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Come With Me

Page 8

by Sable Hunter

  Lacy came over to the window and stood beside him. “Yea, I can keep an eye on you all day.”

  Although Jake liked the idea of that, it did nothing to quell the pulsing erection and with Lacy this close to him, he got a whiff of her perfume.

  “We’re gonna run a line of three inch pipe down that trench on the far side,” he explained, trying not to think about how soft and sweet she’d be in his arms.

  Lacy had no idea what he was talking about. But she smiled politely and asked questions while Jake pointed and explained.

  He hoped telling her about the redesign project would get rid of the naughty thoughts he was harboring about the woman standing beside him. If he could just distract his libido for a few minutes, he’d be able to readjust himself and they could leave. He had a jacket in the car and he’d put it on after to avoid another situation like this.

  This would have all been so much easier if she’d just left the room for a few seconds, Jake could just do the old tuck job, a survival skill every man learned and perfected through his high school days, but that would mean putting his hands down his pants and manipulating his package, and that wasn’t something he could do with her in the room.

  “Over there,” Jake said with a point. “That’s where we’ll start laying the pipe.”

  Why is he doing this? Lacy thought. It’s like he’s torturing me on purpose.

  He’d come into her room with his easy smile, five o’clock shadow and perfectly sculpted body, smelling like he’d been in the woods all day chopping wood. The man was masculinity personified and now he was torturing her with talk of laying pipe. She was right up beside him now, both looking through the tiny crack in the blinds that Jake had made with his fingers.

  “Like you said, you could just sit here and watch me work all day,” Jake said with a laugh.

  Oh, my God!

  Could he know for sure?

  Lacy’s heart started to thunder in her ears. The way he looked at her now, with his top lip pulled back over his teeth, there was no doubt what he was thinking about. He was imagining her watching him from the window. Oh, Lord, if he only knew she touched herself after watching him. Lacy would die, she would die!

  The thought of saying she was sick and would have to pass on their date raced through Lacy’s brain. How could she sit through dinner when he’d be smiling and talking to her, but inside he’d secretly be laughing at her.

  She closed her eyes tight and tried to calm down. She was nervous and shaking! Don’t overthink it, Lacy, she told herself. Unless he has x-ray vision, there’s no way he could have seen your failed attempt to make yourself cum.

  Jake just stared at the scene in front of him, the sun was hanging lower in the sky and the muddy soil glistened in the afternoon light. Saints be praised, all he could think about was rolling around in bed with Lacy for a few hours. “Oh, fuck it,” Jake said out of the blue.

  “Fuck it?” Lacy questioned. What was going on? Tears welled up in her eyes.

  Before she knew what was happening, Jake turned and placed a palm on her cheek, lowered his mouth to her and kissed her full right on the lips.

  Lacy’s legs went to jelly. He’d caught her completely by surprise.

  But it was a wonderful surprise.

  Jake deepened the kiss. It was amazing. He kissed like no man Lacy had ever been with, melting every cell in her body with nothing but his lips.

  The urge to pull Lacy flush to him was overwhelming, but he’d already taken a risk in just going for it. If their bodies touched and she felt the throbbing hard-on in his pants, she might think he was moving too fast and be scared away. So Jake kept his arousal to himself.

  “I just had to do that,” Jake finally said, pulling his lips from Lacy’s and looking deep into her eyes. “I apologize if it was too forward. I know we don’t know each other that well, but it was killing me. And I would’ve regretted not kissing you at least once if things went bad tonight and we never went out again. I’ll understand if you don’t want to continue our date, but now I’ll never have to wonder what those succulent lips of yours taste like.”

  Wow. Words eluded Lacy, her brain was completely scrambled. She couldn’t think about anything but the feel of their lips together and the electricity coursing through her clit. If he kissed her like that one more time, he’d own her for the rest of eternity. “I’m uh…I uh...” The words wouldn’t come out of her mouth intelligibly. Jake had just stolen her breath.

