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The Council

Page 29

by Phoenix Willow

  The scene shifted again, and a meeting room appeared with an extremely long table set in front of her. Jewel saw three individuals sitting on the opposite side of the table with four empty seats in between them. Movement caught her attention to the right, and she saw that her friends were all being restrained, each of which had a murderous expression that would have been terrifying to be on the receiving end of. Sage, Foster, Rain, Zephyr, and Galadriel were struggling to be free and Jewel’s powers just reacted- no more hesitating or second-guessing decisions for Jewel. Her telekinesis hit the one’s holding her friends full force and slammed them into a wall. Rain, Zephyr, Foster, Sage, and Galadriel didn’t miss a beat. As soon as Jewel sent the blast, they hurried over to Jewel, turned to the three individuals sitting behind the table, and took a defensive stance. She would have thought the three individuals sitting would be getting ready to fight back, but they looked like they were either bored, intrigued, or downright amused by everyone’s display.

  “My, my. Well done my dear….truly.” The man sitting in the center of the table said with an accent that Jewel had never heard before. He did a slow clap that reminded Jewel of a rich snob applauding a court jester. He had inky black hair that fell to his shoulders, blue eyes with just a tinge of red tones, and was donning a green oversized silk shirt that looked both expensive and ridiculous.

  “Who are you and why did I have to just jump through all the proverbial hoops?” Jewel asked curtly. She was done playing games and was having to try extremely hard to keep from losing her temper.

  “Well, I’m surprised you don’t know who we are, my dear.” A woman with almost translucent skin purred. “Rumor has it that you have been looking for us, after all.” She finished with a flip of her white-blond hair, and a wink of her pale-blue eyes. She wasn’t what someone would consider to be a traditional beauty, but there was something so intriguing and alien about her look that Jewel had a hard time averting her gaze.

  “Now, now, Callidora, Let’s not play games. The Sovereign has had a trying day.” The man that looked like he could break a large tree in half with a poke of his finger said with an unrecognizable accent. He smiled at Jewel with the whitest teeth she had ever seen, and one dimple appeared on his golden cheek as he did so. He was what Jewel would have pictured Hercules to look like, right down to the ancient toga and gold leaf pins that Jewel assumed were there to keep the toga from falling off. “We are the Council, dear one. Well, at least part of the Council. I believe you have already met King Finley and Queen Nerissa who are at the moment, occupied, and the Pixie King who has gone off the grid entirely- slimy weaslechicken that he is. The third that is missing hardly ever bothers to show up to these meetings as that world seems to keep to themselves more often than not, but they did help with creating the tests as they have some experience dealing with the Immune. If not for the help of that world, the tests wouldn’t have been possible, what with your immunity to most powers and all. And of course, the alucinari plant also helped that King Jazere so kindly allowed us to use.” He said, nodding towards the smug looking Djinn king. “But that’s a different story for a different day. For now, it’s time for formal introductions. I am Alki, ruler over the Transmuter community.” He said proudly before motioning with his arm as he continued his introductions. “This is King Jazere, leader of the Djinn, and last but certainly not least, this is our cheeky but lovable Callidora, Queen of the Ghouls.”

  “Well, first, it’s very nice to meet all of you.” Jewel started, attempting to be polite even though she felt anything but.

  “And second?” Alki asked with a raised brow, getting straight to the point which Jewel found refreshing.

  “What exactly is a Transmuter?” Jewel said, not able to keep the quizzical expression off her face.

  Alki chuckled. “Ah, yes, I forget that you are not acquainted with my world.” He smiled, the golden tint to his skin almost mesmerizing, since it was in complete juxtaposition to Callidora’s translucent tone. “A Transmuter is someone with the ability to change their physical appearance without use of glamours and potions. Our community is not very large, but as you can probably appreciate, we were greatly discriminated against back in the magical world because of our abilities. Individuals were fearful about how we could change into anyone, and while there were some bad apples, not everyone was. My Father is the one who founded our world so that we could be safe from persecution and live freely.”

