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What He Craves

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by Tawny Taylor

  What He Craves (My Alpha Billionaire, 3)


  Tawny Taylor

  Published by Novel Mind Books

  Copyright 2012 Tawny Taylor

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Books by Tawny Taylor

  Wild Knights

  Wicked Knights

  Wanton Knights

  Wild, Wicked & Wanton


  Decadent Master

  Dangerous Master

  Darkest Fire

  Darkest Desire

  Claim Me


  Wicked Beast

  Prince of Fire

  Dirty Little Lies

  Enslaved by Sin

  Girl Enslaved

  Triple Stud

  Double Take

  Behind the Mask

  Plays Well with Others

  Lust’s Temptation

  Wrath’s Embrace

  Burning Hunger

  Carnal Hunger

  Torrid Hunger

  Everlasting Hunger

  Slave of Duty

  Flesh to Flesh

  Her Devilish Dom

  Sex and the Single Ghost

  Real Vamps Don’t Drink O-Neg

  Compromising Positions


  Pleasing Him

  Heart Throb

  Your Wicked Game

  Playing for Keeps

  His Dark Kiss

  Burn for You

  Make Me Shiver

  Make Me Burn

  Lesson in Sin

  At His Mercy

  Ties that Bind

  Touch of Fire

  What He Wants

  What He Demands

  What He Craves

  Shades of Pleasure: Five Stories of Domination and Submission

  Yes, Master

  Alien Seduction


  Domineering billionaire Shane Trant has Bristol Deatrich right where he wants her--back in his life and back in his bed. But Bristol is still reluctant to completely trust him. Their new relationship has been rocky from the start, and she’s still very new to the world of erotic domination and submission. She’s afraid a little rope burn is nothing compared to the pain she may suffer at his hands. This powerful thing between them will either make her better, stronger, or destroy her.

  And now, making matters worse, outside forces are trying to pull them apart...

  (Please note: this is part three of the My Alpha Billionaire series. The series is best enjoyed if read in order)

  LENGTH: 15,000 words Novella

  BONUS CONTENT: Read an excerpt of Tawny’s recent release, AT HIS MERCY, and the sequel to Darkest Fire, DARKEST DESIRE, available now.


  The rest of the drive was pure agony. We’d had such a nice conversation in the car, I was feeling closer to Shane than I’d ever felt. He was opening up to me, letting me see glimpses of the man he really was—the one some people, like Alexis, might never see. I felt like I was the luckiest woman alive.

  When the car rolled to a stop outside of his house, he gave me a wicked I’m-going-to-eat-you-up look and every cell in my body ignited. Oh yes, this was going to be a night to remember.

  Shane started things off by saying, “I have something very special planned for you tonight.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  In, we went. In the front door, down the hallway, to the room he’d shown me on our first date. That night I’d called it his torture room. But after a brief introduction to the pleasures that room promised, I’d re-named the room the pleasure palace, even though I was fully aware of the fact that there would be times when I was punished instead of pleasured. It was all part of the game. And, as I was beginning to understand, the anticipation of a punishment was almost as thrilling as the anticipation of pleasure. The punishment added a level of danger to my experiences. As it turned out, I kind of liked that.

  “This way.” As I’d come to expect, Shane placed a hand on the small of my back. With a little pressure right or left, he steered me around the bulky bondage furniture toward the big X-like structure at the very back of the room. My gaze followed the line of the wooden beams, up to each corner then down to the ground. At the ends were big silver loops. And there were leather cuffs chained to them. I pretty much knew what those cuffs were for.

  My wrists and ankles.

  “Undress.” His voice had taken on that sharp edge that made my tissues heat up. I just loved it when Shane shifted from sweet and open man to demanding dom. It was so freaking sexy.

  Feeling a smile pull at my lips, I turned my back to him. “Would you please unzip me?”

  He pulled the zipper down, but to my disappointment, he didn’t touch me.

  He’s building anticipation.

  Despite the fact that he hadn’t touched me, outside of that one hand on my back, my skin tingled everywhere. I turned around, facing him, and let my dress slide off my shoulders.

  I swear flames flashed in his dark eyes.

  The beaded silk garment shimmied down my body, catching on my hips. I gave it a little push and down it fell, forming a puddle of expensive silk on the floor. Wearing my crotch-less panties and a lace bra, I stepped out of the dress and bent over to pick it up.

  “No, I didn’t tell you to move.”

  Fighting a grin, I straightened back up. I still had a lot to learn about this domination and submission stuff. We’d had some other issues to work out the last few weeks and had spent very little time here. I felt a little out of my element, unsure.

  “I’m sorry,” I said.

  Shane circled me, stopping to pick up my dress. He draped it over a nearby bondage chair thing then continued his three sixty around me. He moved slowly, deliberately. As he prowled around me, he reminded me of a jungle cat. Like a big cat, quiet strength emanated from him. And danger. He was deliciously dangerous. “This way.” Touching me very softly, he moved me into position to be restrained. Back to the cross. Arms up and out in a wide vee, legs spread. Before securing my arms, he unfastened my bra. He left it on, hanging from the shoulder straps.