  He looked down at her mouth and back up to her eyes. There was a longing in Jake’s eyes, it was unmistakable. He wanted more and Lacy wanted to give him what he wanted.

  It felt like slow-motion, Jake’s mouth came slowly toward hers. His cheek passed over her nose then over her own cheek, the rasp of Jake’s scruff irritating her delicate skin as his lips got closer.

  “How’d they taste?” Lacy said breathlessly as Jake’s lips hung agonisingly close to hers without touching.

  “Like heaven,” Jake whispered before rubbing his lips across hers, taking small bites of the plump fullness.

  The nibbling was short lived. Their lips came together again in a frantic dance of tangling tongues and straining bodies. Jake wrapped a strong arm around her waist and clasped her to him. He still had his body turned slightly to avoid her being aware of his erection.

  Jake let out a breath. “Oh, fuck it,” he groaned again. With a low growl, he turned to face Lacy head-on, no sense being bashful now.

  He pulled Lacy tight to him and her arms came up and slid around his neck. She wanted to cross her ankles and press her thighs together because her pussy was throbbing so hard. Her nipples ached at the contact with his firm chest.

  God, she was sweet. If Lacy was aware of the turgid erection rubbing against her stomach, she didn’t push him away. Jake thought she might be too excited to notice. He walked her backward to the bed. Her knees made contact with the edge of the mattress and Jake laid her down softly on top of the clothes piled beneath them.

  It looked like they were going to get wrinkled after all.

  Jake looked down on her. Behind his head the ceiling light glared, blocking out his features. It was only when his face came close enough to kiss her, that Lacy saw his eyes. He held her stare while they kissed, the heat in his gaze was immeasurable.

  Lacy was so turned on she was trembling. Jake pressed his hips down into her softness and it was then Lacy felt the hardness of his cock. “Is this for me?” she asked before she realized she was speaking.

  Jake chuckled. “It’s not over the thought of laying that pipe outside, I’ll tell you that much.”

  “Good.” She was so excited, she couldn’t stand it. Lacy nipped Jake’s lip when she felt how much he wanted her.

  Jake pulled back from her kiss and brought a finger to his lip. “Little rough, don’t you think, Lacy?”

  There was an unmistakable teasing in his voice, but Lacy felt herself flush with embarrassment. “Oh my God,” she whispered. “I can’t believe I did that. I’m so sorry.”

  Jake reached a hand down between her legs and parted them, teasing her slit through her panties. “Don’t be. I like it rough.”

  He eased himself between her parted legs, grinding his hips, pushing the length of his swollen cock against her warm mound. Lacy’s dress rode up on her thighs and she tentatively wrapped her legs around Jake’s waist, rubbing the bare skin of them against the roughness of his jeans.

  “I want…” she whispered, at a loss for words, but Jake was touching her and she wanted to touch him—more than anything. Reaching down between them to free him, she fumbled with his belt while he sucked on her neck.

  Jake was in full lust mode, kissing Lacy’s throat, her collarbone and the swell of her cleavage. He felt her reaching for his package and he lifted up to give her room to work.

  Lacy’s small hand found the length of Jake’s big cock straining against the zipper of his jeans. Holding her breath, she molded it, cupping her palm around it, loving how hot and ha
rd it felt. Was she moving too fast?

  The answer undoubtedly was yes, of course she was moving too fast. She didn’t know Jake that well, but he made her feel a way she’d never felt before and she liked it. There was just something about him, he was nice to her. Maybe…maybe. Heck, even if they didn’t have a future, if she was ever going to have an orgasm, is would be with this man.

  Jake buried his face in her neck, inhaling her scent, only taking his mouth off Lacy long enough to moan his approval at the way her little hand was working up and down the bulge in his pants. His dick was so hard he thought he was going to pop the rivets right off his jeans. He’d had his share of women in his day, but there was something different about Lacy, something that made him feel both ravenous and tender. She had a sweet ingénue quality to her, but there was nothing innocent about the way she was stroking him and thrusting her tits up into his face.

