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Seven Moons Back to the Highlands

Page 3

by Deborah R Stigall

  Watching her pant between her passion swollen lips, he slowly withdrew and then dove once more into the depths of her slippery folds. “Now ye are mine until time is forgotten I claim ye forevermore.”

  Her eyes widening with his words, she raised her own hands to either side of his face, holding his gaze with hers as she arched her back and moved her body to match his thrusts with her own.

  “I am forever yours.”

  Slamming her body into his, she drowned him inside her heated folds. Her fingers tightening in his hair, her eyes grew wider as she exploded inside as he filled her with his own demanding need.

  Watching her face filled with passion as her body convulsed and pulled him even deeper, Caelan gave way to any control he might have hoped to have had; throwing his head back with a roar as he drove his body inside her and filled her to overflowing.

  Collapsing atop her as his body finished convulsing and emptied his life force inside her; he rolled and held her tightly against him staying buried within her still pulsating depths.

  Staring into her half closed eyes, he smiled as he stroked her cheek.

  “Dinna be afraid when I come for ye.”


  “Oh my Gawd!”

  Rachel woke with a start, throwing back the bedclothes from her sweating body. Covering her eyes with her hands, she rubbed her face as her pounding heart hammered against her chest. Never had she had such a dream! So real and so erotic!

  “My sexual dry spell must really be kickin’ me in the hormones to conjure up a man like that!”

  Slowly pulling herself up in bed, she pushed her damp hair back from her face. Where in the world had her mind come up with that man? He was better than any romance novel hero she’d fantasized about as she’d read through the pile of books on her dresser.

  That face that body but most of all that deep caressing voice with that lyrical Scot’s burr that turned her insides to a quivering mass of emotions. The way he’d held her, the way he’d touched her, my gawd, the orgasms he’d given her! She hadn’t known her body was capable of exploding into that many shards of ecstasy or that she was able to get quite that loud when it came to moaning in pure pleasure.

  “Whew,” she blew through pursed lips as she swung her legs off the bed. “I’ve gotta get a shower to get him off my mind or I’m never going to get anything done today.”

  Standing in front of the mirror, she studied her face in amazement. Her lips were red and slightly swollen as though kissed and suckled with a yearning and demanding need. She peeled her worn t-shirt over her head. The sight of her breasts in the mirror halted her as she pulled her arms from the sleeves. Her nipples were tight and rosy as though they’d been nipped repeatedly in love play and the skin of her breasts was still slightly reddened as though they’d been fondled and nuzzled by a lightly whiskered face.

  “I am losing my mind,” she stated flatly to her reflection, shivering with pleasure as she remembered the feeling of lying in his arms.

  “I wish they made men like that in real life.” Sighing, she turned on the water for her shower selecting the coldest temperature she felt she could stand.

  Grabbing her soap and sponge, she quickly lathered her body, scrubbing vigorously as the cold water pelted her skin. But no matter how hard she scrubbed or how cold the water was sluicing down her back, she still couldn’t shake the image of the man in her dream.

  He’d been perfection itself, tall, muscular and handsome. His body had been hard and unrelenting as they’d both taken and given from each other. His shoulder length hair had fallen about his face as he’d loomed over her body.

  She could still feel the smooth rippling muscles of his back as she’d raked her fingers down to his buttocks to pull him tighter into her cleft. She shivered as she remembered how he’d buried himself inside her, filling her as she’d never been filled before.

  “This is not working.”

  She clenched her teeth as she turned the water to a colder setting, standing directly under the showerhead in an attempt to douse the fire of her smoldering body. Finally giving up as her teeth started chattering with the cold, Rachel flipped off the water and reached for her towel. Sitting side by side, patiently waiting for her to finish, Sam and Maizy sat on the rug staring up at her.

  “I know it’s time for breakfast but trust me I had to have a shower first.”

  Toweling her body dry, the dogs did their best to help her by licking the water from her feet.