  “I bet there were a lot of individuals that wanted to harness your people as weapons as well then.” Jewel stated.

  Alki nodded. “Indeed there were, or perhaps I should say ‘are’ as we have all had some very interesting visitors recently.”

  “What visitors?” Jewel quickly inquired, eyes narrowing as she hoped it wasn’t who she thought.

  “You may be a leader to your group, but you are still a foreign female, so questioning anything isn’t something you have a right to do. In other words, it is none of your concern.” King Jazere stated curtly. His accent had become a bit more pronounced and Jewel couldn’t help but think it was because he wasn’t used to being questioned. “What is your concern is whatever purpose you have here, so I suggest you get to it. You have passed our three tests for wisdom, selflessness, and mercy, which I confess I lost quite a bit of gold on the wager I had going. I didn’t think you’d get past the first test, but alas, you did, and here we are, so you should use the opportunity you now have wisely. Not many get this chance to address the Council.”

  “Well, woop-dee-woop-dee-woo. Let’s all bow and grovel before the great Council. Let’s all kiss their butts and make them feel important.” Jewel rolled her eyes as she waved her arms around. Rain snickered and Galadriel was smirking, but there was no time to enjoy her friend’s reaction. Placing both hands on the table, Jewel leaned forward and locked her gaze directly on King Jazere. “You listen to me King. I didn’t travel all the way to this world just to go through some tests to satisfy whatever twisted desire you had for me to endure torturous scenarios or for you to win a bet. And let me just say that I don’t care about you losing your gold. Boo-freakin-hoo. Cry me a river already. You lost some gold, oh well. What you need to be worried about, and not just you, but everyone on the Council, is losing your worlds to Gertrude Bile and Shade Sterling, because make no mistake, they are ruthless, and will stop at nothing to gain power over all of us. And as for me being a foreign female who shouldn’t be asking questions……..understand this- I’ll ask as many questions as I like. Whenever I want, and about whatever I want. Got it?” She finished, folding her arms across her chest and staring daggers at the three members of the Council.

  King Jazere looked completely taken aback, like he’d bitten into something sour, and as though he was constipated all rolled into one. But Callidora and Alki glanced at eachother and burst out laughing.

  “You may have some competition for the cheeky queen title, Callidora.” Alki laughed. “This one’s got spunk.”

  “I agree. It’s nice not being the only strong female in the room with this guy.” Callidora smiled as she made a thumbing motion towards King Jazere. Looking at Jewel with her pale blue eyes, she said, “Look. I believe we may have gotten off on the wrong foot. You are obviously quite powerful, and you have a good head on your shoulders or you wouldn’t have made it through all three tests. And I will tell you that there will be no apologies given for the tests you had to endure. We, on the Council, have learned that only those with pure intentions can be allowed to meet with more than two of us at once. Can you imagine if we let just anyone in here? They might overpower us and put all our worlds at risk, so that is why the test is necessary. We knew it would only be a matter of time before you sought each of us out, so we thought it best to go about it this way. I do hope you understand.”

  “I don’t like it, but I do understand your reasoning.” Jewel admitted.

  “Well, now that we have that settled. From what we heard from King Finley and Queen Nerissa-” Alki started. />
  “Ugh. I can’t stand that woman. It’s like she’s got a whole bunch of starfish stuck to her rear all the time.” Callidora chimed in.

  “Yes, she is a bit hard to swallow.” Alki agreed.

  “King Finley should have picked a quiet woman.” King Jazere grumbled, looking at Jewel pointedly. “One who speaks when told she can, and not one who thinks she runs the worlds.”

  Jewel snorted and looked at King Jazere incredulously. “You obviously aren’t married, are you?”

  “As a matter of fact, I am.” King Jazere said while jutting his chin out. “She comes when beckoned and we talk when she is given that right. The way things should be.” He smirked.