  Innocent girls just didn’t shudder and pant and get sweaty as fast as he and Lacy were now.

  Lacy didn’t know how much more she could take. The exquisite pain was almost intolerable. Her nipples were as hard as little diamonds and she kept arching her back and pushing her breasts into Jake’s face, hoping he’d do something, anything to alleviate the ache for her.

  But Lacy wasn’t the only one hurting, Jake was just as desperate and lost in what they were doing as she was. His underwear was smeared with pre-cum and Lacy’s touch was what he craved. He thrust his stone hard cock into her hand, fucking the cup of her palm. If she didn’t take him out soon, he’d cum in his shorts.

  Both were caught up in the erotic haze of the moment, neither realizing they were at a crossroads, both needing the other, but both too mesmerized to think straight.

  “Take it out, Lacy,” Jake spoke into Lacy’s ear between gasps of air.

  Did he just say ‘cut it out?’ Lacy said to herself.

  She stopped caressing Jake’s erection, frozen with fear that he’d just told her to stop. Pulling her hand from the front of Jake’s jeans, Lacy recoiled away from his kisses.

  Jake regarded her with hungry eyes. “What are you doing?”

  “You said to stop.”

  Jake’s face twisted into a mask of misunderstanding. “Like hell I did. I said take it out. You’re killing me, Lacy.”

  She didn’t have to be told twice. This was something she’d been dreaming about for a long time. Lacy fumbled with Jake’s fly, getting it unsnapped before pulling his zipper down. She pulled the waistband away from his body with one hand and reached down into his underwear with the other.

  Good Lord, he was huge. Lacy’s tiny hand strained to wrap around Jake’s girth, but her fingertips never met her thumb. Hungrily, she fisted her hand up and down every inch of his pulsing cock as he feathered kisses all over neck and shoulders.

  “Oh, my God,” Jake moaned, collapsing onto her in surrender. Right now, he was totally at her mercy.

  His stubble scraped the delicate skin of her chest while his hands worked the straps of Lacy’s dress and then her bra off her shoulders, spilling her luscious tits out to his waiting hands and mouth.

  When he finally put his hands on her, Lacy almost levitated off the bed. God, he had a way about him. There was no hesitation with this man. He knew what he wanted. With both hands he held her breasts, his thumb strumming one while he latched on to the other. His beard rasping against her tender flesh had Lacy’s hips bucking, seeking something she’d never had before. “Your nipples taste so good, baby. They’re so hard and swollen,” he whispered to her when he stopped to take in a gasp of air.

  “More Jake, please don’t stop,” she begged.

  With a wicked grin, he returned to her breast, sucking hard, pulling back with his head, extending Lacy’s little swollen nipple as far as it would go. Pain mixed with the pleasure for Lacy and she gripped his cock in her hand.

  Jake reacted to the squeeze of his cock, rolling Lacy’s sensitive nub back and forth between his lips.

  “God, Jake…” Lacy’s pulse red-lined, her heart was hammering in her chest and everything around her melted away. It was just her and Jake in the whole world right now.

  Feverishly, she stroked Jake faster and faster and he dipped his hips, his cock coming up under Lacy’s dress. Without hesitation, Lacy pulled her dress up and out of the way and Jake dipped lower, bringing the tip of his thick cock to the front of her panties. Lacy nudged the head against the frail barrier, lighting her clit on fire when she felt Jake’s cock brush against her through the thin fabric. Writhing in desperation, she moved the tip back and forth over the swell of her clit with just those hated silky panties between them.

  An explosion was brewing in her body, a feeling Lacy had never felt before.

  “I need you. I need you. I need you,” she whispered under her breath.

  Was this finally it?

  The only way to describe what happened next, is with one word…a word she knew well.


  The outside world which had been so thoroughly blocked out by the mounting excitement of what they were doing—the feel of Jake’s cock on Lacy’s clit—had crashed through, invading their private paradise.

  Kay’s cell phone was ringing from the washroom.

