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Kindred Hearts

Page 19

by Grace Lowrie

  ‘So!’ she grinned, lifting her veil. ‘Here’s a toast to Tasha’s fabulous promotion and to us all living together at last!’

  ‘Hear, hear,’ Sebastian said quietly as we all chinked glasses.

  ‘Cheers!’ I grinned before taking a sip. ‘This is amazing, whose party is it?’

  ‘VSTA – they’re a large banking corporation – business is good and they wanted to reward their staff with a party,’ Sebastian said.

  ‘So how did you get tickets?’ I asked.

  Celeste leaned in. ‘They’re invested in the New York business centre Sebastian’s designing, but they also support some of the charity events I’m involved with.’

  ‘Ah,’ I said. The Walkers were well-connected. Glancing around at the other guests I could tell that these people had money – their various glamorous costumes, some outrageous, some subtle, were not cheap, and the surroundings certainly lent an air of sophistication. We each filled a plate and moved to the centre of the room to occupy an empty table where Celeste removed her veil and relieved me of my hat. The food tasted as good as it looked, although Celeste seemed distracted and barely touched hers.

  I was only halfway through my meal when a lithe young man in a tight black and white skeleton costume appeared at our table, a slinky girl on each arm. He smiled enigmatically at Celeste from behind a large pair of dark sunglasses, while the two women squealed at Celeste in delight.

  ‘Theo!’ Celeste leapt to her feet and greeted the skeleton enthusiastically, kissing him on both cheeks while I wondered if he was blind or whether the glasses were just part of his outfit. The girls, who must only have been about eighteen, were dressed in matching skin-tight Catwoman costumes. They were models (of course) who obviously admired Celeste – they gesticulated with long, oily looking limbs, their tails and pointy ears bobbing as they chattered excitedly. Soon Celeste was one of them – her voice littered with the same slang phrases and her body language mirroring theirs. ‘You don’t mind if I go and dance with Theo and the girls do you, darling?’ Celeste said, moving away.

  ‘No of course not …’ I said. But Celeste was already out of earshot, laughing at something Theo had said. It was the first time I had ever felt excluded by Celeste and it happened so quickly that I felt more bewildered than hurt.

  I glanced at Sebastian but he was looking the other way as two middle-aged men approached us from another direction. He stood and shook their hands warmly before politely introducing me to them. Malcolm and Campbell were the members of VSTA involved in Sebastian’s project and they didn’t hesitate to pull up chairs and start talking business. At first I followed their conversation as closely as I could while I finished my food, but Sebastian made no effort to include me and much of the technical jargon was lost on me, so my attention soon drifted. As their discussion continued, seemingly without end, I grew bored and restless. Eventually I excused myself and went in search of Celeste.

  I spotted her immediately on the dance floor, glowing an unearthly white in an ultraviolet spotlight, as her trio of black-clad colleagues shimmied and writhed around her, their hands on her arms, her hips, and her waist. The group made quite an arresting sight and despite the crowded space just about every set of eyes in the room were transfixed on them. I felt an unwelcome pang of jealousy. I’d naively thought, or hoped, that Celeste only danced like that with me. I was just deciding whether to go and join her when Celeste saw me, her eyes luminous in the black light, but she looked away and carried on dancing as if she hadn’t seen me at all. It was clear I wasn’t welcome and it cut me like a blade. I retreated back into the corridor, burning with rejection. What was going on? Had I done something to upset her? Was she trying to make me jealous again? I decided I was probably overreacting – after all, we weren’t joined at the hip.

  Sebastian was still where I’d left him in the banquet hall, deep in conversation with his co-workers and seemingly oblivious to the speculative glances being cast in his direction by several women in the room. Would I ever get used to all the attention the twins received everywhere they went? Sighing in dismay, I headed for the bar in search of more champagne, but I was stopped by a tall, distinguished-looking Dracula.

  ‘Hello again, Tasha!’ he drawled in a bad Transylvanian accent.

  ‘Dan?’ I laughed, relieved to see a friendly face, even if it was hidden underneath heavy white make-up and black eyeliner. At the corner of his mouth there was a trickle of fake blood to match the velvet lining of his cloak and he looked distinctly inebriated.

