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Karma (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 1)

Page 22

by K. T Fisher

  Andrew smirks down at me. “Don’t worry baby, this will just be like old times.”

  I feel sick from his words, remembering the times we shared together. It was all a fucking lie!

  Andrew leans down and kisses me but I don’t take part. My mouth doesn’t move for him, instead I press my lips together so he can’t have any access. Andrew starts to get inpatient with me and smacks me across the face when I don’t kiss him back.

  “Fine!” He shouts. “If you won’t kiss my mouth, you can kiss my cock.”

  Demon turns my face so that when Andrew releases his cock from his jeans, my mouth is level for him. I stiffen my neck so that Demon can’t push me forward.

  “Raven!” Demon shouts. “Do as you’re told!”

  Andrew thrusts into my face, trying to get me to open my mouth for his cock, but I fight as much as I can. Demon pinches my nose, cutting off my air supply. I close my eyes so they can’t see the pain I am in. I can’t hold my breath for much longer and I will have to open my mouth if Demon doesn’t let go of my nose, but he doesn’t and I’m struggling.

  “Open up.” Andrew laughs.

  Not many seconds later and I gasp for air, opening my mouth and Andrew quickly thrusts inside. Widening my mouth as he forces his way in, I hate him so fucking much! How can you do this to another person?

  Demon pressed me forward, making the motions for me because I will not do them. I begin to choke as Andrew presses himself too far into my mouth and they all just laugh at me.

  A thought comes to mind and I try not to smile from it. I don’t want them to know what I’m about to do because it’s the only way I can possibly fight back. Andrew thrusts into my mouth and when his cock is fully in my mouth I bite down. I close my mouth as quickly and as hard as I can, making Andrew yelp so loud from the pain. He screams and grabs my head, trying to pull himself free from my mouth but it only makes it worse. I smile as I bite, enjoying his screams even though Demon is shouting at me from behind.

  “Raven, stop!” Demon shouts. “I will have to hurt you!”

  Why is he warning me? He’s never bothered before.

  I ignore him, loving biting down on Andrews dick too much to let go. I hear a whooshing sound and then feel a sharp sting as a slap hits me across my legs. I gasp and open my mouth enough for Andrew to escape my grip on him and he falls to the floor, whimpering like a baby. I grin down at him, loving the sight when another sharp sting slaps me. I look down at my body, it’s red and bloody now and then I see Demon with the large whip in his hand. He lifts it again and I prepare myself for the next slap and cry out when it lands.

  Demon laughs, a dangerous look on his face. He orders everyone but Andrew to leave.

  “That was bad, Raven,” Demons growls. “You have to be punished.”

  Andrew slowly stands back up, scowling at me. “Let me boss.” He offers.

  Demon nods his permission and straight away Andrew dishes it out. His slaps hit me hard and fast. Then they turn into punches, hitting me everywhere he can. I cry out in pain and hate myself for giving him that bit of pleasure.

  “Stop.” Demon orders and I’m relieved to get a break.

  I can feel blood pouring from cuts on my face, but I don’t get much time to gather myself before Demon’s turn. He pulls on my hair so much I think it’s going to rip out of my scalp.

  “This is your fault, Raven.” He tells me, just before adding more punches to my body and a few kicks for good measure.

  When Demon finishes my beating, leaving me sore and in pain, he gets out his hard cock and rubs it along my side. “You always get me hard.”

  He squeezes my breasts hard through my torn shirt and I bite down on my lip to stop myself from crying out. Andrew joins in and wraps a hand around my throat, choking me while Demon drifts further down my body. I feel Demons hand as he strokes my skin, going down to my legs and I begin to become dizzy from the lack of oxygen.

  “We don’t want her dead.” Demon laughs, making Andrew let go of my throat.

  “Why not?” Andrew sulks.

  “Because she’s mine.” Demon lifts himself on the bed, crawling up my body and moaning in delight.

  I watch him as he takes me in, smiling at his prize and I sink into myself. I know what’s about to come and I don’t want to be here when it happens. I want to be numb and not a part of my body.