  Just as fast as the orgasm had begun to bubble up inside of Lacy, it was beaten back by the melodic rhythm of Kay’s phone.

  Lacy froze, stopped dead in her tracks, while Jake continued to rest on her tits. She still held the thick shaft of Jake’s dick in her hand, but she’d stop stimulating herself with it. The only thought in her mind was whether or not Jake had also heard Kay’s phone.

  “Don’t stop,” Jake whispered. “Please. I want to hear you cum for me.”

  Apparently, he hadn’t heard the ringing and Kay had managed to stifle it, but the damage was done. Lacy was in full-on panic mode. The rising bliss had ebbed. She released her grip on Jake’s cock.

  Jake lifted his head from her chest. The look of disappointment on his face was almost too much for Lacy to take. “What’s wrong, Lacy?”

  “We should go,” she said through a nervous smile.




  A nod was all Lacy could muster and Jake slowly got off her, readjusting himself and doing up his pants as he stepped back from the bed.

  Lacy quickly worked the straps of her bra and dress back up her shoulders, suddenly shy about him seeing her so exposed.

  Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! It seemed like the whole universe was against her! Everything had been going so great. Jake was hot and made her feel so good and Lacy had completely forgotten Kay was in the bathroom.

  Jake stood at the door, unsure about what exactly just happened.

  You moved too fast, you moron, he scolded himself in his head.

  Lacy was definitely a hottie, it wasn’t his fault she turned him inside out. Any man would be attracted to her and they seemed to have instant chemistry from the first kiss. Why else would he have found himself on her bed with his cock in her hand?

  But something had happened and she’d told him to get off.

  “Do you still want to go?” Jake asked as his cock deflated in his jeans.

  Oh, blue balls were the worst, but he liked her and he’d never been the type of man to pressure a woman for a release.

  “Do you still want to go?” he’d asked.

  Fear gripped Lacy. Did he not want to go to dinner after what just happened?

  “I want to go,” she said in a weak voice. “That is. If you still do.”

  Jake wasn’t sure about anything right now. He knew he still wanted to go to dinner, but now he wasn’t sure if she even wanted to be around him.

  “I want to,” Jake said simply.

  They looked at each other like a pair of unsure teenagers.

  Does she like me?

  I wonder what he’s thinking.

  There was a brief moment, an awkward moment. Lacy’s hair was still mussed, a leftover remnant of th
eir all too brief sojourn into the world of erotic delights and Jake’s palm twitched, the need to feel all that hair wrapped around his fist shot through him like a gator springing from the water at its prey. He took one wordless step toward her, but hesitated. She’d told him to stop only moments ago and no matter how intensely she drew him, he’d respect her wishes.

  The step Jake had taken toward her had Lacy abuzz. The distraction from the sound of Kay’s phone had halted their session, but the blazing look of desire which flashed over Jake’s gray eyes right before he’d taken that half step toward her had Lacy almost coming out of her skin. If he’d have come an inch closer, why a nice girl like Lacy might’ve just forgotten about her friend in the other room and let Jake have his way with her right then and there.

  “I guess we should go,” Jake said, biting back the lust.

  Lacy bowed her head down and clasped the clutch in her hand to her chest. “Yes, we should. After you,” she said with a gesture to the door.

  She just wanted to get out of her condo as quickly as possible, but the thought of him walking behind her, checking her out as she went, was a little more than Lacy could handle.

  Jake stepped out the door first and Lacy looked back at the bathroom door of her condo. She was sure of two things.

  One. That was the closest she’d ever come to having an orgasm.


  And two. She was going to kill Kay the next time she saw her.

  * * *

  Lacy stopped at the front entrance of the main building at Willow Cove.

  “Where are you going, Lacy?” Jake asked from behind her.

  He was standing twenty feet away. When she’d headed for the entrance of the building he’d just stopped and watched her walk off, curious as to where she was going.

  “I thought we were going for dinner.”


  The question seemed so odd to her. Willow Cove had one of the best chefs in the state, she’d just assumed they’d be dining there tonight.


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