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Karma (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 1)

Page 24

by K. T Fisher

  I feel bad for her, she just wants to be herself and Laura’s rules are stopping her. Just then the door opens and Natasha joins us.

  “Hey.” I greet her.

  “I need to tell you all something.” She blurts.

  We make room for her on the bed we’re on. Once her ass hits the bed, her mouth doesn’t stop talking.

  “So, you remember yesterday when I said that I was tired and went back to my room?” She asks.

  “Yeah, you were being weird.” Drew points out.

  “Well I was lying.” She reveals. “I went to see Franky because I wanted to see Demon.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” I ask her.

  She shrugs her shoulders. “I didn’t know what state you would be in. You looked fine, but I wasn’t sure. I didn’t want to upset you so I went behind your back.”

  “What happened?” Elise asks in a whisper.

  “Franky let me, but he said he was coming with me. When I got in there I wasn’t prepared by how my emotions would change. I was angry and upset. I wanted to hurt him like he hurt us.” She wipes away her tears. “I saw a box of things, and I saw a little knife and a lighter in it. I don’t know what made me do it, but I heated the knife and burned his skin.”

  “You burned his skin?” I ask amazed.

  “Yes, into the shape of a dick and balls.” She bites on her bottom lip and looks to us.

  After a minute or so of letting it sink in, we all burst into another fit of laughter. I actually fall on my back and laugh, clutching at my chest.

  “Oh my god that’s hilarious!” I screech.

  “You’re not mad?” Natasha asks.

  “Are you crazy?” I laugh. “It’s genius! I just wish I was there to see it. I’d probably do more though.”

  “What do you mean?” Drew asks.

  “I’d kill him.” I answer honestly.

  After looking at me like a mad woman, Natasha reveals what Brandon had told her at the table and I couldn’t be prouder of my man.

  “I’m surprised he’s not dead.” Elise gasps.

  “He could die from that?” I ask.

  “Sure.” Drew answers. “He already has bad injuries. Grim added a serious new one by burning off his cock. I’m guessing he has a good chance of dying.”

  I suddenly stand and run for Brandon’s room. I hear the girls following me but I don’ give them a thought. I know where Brandon keeps his guns, and I grab the one he was letting me use for target practice last week. I was bored when I asked him to teach me and at first he had said no. But when I told him I had lessons back in America and was just a little rusty, he gave in.

  “Lauren, what are you doing?” Natasha asks.

  “Getting in there before he dies by himself,” I quickly answer.

  “What?” They all ask but I don’t bother answering. I don’t have much time.

  I clutch the heavy gun in my hand, and make a run for the warehouse. I ignore the girls behind me and run past everyone. I begin to run faster because the last thing I need is someone stopping me now. I need to do this. I can feel it in my bones. This is what I am supposed to do. The closer I get to Demon the more I know this to be true.

  When I reach the warehouse I see that a Prospect is guarding the door.

  “Hey.” I greet him. “It’s my turn in there.”

  He looks down at my gun and lifts his eyebrows. “Let me call Grim first.”

  I watch as he takes his phone out and when he’s not looking I push him down to the floor and make a run for it.

  “Shit!” I hear Natasha shout.

  “Lauren!” Drew shouts. “Take a second to think.”

  “I can’t.” I walk inside, finding my way to Demon. The stink of this place is unreal. It’s a similar smell to our room back in The Devil’s compound, but with the added smell of burning flesh.

  I see Demon, and he stares right back at me. “Hello, Raven.” He smiles.

  His voice sounds rough and I enjoy it. “You’re going to die.”

  “Really?” He laughs. “And are you the one to do it?”

  “Damn straight.” I answer him.

  “Just admit it’s me you want and get me out of here.” He groans.

  Is this man for real? He’s still on that shit?

  “I’m sorry, but I’d like a man with a cock.” I spot a nail gun to my side and grab it with my free hand. I quickly aim at Demon and fire.

  “Lauren, no!” Elise shouts but it’s too late.

