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Playing Dirty

Page 20

by HelenKay Dimon

  “Maybe she’s not the type.” West shrugged. “I’ve heard not everyone kills when they’re angry.”

  Right, because anger was that rational. When he had seen Tom drop, dying and bleeding, he’d lost it. Broke into an animalistic rage he couldn’t control. Ford had no trouble seeing any human who was pushed too far going off. “You know any woman who could be betrayed and not think about doing the deed?”

  Ellery took that question. “Nope.”


  SHAY WAS two seconds away from a full-­on brain explosion. No, not really. She wasn’t that lucky. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get away from her uncle. He stood on the other side of the breakfast bar asking all sorts of questions but refusing to answer hers.

  “Is it really that weird I want to know exactly what Trent does for a living?” After getting pinned down in the upstairs unit and listening to Trent’s ramblings, she was more confused than ever and looking for clarity.

  “He works in a lab.”

  She knew she should just tell Anthony about Trent’s visit, but something kept stopping her. She’d get close to saying the words then call them back. Whatever fear moved through Trent—­and that’s definitely what she’d witnessed—­it attached in some way to his father. She’d bet what little money she’d scraped together for Trent on that.

  Trent specifically mentioned his dad but didn’t go to him for help. Anthony had the resources and the cash. Hell, he kept a safe in his office closet no one was allowed to go near. That housed something impressive. Something Trent could likely use right now.

  She found some money and maxed out her Visa with a cash advance to get more, but Anthony possessed piles and owned enough properties to keep Trent hidden for a long time. The fact that Trent didn’t seek out the obvious solution to his problem, whatever his problem was, shook her. He ran and lied and talked like his thoughts had been scrambled, and had her waffling on whether to even hand over the cash.

  Her uncle smiled as he came around the bar and put his hands on her upper arms. “He works at a government lab dealing with top secret programs. That’s all we get to know.”

  Anthony explained it to her as if she were a child. He talked slow and shot her a look that suggested he pitied her for being unable to understand his point. Other ­people, his staff and Trent, grumbled about Anthony’s tendency to talk down to everyone.

  For years she’d overlooked it because of all he did for her when he rescued her. She saw him one way and blocked the rest. Then she got older and struggled to ignore the negative and demanding pieces of his personality.

  Tonight she found the whole “lying for her protection” thing too much. She was a grown-­up, and being pulled apart by Trent and Anthony no longer worked for the stable life she craved.

  This would teach her to accept the job running Anthony’s properties over taking the office manager job at the small law firm in the Maryland suburbs. To be beholden to him for a paycheck gave him power over her. Now she got why Ford left home and never looked back. Sometimes you had to forge a path and realize that accepting help meant getting wrapped up in strings.

  “You never wanted Trent to work there,” she said. Anthony held up the job as being so important now that she wondered if he’d forgotten all the insults he’d lobbed when Trent took the position.

  “The more lucrative careers are outside of government and academic work. My son has the brains, there’s no reason for him to settle for a lower paying job.” Anthony held up both hands and stepped back from Shay. “Seems like an obvious position to me, but he didn’t listen to me and now we’re here.”


  “Dealing with his broken heart.”

  Her uncle kept doing a verbal dance. Saying one thing one minute and the opposite a few minutes later. She was just about to call him on the Trent-­girlfriend story when the front door alarm to her condo beeped.

  “Hello.” Ford came in and closed the door behind him. He didn’t stop walking until he halted at the threshold to the kitchen with his gaze traveling back and forth between her and her uncle. “Sorry, did I interrupt?”

  Anthony shook his head. “No.”

  “Family stuff,” she said at the same time, going for purposely vague over dragging Ford into their mess.

  He looked adorable in his pink I LIKE HOT DOGS tee and jeans that rode low on his hips. The damp hair and extra scruff around his chin gave him that scoundrel look she loved so much.

  Ford moved around as he stood, shifting his weight and clinging to his gym bag and a white plastic bag filled with Chinese food containers. No question the tension in the room had hit maximum force because he didn’t do much more than stand there until he looked over his shoulder and pointed toward the door. “I can come back.”

  “Stay.” She’d tackle him if she had to. She wanted him here, on the couch, with her. Not across the hall waiting for the familial smoke to clear.

  Another minute alone with Anthony and she might say something she’d regret. After a lifetime of thanking him and praising him, some of the shine had worn off. She no longer blindly accepted everything he said as gospel. He’d ruined that with the overprotection and careful parsing of what he told her and what he held back. She’d always love him and respect him, but some days she wanted to scream at him.

  “Things seem a bit tense in here.” Ford dropped the gym bag on the floor and came in closer to put the food on the counter.

  “It’s been a long day.” She knew that was the lamest excuse on the planet, but saying it let her skip over the frustrating parts.

  He reached into the bag and took out a fortune cookie. The paper crinkled as he ripped it and cracked the shell open.

  Much more of that and she’d dive into the bag in search of the cashew chicken container. “Maybe we should—­”

  “You sure it doesn’t have anything to do with what your investigator found on me?” Ford popped a piece of the cookie into his mouth and eyed Anthony.