  “Quit now that tickles!” Rachel laughed as she hopped from foot to foot, trying to dodge the ministrations of her two friends.

  Wrapping another towel tightly around her body, she tucked the end of it under one arm and padded her way into the kitchen. Filling the bowls with dog food, she turned with a start as a loud knocking suddenly rattled the front door. Both dogs lifted their heads from their bowls, then dashed to the source of the knocking. Barking excitedly, they wanted to ensure that Rachel knew they were aware of the unexpected visitor.

  “Just a minute!”

  Bellowing over the barks of the dogs, she scurried back to the bedroom grabbing the pair of jeans she’d tossed across the chair. Hopping up and down as she pulled them up her still damp body, she grimaced as the rapping shook the front door again.

  “I said JUST A MINUTE!”

  Grabbing a thick sweatshirt, she jerked it over her head silently hoping it was thick enough since she wasn’t taking the time to put on her bra. Scrambling barefooted across the hardwood floors she quickly made her way down the hall and into the living room to the impatiently banging door.

  Pushing her damp curls out of her face and shoving both dogs aside, she tiptoed to peer through the narrow window to identify the source of the noise. Her eyes widening in disbelief, she clapped her hand over her mouth as she fell back against the door.

  “That’s impossible,” she whispered. Her breath caught in her throat as her heart pounded against her chest.

  Standing outside on her doorstep was the very man with whom she’d just had the most amazing sex with in her life!


  Her hands flying to her flaming cheeks, Rachel stared down at the dogs patiently waiting for her to open the door so they could check out the source of the incessant knocking.

  “This is so not happening.”

  Smoothing her sweatshirt over her body, she took a deep breath as she turned to face the door. Her hand slightly trembling as she grasped the knob, she silently cursed herself as she fumbled with the dead bolt and chain.

  “Can I help you?” She murmured through the crack in the door, one violet eye peering up into the face of the smiling man. Both dogs nudged their way past her legs, poking their noses through the small opening to check out the scent of the stranger.

  Maizy immediately started thumping her heavy Lab tail, her nose and her instincts telling her this visitor had only the best of intentions. Sam, on the other hand, bared his teeth and emitted a low throaty growl he wasn’t letting just anybody come close to his mistress without a full crotch sniff and at least one good snap on the fingers just to make sure they knew exactly who was in charge!

  “Aye we’ve come about the room ye placed in the wee paper. The one ye said ye had to let?” Caelan shifted his weight from foot to foot, still not used to the tight jeans and boots Emrys bade him wear.


  Rachel opened the door a bit wider, scooping up Sam before he shot out onto the porch into full attack.

  Shifting slightly to one side, Caelan pulled Emrys from behind him so that Rachel could see the old man.

  “Aye. My, ummm, uncle and I we’re in need of lodging and we saw the ad ye placed in the paper about the room ye had to let over the garage.”

  “I see.”

  Rachel cleared her throat as she peered into the clear keen eyes of the older gentleman standing slightly to one side.

  “If you’ll give me just a minute I’ll get on some shoes and I’ll give you a look at the place so you can s
ee if it’ll suit your needs.”

  Before she could close the door, Caelan caught it with his hand, preventing her from shutting herself from his view.

  “I’m sure ‘twill be fine our needs are meager since we’ll only be workin’ in this area for a wee bit o’ time.”

  Clutching the growling Sam closer to her chest, Rachel swallowed hard as she stared at Caelan’s large hand holding the door. She hated having to try to trust this man especially after still being so shook up from last night’s erotic dream. Taking a deep breath, she bit her lower lip as she stepped back to open the door even wider.

  “Ummm okay then how about if you and your uncle have a seat here inside and we’ll uhhh work out the details of your renting the place.”

  “That’s most kind of ye.”

  Reaching back, Caelan ushered Emrys through the door ahead of him, sensing Rachel might not feel as threatened if the older man entered her home first.

  “My name is Rachel Hawkins and you are?” Rachel extended her hand to the bent old man, her instincts somehow telling her that he would do her no harm.