  The nail hits his leg and he groans loudly. I can’t help but laugh and fire another. This one hits his arm.

  “Lauren?” I hear Brandon and my heart speeds up. No, he’s going to stop me. “Lauren!”

  “Come on Lauren, let’s get out of here.” Drew asks.

  “No.” I answer and turn back to Demon.

  “Lauren!” Brandon shouts as he finds me standing in front of Demon. I place the nail gun back on the table. Baby, Devlin and Franky are with him. “Come here.”

  “I have to do this.” I tell him and turn to Demon.

  I aim the gun and fire at Demon, I hold down the trigger and let the round hit him. I move towards him, I love seeing his body jerk as bullets pierce his skin. Blood splatters all over me but I don’t care. I am proud of the fact that I see at least one bullet hit him in the head.

  I feel a body behind me and I already know it’s Brandon. His arm reaches out and holds the gun, removing my hand from it. I hadn’t even realized the gun had run out of bullets and I was standing there looking down at a dead Demon, still aiming the gun at him.

  Brandon turns me to face him. “I’ve killed him.”

  Brandon holds me against him. “It’s ok.”

  He’s comforting me because he thinks I’m hurting, but what he doesn’t understand is I’m fine. I am happy, I am the one to kill that bastard and I’d do it again.

  Chapter 63

  Brandon takes me to his room and I can see everyone staring as we pass, and instead of hiding myself I smile at everyone.

  “Crazy damn bitch,” Baby mutters as he walks on my other side.

  We get to the bedroom door and Brandon turns to shut the door in Baby’s face. He pulls me along to the shower and begins to strip me. He keeps looking at me and I know he’s waiting for me to breakdown, or shutdown, or whatever, but that won’t be happening.

  “Stop it.” I tell him.

  “What?” He asks me.

  “You think I’m going to crack.” I cross my arms over my chest and then see the blood all over them.

  I make a disgusted face and Brandon gives me a small smile. He helps me into the shower, but doesn’t join me. Instead, he stands on the outside and watches as blood runs from my body and it’s now that it hits me. Tears begin to wash away with the blood and water. I’m not sad, not at all. I’m fucking happy. Believe it or not, these are happy tears. It’s just hitting me now that Demon is out of my life for good!

  Brandon gets me out of the shower and dries me off, carrying me to the bed like a baby.

  “Don’t cry.” Brandon kisses me.

  “These aren’t for him.” I point to my tears. “These are for me.”

  Brandon looks me over, thinking about what I’ve said. “You sure?”

  “I’m happy Brandon, and I feel so relieved!” I cry. “You don’t know how good I feel.”

  Brandon gives me his first real smile since catching me in the warehouse.

  “Is the prospect ok?” I ask as we lie down in bed.

  “Yeah.” Brandon laughs.

  Shit, I better say sorry to him tomorrow. Not that I hurt him or anything, but it was rude of me.

  For the first time in a long time, I fall asleep feeling completely free.


  Three months later

  It’s been three long months since I killed Demon and we’re still on lockdown. Don’t get me wrong, I feel happy because I am no longer worried about Demon. However, we have all been trapped inside of the club house. You can see everyo
ne is miserable and hating spending yet another day trapped here.

  Today, the men are having a much needed meeting about what they are going to do. If it was up to me, I’d lift the lockdown. Maybe still give me and the girls a body guard sort of thing and let the rest of their members and families out. I feel shitty for being a reason for them to still be living like this.

  I’m glad to finally have an update on West and Duke. It was looking really bad for West at one point and for a couple of days Brandon didn’t exactly tell me how bad it was. He likes to protect me from the scary truth, but after seeing how I handled everything concerning Demon I think he soon realized he didn’t need to. Unfortunately for West, he’s not completely healed. There was a scary moment where they thought he would lose an arm due to so much damage. Apparently, they had him held down on the floor, while Strike stomped on his right arm. It made me sick, and it could have cost him his membership in the club. Brandon told me the rule is if you can’t ride, you can’t be a King’s member! I thought that was a crazy fucking rule, how cruel is that? Why can’t you still be a member if you have interest? I think that secretly they would have let him stick around because they can’t have done everything they did to save him and then just have thrown him out. Duke however is now perfectly healthy, he just had a really bad concussion and after a week or so he was back to being his teasing and annoying self.