  Shay stopped in the middle of reaching for the closest food container. “What are you talking about?”

  “Your uncle has someone digging into my background and finances.” Ford smiled as he said it. Actually smiled.

  Her uncle couldn’t. Wouldn’t. Not after she’d been adamant about not wanting Ford investigated, and Anthony promised not to . . . Or did he? She’d been firm, but now that she thought about it, she wavered. “Anthony!”

  “Stop shouting.” Her uncle snorted and held up both hands, as if that would hold back her anger. “It’s normal in these situations.”

  Normal? She didn’t even know what that meant anymore. “What situation would that be?”

  Anthony turned away from her then. He faced Ford as if they could work this out with some sort of man-­to-­man chat. “Shay stands to inherit some money. You can’t blame me for wanting to protect that.”

  Heat warmed her cheeks as she stepped between them and forced Anthony to look at her again. “Yes, I can.”

  “It’s fine.” With his hands on her shoulders, Ford moved her to stand beside him.

  “It’s offensive.” And he was superhuman or wore emotional Teflon or something. She had no idea how his voice stayed even and he held onto his usual blank expression.

  Part of her wanted him to explode, to start arguing and yelling. Any reaction so she would know he could be as human as her and lose his temper like any normal person. She loved how even he was, but, man, some behaviors called for frustration, and she wanted it to seep out of him and go wild.

  “Honey, I get it.” Ford’s hand landed on her lower back and he snuggled her closer to his side. “He’s trying to protect you.”

  “See, your man understands.” Anthony peeked into the bag and frowned.

  Recovery took Shay another second. Ford rarely used endearments and never in front of anyone else. The gesture threw her, which wa
s the only reason her uncle’s hand got near the cashew chicken.

  “Good news is the investigator didn’t find anything.” Anthony opened one of the boxes to reveal white rice then closed it again. “This isn’t another case of being manipulated like with Devin.”

  The wind rushed right out of her, leaving her gasping and sputtering. “I don’t believe this.”

  Shock gave way to a white hot rage. She broke away from Ford’s hold because she couldn’t stand to be touched right then. An investigation into Ford, lying about Trent, mentioning Devin. The trifecta of things guaranteed to tick her off.

  “If it’s easier for you, Anthony, tell me what you want and I’ll gather it for you,” Ford said. “There’s no need for you to waste money on this.”

  They talked over her. She hated that even more than the overprotective thing.

  “Ford, my God. What’s wrong with you?” When he frowned at her, she started to wonder if she really was the one who was losing it. “Don’t volunteer information for him.”

  “I don’t know what the problem is here.” Anthony threw up his hands as his voice grew louder. “I told you he’s clean. Ford has earned my seal of approval.”

  She pressed her fingertips against her chest. “Well, thank goodness.”

  “I don’t appreciate the sarcasm.”

  “And I don’t appreciate your constant interference.”

  “Wait a second. This is not worth family disharmony.” Ford put a hand on her arm. “Shay, really. It’s okay.”

  “No, it’s not.” The soft touch knocked the bubbling fury inside her down to a simmer. Something about his continued calm started to rub off on her, even though she tried to grab onto her frustration and keep it running.

  Anthony wagged a finger at her. “One day you’ll be grateful for my protection.”

  It was her least favorite gesture, and one step too far. “Like Trent is?”

  The tension ratcheted right back up and buzzed with the force of an electrified fence. “Excuse me?”

  “Do you have his number in Charlottesville?” Once she started pushing she couldn’t stop. If she could get Anthony to fess up with Ford there, all the better.

  Instead, Anthony’s features were drawn and the life seemed to drain out of him. “Trent has his cell.”

  “He’s not answering it.”

  One of Anthony’s eyebrows lifted. “Maybe he isn’t ready to hear from his meddling cousin.”

  Ford took a step forward and angled his body in front of hers. “Okay, that’s probably not necessary.”

  She gripped the back of his shirt and held on with all her strength. Right now he served as her lifeline in an argument she hadn’t even planned on having tonight. Anthony had come over and sent the stress whirling.

  Exhaustion smacked into her and she fought it off. “Ford and I are going to head down there to check on Trent.”

  Anthony swore under his breath. “Leave the boy alone.”


  “Don’t test me on this, Shay.”

  Ford clapped and got them all focusing on him instead of the rising battle. “Maybe we should all head back to our respective corners and calm down.”

  Silence buzzed through the room. No one moved. After a few seconds, Anthony’s shoulders fell and he moved out of the kitchen.

  “No need. I have a late meeting.” He pushed past Ford and headed for the door. He stopped and shot her one last look. “But leave Trent alone.”

  She couldn’t have obeyed even if she wanted to, and she didn’t. Trent had come to her, and now she had to figure out how to help him, even if she picked a way that contrasted with his pleading for money. “Okay.”

  “I’m serious, Shay.” Anthony turned and put his back to the door. “Tell me you understand.”

  “I do.”

  He left then, slamming the door behind him without saying another word. It still rattled on its hinges when she looked at Ford again.

