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Club Nadir

Page 4

by Brett Williams

  Right now all she wanted was to see him again. To hold him. To press her lips against his. To wrap her legs around him … Audrey could hardly wait until tomorrow, prayed she wouldn’t have to. Maybe he would surprise her again with a visit.

  As she sipped beer, the telephone rang. Audrey jumped, hopeful it was Mark calling—they had traded numbers when he briefly stopped by her office. However, the ringer quickly identified the caller as Hillary.

  “Hello, mother.”

  “Hello, Aud. So how did it go last night?”

  Audrey beamed. “Oh, pretty well.”

  “Well, dear, tell me all about it.”

  “Mark is a really cool guy.”

  “Yes, you said so the other day. I take it the two of you hit it off. Will you be seeing him again soon?”

  “Oh yes. Mark is taking me to the club tomorrow.”

  “Must be a nice club, to take you there twice.”

  “Yes, it truly is. He wasn’t joking when he said the food there is excellent.”

  “But still … the same place?”

  “It’s really neat there. It’s sort of secretive, really low-key, very exclusive. Some of the city’s elite are members. There are a lot of top business execs.”

  “Wow. Didn’t know this Mark fellow was so well-to-do.”

  “He does okay. Apparently he is a top salesman. Plus he’s got connections. I don’t know the details, but he’s a member. Oh, and I have a temporary guest membership.”

  “He must really like you.”

  “I think so.”

  “Did you … you know?”

  “What, mother?”

  “You know.”


  “Now Aud … you are a single woman. And let’s face it, you aren’t getting any younger. If Mark is the catch you say … well, you have got to get your claws in him before someone else does.”

  “Shit, mother, I cannot believe you are saying this.”

  “Someone has to, Audrey.”

  “Don’t worry. Mark and I are off to a good start.”

  “I know you well enough to read between the lines, dear. A mother knows.”

  Audrey could not believe they were having this discussion. It felt like high school again. Not that she had done much in high school. There had only been those few times with Jason Elsworth and he wouldn’t have told anyone. If he had, nobody would have believed him anyway. Like Audrey, Jason hadn’t had many friends. They both were loners. They had fooled around a little the week before he moved across town.

  “So … anyway,” Audrey started, changing the subject, “Mark stopped by my cube at work this afternoon. We’ll be meeting at the club tomorrow. You should see the dress I found on sale after work today.” Audrey went on to tell Hillary all about the outfit, eventually mentioning Victoria’s Secret, as well.

  “What time are you meeting him?”

  “Seven-ish. I can hardly wait.”

  Hillary simply laughed. “I’m glad you finally met someone, my dear. It’s been far too long. You deserve someone special.”

  “Thank you, mother.”

  “I hope I get to meet Mark soon.”

  “Oh mother, you are terrible,” Audrey joked. “I’m going to let you go so I can finish my stories.”

  “You and your soap operas … Maybe Mark will keep you preoccupied soon—you won’t have time for such nonsense.”

  “I’m hanging up now.”

  “Good-bye, darling.”


  Audrey set the phone down then finished her beer. A nice, numbing warmth filled her body. The conversation with her mother, although promising in its relationship prospects, suddenly struck her as completely false. Mark had not actually met her at the club last night. In fact, she had spent dinner with a complete stranger and had given him a blowjob under the table. Of course Mark had visited—a brief, albeit sexual rendezvous. He had also come through with the temporary guest pass. However, Jefferson had also mentioned getting her a pass. Audrey got the impression Jefferson had been a member longer, and perhaps possessed more clout. Had Jefferson secured the temporary guest pass for her?

  It didn’t matter, Audrey decided. She couldn’t help but wonder, though. Just as she wondered where Mark might be tonight and what would he be doing later. Whatever he pleased, is exactly what he would be doing. As should she. One hook-up didn’t mean anything. Not anymore.

  She didn’t really have a choice. So, Audrey went to the kitchen and got herself another beer. She planned to finish watching television, then finish the final eighty pages or so of her paperback.