  “M’name’s Emrys, lass, Emrys Myrddin. And I’m verra pleased to be makin’ yer acquaintance.”

  Emrys took Rachel’s hand in his arthritic grasp, his other hand patting the hand he grasped affectionately.

  “And this is m’nephew Caelan Foster MacKay but ye can call him Caelan.”

  “Pleased to meet you, Caelan.”

  Rachel’s small hand disappeared inside Caelan’s large grasp, the heat of his touch sending shivers through her body. Her violet eyes locked with his knowing green gaze as her breath came shallow through her parted lips.

  “And I you lass.”

  Caelan raised her hand to his lips, his mouth barely grazing the silky skin of the back of her hand. He inhaled deeply, his warrior senses picking up on her heat and her discomfiture at the nearness of his body. She smelled of flowers and that warm enticing scent of a woman who had just been thoroughly loved. Smiling to himself, Caelan mentally patted himself on the back at his successful journey into Rachel’s dream plane last night.

  Blinking her eyes as she pulled herself from his mesmerizing gaze, Rachel motioned to the well-worn couch across the room.

  “Ummm, if you’ll just have a seat I’ll uhhhh, get some coffee started and then we can go over the details of renting the loft.”

  “That’d be most kind of ye, lass.” Emrys nodded as he lowered his body down into the over-stuffed cushions.

  Backing her way into the kitchen, Rachel placed Sam on the floor, a warning finger touching his nose as she whispered for him to behave. Maizy had already planted her trusting head in Emrys’ lap, silently demanding that the old man scratch her ears.

  Sam slowly began circling Caelan as though sizing up his prey his tiny hackles standing on end as he emitted a low-throated growl.

  “Sam!” Rachel’s warning voice called from the kitchen, doing nothing to slow him down.

  “Come here my wee warrior.” Caelan stretched out his hand as he squatted on the floor in front of the dog.

  Sam’s growl geared up another notch as his little black and brown body bristled even further.

  “I’ll not hurt yer mistress ye can trust me lad.” Caelan patiently spoke to the little beast grumbling just outside of his reach.

  At that statement, Sam finally risked another step forward, touching his twitching black nose to the back of Caelan’s outstretched hand. After thoroughly snuffling Caelan’s entire hand, he finally sat back on his haunches and cocked his little head to one side. He studied the man as if trying to figure out just where exactly this individual had come from. It was almost as though the little dog realized that Caelan was a somewhat extraordinary visitor.

  “Well that’s a first.”

  Rachel returned from the kitchen, a tray containing a coffeepot and three cups clutched in her hands. Settling the tray on the low table in front of the couch, she attempted to fill the cups with her slightly trembling hands.

  “Usually, Sam doesn’t take up with strangers very well he’s not a very trusting soul.”

  “Let me help ye.” Caelan took the shaking pot from her hands just as she sloshed coffee all over the tray.

  “Look what I’ve done I’m sorry I’m not usually this graceful it’s just I guess it’s just a little early for me to be tending to guests.”

  Mopping up the coffee with the towel she tucked into her back pocket, Rachel’s already flushed cheeks reddened even more with embarrassment.

  Filling the cups, Caelan moved to sit beside Emrys on the couch. Handing the old druid his own cup, Caelan settled into the cushions beside him. Looking over the steaming mug, he gifted Rachel with his most charming smile.

  “Dinna fash yerself, lass. ‘Tis verra early in the day. We should have waited a bit before we came to see ye. It’s just that we were afraid we’d miss the room if we came too late. There doesna appear to be many places for rent in this area it being so close to the lake.”

  Nodding in relieved understanding, Rachel settled in her own chair, tucking one bare foot beneath her.

  “This time of year, it’s difficult finding affordable places to rent. You mentioned that you and your uncle wouldn’t be here for very long and with your accent you sound as though you’re from Scotland. What exactly brings you to this area?”

  Taking a deep breath, she finally began calming down the pounding of her heart apparently being in direct proportion to her proximity of the arresting man looking at her from the couch.