  ‘Yes, hello,’ he sniggered. ‘Can I ask what you have come as?’

  ‘Oh, yeah, I’ve left my hat at the table but I’m a witch.’

  ‘Ah, so you admit it! I don’t have to drown you just to prove it!’

  ‘Ha, no.’ I smiled politely while he chuckled away at his own joke.

  ‘How are your knees?’

  ‘Er, they’re fine now, thanks.’

  Dan stepped back and stooped to see for himself and I obligingly bent my leg so that my healed right knee emerged through the slit in my dress.

  ‘That’s great,’ Dan said, staggering slightly as he straightened and stepped closer. I could see beads of perspiration gathered at his hairline.

  ‘Thank you for looking after me.’

  ‘No problem, it was nothing. Glad I could help,’ he slurred. ‘So what are you doing here?’

  ‘I’m here with Sebastian Walker and his sister.’

  ‘Oh, of course.’ Dan rolled his eyes slightly. ‘Well you look sensational Tasha, I have to say.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  ‘Would you care to dance?’

  ‘Um, yes, OK, why not? That would be lovely, thank you.’ Dan looked pleased as he bowed theatrically and offered me his arm.

  If Celeste noticed that we’d joined the dance floor she didn’t acknowledge it. She was still with her friends, her eyes glassy and her body language suggestive as she moved to ‘DARE’ by Gorillaz. I decided to stop obsessing about the twins for a while, just let go, and enjoy myself – and for a while it worked. As the DJ played ‘Don’t Cha’ by The Pussycat Dolls, I realised I was having a lot of fun. Dan was a hopeless dancer but what he lacked in skill, he made up for with drunken zeal – he followed my lead with energy and humour until we were breathless and laughing out loud.

  Then the tempo dropped to a slower pace and couples around us drew closer together. I didn’t particularly want to slow dance with Dan but he automatically pulled me into an awkward embrace while I scanned the room for Celeste and her friends. They had disappeared. Instantly I felt Sebastian’s eyes on my skin as he pinned me with an intense blue gaze from across the room. I tried to smile at him, as Dan and I started to sway, but he didn’t smile back.

  ‘Maybe we should get a drink?’ I muttered.

  Dan followed my gaze and tutted. ‘What does he want?’

  I dragged my eyes away from Sebastian, unable to decipher his look at such a distance. ‘Do you and Sebastian not get on?’ I asked lightly.

  Dan’s make-up was now streaked with sweat and his cloak was damp to the touch. ‘Er … no we get on fine …’ My question had caught him off guard. ‘I just don’t think he’s necessarily the golden boy everyone makes him out to be.’

  ‘Oh?’ I said, reining in my defensive instincts.

  ‘Yeah, I mean he’s talented, sure, but partner? I’ve been at that company longer than he has …’ Dan tailed off. I wasn’t sure if he had lost track of what he was saying or just thought better of it. ‘Just make sure you don’t get too close to him, Tasha – I don’t think he treats women very well.’

  ‘What do you mean?’ I asked, surprised at this new accusation.

  ‘Well, you know, he’s very charming and everything but every time I see him, he’s with a different woman – he’s a player. Anyway, why are we talking about Walker? Let’s just dance,’ he said, increasing the pressure of his hand at my back. I was rapidly going off Dan.

  In my peripheral vision I cou
ld see and feel Sebastian cutting across the floor towards me. The magnetic power he seemed to hold over my body grew exponentially with anticipation as he drew nearer and nearer through the crowd.

  ‘Sebastian!’ I exclaimed, all the breath leaving my body in a rush, as I twisted out of Dan’s grasp. ‘Have you come to dance?’

  ‘No, I thought you might want to stop,’ he said, his eyes glinting darkly behind his mask.

  ‘What do you mean?’ I said in surprise. It wasn’t like him to be rude.

  ‘Maybe you should take a break.’

  ‘I don’t need a break.’

  ‘Leave her alone, Walker,’ Dan interjected. ‘Tasha’s enjoying herself.’ Sebastian glared dangerously at Dan without a word.

  ‘It’s OK, Dan – I’ll go get a drink and then come back,’ I said hastily, keen to diffuse the building tension.