  If she was lucky, Mark would stop by before she went to bed.

  Chapter Six

  * * *

  Seven o’clock on the dot Audrey pulled in beside the rust-spotted Toyota. This time excitement ruled. There had been no trouble locating the club, and Audrey trusted Mark would be there. She wondered which car might be his: Escalade, Mercedes, Hummer, Ferrari. A few other luxury cars sat parked in the small lot. They looked exotic but she couldn’t name them. She didn’t care. The only pitiful car in the lot was the Toyota. That car didn’t belong to Mark. Audrey had seen it Thursday when he didn’t show. Besides, he surely drove something much nicer.

  Purse in hand, Audrey locked her Beetle, went to the entrance to Club Nadir, rang the bell.

  After a quick glance out the sliding window, the doorman swung open the door.

  “Good evening, Ms. Adams, we have been expecting you.”

  “Good evening.” Audrey flashed a smile, stepped inside.

  “Mr. Wilder is expecting you in the dining area. Do you remember the way?”

  “Oh yes, thank you.”

  Audrey went straight there, noticing along the way several men in the library, smoking and reading. Through the door to the conference room could be heard a heated debate. A delicious aroma wafted out the door to the dining area. Inside, several couples sat eating. Mark Wilder sat at the bar, a mug of icy-cold beer before him. Beside him, conversing steadily, was the blonde from Thursday. The one with the body of a model, the face of a homely nobody.

  Jealousy flared inside Audrey. But when Mark turned his attention from the younger woman to her, she forced a smile.

  “Audrey, it’s good to see you. This is Janice Sterns. Janice, this is Audrey Adams.” Both said hello. ”Perhaps the two of you will become better acquainted soon.”

  Janice’s eyes panned down, evaluating Audrey, and then back up again. They met Audrey with contempt. “Perhaps we will,” she replied. Audrey saw the woman’s hand reach over to squeeze Mark’s knee.

  “What would you like to drink?” Mark asked.

  Janice appeared to be having a Cosmopolitan.

  “Wine will be fine.”

  Mark rose off the barstool. “Let’s get a table. You can look at the wine list before we order.”


  Mark led Audrey to a vacant, candlelit table toward the back of the room, leaving Janice alone at the bar. Audrey heard her order another drink.

  “I like your dress,” Mark commented.

  Audrey smiled. “Thank you.”

  “You’ve got nice legs.” Mark winked, causing Audrey to look away embarrassed but happy.

  “So …” Audrey started, beginning to peruse the wine list.

  “Did you try the steak last time?”


  “Great, wasn’t it?”

  “Most definitely.”

  “Tonight I feel like seafood. I’d recommend the lobster. Or surf and turf.”

  “Lobster sounds good.” Audrey was feeling a tad uncomfortable. Everything sounded good. “In that case, think I’ll order white wine.”

  “Excellent. I’m starved.”

  A moment later a beautiful young blonde waitress came to their table and took their order. When she left, Audrey followed Mark’s gaze to the woman’s butt. It flexed beneath her tight black skirt. Audrey didn’t say anything. She waited for Mark to resume the

  He began to discuss the sales presentation he had given that afternoon. While he talked the bartender brought Audrey’s wine, Mark another beer. The waitress returned with salads. Mark, wrapped up in telling his story, merely gave her a quick glance. Mark’s confident yet down-to-earth tone gave him an increased air of importance. This man knew what he wanted. He knew how to go after it, how to achieve it. He was good at his job, was very likeable. Audrey thought his success had no bounds. She simply felt lucky to be sitting here with him now.

  Audrey, although content to let Mark do most of the talking, asked the occasional question, made comments at the appropriate times. As she listened she caught Janice watching them. She watched for several minutes until a couple of men joined her at the bar. Soon after, the trio left with drinks. By the time Mark had sufficiently recapped his day’s events, the waitress returned with their entrees. Mark thanked her pleasantly and watched her leave. After a drink of beer he cracked open a lobster claw. Audrey dutifully started her meal.

