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The Minx Miner

Page 9

by Janelle Daniels

  “Your name, Miss?”

  “Gemma Watts.”

  He opened the door wider, allowing her to enter. “If you’ll wait in the parlor, I’ll see if Miss Pollard is available.”

  “Thank you.” She walked into the room right off the entry, glancing around at the rich furnishings. Whatever Mr. Pollard did for business, it was obvious he was successful at it. It wasn’t anywhere near as grand as Logan’s home, but the Pollards were certainly wealthy.

  “Miss Watts, what a surprise.” Eliza stepped into the room, looking as polished as she had last night.

  Gemma turned toward her. “Is it a surprise?”

  Eliza smirked. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Gemma sighed. “Look, I know you don’t like me. That’s fine. I don’t even care. But you know why I’m here, and I’m not leaving without it.”

  Eliza gave another innocent expression, and fury, hurt, and disappointment rushed through Gemma. “If you want Logan so bad, why don’t you just tell him already?”

  Eliza guffawed, and Gemma was pleased to see she’d gotten a reaction. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Gemma waved her hand. “Oh please. Stupidity is never attractive. You want Logan. I don’t blame you. But if you want him so bad, just go for it. Tell him you want to marry him. Propose even.”

  Eliza gasped. “A woman would never!”

  “Why not?”

  “Because it isn’t done.”

  Gemma shrugged. “Maybe not now. But I have a feeling that women are going to have more power in the future. They’ll be able to vote, have careers, and even wear pants.”

  “That will never happen,” she scoffed.

  Frankly, Gemma didn’t care if Eliza believed her or not. People like her only ever cared about themselves. “I’m going to give you a little piece of advice. Although, heaven knows you won’t take it. Logan isn’t interested in you. I’m sorry. I’m not saying that to be cruel, but to help you so you can move on. You seem like a catch. I’m sure any man in town would be grateful to have you.”

  Eliza’s cheeks pinked with anger. “Yes. Any man would be grateful to have me. Including Logan.”

  “Sorry, hon. He’s just not that into you.”

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Gemma held up her hands, exhausted. “Look, I really don’t care what you decide to do. I only care about one thing. My bag. I want it back.”

  An innocent expression filled her face. “I don’t know anything about your bag.”

  “Yes, you do. I know you took it. You’re the only one who would have. I know you must’ve been super upset after realizing Logan’s preference for me. But I really need that bag back.”

  Eliza’s mouth formed into a firm line. “I’m sorry. I just don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Gemma’s eyes narrowed. “I don’t think you understand how important that bag is to me. If you don’t bring it to me immediately, I’ll get the sheriff. And I’d hate for everyone to find out about your part in its disappearance.”

  Eliza’s skin mottled. “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “Oh, yes, I would. Bring me the bag now, and I’ll leave quietly. Or I can get the sheriff. You choose.”

  Eliza glared another minute before spinning on her heel. “Fine. Follow me.” She marched out of the room, and Gemma followed her through the home until they entered the library.

  Eliza went to the far end, knelt down, and felt along the top of the books on the bottom shelf. A moment later, she removed her hand, Gemma’s bag in its grip.

  She rose from her crouch. “Here,” she said, tossing it over to Gemma as if it were a piece of trash. “Take it. I don’t know why you’d want it anyway. There’s just hunks of metal.”

  Relief coursed through her, and she looked through the bag, finding all her belongings. “They might just be hunks of metal, but they’re important to me.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You got what you came for, now leave.”

  Gemma walked toward the door to the hall and then stopped. “I know you hate me. I probably wouldn’t like it if someone came and took the one thing I wanted, either. But please know that there will be someone else for you. Someone perfect.”

  Eliza lifted her brow. “How touching. Thank you.”

  Gemma shook her head at Eliza’s sarcastic tone and walked into the hall. Eliza would have a hard life if she continued with that attitude. She’d never be happy, never find love.