  Suddenly a loud bang makes me jump and I watch in shock as Demon falls to the floor.

  “Shit!” Andrew quickly turns to the one window that’s in this room.

  I watch him shoot the glass, trying to make his way out as shots are being fired at him. I see sprays of red as he gets away. I’m not even concerned for my own safety because I would rather be killed than have the last hours repeated.

  I had thought that the first gunshot had hit Demon and that’s why he fell to the floor but then I spot him beside me. He’s crouching down, hiding like a pussy and using me as his cover. A hand touches me and I turn in panic, but when I see his face tears escape me.

  “Lauren.” He breathes a sigh of relief.

  Suddenly there’s cold metal against my temple and Brandon stares wide eyed at Demon, who I’m assuming is holding the gun to my head.

  “Go back home, or I’ll shoot.” Demon threatens.

  “Back away.” Brandon speaks calmly but I see the panic in his eyes.

  “No.” Demon laughs. “I’ll kill her before you have her, she’s mine.”

  Brandon goes to move and a shot rings out. The gun pressed against me drops to the floor. I see many King’s members run to Demon, securing him on the floor so he can no longer move.

  Brandon and Baby work at my bindings, while Scrappy throws his shirt over me to cover me up. I hear Demon screaming and shouting as they handle him. He shouts to his men but Franky laughs.

  “Everyone in this house is dead.” Franky delivers the news and Demon keeps quiet as they lead him out the room.

  Chapter 58

  Brandon took care of me, demanding everyone get out the room while he made me decent and prepared to leave my prison. He kept stroking my hair, kissing my head and holding me tight as I got my bearings. It was like he couldn’t believe I was here, but I was just the same. Was I imagining Brandon here?

  Brandon carried me out of the house, stepping over dead Devil members from knife injuries rather than gun wounds. Brandon said they wanted the element of surprise and I guess they did. I’m just happy I’m back with him.

  I don’t remember much of the journey home either. I was shocked to see so many vans at the back of the house I was being kept in. It makes sense seeing as their bikes are noisy as hell and it would have given them away. I sit in the back of the truck, clinging to Brandon and enjoying his touch once again. I breathe in his scent and eventually calm when I realize I’m back with my family.

  Brandon seems to be feeling the same as I am. He makes sure to always be touching me as he talks to Franky who drives in the front. Whether, it’s a hand on mine that clings to his waist, or his hand that rests on my thigh. I enjoy it as much as I’m guessing he is and scoot closer to him. I have a need to get as close as I physically can and I have a weird need to get us both naked and lie skin to skin. I just want to feel him.


  As soon as we enter The Kings’ clubhouse, and the gates close behind us, I spot the girls running outside. I open the door and slowly exit, watching as they speed over to me.

  “Lauren!” Natasha screams as she reaches me.

  Elise and Drew hold me as Natasha does and we all cry together.

  “I’m so glad they found you.” Elise cries into my shoulder.

  “What did they do to you?” Drew asks as she looks at my beaten face in horror.

  “Standard Devil’s behaviour,” I reply and feel Natasha stiffen under my arm.

  I break away from them and wipe my own face. “No more crying for them.” I order.

  The three of them nod and wipe their own faces, softly smiling at me.

/>   I hug them again, glad to be back. I’d never had friends before I found these women and I’m so glad to have them in my life. Without them, I don’t know where I would be. When I hold them I think of my sister Maisy. When this all blows over, I need to go and see her.

  Brandon rips me away from the girls and they laugh. He scoops me up and holds me tight.

  “Sorry girls, but I gotta have her to myself for now.” He walks away, holding me and I couldn’t be happier.

  As happy as I am with the girls, I need to be alone with Brandon. I know what he’s feeling, so I don’t bother fighting with him, because I need it too. Instead, I wave at the girls as I’m carried away.

  When we get to his room, Brandon lays me down gently on the bed. A definite change from previous times when he’s thrown me down in passion. Now it’s the time for care and nurture, not just for me but for both of us.

  Brandon lays down next to me and just looks at me, taking me in. I look at him too, all of him and appreciate what he and his club have done for me twice now. Tears start to run down my face and hit the pillow under me. They sting the cuts on my face.