  After several bites Mark asked, “How is your food?”

  “Delicious. Even better than the steak.”

  Mark chuckled. “You know, seafood will make you horny.”

  “That is so not true.” Audrey could feel her cheeks growing warm.

  “Sure it is. It is with me, anyhow.” He took another, slightly bigger bite. “I bet it’s true with you, too.”

  A grin spread across Audrey’s face. She imagined him thrusting into her the other night. “I suppose we will find out.”

  “Now you are talking. Eat up.” Mark gestured with his fork.

  There was so much food and everything tasted so good. However, Audrey still felt a little nervous here, in the club, in Mark’s presence. She didn’t think she could finish her meal. She did, however, decide to try finishing the lobster. It would be a shame to waste something so delicious, so expensive. She wondered if it would sexually charge her. Of course she had heard the same rumors before. She had never thought much about it, though. Another butter-drenched bite found its way into her mouth.

  While she chewed, her eyes locked with Mark’s. Reaching across the table he brushed away a loose strand of her hair from her face. The way the candlelight illuminated his face struck Audrey as beautiful. Her heart swelled. “I had a wonderful time the other night,” he said.

  “Me too.”

  “I’ve been thinking about being with you again.”

  “Me too.” Audrey could hardly believe her ears.

  “You have a special quality, something hard to define.”


  “Oh yes. In fact, seafood is probably the last thing I need tonight.”

  Mark chuckled and Audrey’s own laugh relieved her. She broke his gaze, sipped wine. Mug tipped, Mark finished his beer.

  “There is only one small problem, though.”

  This is it, Audrey thought. Mark has a wife, a girlfriend, or had noticed something about me he doesn’t like. This dinner will be the last time.

  “I don’t want anything between us. I want to experience you with all my senses.”

  Perhaps the wine was getting to her.

  “What do you mean?”

  Reaching across, Mark took her hand. He gave it a comforting squeeze. In a low voice he said, “I don’t like wearing condoms. See, I’ve got a mild latex sensitivity.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “Sorry, don’t take this the wrong way.” Mark flashed a sincere smile. “I am clean—I know that. I take very good care of myself. I visit my doctor regularly. Now I’m sure you are safe—I don’t mean to imply otherwise. It’s just … I have to be sure. Do you understand?”

  Audrey frowned. “I’m not sure that I do.” Her heart felt like it was hiding under her full stomach. A stomach about to heave its contents all across the table.

  “I want to see you again. And again. When we have sex, I want to know I’m safe without having to wear condoms. Bottom line, would you mind being tested?”

  “You want to see me again?”

  “Yes, I do.” With a final squeeze, Mark released her hand.

  The corners of Audrey’s mouth began to curl up.



  “Is that all you want?”

  “What do you say? Do you mind?”

  “Sure. No problem.”

  “It’s no big deal, really.”

  “No. Not at all.” Audrey pushed away her plate. “I think I’m finished, though.”

  “Let’s get another drink. We’ll go somewhere private.”


  Mark led her to the bar where they got more drinks. Holding his arm, they left the dining area. He took her deeper into the building. They turned left, passing a couple of closed doors before coming to a vacant room. Mark switched on the light. Inside the room waited a small bar, a couple of leather couches, and nude paintings on the walls. Mark closed the door behind them.

  They sat down on the couch, set their drinks on a coffee table. Using a remote control Mark turned on music. Audrey didn’t recognize the song, instrumental mood music. Slow, seductive.

  Wrapping an arm around her, Mark pulled her close. His lips met hers with hungry passion. His strong embrace reminded her of the security he could provide, allow her to lower her defenses. Surely her libido couldn’t be affected by the seafood this soon. Yet all she could think of was being ravaged by this man.

  Strong hands roamed her body. Sensual music faded away, only to be replaced by the pound of her heart. Her hands too began to roam, to explore. Strong shoulders, bulging biceps, tight ass flexing beneath tan dockers. Their bodies shifted as they groped. Soon Audrey lay back on the couch. Her hand slid up the inside of Mark’s thigh to find his bulge. Warm hands caressed her breasts through the thin fabric of her new dress.