  I spot men starting to walk out from the meeting and try my best to look for Brandon. The men seem to have happy expressions and I begin to think the best. Has Franky lifted the lockdown rule? Munch, who has an Old Lady and two sons, shouts across the room.

  “We’re going home, baby!” He grabs her in his arms and she has a huge grin. “Now I know I’m getting a good time tonight!”

  I laugh at him as he rushes his woman to go and pack, very eager to get their privacy.

  “So I see you heard the news.” Brandon appears behind me.

  “I can go outside?” I ask excitedly. Brandon makes a weird looking face and my excitement fades. “Everyone else can go outside.”

  I sit back down and sigh. At least I don’t have to feel bad about making everyone else hang around here.

  “Not exactly.” Brandon sits beside me. “You can go out, but you just have to have someone with you who is a member of the club.”

  “Really?” I ask, my excitement picking back up.

  “Yes.” Brandon smiles, but then seriousness settles over him. “But you could still be in danger, Lauren. Strike and Andrew could still be out there, just waiting.”

  “I understand.” I nod. I am still afraid that Strike will try to get me after his crazy words back when Demon got me the second time.

  “As long as you understand that you’re not completely safe and you have to have either me, or another member I approve of when you’re outside the clubhouse, then its fine.” He makes his statement clear.

  “A member you approve of?” I laugh.

  “Of course.” He grabs me close and kisses me.

  “Get a room.” Natasha rolls her eyes, laughing at us.

  “Oh my god!” I cheer. “I can see your house!”

  Brandon laughs and nods. “I’d rather do something else.”

  I cross my arms over my chest and look him over. “Like what?”

  He takes me in, looking at my outfit. I’m wearing a basic black shirt, jeans and my black Converse today.

  “You will do.” He takes hold of my hand and my legs quicken to keep up with his fast pace.

  Brandon leads us to the front of the clubhouse, where the bikes are kept and walks me to his. This bike is a huge piece of metal porn! Even I can appreciate how sexy this bike is. Brandon approaches it, swinging one leg over and settling on the seat. He revs the engine loudly and my heart speeds up. Franky appears and hands us both helmets. They’re both all blacked out, and Brandon places his on his lap and grins to me.

  “Get on.” He orders.

  “Erm,” I hesitate. “Ok.”

  I slowly swing my right leg over and wobble a bit as I get my balance. Brandon leans back to look at me.

  “Put your helmet on and hold on tight.” With one last kiss, Brandon places his helmet over his head and turns to the front.

  I look to Franky, who has now been joined by the girls, Devlin and Baby. Franky nods his head for me to put on the helmet.

  “You’ll be fine!” Shouts Elise. “Just hold on tight and have fun.”

  I take a deep breath and put on the helmet and hold onto Brandon. It’s not the bike I’m nervous about, it’s being this close and intimate with Brandon. Yes we have had sex and admitted that we love each other, but we haven’t done this before. I haven’t been on his bike, rode behind him and held him so close. We haven’t experienced this together yet and yeah, I’m pretty nervous and excited about it. Plus the added scare factor, that Strike could still be out there, watching me and waiting for the perfect chance.

  Brandon loudly throttles the bike and the vibration under me is thrilling! With one last wave, I wrap my arms around Brandon. He drives normally to the gate and once they’re open, he speeds away and I feel so happy in that moment.

  The wind hits, a smile is permanently on my face and I can hear Brandon laughing. He’s obviously enjoying this with me too. Brandon goes faster and I squeal excitedly, he laughs some more and rubs my thigh. I love that gesture and my heart swells.

  We drive for a while, the fresh air hitting my body and I begin to get comfy against Brandon’s back. I lean my head on him and watch the trees and road blur past us. We start to slow when we reach fields and large park.