  “I feel like that whole conversation was code for something else.” He grabbed two plates off the open shelves. They landed on the counter with a soft thud.

  Now that the tornado of stress had subsided, she slipped her thigh onto the bar stool as she watched him move around the kitchen. “He really checked into you?”

  “Yeah.” Ford opened the drawer and took out forks and spoons. Cool and collected, he acted like nothing had happened. Just went about setting up dinner and getting them both fed.

  “How do you know he was digging?” she asked.

  “My boss gave me the heads-­up that a guy was asking questions.” Ford unloaded the bag and lined the cartons up in front of her. “I assumed the rest about the financials and criminal record check and all that, and used some computer skills of my own to double check.”

  The idea intrigued her, but now wasn’t the time to ask for details about his work.

  “I’m sorry.” The words weren’t enough to undo the damage, but they came from her heart. The part of her that ached right now.

  He winked. “It’s fine.”

  It wasn’t. Her entire family seemed hell-­bent on invading his privacy. “First I looked through your place and now Anthony is paging through your life.”

  “Your family does have some trust issues.”

  “With Anthony at the head you can see why.”

  “Enough about him.” Ford came around the end of the counter and took her hand. With one pull, he had her on her feet and in his arms. “What did you do today?”


  “Sounds boring.” He acted as if he actually cared. Even if he forced it out, she appreciated the change in topic. The only problem was, the switch led her straight into her bigger nightmare—­Trent and his unexpected visit.

  Determined to drag her mind to a happier topic, she brushed her hands up and down Ford’s arms, loving the bulges and firm muscles. He was so solid and strong. Being with him helped ease the stress out of her.

  “I had to go to the bank.” Banks, as in multiple, but she wasn’t ready to launch into that explanation either.

  After wrestling and debating, she’d decided to tell Ford about Trent once she worked through what was happening. The last thing he needed was to be saddled with her family problems. Any sane man would run, and she couldn’t stand the thought of that.

  “Can I help with the banking?” he asked.

  She pulled back and stared up at him, not sure whether to be offended or go all gooey soft at his charm. “Are you really offering me money?”

  He hissed as he winced. “Clearly that came out wrong.”

  “Sort of, yeah.”

  “I was trying to say if you’re short, I can help.” When she lifted her eyebrows, he tried again. “Still not good, huh?”

  She looked deep into those eyes and felt the intensity radiating off him. She focused on the pressure of his hands on her and his warm breath brushing over her cheek. The closeness, the caring . . . yeah, she’d fallen for him. Like, stupid and silly and out of control in love with him.

  Nowhere near enough time had passed, and there was so much she still didn’t know about him, but in that moment the pieces she hadn’t filled in didn’t matter. What she did know attracted her, sent a surge of feminine power through her.

  She touched her hand to his cheek and took a sharp intake of breath when he turned his head to place a kiss in the middle of her palm. His tongue licked out and his hand held hers. As far as sexy come-­ons went, this one deserved a medal.

  “You’re being sweet.” And growing hotter by the second.

  He gave her one of those so-­cute-­he-­could-­melt-­butter smiles. “So, no?”

  “No. I’m not taking money from you.” She kissed him then. Long and lingering, falling against to him as her hands slipped up to his shoulders. “I know I’m being sensitive. It’s just tha
t . . .”

  He kissed her forehead. “Yes?”

  The support helped her get it all out. “Sometimes I feel like the men in my life think I’m an appendage, like some sort of extension of them.”

  His face fell. “Okay.”

  “Not you.” She traced a finger over his bottom lip. He didn’t pout and whine like Devin had, and she gave him a quick kiss to silently thank him for that. “I’m talking about Anthony, who thinks he runs my life, and Trent.”

  “What does this have to do with your cousin?”

  “He acts like I’m his assistant.” She hadn’t thought about it that way before but now it hit her. There was a lot of Anthony in Trent. He acted entitled and as if he were smarter than everyone else, which he basically was.

  “Did you talk with him today?”

  Answering that would take them into a new round of conversation. She could unburden and Ford would listen. He’d probably stroke her back and tell her everything would be okay. That’s what he did. It was the kind of support she’d come to depend on from him.

  All good but not what she really needed right now.

  “I don’t want to think about him.” She slipped a hand down Ford’s body, hesitating over the broad expanse of his chest and smiling at the dip of his stomach.

  “You’ll probably feel better if . . .” When she got to the top of his jeans and started unbuttoning them, his body froze and he glanced down. “What are you doing?”

  So much for thinking she was being obvious. She pushed his tee up and kissed his bare chest. Kept nibbling a line until her tongue flicked over his belly button.

  Slipping down, she ended up on her knees and stared up at him. “You have to ask?”

  His hand went to her hair and his fingers slipped through the strands. “You were upset a second ago.”

  “And now I want you in my mouth.”

  She lowered the zipper one tick at a time and rubbed her cheek over his erection. When he moaned, she did it again. Those fingers flexed against her skull as she peeled his briefs down and caught him in her hand.


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