  “Aye, we’re from Scotland we’re here on a work visa we’re consultants for the locking mechanism for the new lock and dam.”

  Caelan took a deep breath, forcing his face to remain passive as he carefully recited the story he and Emrys had decided upon to explain their sudden appearance.

  Eyes widening in understanding, Rachel finally risked a shy smile. “I see. Yes there’ve been a lot of new people coming into the area to help with the construction of the new dam. It’s been going on now for over a couple of years so, I’d gotten so used to it I guess I’d forgotten about it until you mentioned it.”

  Smiling proudly at having successfully launched the weaving of his ruse, Caelan took a sip of his coffee. Emrys merely smiled and nodded, his blue eyes twinkling with amusement beneath his bushy white brows.

  “The room’s not much.” Rachel finally broke the silence, squirming in her chair to swap the quickly numbing foot she was sitting on. “But it’s clean and warm in the winter and it’s air-conditioned for the summer so, it should be okay for as long as you’re in town.”

  Caelan and Emrys nodded in blind agreement. Both of them seeming perfectly content to sit and sip their coffee as they gazed happily back at Rachel. She had the uneasy feeling that they’d sit there and stare at her for as long as she allowed them to do so. She felt as though they were admiring the view as though she were some sort of long awaited for prize.

  Finally unable to remain sitting any longer and tolerate their gaze, Rachel quickly rose from her chair and edged her way to the hallway. “Let me get my shoes and I’ll show you to the loft, then we’ll talk money and see if you still want to give it a go.”

  “I dinna care if it takes every gold coin in my castle it’ll be worth it.” Caelan muttered under his breath as he watched her swaying backside leave the room.

  Adjusting his crotch in the tight fitting jeans, he glanced at Emrys in aggravation. “How in the hell do the men of this century breed when the damn trews they wear nearly cut off their member and dinna allow a drop of blood to run to their ballocks?”

  Emrys moved comfortably in the baggy overalls he’d chosen for himself, his grin somewhat hidden by his long white mustache.

  “The sight of ye needs to remind the lass of what she was treated to in her dream. From the amount of coffee she spilled and the high color on her cheeks I’d say ye did yourself proud.”

  Both men quickly stopped speaking as Rachel returned to the room with h
er socks and sneakers clutched in one hand. At the sight of her putting on her shoes, Sam immediately jumped into her lap, whining and pawing at her hands.

  “I’m not leaving you, Sam. We’re just going outside.”

  Rubbing the little dog’s neck, she pressed her face to his muzzle, trying to console him with her body as well as her words. Glancing up, she noticed Caelan and Emrys watching her with amusement.

  “He hates being left alone. He almost panics whenever I have to leave him.” Rachel shrugged her shoulders as she reached around the little dog to finish tying her shoes.

  “I dinna blame him a bit.”

  Caelan’s voice was low, his deep Scot’s burr like a caress. He ached with the wanting of her, wishing he could be done with this game and just scoop her up into his arms and head straight back to Scotland with her. He’d finally made love to her last night in her dreams his body finding blessed release within her arms.

  The dream plane love play had been both a curse as well as a boon. Now that he’d finally tasted her pleasures, he burned to join with her in the physical plane. He’d finally done a few of the things with her that he’d been dreaming of doing and been ecstatic as her moans reached a fevered pitch with each of her orgasms. They were made for each other, a perfect fit for she had in turn pleasured him well beyond his wildest dreams.

  Glancing up from her shoes, Rachel’s forehead creased in confusion, Caelan’s words sending a shiver down her spine. Placing Sam on the floor, she motioned to Maizy, still contentedly snuggled against Emrys’ leg.

  “Let’s go you two let’s show our guests the loft and see if it meets with their approval.”

  Rising from the couch, Caelan crossed the room behind the dogs Emrys still struggling to disentangle his body from the over-sized cushions.

  Caelan held the door open for Rachel, slightly bowing his head as he towered above her.


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