  He parks the bike under a huge tree and we slowly get off. My legs shake a little and he holds my hand to steady me. He whips off his helmet, and I’m amazed at how free and happy he looks.

  I remove my own and shake my hair, Brandon’s eyes glaze over. “What?” I ask.

  “You look so fucking hot.” He growls and pulls me to him.

  “I loved the ride.” I sigh as he kisses my neck.

  He quickly takes the helmet from my hands and places them on the soft grass.

  “I need you.” He groans.

  “Here?” I gasp.

  Brandon returns to kissing me, giving me my answer. My man wants some sex outdoors, I can’t deny him that!

  His hands tangle in my shirt and then reach my hair, pulling and thrusting against me. Brandon unbuttons my jeans and slips his hands inside, rubbing my most sensitive area. I’m instantly wet and needing more.

  “Turn around.” Brandon orders and I do so quickly.

  When I’m facing his bike, he tugs my jeans and thong down to my knees and the fresh air hits my wet pussy. It’s sends a chill through me. Brandon crouches down behind me, grabbing my ass cheeks and groaning.

  “I fucking love your ass.” He squeezes my cheeks and then leaves me with a sharp, stinging slap.

  It makes me moan and I poke my ass out for more. Brandon seems to like this as he rubs his jean covered cock against me.

  His cock isn’t covered for long, as he rips them down and bends me over his bike. I worry about the stability, but as soon as he nudges my legs open the furthest they can with my jeans limiting me and rubs the head of his cock against me, I no longer worry. All I need is Brandon inside of me.

  This isn’t love making, this is pure and hard fucking. I moan as quietly as possible because we could be caught at any time, but that’s hard when Brandon is fucking me gloriously. I can’t keep it in and it’s not long before both us climax. We laugh together as we dress.

  After our amazing bike sex, he hops back on the bike and drives again, but this time Brandon parks up in front of a lovely house. It stands on its own with a decent amount of land surrounding it. Private fencing secures it and I itch to look inside.

  “Who lives here?” I ask in wonder. It’s beautiful!

  “It’s mine.” Brandon laughs and I’m in shock.

  “Yours?” I gasp.

  “Yeah, why are you so shocked?”
He asks with a knowing smirk.

  “Brandon, this house looks amazing!” I smile and look around us. There are fields and private dirt roads all around, it’s quiet and perfect.

  “I designed it,” he admits. “With help from my mum of course.”

  “What?” I ask, completely shocked.

  Brandon looks around us. “This is my family’s land. It’s been in our family for generations. My parents’ house is the original building, but my dad decided we should build our own houses here too.”

  “That’s amazing.” It truly is, and if you get along with your family then this is perfect.

  “Come on.” Brandon takes hold of my hand and leads me inside. He rolls in on his bike and secures the gates behind us, leaving me practically jumping up and down like a happy and impatient child waiting to go and see his house.

  When he leads me inside I’m in awe. It feels like a large cabin with all the wood, but it’s so modern, in a cosy way. It’s big, bigger than I was expecting but it’s no mansion. Not that I was hoping for one, the house is perfect and completely Brandon. However, there are absolutely no decorations or furnishings in here. It’s so spacious and bright, I have visions forming in my head already. Not that I would tell him because that would be rude of me to presume I would be joining him here. Even though I am dying to!

  “This is impressive, the club must pay well.” I joke as I am guided around the house. The kitchen is amazing and sparkly with a huge breakfast bar. It has a large living room and dining area with patio doors leading out onto the decking area and back garden.

  Brandon begins to lead me upstairs. “The club and I have my hands in a few investments.”

  I raise my eyebrows at him. Brandon doesn’t seem like the investment type of guy.

  “My mum and Drew made me and my brothers do it.” He laughs.

  “That makes sense.” I tease him.

  Brandon shows me three empty rooms upstairs, a large bathroom and the master bedroom with its own private bathroom.

  “Brandon, this house is gorgeous.” I tell him. “But you seriously need to get some decorating done. You’re neglecting this beautiful house.”


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