body is craving a release and I don’t know how I feel about that.

  I look over to see that Natasha isn’t in bed, and I listen out for her in the bathroom but there’s no noise. “Tash?” I shout, but I get no reply.

  I’m all sweaty from god knows what I’ve been doing while I’ve been sleeping, so I decide to take a shower. I make sure to lock the bathroom door behind me and strip naked. When the room is filled with steam from the shower, I jump in and let the hot water soothe me. I let an appreciative groan slip from my mouth as I wash my hair and then let my hands wander down my body. I start to daydream about Brandon as my hands smooth over my skin and weirdly, for the first time since I was taken, I think about playing with my nipples.

  The thought won’t leave my head, and without thinking I feel my hands reach up to my breast and softly caress the outer area of my nipple. My breathing deepens and I go for it, I flick my hardened peak and continue round and around. The sensation feels amazing and it’s not long until I need more. I feel nervous and a little scared. Should I be doing this? Is this right? Is it too soon?

  I don’t know what is right or not, but I do know that I want to feel something down there and one of my hands leaves my breast to travel down between my legs. I bite down on my lip, wanting this and needing it all at the same time. As I take hold of my mound, and let a single finger slip through, it feels as if I’m am gaining some control back over my body. It’s silly, I know, but as my finger toys with my swollen clit the feeling of control becomes stronger.

  The water washes over me as I pleasure myself, but it feels like it’s so much more than that. Images of Brandon and his mouth watering body full of tattoos, flash behind my closed eyelids as I continue my self-inflicting bliss.

  I sink to the floor of the shower, pulling my face from the spray of the shower but letting it still wet my body. I open my legs wide so I have plenty of room to play. I rub softly up my clit and then down, dipping my fingers inside and then back up again. Repeating and repeating until an orgasm surprises me and tears roll down my face as I do.

  It takes a while for my breathing to get back under control and I leave the shower. Wrapping myself in a towel, I find Natasha has returned when I open the door.

  “Finally!” She shouts, pushing past and slamming the door behind her. She reappears a short time later and sits on her bed. “I thought I was going to pee myself.”

  “Sorry.” I laugh, thinking about what I was doing in there as I make my way to my wardrobe and decide on what to wear.

  “So, the word around town is that you and Grim are a thing.” I turn to see her eyeing me.

  “Of course we aren’t.” I dismiss her, returning to my wardrobe.

  “But he did take you on a picnic.” She points out. “And then took you back to his room when you were drunk.”

  “It was sandwiches in the backyard a
nd he told me he wanted to look out for me, that’s all.” I correct her, but I know I’m lying to us both. It was more than just sandwiches, we talked and he fed me chocolate. It was sweet, especially for a big, biker man like Brandon.

  I spot my jeans on the shelf, I haven’t worn them for a long while and they used to be a really tight fit. When I pull them on, they’re fitted but not as figure hugging as they were before. I find a red vest top and throw it over my head. I glance at my jumpers and browse at my selection of cardigans but decide I don’t want to wear one today.

  “Pick the boots.” Natasha advises and I smile back at her, giving her a mock salute and slip them on. They’re black, with big buckles along the side and a chunky heel. Very biker looking and I’ve been worried about wearing them around here, until now.

  “What did you do in that shower?” Natasha laughs and I freeze.

  “What?” I don’t turn around to face her.

  “Well, I haven’t seen those jeans on you probably because they’re sexy as hell, and you haven’t worn red. All I’ve seen you in is black or grey, the colour looks banging on you and those boots.” She puckers her lips at me. “They make you look like some sexy ass biker chick. You look hot, Brandon will be drooling!”

  I look down at myself, assessing the outfit I have innocently picked out and realize that Natasha is right. Is she right? Was this to do with my shower? Did pleasuring myself help me out of this funk I’m in, even just a little?

  Maybe because it’s the first time in what feels like a long time that I was in control of myself. I did what I wanted and was in charge. Something so simple, yet so powerful.

  “I masturbated.” I admit to her and wait for her laughter, but it doesn’t come. I turn to face her and she’s looking down at the floor. “Tash?”

  “I heard you.” She smiles up at me. “I’m proud.”

  I go to sit beside her. “You’re proud?” I laugh.

  “I am.” Natasha isn’t laughing, no she’s deadly serious. “You’re getting back in control and I’m proud”


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