  ‘I’ll come with you,’ Dan said.

  ‘No, it’s OK – I’ll see you in a bit,’ I added firmly. I turned and calmly walked away in silence as indignant anger built in my chest. Following me to the bar, Sebastian requested a glass of water and set it in front of me.

  ‘Drink this,’ he said.

  ‘Why did you do that?’ I said, ignoring the drink and his patronising manner.

  ‘Do what?’

  ‘Embarrass me like that?’

  ‘You seemed to be doing a good job of embarrassing yourself,’ he said flatly.

  ‘What?’ I gaped at him incredulous.

  ‘Leading the guy on like that.’

  ‘I was just dancing!’ I exclaimed, heat rising to my face at the unfairness of his words. ‘This is a party after all and both you and Celeste were otherwise engaged.’

  ‘I thought you weren’t interested in Dan Stanton,’ Sebastian’s eyes flashed as his control slipped.

  ‘I never said that,’ I bit out. ‘And anyway you said it wouldn’t bother you if I was!’ My voice trembled as fury lashed through me.

  ‘I don’t trust him, Natasha,’ Sebastian growled.

  ‘That’s crap!’ I snapped. ‘You don’t want me and that’s fine, but you don’t want anyone else to want me either! Why are we here celebrating my moving in, when you can’t stand to be around me?’ I hissed. ‘It makes no sense!’

  Before Sebastian could respond, an attractive brunette, all velvet-encased cleavage and cloying perfume, clutched his arm.

  ‘Dearest Sebastian! How good to see you!’ she effused, kissing him lavishly on the cheek.

  It was the last straw. I turned on my heel and strode away, keen to escape before my emotions spilled over. The queue for the ladies snaked out into the corridor so I kept walking while I held onto my outrage, determined not to cry. Round a corner I found a dark, narrow stone staircase and a wall-mounted sign indicating that it led to conference rooms above. I grabbed the hand rail and ascended into the shadows, my pulse thumping indignantly with each step. Why did Sebastian have to be so unreasonable when I’d done nothing wrong?

  Chapter Thirty-one

  The top landing was dark and deserted, but I could just make out four doors, all of which were closed apart from one. It was quiet as I stepped across the threshold. Soft moonlight poured through sloping skylights to reveal a wide room tucked under the eaves and lined with sturdy oak columns. At the far end was a large white projector screen and before it, neat rows of expectant, uniform chairs; all vacant. But the calm surroundings did little to soothe my mood. Sebastian’s words still stung as they replayed in my mind and I was surprised by the fury which pulsed in my ears making me tremble. It was unlike me to get so angry.

  ‘Natasha.’ Sebastian seized my arm and spun me around to face him, my heart leaping in my chest. ‘I do want you,’ he growled, making me shiver. ‘I want you every minute of every day – it’s making me crazy – I don’t know what to do.’

  The naked fear and desire in his eyes burned into mine. I reached out to him without hesitation and he kissed me, pulling me close, his mask cool against my cheek as he seared my lips with his own and sucked the angry breath from my lungs. I couldn’t fight it anymore – I didn’t want to. I clung to him, my fingers in his hair urging him closer as he devoured me. Smoothly, without moving his lips from mine, Sebastian kicked the door shut behind us.

  His right hand moved down to my thigh, inside the split in my dress and up around to my behind, cupping my damp groin with an appreciative growl. With his firm fingertips he pushed the fabric of my panties aside and slowly, deliberately, inserted his long middle finger.

  ‘Christ, you’re so ready,’ he muttered. He withdrew his finger, slipped it into his mouth, and savoured the taste. ‘Mmm, delicious,’ he sighed.

  I giggled with surprise and embarrassment.

  ‘Turn around,’ he said. ‘I’m going to get you out of this dress before I ruin it.’

  Sebastian smoothly unzipped my Audrey Hepburn number from my neck to the small of my back. With warm fingers he gently slipped the top down from my shoulders and eased the whole thing down off my hips, his thumbs brushing my thighs. I took his offered hand to steady myself as I stepped out of the dress, still with my back to him, and he swept the dress off the floor, draping it neatly over the back of a chair along with his own jacket. I was now wearing only high heels, lacy black underwear, and my long, black gloves. I straightened my spine and smiled to myself as I felt his eyes on my skin and his breathing deepen. My hand was still in his and now he turned me slowly to face him, the moonlight bathing the contours of my body as he watched me, his skin almost as pale as his mask, his eyes dark and hungry.