  “I keep telling him that one of these days, that little wife of his is going to lose her melon and try to kill him for how he treats her. It’s only a matter of time.” Callidora shrugged while inspecting her perfectly pointed, light blue nail tips.

  King Jazere gave Callidora a disapproving look, but she didn’t look bothered by it at all. In fact, she looked more amused than anything.

  “So, back to the matter at hand.” Alki interjected.

  “Ah, yes. Well, you see, Jewel, it seems that we both have a shared interest and I believe we may be able to strike a deal or two if you play your cards right. Now, I sort of already know what you want, but I’d like to hear it from you personally.” Callidora stated, sitting back in her chair.

  “I want an alliance, and I need your help. They both go hand in hand, but let me explain both. I want an alliance because I feel that it is only a matter of time before Gertrude Bile and Shade Sterling come banging at each of your proverbial door’s, if they haven’t already done that. They are interested only in gaining power and eradicating anyone or anything that they deem to be in their way or different. I am hunted by both because of my rare gifts and because I am an Immune and a thorn in their sides as I haven’t died yet.” Jewel explained. “But I’m not the only one. There are hundreds and thousands of individuals whose lives have either been taken or ruined because of what they are or the mere fact that they refused to help or bow down to these individuals.”

  “But isn’t it true that you are persecuted by not just this Gertrude and Shade, but also by many in your world?” Callidora asked.

  Jewel took in a deep breath. “Yes. That is unfortunately true.”

  “Then why go to all this trouble to try to gain an alliance with us? Why not use your powers to create a portal and travel to a world where you would not be hunted. Where you could live in peace.” Alki asked.

  “Because helping free the worlds from individuals like Gertrude and Shade is the right thing to do. A lot of individuals are ignorant and don’t know anything more than hating or fearing what is different which I hope that in time will change, but not everyone is like that. I really hope to be able to bring the communities together, but in order to do that I need Gertrude and Shade neutralized. Besides, if I’ve learned anything in my life, it’s to try and avoid the mistakes done in the past. My parents tried what you suggested. They left their communities and sought out a place where they could be together and not be judged by their magical lineage and it didn’t work. The only way to succeed is to change minds, not places.” Jewel said.

  “I see.” Callidora said thoughtfully before cocking her head to the side. “And what else do you need from the Council?”

  “I need help with two things. First, I am need of certain ingredients in order to make a potion that will free my Dad from the poison running through his veins. And secondly-” Jewel started as she took Slayer out of the sheath and held it up. “-I need help with putting this somewhere that no one will be able to find it.”

  “Thief! Thief!” King Jazere shouted, standing up so abruptly that his chair fell over. “How is it that you have that in your possession?”

  “First of all, I’m going to need you to sit down and relax before the veins pop out of your face and your head deflates. And secondly, I’m not the one who stole it, genius.” Jewel rolled her eyes. “I’m the one keeping it safe so that Gertrude doesn’t get it and Shade doesn’t get it back.”

  “Callidora…..what do you make of this?” Alki asked calmly, but with an obvious worried expression.

  Callidora stood up slowly and walked around the table. Her lithe figure made it appear that she floated instead of taking actual steps and within seconds she was standing in front of Jewel. She was a good six inches taller than Jewel, so she had to bend down to meet Jewel’s gaze and when she did, she looked intently into Jewel’s eyes. Callidora’s pale blue eyes began to swirl and before long she stood and float-walked back to her chair.

  “She speaks the truth.” Callidora announced. “Her Father was injured during the attempt to get the Ancient Corruptible from Shade Sterling who was the one involved in stealing it in the first place. Although, I dare say that he did not act alone. This was obviously an inside job, which we will be looking into further, make no mistake. But what’s even more interesting is who her Father is.”

  “Who is he?” Alki inquired curiously.

  “Steele. Steele Draconis.” Callidora stated.

  Looks of shock appeared on Alki and King Jazere’s faces.

  “That’s not possible.” Alki retorted.

  “I assure you that it is. However improbable, it’s true.” Calliodora said simply.