  She’d be alone—

  Someone grabbed her from behind, shoving a cloth over her mouth and nose. She screamed. The noise muffled by the chemical-smelling fabric. She kicked behind her, using all her energy to break free from the unrelenting grasp. But the more she fought, the heavier her muscles became.

  As she began to lose consciousness, all she could think of was Logan.

  She’d never see him again.

  Logan figured he wasn’t that far behind Gemma. He’d only spoken with his mother for a bit before grabbing his horse and riding at top speed to the Pollards’ home. He would make sure Gemma found her bag, and then he would take her home, where they’d have a long conversation.

  He wanted her to know he trusted her, that he believed her. And he wanted to know more about her life and where she’d come from.

  He was so lucky to have her. He didn’t know who had sent her here, but he was certain of one thing. She was meant for him. No other woman—in any time—was more suited to him.

  He wanted a life with her, and, after today, he hoped they would never be parted again.

  He stopped his horse in front of the Pollard’s home, relieved to see Gemma’s wagon was still out front. He knocked on the door and greeted their butler. “I’m here to pick up Miss Watts. Will you show me to her?”

  The man frowned. “I’m sorry, Mr. Walburn, but she left a bit ago.”

  “No. That isn’t possible.” Logan moved to the side so the butler would have a clear view of the wagon. “Miss Watts rode in that. If she left, the wagon would be gone also.”

  “Hm. Maybe I was mistaken. Please, come in.”

  Logan stepped inside and cocked his ear. The place was completely silent. “Where is everyone?”

  “I’m not certain. I’ve been seeing to a task in the kitchen and haven’t kept track of the family. If you’ll wait in the parlor, I’ll look for them.”

  “I’ll wait here.” Something felt off.

  He bowed his head. “As you wish.” He walked toward the back of the house, and a moment later, Miss Pollard came to him.

  “Mr. Walburn, is everything all right? I wasn’t expecting a visit from you.”

  She seemed pleased by his appearance, and while he hated to disappoint her, it was time she understood that things were completely over between them. “I’m here to escort Miss Watts home. I assume she received what she came for?” He raised a brow, speaking vaguely in an attempt to minimize her humiliation.

  Still, her cheeks colored. “Yes. She got it and left.”

  Unease swept through him. “She left?”

  “Yes. About five minutes ago.”

  He shook his head. “The wagon is still out front.”

  “I’m certain she left.”

  “Did you see her leave?”

  She pursed her lips. “Well, no. We were in the library, and then she walked out. I stayed inside, so I didn’t see her leave.”

  Something wasn’t right here. “Are you certain that’s what happened?”

  “Yes!” Her eyes widened. “I’m not lying.”

  He believed her. He looked past her down the hall then glanced to the stairs and into the parlor. There was no sign of her. “She has to be here.”

  “I’ll go see if the servants know anything.” She looked uneasy as she went to get answers.

  He paced the hall, his heart in turmoil. Something had happened to her, he could feel it.

  After a few minutes, when Eliza had returned, saying no one
had seen her, his panic escalated. “Gemma! Gemma, are you here?” he yelled, knowing his voice would carry through the house. He didn’t care he was acting insane. “Answer me!”

  A door opened and closed, and Mr. Pollard hurried out. “Logan, what’s going on? Why are you yelling in my house?” He narrowed his eyes disapprovingly. “This behavior is unacceptable.”

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Pollard. But Miss Watts is missing, and she was last seen in your home.”

  “I haven’t seen her.”

  “She was visiting with Eliza.” The man still looked skeptical. “Her wagon is out front.”

  “I see. Perhaps she left on foot? She might be walking around town.”

  It was possible, but unlikely. Gemma wouldn’t walk around on her own after her last experience here. “I don’t think so.”

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Walburn, but she isn’t here.” Mr. Pollard started herding Logan toward the door, but Logan sidestepped him, refusing to be pushed out. “I’m not leaving.”

  He started down the hall to where he remembered the library was. He’d retrace her steps.