  “Do I look horrible?” I ask. It’s a stupid question I know, but I want to break the silence.

  “No.” He shakes his head.

  “Liar.” I laugh and I get the tiniest smile back from him.

  “I’m just glad to have you back.” He replies and I see his eyes shine. My heart melts for him.

  I scoot a little closer to him. “I’m glad to be back.”

  Brandon stands and holds his hand out, guiding me to the bathroom. He kisses my head and turns on the shower. When he faces me again, he holds me softly because of my injuries.

  “We need to clean you up.” He orders and I nod.

  “Thank you.” I whisper.

  Brandon frowns and cradles my face in his hands. “You don’t have to thank me, Lauren. You’re my Old Lady and I will do anything for you.”

  It’s then that I see the cuts all along his head. I reach out and touch them, looking him all over for more. “He told me you were dead.”

  Brandon shakes his head. “I couldn’t die knowing he had you again, Lauren. I would die saving you rather than living without you.”

  I start to cry and he kisses me sweetly. It’s a shock. He’s kissed me softly and dominantly, but now sweetly. It’s just what I need right now.

  “Come on.” Brandon helps me into the shower and follows me in. He carefully washes my injuries and luckily the whip marks aren’t as bad as they feel and should heal fine. Brandon still wants me to ask Doc to be on the safe side.

  When he has washed away the dirt and the blood, he begins to wash my hair for me and I have to fight to not sink to my knees. It feels amazing and I actually moan. Eventually Brandon wraps his arms around me and I feel his erection digging into the bottom of my back. I go to turn around, wanting to see him but he holds me in place.

  “No.” Is all he says, and we stay like this for a few minutes. Just Brandon holding me, feeling him and it’s perfect. I have my suspicions that he was crying, but I guess I’ll never know because I won’t ask him. That was his private moment and I’m glad I was there for it.

  Chapter 59

  We spend the rest of the day alone, just being together and reuniting after yet another tragedy.

  “That’s the last time you will see Demon.” He tells me with confidence.

  “I know.” I reply with certainty. I know that they have Demon and I’m not stupid to not know what that means. Demon will die at the hands of Brandon and I’m brutally honest when I say that I’m ok with that. I know the average person outside of this life would be horrified at that, but after what I’ve been through and what Demon and his club did to me, I just wish that it could have been me to finish him off instead.

  The next morning, Brandon is true to his word and gets Doc to check me over. The worst of my injuries are the cuts on my face thanks to Andrew. It’s not long after when Drew, Elise and Natasha pop their heads around the door. They run towards me and join me on the bed.

  “God, I’m so glad you’re ok.” Natasha holds me gently.

  “Grim was so angry while you were gone. “ Elise spills. “I was actually scared of him.”

  “He wouldn’t hurt you.” I assure her.

  “I know.” She nods. “He was just so upset. You should have seen how angry he was with Franky, he wasn’t the same without you.”

  I think about what she says and it’s hard to picture a scary Brandon. Hopefully they won’t have to ever see him like that again.

  “Was everything ok?” Natasha asks and I know she’s asking if it was like before. I let them know what they need to and leave out the bits they shouldn’t know.

  “I can’t believe they took you.” Drew whimpers, a lone tear dropping down her cheek.

  “Hey!” I tease her. “No crying remember?”

  We catch up a little on the bed, but I know they’re being careful with me. They don’t seem to understand that I’m a lot better coming out of it this time around. I know I have my family with me now and it makes a huge difference.

  “We ok to come in?” I see Baby by the door. Devlin is behind him, looking a bit unsure of himself.

  “Sure.” I smile.

  “Ooh, your face is looking pretty messy.” Baby jokes but Drew doesn’t seem to share his humour.

  “Shut the fuck up, Kai!” She glares at him and he holds up his hands in surrender.

  “Only joking, sis.” He winks and sits down next to me. “You know I’m kidding right?”

  His suddenly serious face shows me how worried he actually is and I pat his leg. “Of course.”

  He smiles and nods in relief, it’s then I spot Devlin walking in and he’s not his usual jokey self.