  “You know who will want to know about this.” Alki pointed out.

  “Yes, well we will have a message delivered with a time to meet about what has transpired, but now I believe it is even more important to strike up some sort of deal.” Callidora said.

  “I’m not as convinced.” King Jazere sneered. “How do we know that tricking your powers isn’t one of her many gifts?”

  Callidora’s face morphed into what Jewel would have considered a Ghoul’s to look like, eyes now blazing a blue that was similar to a flame, features sharpened and much more pronounced, and little sparks shooting off her fingertips that reminded Jewel of a sparkler on the fourth of July. “You dare to insinuate that my powers can be tricked?”

  “Now, now, Callidora. You know how King Jazere is. He speaks before he thinks and he’s not the brightest star within the sky.” Alki said soothingly, and obviously trying to keep Callidora from sinking her now-sharp teeth into the King of the Djinn. “Isn’t that right, Jazere?”

  “Yes, yes. Of course. Just a slip of the tongue is all.” King Jazere quickly said, his smugness diminishing by the second.

  “Don’t let another slip occur. I won’t be so forgiving next time.” Callidora warned as her face morphed back to its original state.

  “Just out of curiosity….what exactly are your powers?” Jewel asked Callidora.

  “Ghouls have the ability to dreamwalk, which means that we can infiltrate other’s dreams as a way to communicate or as a way to gain information. We have also been known to infiltrate the dreams of our enemies and make them nightmarish so that they never rest peacefully. But we do try and enforce a policy where that can only be done in extreme circumstances.” Callidora said. “Aside from that, some of us, myself included, have the ability to see if someone is telling the truth by reading the memories of past events the individual has been a part of.” She explained. “And let me just say, that I am so sorry for all the pain you have experienced. I hope that we will be able to help you so that your future may be filled with peace.”

  “Thank you, Callidora.” Jewel said, her voice breaking just slightly. “That’s my hope as well.”

  “Well, in light of this new information, I propose two things.” Alki said. “The first is that in exchange for our help that you promise to open the proverbial door for our communities to travel between worlds and make it so that we can do so without fear of being captured or killed.”

  “I can promise that if I’m in charge of things that it will be against the law to do either of those things, but I cannot promise that all individuals will follow the rules. If they didn’t, however, they would be
punished severely.” Jewel stated, wording her promise just right, because there was no way she was going to just say whatever they wanted to hear- she always wanted others to give her full transparency and felt it was only right to do the same.

  “I can live with that.” Alki said and Callidora and King Jazere nodded in agreement. “The second thing is that if we give you instruction and task you with getting rid of the ancient Corruptible once and for all, that we will give you the antidote for the poison running through your Father’s body. It will be a difficult task, and one where not only you but your friends as well, will have to face much worse than what you did in the earlier tests today, but if you succeed, you will gain the potion that you seek. Do we have a deal?”

  “Absolutely.” Jewel said without hesitation.

  “Then I believe it’s time to get you a map and a list of instructions. There’s no time to waste.” Callidora stated.”

  Within five minutes, Jewel and each of her friends had been given a map, list of instructions, and a pack full of what Alki called ‘necessary supplies’. Jewel had no idea what they were about to face, but this was the answer to two of the three problems she had. After this, she would be able to focus all her attention on Gertrude and Shade, and with the Djinn, Ghouls, and Transmuters on her side- she couldn’t see how they could lose.

  After saying their goodbyes and setting a future meeting time and place, Jewel opened a portal to the last place she ever thought she’d have to go to again- the Human World.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Sin City

  “So, what exactly is this Las Vegas place?” Rain asked as she took in all the lights on the Las Vegas Strip.

  “It’s a city in the state of Nevada where people go to see shows, gamble, and vacation.” Jewel explained as she looked at the list of instructions Alki and Callidora had written out for her. They were very thorough which was good, but the actual instructions were going to be much harder to do. “It’s basically a tourist spot, but a lot of people come here to get married as well.”


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