  “You’ll leave this instant, or I’ll call the sheriff!”

  Logan looked over his shoulder at the man. Why didn’t he want Logan there? Was there something to hide? “Call him, then.”

  He was turning back around when he saw something dark-green hidden under a hall table. He crouched down and pulled at the bag. His heart slammed in his chest. It was hers. He remembered it from when he’d first found her by the river.

  Holding it in his hand, he stood slowly and faced Mr. Pollard. “Where is she?”

  The man’s face pinched. “Why do you care? She’s just a servant. You’re lowering yourself by caring for her.”

  Rage wove through him, but he needed to remain calm if he was going to find her. He took a menacing step forward. “Tell me where she is right now, or I swear I’ll destroy you. If you’ve harmed her, if you’ve hurt her in any way, you’ll pay for it.”

  Realizing he was caught, Mr. Pollard moved past him to the next door off the hall. He took keys from his pocket and unlocked it. “She’ll be fine after she wakes up.”

  “Wakes up?”

  Logan pushed past the older man and into the room, freezing as he saw Gemma’s crumpled form on the floor. “Gemma!” He raced to her side, collapsing to his knees.

  Fearing the worst, he rolled her over, checking for breathing.

  Once he saw her chest rising and falling, he lowered his head in gratitude. She was alive.

  “I told you she was unharmed.” Mr. Pollard scoffed.

  Logan slowly rose to his feet. “This is unharmed? She’s unconscious.”

  He shrugged. “Just a little chloroform. She might have a slight headache once she wakes, but no other effects.”

  Logan saw red. He launched himself at Mr. Pollard and wrapped his hand around the man’s neck, pinning him to the wall.

  “Father? Father!” Eliza cried as she ran into the room. She looked at Logan. “Release him at once.”

  But Logan ignored her. She glanced farther into the room, her eyes widening as she saw Gemma and went to her side. She looked up at her father. “What’s happened? Father, did you do this?”

  Mr. Pollard remained silent, and Logan squeezed the man’s neck threateningly. “Answer her.” Logan loosened his grip so her father could breathe.

  The older man sucked in a breath, but his expression was belligerent. “Of course I did it, you stupid girl. I had to do something when you failed so miserably to secure your future with Mr. Walburn. Such failure,” he spat.

  Logan was done listening. “What was your intention? Were you trying to kill Miss Watts?”

  “Kill her? No. But I was going to get rid of her.” He sounded like it was a small matter.

  “How?” Logan growled.

  “I knew I couldn’t just send her away. She’d only come back. I found a man who was willing to marry her for a price. Once married”—he shrugged—“there was no way you could be with her. She’d be bound to another.”

  Logan could scarcely believe what he was hearing. “And then what? I would’ve happily married your daughter?”


  Logan reeled in horror. If he’d been any later, Gemma would have been taken from him. “Your plan failed. I’m turning you over to the sheriff.”

  Panic filled the man’s eyes for the first time. “No harm was done. Miss Watts is fine!”

  “But she wouldn’t have been if I hadn’t come for her.”

  “I didn’t attack her. I was protecting my interests.”

  The man’s logic was so twisted that Logan couldn’t stand to listen to Mr. Pollard a moment longer. He pulled his fist back and let it fly—landing dead center on the man’s temple.

  He went slack in Logan’s grip, unconscious. Disgusted, Logan let him drop to the floor.

  “I’m sorry, Logan. I didn’t know.” Eliza looked at him with tears in her eyes. “I didn’t know he would go that far.”

  He felt sorry for her. Having a father like that couldn’t be easy. “Summon the sheriff.”

  He expected her to argue, but she only nodded, sniffled, and then left the room to do his bidding. He picked Gemma off the floor, unwilling to let her go for even a moment. He’d take her home so when she woke, she’d know she was safe.

  And then he’d never leave her again.

  Ten minutes later, Sheriff Morrison entered the room, glancing down at the still unconscious Mr. Pollard then to Gemma. “Is she all right?”