  My heart started pounding as he secured one cuff around my wrist. It didn’t hurt, and I wasn’t afraid. But I was anxious, unsure what to expect.

  “When we experience pain, endorphins rush through our system,” he said, his voice very low.


  My hands clenched into fists as he secured the second cuff. He was talking about pain. I didn’t like pain. Pain was something I avoided.

  My breathing quickened. My heart rate too. He knelt at my feet, moved one closer to the post so he could secure my ankle. “Remember Bristol, say red if you need me to stop.”


  Once he had the first ankle buckled in, he fastened the other one.

  Now I was powerless to move.

  “Comfortable?” he asked. “Does anything hurt?”

  “No, nothing hurts.”

  “Good.” He gave me an up and down perusal before stepping up to me. “You look so sweet, Bristol.” His voice was husky, and dark carnal hunger shone in his eyes. That alone, coupled with the nervous energy charging through my system was making me clench, making my burning tissues throb.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” His fingertip traced a line down the center of my chest, between my breasts, down to my belly button. “Mmmm.”

  Mmmm indeed.

  My stomach tightened as little jolts of heat sizzled under his fingertip. I’d never felt this way with a man before, as if any touch, even the smallest,
sent a current of electricity charging through me.

  The second he pulled his hand away, I was whimpering, my body craving his next touch. When would it come? How long would I have to wait?

  Chapter 1

  “Miss Deatrich, I need you to come with me.”

  Now, that was strange.

  Mr. McMillian rarely ever poked his head out of his office. In fact, rumor had it most days he locked himself in there and took eight-hour naps. In three years, I’d seen him a total of once. On my first day. Thus, to have him waiting for me at my desk was very weird. It was even stranger to have him asking me to follow him to his office. He’d never, ever done that before.

  He shut the door, motioning for me to sit in the chair facing his desk.

  Puzzled, I sat.

  “First, I want to say that you’ve done a fine job for Tamby Systems. Absolutely fine. So what I have to tell you is no reflection on your performance.”

  It sounded like he was about to…was he…?

  He cleared his throat. “I’m afraid we’re going to have to let you go.”

  Fired. I had just been fired.


  “I’d be happy to give you a recommendation,” he continued, as if he hadn’t just shattered my world and turned my life upside down.

  Fired. Couldn’t be. No.

  He added, “And of course, you’ll qualify to collect unemployment until you’re able to find another position.”

  Unemployment paid five hundred dollars a week. Five hundred dollars a week wasn’t enough to pay my bills.

  He said, “And you can continue your medical coverage. You’ll have to pay the premiums, of course.”

  Of course. I’d pay the premiums with all the money I wouldn’t have. Because I’d been fired.



  My mind spun. Not so long ago Shane had told me to dream, to imagine the life I wanted and then to go after it. He’d said if I did that, my dreams would come true.

  How wrong he’d been.

  How would I find another job? The market sucked. It had taken me a long time to find this position.

  “Miss Deatrich.” My now ex-boss stood, extended a hand and smiled. What the hell was he smiling about? “It was a pleasure having you with the company. I wish you the best.”

  “When?” I muttered.

  His stupid grin dimmed slightly. “Now. You’ll have to leave immediately.”

  Stunned into silence, I shook his hand and followed him out to my cubicle. He stood to one side and watched me gather the few personal items I’d kept at my desk. The picture of my mother and me when I was five. The snacks I’d stowed in a drawer. My purse. Then, saying absolutely nothing, he escorted me to the human resources office where I filled out a mountain of paperwork--exit interviews. Medical insurance forms.

  Within an hour of arriving at work, I was standing next to my car bawling my eyes out.

  I was officially unemployed.

  Although I was tempted, I didn’t call anyone as I drove home. I knew if I did I’d fall apart and might end up in a car accident. No, I waited until I was safe in my living room before I dialed my best friend Jill’s number. I left her a short message when she didn’t answer. Then, I skimmed my list of contacts.

  It was very short.

  There was Jill.

  There was my brother. He’d be no help. I hadn’t spoken to him in ages. A longtime alcohol and drug addict, his life was a train wreck and mine became one whenever he was around.

  And there was Shane Trant.

  I hadn’t called Shane before. He’d always been the one to call me. Despite the fact that we’d recently been…spending time together.

  Perhaps, looking from the outside, the arrangement we had between us seemed a little one-sided.

  He was the one who called me.

  He was the one who made all the plans.

  He was the one who, more or less, controlled every aspect of our relationship. But, with a few exceptions, I’d been okay with it that way.

  Until today.

  Until now.

  I needed a shoulder to lean on. Jill was at work. I was panicking.

  I hit the button, calling him. But before the first ring, I cut off the connection.

  No. If I called him he’d probably feel some obligation to fix my problem for me. I didn’t want that.