  “You ok, Dev?” I ask him.

  “I should be asking you that.” He scoffs. “After I saw what they did to you, I can’t stop thinking about revenge.”

  “I’m ok.” I try to assure him. “Really I am, but I know I wouldn’t have been if you all hadn’t saved me. So thank you.”

  “You don’t need to thank me.” He replies. “You’re like a sister to me, and I would do it again for you in a heartbeat.”

  “Same here,” Baby adds and I smile at them both.

  I sniffle through my threatening tears. “Shut up.”

  Everyone laughs and I’m glad to see Devlin finally relax. Natasha though has tensed up and I remember that she had told me about that awkward kiss between her and Devlin. I haven’t heard anything else from her and she seemed fine. So, I didn’t think to ask but by her body language, there’s something there.

  As I laugh at Baby and Elise kidding around, I keep my eyes on Devlin and Natasha. I notice Devlin’s eyes keep looking over to Natasha but I’m unable to see her reaction. She’s keeping quiet and that’s not really like her. Something is definitely up.

  Brandon then appears with Franky, they had a meeting in his office and they both smile at us all.

  “Nice to see you doing well.” Franky leans in and gives me a kiss on the head.

  “Thank you.” I whisper, honoured that he would come and check on me.

  “Ok!” Brandon declares. “Time for you all to go, I need some time alone with my woman.”

  I laugh as they all grumble and stand. They each say their goodbyes and when Natasha leans in to give me a hug, I whisper in her ear.

  “I need to talk with you.” She gives me a confused look, but when I raise my eyebrows she seems to click onto what I’m talking about and bites down on her lip. With a slight blush she nods her head and leaves. I do notice that Devlin watches her, but Natasha keeps her distance.

  When they have all gone, Brandon locks the door behind him and grins. “Finally.”

  I giggle. “What do you have in mind?”

  “I’m thinking that you need to be naked.” He wiggles his eyebrows.

  “Really?” I continue to laugh. “Because, I was thinking the exact same thing.�

  “You were thinking that you needed to be naked?” He jokes and I throw a pillow at him.

  “That you were naked, dickhead.” Brandon nods his head and then carefully removes his leather vest, treating it with respect.

  “I’ll strip if you do.” He offers and I eagerly stand and remove my clothing.

  I’m not getting undressed to be horny and have sex. I’ve needed this since Brandon saved me from Demon. I need to feel him, all of him. I watch as he removes his shirt, almost drooling at the sight of his toned body. His sculptured stomach, thick arms and muscled thighs. Brandon slowly walks over to me, closing the distance between us and my eyes close as he wraps me in his arms and breathes me in. My neck tingles from the small gesture. He begins to undress me, revealing my own body to him. My body is aching for him, not for pleasure but for assurance. I want skin to skin, the way a new born is calmed after the stressful birth. I need to be calmed by Brandon’s hot skin.

  When Bradon has stripped, we look at each other and admire who is standing in front of the other. I marvel at his beautiful body and gorgeous tattoos. His cock is hard and my body quivers in reaction. Brandon slowly walks back to me and holds my face in his hands.

  “I love you, Lauren.” My eyes widen at his words. “I knew it before you were gone, but I was fucking scared. When I lost you, I was scared I’d never get to tell you. So I’m telling you now, I love you.”

  My breath hitches and I smile through happy tears. “I love you, too.”

  He holds me in his arms and I shudder, feeling so many emotions I don’t know which one to focus on. We crawl into bed, Brandon still holding onto me.

  “I just want to feel you.” He admits, squeezing me harder.

  “I want that too.” I smile as I melt into his warm body.

  We continue to lie naked together, completely alone, just touching and it’s exactly what we both needed.

  Chapter 60


  I fucking love having Lauren back in my arms. It’s the best feeling I’ve ever known. I loved seeing her smiling and laughing with her friends, but I saw how tired she was and I wanted to be alone with her. It didn’t take long for her to fall asleep and I took the opportunity to watch her. She’s so fucking beautiful, with her long black hair falling over the pillow and her long thick lashes adding colour to her pale face.


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