  Anger still festered within him, but he nodded. “I got here in time. She’ll be fine.”

  “Miss Pollard told me what her father did. I’ll get someone to help me bring him to jail. The judge should be here next week, and he’ll see justice done.”

  Sawyer Morrison had always been one of his friends, and he knew the man was fair.

  Logan stood, cradling Gemma in his arms. “I don’t believe Miss Pollard had anything to do with it.”

  “I agree. But she’ll be questioned all the same. If I find evidence that she was involved, she’ll be sentenced as well.”

  Logan didn’t think it would come to that. “Do you need me for anything else?”

  “No. You take care of Miss Watts. I’ll handle everything else.”

  Logan was grateful. “Thank you again.”

  He held Gemma close to him as he left the house. No one would ever hurt her again.

  Chapter 12

  Gemma came to slowly. Her vision was blurred, and she was groggy. What happened? Had someone roofied her drink? She blinked several times until her vision cleared, but she still wasn’t sure where she was.

  Someone’s bed.

  She froze then looked over slowly and saw a man sitting in a chair beside her. Then her memories all came back.

  She gasped, jerking upright.

  The sound woke Logan, and he sprang from the chair. “It’s all right. You’re safe, Gemma.”

  Her chest heaved in panic as she glanced around. “What happened? How did I get here?” Her eyes widened. “Someone tried to kill me!”

  He sat beside her and pulled her into his lap, cradling her. “You’re safe now. Mr. Pollard was arrested and will never harm you again.”

  His warmth soothed her, calming her more than his words. Finally, she sucked in a deep breath and released it slowly, feeling steadier. “Was he the one who attacked me?” She pulled away slightly so she could see his face.

  “Yes. But I found you before he could take you away.”

  “Away where?”

  “He planned to marry you off so I would be forced to marry Eliza.”

  It was so crazy Gemma didn’t know what to say. “He wasn’t trying to kill me?”

  “No. He drugged you and would have brought you to another man who was willing to marry you.”

  It would have been horrific, but she was just so relieved she hadn’t been near death.

  He watched her intently, giving her time to proce
ss everything. A million thoughts swirled through her mind as she thought of what might have happened. But all of that faded, and all she could think of was the last few minutes before she’d lost consciousness, the anguish of thinking she’d never see Logan again.

  But here he was, holding her in his arms.

  She brought her hand up to his cheek, gently rubbing the scruff on his face. He turned his head, pressing a kiss to the center of her palm.

  “I was so worried I’d never see you again,” she whispered. “I’m sorry I was so upset. What I told you, it would’ve been difficult for anyone to accept. I should have been more patient, given you the time you needed.”

  He shook his head and took her hand in his before playing with her fingers. “You don’t need to apologize. I do. You told me something important, and I should have believed you. From the moment I met you—”

  “Held me at gunpoint,” she teasingly corrected.

  He let out a soft laugh. “Held you at gunpoint,” he corrected, “I knew you were different. Special. You were unlike any woman I’d ever met, and I love that about you. I love that you were panning for gold out there all alone, dressed like a man. I love that you are brave and strong. I love that you go after what you want, that you fight for what you believe in. Every day I have known you, you’ve surprised me, impressed me, and have only made me fall deeper in love with you.”

  Gemma’s heart fluttered. “You love me?”

  He looked deep into her eyes. “I do. I love you so much, Gemma. When I saw you on the floor, unmoving, I thought I’d lost you. If I had, I would have never recovered. I love you so much I ache when you’re away. I think of you every moment and look forward to the time when I can be with you again. I should have believed you when you told me. I’m sorry for that. But I believe you now.”

  Surprise filled her. “You do?”

  He nodded. “Yes. It just makes sense—it explains everything. I don’t need proof. You’re proof enough.”

  Her heart overflowed with love, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. “I love you, Logan. I’ve looked my entire life for you, but it took me traveling back over two hundred years to find you. I’m so glad I did.”


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