  Sure, I was scared. I was petrified I wouldn’t find another job. But already I knew that he’d probably offer me a job working for him. I couldn’t work for him. Not now. Not ever.

  What if this thing between us ended badly?

  Needing to burn off some nervous energy, I dragged out my old laptop and powered it up. The first thing I did was register for unemployment. I was going to collect peanuts, but what the hell? Peanuts were still better than nothing. Next, I scoured the internet, looking for help-wanted ads in the area. I found a few promising websites but absolutely no positions I was qualified for. So I opened a new document in my word processor and started drafting a new resume to take to the employment agency I’d used to get the job with Tamby.

  Three hours later I had a pretty decent looking resume. I emailed it to my contact at the agency and refreshed my inbox a dozen times (or more) before becoming disgusted and frustrated and depressed. Just as I was about to fall into another bout of self-pity, my phone rang.


  I jumped to my feet and stared down at the glowing screen. I took a moment to compose myself before answering, “Hello?”

  “You called?”

  “Oh…yes. I did…I just wanted to say hi,” I lied, running my hand down my neck to work out the knots.

  “Mmmm. Hi.”


  “What are you doing?” he asked, voice low and sexy.

  I glanced at the clock. It was ten minutes to five o’clock. If I hadn’t been fired today, I would have been at work. I would be counting the minutes until I could leave. How I wished I was there now. “I’m…erm…at work. I’m getting ready to head home. Why?”

  “Just asking.”

  “Oh. Okay.”

  After a few seconds of silence, he asked, “Are you sure there isn’t something going on? You don’t sound like yourself.”

  “No, I’m fine. I’m just…tired. Someone kept me up late last night, past my bedtime.”

  His chuckle did some pleasant things to my insides. I imagined him sitting in his limo, eyes sparkling, corners of his lips curled into that devilish smile that made certain parts of my anatomy tingle. “I should apologize, but I’m not sorry.”

  “You never are.”

  That little jab earned me another chuckle. “I want to see you again,” he said.

  “You will.”


  “Yes, Friday.” I hoped by then I’d either have some good leads on a new position or at least would be out of this funk.

  “I have to go now,” he said.


  “Goodbye, Bristol.”

  “Bye, Shane.”

  I clicked off just in time for my phone to ring again. This time it was Jill. And I didn’t hold back with her. I blurted out my news, unable to stop myself. And, while she raged about what rotten jerks the bastards at Tamby were for firing me with no advance notice, I cried my eyes out until my head felt like it would explode.

  Chapter 2

  On Friday night, Shane knocked on the door at exactly seven o’clock. Not one minute late; not one minute early. Shane was a punctual man. He lived by the clock.

  Knowing I’d be punished if I held him up, I opened the door, purse in hand, ready to go.

  His dark eyes widened as I stepped outside. “Bristol,” he said, voice breathy.

  I couldn’t help grinning. To have that much of an effect over a man that was this amazing made me feel really good. After spending all week feeling like a failure, this was exactly what I needed. “I clean up okay, don’t I?”

  “Better than okay. You look beautiful.”
  “You look amazing yourself.” That was no lie. He was sporting a black tuxedo, cut to fit him perfectly. His dark hair was a riot of barely-tamed waves, and a five o’clock shadow darkened his jaw, making him look both sexy and a little dangerous at the same time.

  He placed a hand on the small of my back as we walked together to the waiting limo. He stood to the side, allowing me to enter first then took a seat beside me. Within seconds we were on our way to wherever.

  “Thank you,” I said as I smoothed my hand down my thighs. “For sending this dress. I don’t know if anyone could look bad in this. It’s gorgeous.”

  “It barely does you justice.” He caught my chin in his hand and held me in place, giving me a kiss that made my toes curl. His tongue swept into my mouth, stroking mine. In response, my body turned to molten butter, soft and soupy. I sagged against him and enjoyed the sweet torment, hoping we had time to burn off a little tension. Much too soon, however, he broke the kiss. “Not now, minx. It’ll have to wait.”

  Wait? Ugh. “Where are we going?” I asked as I leaned closer. He smelled so good and looked even better. I wasn’t touching him enough. I needed more. So much more.

  “A little dinner. It’s for a charity. I’m giving a presentation.”

  “A presentation?” I echoed as my hand slid onto his thigh.

  “No worries. It’ll be short. Afterward, we’ll have to make the rounds, shake a few hands. I hate this stuff, but it’s for a good cause. The organization funds educational programs for at-risk youth in the city.”

  “Sounds like a great cause. I can handle shaking hands and making small talk.” I let my hand slide a little closer to the bulge hiding under the zipper of his pants.

  “Good.” He set his hand on stop of mine, halting its progress. His lips curled slightly into a semi smile then straightened again. “I need to warn you about something. Do you remember Jordan?”

  “How could I forget?” I asked as I folded my arms across my chest. I could feel my face burning. I hated that I was blushing. “He was the one…he’s your ‘old friend’ who decided you were going to share me when we went to Antigua.”

  “Yes. Jordan will be there tonight. He’s a principle in the organization.”


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