  Then suddenly Mark stopped.

  “Before we get carried away, if you don’t mind, I’d like to see if my friend, Dr. Wilson, is still around.”


  “I saw him earlier, before you arrived. If he’s got his kit handy, he could take a quick blood sample or something. Whatever it takes. It will save you time making an appointment, of course. He owes me a favor and it won’t cost anything. Okay?”

  Sitting up, adjusting her clothing, Audrey replied, “Okay.”

  “Hang on a second.” Mark stood, pulled out his cell phone, quickly thumbed buttons.

  While he did Audrey drank wine.

  Mark spoke low. So low that Audrey couldn’t make out his side of the conversation over the music still playing. Within a couple of minutes Mark snapped shut the cell phone and pocketed it.

  “We’re in luck. He is still here. And he has his medicine bag with him. He’ll be here in a few minutes.”

  Audrey merely nodded. She had come expecting a wonderful evening with a handsome man. Instead she would be getting a medical examination. What an odd, spur-of-the-moment request. Did doctors actually go around with medical bags nowadays? They certainly didn’t in the movies. Perhaps he made house calls for the rich and famous. It just seemed funny that Mark would expect him to be ready. If Audrey didn’t think this club odd before, she certainly did now. Especially if the doctor actually arrived, ready to fulfill the requested favor.

  If so, maybe the exam wouldn’t take too long. Certainly the doctor would be quick and to the point. Audrey sure hoped so. She had been having a wonderful evening. After she appeased Mark, perhaps they could resume where they had left off.

  A loud knock sounded at the door.

  “Hey, what’s up, Doc?”

  “Aren’t you hilarious, you son-of-a-bitch,” the doctor replied. He didn’t look like much of a doctor in his khaki slacks and leather bomber jacket. If not for the cliche medical bag at his side, he could have passed for any blue-collar worker.

  “Is this her?”

  “Yes. Audrey Adams.”

  “Pleased to meet you.” The doctor offered his hand. />

  “So, you two lovebirds want to start your relationship with clean medical slates. Great, great. I tell you, Mark here is clean as a whistle. Just gave him a thorough checkup a few weeks ago.”

  “Yes you did. Grabbed my balls and made me cough, the whole nine yards.”

  “Hey, that’s just part of the job. I’m a medical professional. So let’s keep things somewhat professional here. Mark, I’ll need you to leave the room.”

  “Okay, okay. You are the boss.” Mark picked up his drink. “Let me know when you’re finished. I’ll be at the bar.”

  “Take it easy. You only have one liver. A new one will cost a pretty penny.”

  “Hey, I’ve got millions of ‘em.”

  “Go on now. Get lost.”

  “You got it.”

  Mark left and Dr. Wilson switched off the mood music.

  “Don’t worry,” he said. “This will only take a minute. Have a seat.”

  “That’s fine.” Audrey sat down, a little unsure of herself.

  “Mark is a rambunctious son-of-a-bitch, but he’s a great guy. He does all right for himself.”

  “We work at the same place.” Audrey’s voice came out timid and lame.

  “Is there anything I should know about you, medical-wise?” he asked, opening his bag.

  “Not really.” Audrey took a deep breath. Dr. Wilson dug around, looking for something. Audrey elaborated when he didn’t reply. “I haven’t been sexually active in a number of years. I haven’t really had many partners. Of those, only one didn’t use condoms. It was a long-term relationship and we trusted each other.”

  “I see. What we will do is take a quick blood sample, all right?”


  He swabbed her arm with alcohol, wrapped rubber tubing around it, then tore open a package with a needle and vial.

  “This will only sting a second. You can look away.”

  Audrey looked at the nude painting on the wall. A blonde spread out seductively on a bearskin rug. Skin pinched as the needle penetrated. A moment later the doctor finished.


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