  ‘So sexy,’ Sebastian muttered under his breath. His eyes locked with mine and then he was kissing me again, his arms around me, his fingers in my hair, his lips warm and firm and urgent. I could taste myself on his tongue. I leaned into him, arching my back, pressing my aching body against his, feeling his hot erection straining at my thigh. Sebastian roughly pulled the cups of my bra down so that my breasts sprang free, my nipples taut and tingly as he bent and kissed them greedily. With haste I unhooked his fly and as I tugged his trousers and pants down his erection sprang forth, hot and heavy, sticky against my belly. I squeezed him firmly in my silky gloved palm, his groan resonating through my body, fuelling my own desire. Sebastian reached down, tore away my delicate knickers, and lifted me up off my feet. I wrapped my legs around his hips and he turned and braced me against the door. Beneath the hem of his shirt I guided him eagerly towards the apex of my thighs. Then, with one animal drive, Sebastian buried himself inside me, snatching the air from my chest in a gasp. He continued to impale me; kissing my mouth, my jaw and my neck between each separate powerful thrust, the muscles in his back and buttocks flexing beneath my hungry fingers. My body revelled in his assault, absorbing each deep plunge as his pace steadily increased, winding the tension inside me. Then he breathed my name softly against my lips and we climaxed suddenly, simultaneously, almost brutally, our spasms ripping through each other in the dark.

  Sebastian fastened his fly before helping me back into my dress and straightening his tux.

  ‘I’m so sor –’

  ‘Don’t say it!’ I said, pressing a gloved finger to his lips.

  ‘But I have a lot to apologise for,’ he mumbled.

  ‘No you don’t.’ I shook my head for emphasis as he gently prised my hand away from his mouth.

  ‘You deserve better than this. You deserve someone special, someone to “set your soul alight” as Celeste once put it.’

  ‘But you are special,’ I said, raising my hand once more to the exposed side of Sebastian’s glorious face. I wanted to brush his concerns away, to enjoy this moment, bask in the afterglow, and he sounded so serious.

  ‘I can’t give you what you need.’

  ‘You already do.’

  ‘You know what I mean; I can’t take you out on dates, wine and dine you, give you all the things you deserve …’

  ‘I don’t need those things,’ I shrugged dismissively. ‘I just need you and Cel
este. Whatever this thing is between us, I think it’s making us crazy trying to fight it …’


  ‘So maybe we should try to accept it for what it is; let it run its course. Maybe it will fizzle out and Celeste will never have to know.’

  He looked at me for a long moment. ‘OK … if you’re sure.’

  ‘I’m sure.’

  A look of concern still marred Sebastian’s brow.

  ‘Now, can I ask you something?’ I whispered.

  He visibly braced himself as he nodded his assent.

  ‘Kiss me again?’

  Sebastian finally cracked a smile and kissed me ardently, tasting my mouth with his tongue.

  ‘I’m sorry about your knickers,’ he murmured, scooping up the lacy remains from the floor and slipping them casually into his trouser pocket. ‘I find it hard to maintain control when I’m with you.’

  ‘I’ll take that as a compliment,’ I said with a grin.

  Sebastian kissed me again before turning and opening the door for me.

  As we made our way down the stone staircase I heard footsteps and was suddenly met by a large man in a dark suit blocking the way ahead. He looked me sternly up and down and then up at Sebastian behind me, while I tried hard not to look guilty.

  ‘This area is restricted tonight,’ he stated.

  ‘Apologies, we were just looking for the bathroom,’ Sebastian volunteered, his voice calmly confident.

  ‘Uh huh.’ The man sounded unconvinced. He had a small earpiece and an impossibly broad chest. ‘The toilets are back along the corridor on the left,’ he said stepping to one side to let us past. ‘You can’t miss them,’ he added dryly. We descended to the corridor while the security guy continued up the stairs to check all was as it should be.


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